1 List of Abbreviations

NAION Non-arteritic ischemic optic neuropathy
DR Diabetic retinopathy
PDR Proliferative diabetic retinopathy
DME Diabetic macular edema
VR Vitreoretinal
GLP-1 RA Glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonist
SGLT2 Sodium-glucose cotransporter -2
DPP4 Dipeptidyl peptidase-4
T2DM Type 2 diabetes mellitus
VO Vein occlusion
AO Artery occlusion
AMD Age-related macular degeneration
GCA Giant cell arteritis
EASE Expected Absolute Systematic Error
MDRR Minimum Detectable Relative Risk
OHDSI Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics
ARVO The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology

2 Responsible Parties

2.1 Investigators

Investigator Institution/Affiliation
Cindy Cai, MD, MS * Wilmer Eye Institute, Johns Hopkins Hospital,
Michelle Hribar, PhD Oregon Health & Science University,
Eye Care and Vision Research Workgroup
* Principal Investigator

2.2 Disclosures

This study is undertaken within Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics (OHDSI), an open collaboration.

3 Abstract

Background: Despite its cardiovascular and kidney benefits, semaglutide has been recently linked to severe ophthalmic complications including non-arteritic ischemic optic neuropathy (NAION) as well as worsening of diabetic retinopathy (DR).

Purpose: To estimate the risk of these ophthalmic complications, NAION and DR worsening, with semaglutide use compared with other GLP-1 RAs (dulaglutide, and exenatide), and non-GLP-1 RA medications (including empagliflozin, sitagliptin, and glipizide) among adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus. To estimate the relative incidence rate of NAION and DR worsening associated with with GLP-1 RAs and non-GLP-1 RAs exposure compared with non-exposure.

Design: Retrospective study employing 1) an active comparator, new-user cohort design, 2) self-controlled case series.

Subjects: Adults (≥ 18 years) with type 2 diabetes mellitus who are users of semaglutide (a GLP-1 RA), dulaglutide (a GLP-1 RA), exenatide (a GLP-1 RA), empagliflozin (an SGLT2 inhibitor), sitagliptin (a DPP4 inhibitor), or glipizide (a sulfonylurea)

Methods: 1) New-User active Comparator Cohort Design: Patients who are new-users of semaglutide will be compared to propensity score matched patients with each of the other GLP-1 RA and non-GLP-1 RA medications. We will deploy the large-scale propensity score method that adjusts for a comprehensive range of baseline characteristics. Cox models will be used to compare the time to NAION or DR worsening between patients who receive semaglutide with patients who receive empagliflozin, sitagliptin, and glipizide. Similar comparisons will be made between the other GLP-1 RA (dulaglutide and exenatide) with each of the comparators. 2) Self-Controlled Case Series: the incidence rate of NAION during periods of exposure with each of the T2DM medications will be compared to the incidence rate of NAION during control periods of non-exposure using Poisson regression models.

Conclusions: Clarifying the risk of severe ophthalmic complications associated with semaglutide (and other GLP-1 RA) by 1) characterizing the incidence in the exposed population, and 2) estimating the risk of exposure will help guide the appropriate use of this medication.

4 Amendments and Updates

5 Milestones

6 Rationale and Background

Semaglutide, a glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist (GLP-1 RA), is approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus. It has been shown to reduce the rate of cardiovascular death, nonfatal myocardial infarction, and nonfatal stroke in patients with type 2 diabetes at high cardiovascular risk.[1] Furthermore, results from the recent FLOW trial suggest that semaglutide can reduce clinically important kidney outcomes and death from cardiovascular causes in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and chronic kidney disease.[2] Given their benefit, the American Diabetes Association’s Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes recommends GLP-1 RA as one of the two preferred options for add-on therapy in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and established atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease after lifestyle intervention and metformin.[3]

Despite the benefits of semaglutide for treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus, recent studies raise the concern of adverse ophthalmic consequences—non-arteritic ischemic optic neuropathy (NAION) and progression of diabetic retinopathy (DR).

NAION is a rare acute ischemic injury to the optic nerve with an incidence of 2-10/100,000 people per year and resulting in blindness in nearly a quarter of affected patients.[4,5] In addition to anatomic characteristics that predispose certain optic nerves to this ischemic event, there are also known systemic risk factors including diabetes mellitus, hypertension, dyslipidemia, and obstructive sleep apnea.[4] A recent study published in JAMA Ophthalmology linked the use of semaglutide with an increased risk for NAION as compared with non-GLP-1 RA.[6]

In 2016, the SUSTAIN-6 trial evaluating semaglutide identified a risk of DR complications which included vitreous hemorrhage, DR-related blindness, and intravitreal pharmacotherapy and laser photocoagulation compared with placebo.1 The increased risk for retinopathy appeared to be confirmed on meta-analysis.[7] Since then, multiple retrospective studies have not shown a difference in the risk of DR worsening, the largest of which included ~400,000 adults with diabetes.[811]

7 Study Objectives

The purpose of this study is to investigate three concerning ophthalmic complications (NAION and worsening of DR) from use of semaglutide for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus.

  1. Among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, is the risk for NAION higher among patients who use semaglutide as compared with a non-GLP-1 RA anti-diabetic medication?
  2. Among patients with types 2 diabetes mellitus, is the risk for DR progression higher among patients who use semaglutide as compared with a non-GLP-1 RA anti-diabetic medication?
  3. Among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, is the risk for NAION higher among patients who use semaglutide as compared with other GLP-1 RA anti-diabetic medications?

8 Research Methods

8.1 Study Design/Data Source(s)

This will be a retrospective cohort study employing 2 study designs: 1) an active comparator, new-user cohort design, comparing the risk of NAION and DR worsening among adults with types 2 diabetes mellitus exposed to semaglutide compared with other GLP-1 RA medications and non-GLP-1 RA anti-diabetic medications, and 2) a self-controlled case-series. Other GLP-1 RA medications will include dulaglutide and exenatide. Non-GLP-1 RA comparators will include other second-line treatments for diabetes including empagliflozin (a SGLT2 inhibitor), sitagliptin (a DPP4 inhibitor), and glipizide (a sulfonylurea). These comparators were chosen based on the most commonly occurring medication within those classes from the LEGEND-T2DM study. (https://ohdsi-studies.github.io/LegendT2dm/Protocol)

8.2 Study Population

We will include all adults (≥ 18 years) with type 2 diabetes mellitus in each data source who meet the cohort entry criteria for each exposure cohort (detailed below).

8.3 Exposures

The exposure is receipt of semaglutide (GLP-1 RA), dulaglutide (GLP-1RA), exenatide (GLP-1 RA), empagliflozin (a SGLT2 inhibitor), sitagliptin (a DPP4 inhibitor), or glipizide (a sulfonylurea) based on the definitions of LEGEND-T2DM. (https://ohdsi-studies.github.io/LegendT2dm/Protocol) For the new-user active comparator cohort design, these will include patients with T2DM with prior metformin monotherapy who initiate treatment with one of the four medications. Patients have to have one year of observation prior to the index date, no prior drug exposure to a comparator second-line or anti-diabetic agents, and at most 30 days of insulin exposure before the index date.

As a sensitivity analysis, we will examine patients with each of these anti-diabetic medication exposures but without the second-line therapy requirement, meaning that they can be on another anti-diabetic medication at the time of cohort entry.

8.4 Outcomes

The outcomes are NAION and DR worsening.

NAION will have two definitions, one designed to be more specific and one designed to be more sensitive:

  • NAION-specific:

    1. 2 instances of ION diagnosis codes on separate days (within 90 days of each other)
    2. If the 2 diagnoses of ION are preceded by the following diagnoses within the prior 60 days, then use the occurrence of these prior diagnosis to mark the start date of the outcome
      • Visual field defect
      • Optic disc disorder
        • Includes concepts of optic papillitis (concept ID 435269), and “other disorders of optic disc”
      • Optic neuritis
        • Includes “Unspecified” and “Other” optic neuritis
      • Optic disc edema
        • Includes papilledema
    3. Exclude patients who have 2 diagnoses of giant cell arteritis (GCA) any time before or after outcome start date
    4. Exclude patients with a diagnosis of traumatic optic neuropathy before outcome start date)
  • NAION-sensitive:

    1. 1 instance of ION diagnosis code
    2. Adjustment to the start of the outcome (same ones as above)
    3. Exclude patients with 2 instances of GCA (any time before or after index date)
    4. Exclude patients with a diagnosis of traumatic optic neuropathy (before outcome start date)

We will use the OHDSI open-source tool PheValuator to estimate the performance characteristics i.e., sensitivity, specificity, and positive (PPV) and negative (NPV) predictive value, of the two rule-based consortium developed definitions of NAION. PheValuator was designed to estimate the performance characteristics of phenotypes without the need for medical chart reviews. [12,13] The tool uses mathematical models to estimate the probability that a subject has the outcome of interest, in this case, NAION. The model is trained by comparing the characteristics, e.g., diagnosis codes, laboratory measurements, and drug prescriptions, of subjects with a high probability of having NAION to those with a low probability of having NAION. For example, subjects with 2 or more diagnosis codes for NAION on the same day have a high probability of having NAION and subjects with no diagnosis codes for NAION have a low probability of having NAION. The model was developed using three prediction windows after the index (diagnosis) event: 1-10 days, 11-20 days, and 21-30 days post-index. After the probabilistic model was developed, we applied the model to a large, randomly selected group of subjects from each database. Using these probabilities, we estimated the performance of the phenotype algorithms.

DR worsening is defined as:

  • New-onset PDR
  • Treatment-requiring DR/DME
    1. New exposure to anti-VEGF medication, procedure for focal laser photocoagulation, or panretinal photocoagulation
    2. Has to have a diagnosis of DR/DME within 90 days of the outcome start date
    3. Exclude patients with diagnosis of VO/AO if ever in the days prior to outcome start date
    4. Exclude patients withAMD in the 365 days prior to outcome start date
  • Treatment-requiring DR/DME (including VR surgery)
    1. In addition to above, also add exposure to vitreoretinal surgery (mechanical vitrectomy by pars plana approach Concept ID 4314406)
      • CPT Codes to include: 67036, 67039, 67040, 67041, 67042, 67113
      • CPT Codes to exclude: 67108, 67107

8.5 Covariates

We will deploy the large-scale propensity score method that adjusts for a comprehensive range of baseline characteristic.[14]

8.6 Negative Controls

Negative controls will be picked to represent exposure-outcome pairs where no causal effect is expected to exist. We will adapt the set of negative controls that was used in LEGEND-T2DM (https://ohdsi-studies.github.io/LegendT2dm/Protocol). (See full list located below)

9 Data Analysis Plan

9.1 General

Various standardized analytics available in the OHDSI community will be applied. The Strategus pipeline will be used to call various packages in the HADES library for A) data characterization (A1‑cohort diagnostics, A2‑cohort features, A3‑incidence rates, A4-time-to-event), B) population-level effect estimation (C1–comparative cohort study, C2‑‑self-controlled case-series).[15,16] The R package versioning history will be recorded using the renv file and stored in the study Github repository.

9.2 Data Characterization

9.2.1 Cohort Diagnostics

The R package CohortDiagnostics will be executed for all target, comparator, indication, and outcome cohorts to evaluate measurement error in the phenotype development and evaluation process.

9.2.2 Cohort Features

The Characterization and FeatureExtraction packages in HADES will be used to identify features of patients in each exposure group who had the outcome and those who did not have the outcome.14 Features will be extracted from the 365 day observation prior to cohort entry and will include variables such as demographic data (sex, age group, race, ethnicity), prior conditions/drug exposures/procedures/measurements/devices/observations, and risk scores (e.g., Charlson comorbidity index, DCSI, CHADS2VASC score).

9.2.3 Incidence Rates

The Characterization package in HADES will be used to calculate the incidence rates of the outcome for each exposure cohort and indication cohort. The rate is calculated as the number of outcomes during the time-at-risk divided by the number of total person days. Calculation of time-at-risk

The primary method of calculating time-at-risk will be while the patient is “on-treatment”. This is defined as from the start of cohort entry (or diabetes drug initiation) until the end of the continuous drug exposure, defined as a gap in exposure of >30 days, end of continuous observation period, or study period.

9.2.4 Time-to-Event

Time to the outcomes of NAION or DR worsening (as defined above) will be calculated for each exposure cohort.[17]

9.3 Population-Level Effect Estimation

9.3.1 Comparative Cohort Study

The CohortMethod and Cyclops packages in Hades will be used.14 Large-scale propensity score methods will be used to match the targe exposure cohort with the comparator export cohort (e.g., semaglutide vs empagliflozin) using 1:1 propensity score matching. Given the concern for increasing usage of semaglutide in recent years, we will also perform a sensitivity analysis with calendar year restriction: Dec2017-Jan2020, Feb2020-June2021, July2021-Dec2023. Cox proportional hazards models will be used to estimate the risk of NAION and separately DR progression while on treatment using the intent-to-treat design.[18] Negative controls will be used to assess residual bias.

9.3.2 Self-Controlled Case Series

The SelfControlledCaseSeries and Cyclops packages in Hades will be used to estimate the relative incidence of NAION or DR progression using a self-controlled case-series design.[16] Patients with T2DM and NAION diagnosed after the first year in the observation period will be included in the analysis. We will use Poisson regression models to compare the incidence rates of NAION while on-treatment with a T2DM medication relative to control time during the observation period. Control time will include periods during the study period when the patient had diagnosed T2DM and excludes the first 365 days of the observation period. Models will have separate adjustments for the pre-exposure time window and potential effects of seasonality and calendar time. Diagnostics will be run to evaluate whether this was an appropriate analysis.

10 Study Diagnostics

Residual bias can still remain in observational studies even after PS adjustment is applied to control for measured confounding.[19,20] To address this, we conduct negative control (falsification) outcome experiments for each comparison and outcome, assuming the null hypothesis of no differential effect (i.e., risk ratio (RR) = 1) is true for each negative control outcome. We identified 96 negative controls using a data-driven algorithm that selects OMOP condition concept occurrences with similar prevalence to the outcomes of interest but lacking evidence of association with exposures in published literature, drug product labels, and spontaneous reports.[21] These were then verified through expert review. The list of negative controls is provided below. From these experiments, we derive an empirical null distribution to account for residual study bias. Using this empirical null, we calibrate each RR estimate, its 95% confidence interval (CI), and the p-value to test for the null hypothesis. We consider an RR significantly different from the null if the calibrated p-value is below 0.05, without adjusting for multiple testing.

To ensure the reliability and generalizability of all comparisons, we evaluate study diagnostics while blinded to the results, and only present estimates that successfully pass these diagnostics.[22,23] For the primary analysis using the active comparator new-user cohort design, our diagnostics include: (1) preference score distributions between the target and comparator cohorts to evaluate empirical equipoise and population generalizability; (2) cohort balance before and after PS adjustment, defined by the absolute standardized mean differences (SMDs) on extensive patient characteristics for each target-comparator-analysis; (3) negative control calibration plots to assess residual bias, quantified by the Expected Absolute Systematic Error (EASE) derived from the empirical null distribution; and for the primary analysis (Cox PH model), (4) Kaplan-Meier plots to visually examine hazard ratio proportionality assumptions. A study passes diagnostics and contributes to the meta analysis if more than 10% of patients have preference scores between 0.3 and 0.7 on both arms, maximum SMD < 0.1 after PS adjustment, and EASE < 0.25. For the self-controlled case-series analysis, study diagnostics include (1) time trend check that tests for stable background hazards over time periods after PS adjustment, and (2) pre-exposure check to ensure comparative effects in 30 days pre-exposure do not significantly differ from the null to rule out reverse causality; a study passes diagnostics if the p-values for both checks are > 0.05. For both analyses we further evaluate the meta-analytic minimally detectable risk ratio (MDRR) as a proxy of statistical power and only admit a meta-analytic RR estimate if meta-analytic MDRR < 10.

10.1 Diagnostic Thresholds for Cohort Method

Study Diagnostics Threshold
Covariate balance (Standardized Mean Difference) <0.1
Empirical Equipoise (Preference Score) >0.1
Residual Bias (Expected Absolute Systematic Error (EASE)) <0.25
Meta-analysis Heterogeneity <0.4
Meta-analysis Minimum Detectable Relative Risk (MDRR) >0

10.2 Diagnostic Thresholds for Self-Controlled Case-Series

Study Diagnostics Threshold
Pre-exposure >0.05
Time Trend >0.05
Residual Bias (Expected Absolute Systematic Error (EASE)) <0.25
Meta-analysis Minimum Detectable Relative Risk (MDRR) >0

11 Strengths and Limitations

When executed, this will be the largest study examining the association between semaglutide and the risk of NAION and DR progression. Other strengths of this study include the diversity of the sample (from multiple institutions, multiple countries), and rigorous study design.

Limitations are mainly due to the retrospective nature of the study which might have confounding despite propensity score matching and stratified analyses. Additionally, unlike single-site studies, the diagnosis of NAION cannot be confirmed from manual review of patient records.

12 Protection of Human Subjects

Each participating institution will seek IRB approval for this study as dictated by local governance.

13 Plans for Disseminating and Communicating Study Results

The results will be shared and discussed among the study participants and broader OHDSI community during the weekly Tuesday community calls. This work will be presented at conferences (OHDSI Global Symposium and/or ARVO) and published as a manuscript.


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A Indication Cohort

A.1 Persons with Type 2 diabetes mellitus and no prior T1DM or secondary diabetes

A.1.1 Cohort Entry Events

People may enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. condition occurrences of ‘Type 2 diabetes mellitus’.

Limit cohort entry events to the earliest event per person.

Restrict entry events to with all of the following criteria:

  1. having no condition occurrences of ‘Type 1 diabetes mellitus’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.
  2. having no condition occurrences of ‘Secondary diabetes mellitus’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

A.1.2 Cohort Exit

The person also exists the cohort at the end of continuous observation.

A.1.3 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 0 days of each other.

A.1.4 Concept: Secondary diabetes mellitus

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
195771 Secondary diabetes mellitus 8801005 SNOMED NO YES NO
761051 Complication due to secondary diabetes mellitus 138811000119100 SNOMED NO YES NO

A.1.5 Concept: Type 1 diabetes mellitus

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
40484649 Type 1 diabetes mellitus well controlled 444074000 SNOMED NO YES NO
42689695 Eating disorder co-occurrent with diabetes mellitus type 1 1067201000000106 SNOMED NO YES NO
765533 Glaucoma due to diabetes mellitus type 1 60981000119103 SNOMED NO YES NO
43531006 Maturity onset diabetes of the young, type 1 609562003 SNOMED NO YES NO
765650 Cranial nerve palsy due to diabetes mellitus type 1 82561000119101 SNOMED NO YES NO
45770986 Retinopathy due to unstable diabetes mellitus type 1 706894000 SNOMED NO YES NO
201254 Type 1 diabetes mellitus 46635009 SNOMED NO YES NO
45768456 Neuropathy due to unstable diabetes mellitus type 1 706891008 SNOMED NO YES NO
40484648 Type 1 diabetes mellitus uncontrolled 444073006 SNOMED NO YES NO
4128019 Brittle type 1 diabetes mellitus 290002008 SNOMED NO YES NO
435216 Disorder due to type 1 diabetes mellitus 420868002 SNOMED NO YES NO

A.1.6 Concept: Type 2 diabetes mellitus

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
443238 Diabetic - poor control 268519009 SNOMED NO YES NO
201820 Diabetes mellitus 73211009 SNOMED NO YES NO
442793 Complication due to diabetes mellitus 74627003 SNOMED NO YES NO
40484648 Type 1 diabetes mellitus uncontrolled 444073006 SNOMED YES YES NO
201254 Type 1 diabetes mellitus 46635009 SNOMED YES YES NO
435216 Disorder due to type 1 diabetes mellitus 420868002 SNOMED YES YES NO
195771 Secondary diabetes mellitus 8801005 SNOMED YES YES NO
761051 Complication due to secondary diabetes mellitus 138811000119100 SNOMED YES YES NO
4016045 Diabetic - good control 170763003 SNOMED NO YES NO
40484649 Type 1 diabetes mellitus well controlled 444074000 SNOMED YES YES NO
43531009 Pregnancy and type 1 diabetes mellitus 609566000 SNOMED YES YES NO
4024659 Gestational diabetes mellitus 11687002 SNOMED YES YES NO

B Exposure Cohorts for Cohort Design

B.1 New user of semaglutide as 2nd-line treatment with prior T2DM and prior metformin

B.1.1 Cohort Entry Events

People with continuous observation of 365 days before event may enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. drug exposure of ‘semaglutide’ for the first time in the person’s history.

Limit cohort entry events to the earliest event per person.

Restrict entry events to with all of the following criteria:

  1. with the following event criteria: who are >= 18 years old.
  2. having at least 1 condition occurrence of ‘Type 2 diabetes mellitus’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.
  3. having no condition occurrences of ‘Type 1 diabetes mellitus’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.
  4. having no condition occurrences of ‘Secondary diabetes mellitus’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

B.1.2 Additional Inclusion Criteria

I. Prior metformin use

Entry events with any of the following criteria:

  1. having at least 1 drug era of ‘Metformin’, starting anytime up to 90 days before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period; with era length >= 90 days.
  2. having at least 3 drug exposures of ‘Metformin’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

II. No prior GLP-1 RA exposure

Entry events having no drug exposures of ‘GLP-1 receptor agonists excluding semaglutide’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

III. No prior DPP4 inhibitor exposure

Entry events having no drug exposures of ‘DPP4 inhibitors’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

IV. No prior SGLT-2 inhibitor exposure

Entry events having no drug exposures of ‘SGLT2 inhibitors’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

V. No prior SU exposure

Entry events having no drug exposures of ‘Sulfonylureas’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

VI. No prior other anti-diabetic exposure

Entry events having no drug exposures of ‘Other anti-diabetics’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

VII. No prior insulin use or combo initiation: Proxy for < 30 days drug era anytime before index and no combination use on index

Entry events with all of the following criteria:

  1. having no drug eras of ‘Insulin’, starting anytime up to 30 days before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period; with era length > 30 days.
  2. having no drug eras of ‘Insulin’, starting between 30 days before and 0 days after cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

B.1.3 Cohort Exit

The cohort end date will be based on a continuous exposure to ‘semaglutide’: allowing 30 days between exposures, adding 0 days after exposure ends, and using days supply and exposure end date for exposure duration.

B.1.4 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 0 days of each other.

B.1.5 Concept: DPP4 inhibitors

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
43013884 alogliptin 1368001 RxNorm NO YES NO
40239216 linagliptin 1100699 RxNorm NO YES NO
40166035 saxagliptin 857974 RxNorm NO YES NO
1580747 sitagliptin 593411 RxNorm NO YES NO
19122137 vildagliptin 596554 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.1.6 Concept: semaglutide

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
793143 semaglutide 1991302 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.1.7 Concept: SGLT2 inhibitors

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
43526465 canagliflozin 1373458 RxNorm NO YES NO
44785829 dapagliflozin 1488564 RxNorm NO YES NO
45774751 empagliflozin 1545653 RxNorm NO YES NO
793293 ertugliflozin 1992672 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.1.8 Concept: Sulfonylureas

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1594973 chlorpropamide 2404 RxNorm NO YES NO
1597756 glimepiride 25789 RxNorm NO YES NO
1560171 glipizide 4821 RxNorm NO YES NO
19097821 gliquidone 25793 RxNorm NO YES NO
1559684 glyburide 4815 RxNorm NO YES NO
1502809 tolazamide 10633 RxNorm NO YES NO
1502855 tolbutamide 10635 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.1.9 Concept: Other anti-diabetics

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1529331 acarbose 16681 RxNorm NO YES NO
1530014 acetohexamide 173 RxNorm NO YES NO
730548 bromocriptine 1760 RxNorm NO YES NO
19033498 carbutamide 2068 RxNorm NO YES NO
19001409 glibornuride 102846 RxNorm NO YES NO
19059796 gliclazide 4816 RxNorm NO YES NO
19001441 glymidine 102848 RxNorm NO YES NO
1510202 miglitol 30009 RxNorm NO YES NO
1502826 nateglinide 274332 RxNorm NO YES NO
1525215 pioglitazone 33738 RxNorm NO YES NO
1516766 repaglinide 73044 RxNorm NO YES NO
1547504 rosiglitazone 84108 RxNorm NO YES NO
1515249 troglitazone 72610 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.1.10 Concept: Insulin

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1596977 insulin, regular, human 253182 RxNorm NO YES NO
1550023 insulin lispro 86009 RxNorm NO YES NO
1567198 insulin aspart, human 51428 RxNorm NO YES NO
1502905 insulin glargine 274783 RxNorm NO YES NO
1513876 insulin lispro protamine, human 314684 RxNorm NO YES NO
1531601 insulin aspart protamine, human 352385 RxNorm NO YES NO
1586346 insulin, regular, pork 221109 RxNorm NO YES NO
1544838 insulin glulisine, human 400008 RxNorm NO YES NO
1516976 insulin detemir 139825 RxNorm NO YES NO
1590165 insulin, regular, beef-pork 235275 RxNorm NO YES NO
1513849 lente insulin, human 314683 RxNorm NO YES NO
1562586 lente insulin, pork 93108 RxNorm NO YES NO
1588986 insulin human, rDNA origin 631657 RxNorm NO YES NO
1513843 lente insulin, beef-pork 314682 RxNorm NO YES NO
1586369 ultralente insulin, human 221110 RxNorm NO YES NO
35605670 insulin argine 1740938 RxNorm NO YES NO
35602717 insulin degludec 1670007 RxNorm NO YES NO
19078608 insulin, protamine zinc, beef-pork 100 UNT/ML Injectable Suspension 311053 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.1.11 Concept: Metformin

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1503297 metformin 6809 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.1.12 Concept: Secondary diabetes mellitus

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
195771 Secondary diabetes mellitus 8801005 SNOMED NO YES NO
761051 Complication due to secondary diabetes mellitus 138811000119100 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.1.13 Concept: Type 1 diabetes mellitus

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
40484649 Type 1 diabetes mellitus well controlled 444074000 SNOMED NO YES NO
42689695 Eating disorder co-occurrent with diabetes mellitus type 1 1067201000000106 SNOMED NO YES NO
765533 Glaucoma due to diabetes mellitus type 1 60981000119103 SNOMED NO YES NO
43531006 Maturity onset diabetes of the young, type 1 609562003 SNOMED NO YES NO
765650 Cranial nerve palsy due to diabetes mellitus type 1 82561000119101 SNOMED NO YES NO
45770986 Retinopathy due to unstable diabetes mellitus type 1 706894000 SNOMED NO YES NO
201254 Type 1 diabetes mellitus 46635009 SNOMED NO YES NO
45768456 Neuropathy due to unstable diabetes mellitus type 1 706891008 SNOMED NO YES NO
40484648 Type 1 diabetes mellitus uncontrolled 444073006 SNOMED NO YES NO
4128019 Brittle type 1 diabetes mellitus 290002008 SNOMED NO YES NO
435216 Disorder due to type 1 diabetes mellitus 420868002 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.1.14 Concept: Type 2 diabetes mellitus

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
443238 Diabetic - poor control 268519009 SNOMED NO YES NO
201820 Diabetes mellitus 73211009 SNOMED NO YES NO
442793 Complication due to diabetes mellitus 74627003 SNOMED NO YES NO
40484648 Type 1 diabetes mellitus uncontrolled 444073006 SNOMED YES YES NO
201254 Type 1 diabetes mellitus 46635009 SNOMED YES YES NO
435216 Disorder due to type 1 diabetes mellitus 420868002 SNOMED YES YES NO
195771 Secondary diabetes mellitus 8801005 SNOMED YES YES NO
761051 Complication due to secondary diabetes mellitus 138811000119100 SNOMED YES YES NO
4016045 Diabetic - good control 170763003 SNOMED NO YES NO
40484649 Type 1 diabetes mellitus well controlled 444074000 SNOMED YES YES NO
43531009 Pregnancy and type 1 diabetes mellitus 609566000 SNOMED YES YES NO
4024659 Gestational diabetes mellitus 11687002 SNOMED YES YES NO

B.1.15 Concept: GLP-1 receptor agonists excluding semaglutide

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
45774435 dulaglutide 1551291 RxNorm NO YES NO
1583722 exenatide 60548 RxNorm NO YES NO
40170911 liraglutide 475968 RxNorm NO YES NO
44506754 lixisenatide 1440051 RxNorm NO YES NO
793143 semaglutide 1991302 RxNorm YES YES NO
44816332 albiglutide 1534763 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.2 New user of dulaglutide as 2nd-line treatment with prior T2DM and prior metformin

B.2.1 Cohort Entry Events

People with continuous observation of 365 days before event may enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. drug exposure of ‘dulaglutide’ for the first time in the person’s history.

Limit cohort entry events to the earliest event per person.

Restrict entry events to with all of the following criteria:

  1. with the following event criteria: who are >= 18 years old.
  2. having at least 1 condition occurrence of ‘Type 2 diabetes mellitus’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.
  3. having no condition occurrences of ‘Type 1 diabetes mellitus’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.
  4. having no condition occurrences of ‘Secondary diabetes mellitus’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

B.2.2 Additional Inclusion Criteria

I. Prior metformin use

Entry events with any of the following criteria:

  1. having at least 1 drug era of ‘Metformin’, starting anytime up to 90 days before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period; with era length >= 90 days.
  2. having at least 3 drug exposures of ‘Metformin’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

II. No prior GLP-1 RA exposure

Entry events having no drug exposures of ‘GLP-1 receptor agonists excluding dulaglutide’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

III. No prior DPP4 inhibitor exposure

Entry events having no drug exposures of ‘DPP4 inhibitors’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

IV. No prior SGLT-2 inhibitor exposure

Entry events having no drug exposures of ‘SGLT2 inhibitors’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

V. No prior SU exposure

Entry events having no drug exposures of ‘Sulfonylureas’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

VI. No prior other anti-diabetic exposure

Entry events having no drug exposures of ‘Other anti-diabetics’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

VII. No prior insulin use or combo initiation: Proxy for < 30 days drug era anytime before index and no combination use on index

Entry events with all of the following criteria:

  1. having no drug eras of ‘Insulin’, starting anytime up to 30 days before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period; with era length > 30 days.
  2. having no drug eras of ‘Insulin’, starting between 30 days before and 0 days after cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

B.2.3 Cohort Exit

The cohort end date will be based on a continuous exposure to ‘dulaglutide’: allowing 30 days between exposures, adding 0 days after exposure ends, and using days supply and exposure end date for exposure duration.

B.2.4 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 0 days of each other.

B.2.5 Concept: DPP4 inhibitors

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
43013884 alogliptin 1368001 RxNorm NO YES NO
40239216 linagliptin 1100699 RxNorm NO YES NO
40166035 saxagliptin 857974 RxNorm NO YES NO
1580747 sitagliptin 593411 RxNorm NO YES NO
19122137 vildagliptin 596554 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.2.6 Concept: dulaglutide

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
45774435 dulaglutide 1551291 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.2.7 Concept: SGLT2 inhibitors

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
43526465 canagliflozin 1373458 RxNorm NO YES NO
44785829 dapagliflozin 1488564 RxNorm NO YES NO
45774751 empagliflozin 1545653 RxNorm NO YES NO
793293 ertugliflozin 1992672 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.2.8 Concept: Sulfonylureas

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1594973 chlorpropamide 2404 RxNorm NO YES NO
1597756 glimepiride 25789 RxNorm NO YES NO
1560171 glipizide 4821 RxNorm NO YES NO
19097821 gliquidone 25793 RxNorm NO YES NO
1559684 glyburide 4815 RxNorm NO YES NO
1502809 tolazamide 10633 RxNorm NO YES NO
1502855 tolbutamide 10635 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.2.9 Concept: Other anti-diabetics

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1529331 acarbose 16681 RxNorm NO YES NO
1530014 acetohexamide 173 RxNorm NO YES NO
730548 bromocriptine 1760 RxNorm NO YES NO
19033498 carbutamide 2068 RxNorm NO YES NO
19001409 glibornuride 102846 RxNorm NO YES NO
19059796 gliclazide 4816 RxNorm NO YES NO
19001441 glymidine 102848 RxNorm NO YES NO
1510202 miglitol 30009 RxNorm NO YES NO
1502826 nateglinide 274332 RxNorm NO YES NO
1525215 pioglitazone 33738 RxNorm NO YES NO
1516766 repaglinide 73044 RxNorm NO YES NO
1547504 rosiglitazone 84108 RxNorm NO YES NO
1515249 troglitazone 72610 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.2.10 Concept: Insulin

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1596977 insulin, regular, human 253182 RxNorm NO YES NO
1550023 insulin lispro 86009 RxNorm NO YES NO
1567198 insulin aspart, human 51428 RxNorm NO YES NO
1502905 insulin glargine 274783 RxNorm NO YES NO
1513876 insulin lispro protamine, human 314684 RxNorm NO YES NO
1531601 insulin aspart protamine, human 352385 RxNorm NO YES NO
1586346 insulin, regular, pork 221109 RxNorm NO YES NO
1544838 insulin glulisine, human 400008 RxNorm NO YES NO
1516976 insulin detemir 139825 RxNorm NO YES NO
1590165 insulin, regular, beef-pork 235275 RxNorm NO YES NO
1513849 lente insulin, human 314683 RxNorm NO YES NO
1562586 lente insulin, pork 93108 RxNorm NO YES NO
1588986 insulin human, rDNA origin 631657 RxNorm NO YES NO
1513843 lente insulin, beef-pork 314682 RxNorm NO YES NO
1586369 ultralente insulin, human 221110 RxNorm NO YES NO
35605670 insulin argine 1740938 RxNorm NO YES NO
35602717 insulin degludec 1670007 RxNorm NO YES NO
19078608 insulin, protamine zinc, beef-pork 100 UNT/ML Injectable Suspension 311053 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.2.11 Concept: Metformin

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1503297 metformin 6809 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.2.12 Concept: Secondary diabetes mellitus

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
195771 Secondary diabetes mellitus 8801005 SNOMED NO YES NO
761051 Complication due to secondary diabetes mellitus 138811000119100 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.2.13 Concept: Type 1 diabetes mellitus

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
40484649 Type 1 diabetes mellitus well controlled 444074000 SNOMED NO YES NO
42689695 Eating disorder co-occurrent with diabetes mellitus type 1 1067201000000106 SNOMED NO YES NO
765533 Glaucoma due to diabetes mellitus type 1 60981000119103 SNOMED NO YES NO
43531006 Maturity onset diabetes of the young, type 1 609562003 SNOMED NO YES NO
765650 Cranial nerve palsy due to diabetes mellitus type 1 82561000119101 SNOMED NO YES NO
45770986 Retinopathy due to unstable diabetes mellitus type 1 706894000 SNOMED NO YES NO
201254 Type 1 diabetes mellitus 46635009 SNOMED NO YES NO
45768456 Neuropathy due to unstable diabetes mellitus type 1 706891008 SNOMED NO YES NO
40484648 Type 1 diabetes mellitus uncontrolled 444073006 SNOMED NO YES NO
4128019 Brittle type 1 diabetes mellitus 290002008 SNOMED NO YES NO
435216 Disorder due to type 1 diabetes mellitus 420868002 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.2.14 Concept: Type 2 diabetes mellitus

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
443238 Diabetic - poor control 268519009 SNOMED NO YES NO
201820 Diabetes mellitus 73211009 SNOMED NO YES NO
442793 Complication due to diabetes mellitus 74627003 SNOMED NO YES NO
40484648 Type 1 diabetes mellitus uncontrolled 444073006 SNOMED YES YES NO
201254 Type 1 diabetes mellitus 46635009 SNOMED YES YES NO
435216 Disorder due to type 1 diabetes mellitus 420868002 SNOMED YES YES NO
195771 Secondary diabetes mellitus 8801005 SNOMED YES YES NO
761051 Complication due to secondary diabetes mellitus 138811000119100 SNOMED YES YES NO
4016045 Diabetic - good control 170763003 SNOMED NO YES NO
40484649 Type 1 diabetes mellitus well controlled 444074000 SNOMED YES YES NO
43531009 Pregnancy and type 1 diabetes mellitus 609566000 SNOMED YES YES NO
4024659 Gestational diabetes mellitus 11687002 SNOMED YES YES NO

B.2.15 Concept: GLP-1 receptor agonists excluding dulaglutide

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
45774435 dulaglutide 1551291 RxNorm YES YES NO
1583722 exenatide 60548 RxNorm NO YES NO
40170911 liraglutide 475968 RxNorm NO YES NO
44506754 lixisenatide 1440051 RxNorm NO YES NO
793143 semaglutide 1991302 RxNorm NO YES NO
44816332 albiglutide 1534763 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.3 New user of exenatide as 2nd-line treatment with prior T2DM and prior metformin

B.3.1 Cohort Entry Events

People with continuous observation of 365 days before event may enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. drug exposure of ‘exenatide’ for the first time in the person’s history.

Limit cohort entry events to the earliest event per person.

Restrict entry events to with all of the following criteria:

  1. with the following event criteria: who are >= 18 years old.
  2. having at least 1 condition occurrence of ‘Type 2 diabetes mellitus’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.
  3. having no condition occurrences of ‘Type 1 diabetes mellitus’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.
  4. having no condition occurrences of ‘Secondary diabetes mellitus’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

B.3.2 Additional Inclusion Criteria

I. Prior metformin use

Entry events with any of the following criteria:

  1. having at least 1 drug era of ‘Metformin’, starting anytime up to 90 days before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period; with era length >= 90 days.
  2. having at least 3 drug exposures of ‘Metformin’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

II. No prior GLP-1 RA exposure

Entry events having no drug exposures of ‘GLP-1 receptor agonists excluding exenatide’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

III. No prior DPP4 inhibitor exposure

Entry events having no drug exposures of ‘DPP4 inhibitors’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

IV. No prior SGLT-2 inhibitor exposure

Entry events having no drug exposures of ‘SGLT2 inhibitors’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

V. No prior SU exposure

Entry events having no drug exposures of ‘Sulfonylureas’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

VI. No prior other anti-diabetic exposure

Entry events having no drug exposures of ‘Other anti-diabetics’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

VII. No prior insulin use or combo initiation: Proxy for < 30 days drug era anytime before index and no combination use on index

Entry events with all of the following criteria:

  1. having no drug eras of ‘Insulin’, starting anytime up to 30 days before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period; with era length > 30 days.
  2. having no drug eras of ‘Insulin’, starting between 30 days before and 0 days after cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

B.3.3 Cohort Exit

The cohort end date will be based on a continuous exposure to ‘exenatide’: allowing 30 days between exposures, adding 0 days after exposure ends, and using days supply and exposure end date for exposure duration.

B.3.4 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 0 days of each other.

B.3.5 Concept: DPP4 inhibitors

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
43013884 alogliptin 1368001 RxNorm NO YES NO
40239216 linagliptin 1100699 RxNorm NO YES NO
40166035 saxagliptin 857974 RxNorm NO YES NO
1580747 sitagliptin 593411 RxNorm NO YES NO
19122137 vildagliptin 596554 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.3.6 Concept: exenatide

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1583722 exenatide 60548 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.3.7 Concept: SGLT2 inhibitors

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
43526465 canagliflozin 1373458 RxNorm NO YES NO
44785829 dapagliflozin 1488564 RxNorm NO YES NO
45774751 empagliflozin 1545653 RxNorm NO YES NO
793293 ertugliflozin 1992672 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.3.8 Concept: Sulfonylureas

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1594973 chlorpropamide 2404 RxNorm NO YES NO
1597756 glimepiride 25789 RxNorm NO YES NO
1560171 glipizide 4821 RxNorm NO YES NO
19097821 gliquidone 25793 RxNorm NO YES NO
1559684 glyburide 4815 RxNorm NO YES NO
1502809 tolazamide 10633 RxNorm NO YES NO
1502855 tolbutamide 10635 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.3.9 Concept: Other anti-diabetics

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1529331 acarbose 16681 RxNorm NO YES NO
1530014 acetohexamide 173 RxNorm NO YES NO
730548 bromocriptine 1760 RxNorm NO YES NO
19033498 carbutamide 2068 RxNorm NO YES NO
19001409 glibornuride 102846 RxNorm NO YES NO
19059796 gliclazide 4816 RxNorm NO YES NO
19001441 glymidine 102848 RxNorm NO YES NO
1510202 miglitol 30009 RxNorm NO YES NO
1502826 nateglinide 274332 RxNorm NO YES NO
1525215 pioglitazone 33738 RxNorm NO YES NO
1516766 repaglinide 73044 RxNorm NO YES NO
1547504 rosiglitazone 84108 RxNorm NO YES NO
1515249 troglitazone 72610 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.3.10 Concept: Insulin

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1596977 insulin, regular, human 253182 RxNorm NO YES NO
1550023 insulin lispro 86009 RxNorm NO YES NO
1567198 insulin aspart, human 51428 RxNorm NO YES NO
1502905 insulin glargine 274783 RxNorm NO YES NO
1513876 insulin lispro protamine, human 314684 RxNorm NO YES NO
1531601 insulin aspart protamine, human 352385 RxNorm NO YES NO
1586346 insulin, regular, pork 221109 RxNorm NO YES NO
1544838 insulin glulisine, human 400008 RxNorm NO YES NO
1516976 insulin detemir 139825 RxNorm NO YES NO
1590165 insulin, regular, beef-pork 235275 RxNorm NO YES NO
1513849 lente insulin, human 314683 RxNorm NO YES NO
1562586 lente insulin, pork 93108 RxNorm NO YES NO
1588986 insulin human, rDNA origin 631657 RxNorm NO YES NO
1513843 lente insulin, beef-pork 314682 RxNorm NO YES NO
1586369 ultralente insulin, human 221110 RxNorm NO YES NO
35605670 insulin argine 1740938 RxNorm NO YES NO
35602717 insulin degludec 1670007 RxNorm NO YES NO
19078608 insulin, protamine zinc, beef-pork 100 UNT/ML Injectable Suspension 311053 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.3.11 Concept: Metformin

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1503297 metformin 6809 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.3.12 Concept: Secondary diabetes mellitus

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
195771 Secondary diabetes mellitus 8801005 SNOMED NO YES NO
761051 Complication due to secondary diabetes mellitus 138811000119100 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.3.13 Concept: Type 1 diabetes mellitus

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
40484649 Type 1 diabetes mellitus well controlled 444074000 SNOMED NO YES NO
42689695 Eating disorder co-occurrent with diabetes mellitus type 1 1067201000000106 SNOMED NO YES NO
765533 Glaucoma due to diabetes mellitus type 1 60981000119103 SNOMED NO YES NO
43531006 Maturity onset diabetes of the young, type 1 609562003 SNOMED NO YES NO
765650 Cranial nerve palsy due to diabetes mellitus type 1 82561000119101 SNOMED NO YES NO
45770986 Retinopathy due to unstable diabetes mellitus type 1 706894000 SNOMED NO YES NO
201254 Type 1 diabetes mellitus 46635009 SNOMED NO YES NO
45768456 Neuropathy due to unstable diabetes mellitus type 1 706891008 SNOMED NO YES NO
40484648 Type 1 diabetes mellitus uncontrolled 444073006 SNOMED NO YES NO
4128019 Brittle type 1 diabetes mellitus 290002008 SNOMED NO YES NO
435216 Disorder due to type 1 diabetes mellitus 420868002 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.3.14 Concept: Type 2 diabetes mellitus

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
443238 Diabetic - poor control 268519009 SNOMED NO YES NO
201820 Diabetes mellitus 73211009 SNOMED NO YES NO
442793 Complication due to diabetes mellitus 74627003 SNOMED NO YES NO
40484648 Type 1 diabetes mellitus uncontrolled 444073006 SNOMED YES YES NO
201254 Type 1 diabetes mellitus 46635009 SNOMED YES YES NO
435216 Disorder due to type 1 diabetes mellitus 420868002 SNOMED YES YES NO
195771 Secondary diabetes mellitus 8801005 SNOMED YES YES NO
761051 Complication due to secondary diabetes mellitus 138811000119100 SNOMED YES YES NO
4016045 Diabetic - good control 170763003 SNOMED NO YES NO
40484649 Type 1 diabetes mellitus well controlled 444074000 SNOMED YES YES NO
43531009 Pregnancy and type 1 diabetes mellitus 609566000 SNOMED YES YES NO
4024659 Gestational diabetes mellitus 11687002 SNOMED YES YES NO

B.3.15 Concept: GLP-1 receptor agonists excluding exenatide

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
45774435 dulaglutide 1551291 RxNorm NO YES NO
1583722 exenatide 60548 RxNorm YES YES NO
40170911 liraglutide 475968 RxNorm NO YES NO
44506754 lixisenatide 1440051 RxNorm NO YES NO
793143 semaglutide 1991302 RxNorm NO YES NO
44816332 albiglutide 1534763 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.4 New user of empagliflozin as 2nd-line treatment with prior T2DM and p

B.4.1 Cohort Entry Events

People with continuous observation of 365 days before event may enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. drug exposure of ‘empagliflozin’ for the first time in the person’s history.

Limit cohort entry events to the earliest event per person.

Restrict entry events to with all of the following criteria:

  1. with the following event criteria: who are >= 18 years old.
  2. having at least 1 condition occurrence of ‘Type 2 diabetes mellitus’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.
  3. having no condition occurrences of ‘Type 1 diabetes mellitus’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.
  4. having no condition occurrences of ‘Secondary diabetes mellitus’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

B.4.2 Additional Inclusion Criteria

I. Prior metformin use

Entry events with any of the following criteria:

  1. having at least 1 drug era of ‘Metformin’, starting anytime up to 90 days before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period; with era length >= 90 days.
  2. having at least 3 drug exposures of ‘Metformin’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

II. No prior GLP-1 RA exposure

Entry events having no drug exposures of ‘GLP-1 receptor agonists’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

III. No prior DPP4 inhibitor exposure

Entry events having no drug exposures of ‘DPP4 inhibitors’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

IV. No prior SGLT-2 inhibitor exposure

Entry events having no drug exposures of ‘SGLT2 inhibitors except empagliflozin’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

V. No prior SU exposure

Entry events having no drug exposures of ‘Sulfonylureas’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

VI. No prior other anti-diabetic exposure

Entry events having no drug exposures of ‘Other anti-diabetics’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

VII. No prior insulin use or combo initiation: Proxy for < 30 days drug era anytime before index and no combination use on index

Entry events with all of the following criteria:

  1. having no drug eras of ‘Insulin’, starting anytime up to 30 days before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period; with era length > 30 days.
  2. having no drug eras of ‘Insulin’, starting between 30 days before and 0 days after cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

B.4.3 Cohort Exit

The cohort end date will be based on a continuous exposure to ‘empagliflozin’: allowing 30 days between exposures, adding 0 days after exposure ends, and using days supply and exposure end date for exposure duration.

B.4.4 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 0 days of each other.

B.4.5 Concept: DPP4 inhibitors

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
43013884 alogliptin 1368001 RxNorm NO YES NO
40239216 linagliptin 1100699 RxNorm NO YES NO
40166035 saxagliptin 857974 RxNorm NO YES NO
1580747 sitagliptin 593411 RxNorm NO YES NO
19122137 vildagliptin 596554 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.4.6 Concept: empagliflozin

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
45774751 empagliflozin 1545653 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.4.7 Concept: SGLT2 inhibitors except empagliflozin

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
43526465 canagliflozin 1373458 RxNorm NO YES NO
44785829 dapagliflozin 1488564 RxNorm NO YES NO
45774751 empagliflozin 1545653 RxNorm YES YES NO
793293 ertugliflozin 1992672 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.4.8 Concept: Sulfonylureas

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1594973 chlorpropamide 2404 RxNorm NO YES NO
1597756 glimepiride 25789 RxNorm NO YES NO
1560171 glipizide 4821 RxNorm NO YES NO
19097821 gliquidone 25793 RxNorm NO YES NO
1559684 glyburide 4815 RxNorm NO YES NO
1502809 tolazamide 10633 RxNorm NO YES NO
1502855 tolbutamide 10635 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.4.9 Concept: Other anti-diabetics

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1529331 acarbose 16681 RxNorm NO YES NO
1530014 acetohexamide 173 RxNorm NO YES NO
730548 bromocriptine 1760 RxNorm NO YES NO
19033498 carbutamide 2068 RxNorm NO YES NO
19001409 glibornuride 102846 RxNorm NO YES NO
19059796 gliclazide 4816 RxNorm NO YES NO
19001441 glymidine 102848 RxNorm NO YES NO
1510202 miglitol 30009 RxNorm NO YES NO
1502826 nateglinide 274332 RxNorm NO YES NO
1525215 pioglitazone 33738 RxNorm NO YES NO
1516766 repaglinide 73044 RxNorm NO YES NO
1547504 rosiglitazone 84108 RxNorm NO YES NO
1515249 troglitazone 72610 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.4.10 Concept: Insulin

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1596977 insulin, regular, human 253182 RxNorm NO YES NO
1550023 insulin lispro 86009 RxNorm NO YES NO
1567198 insulin aspart, human 51428 RxNorm NO YES NO
1502905 insulin glargine 274783 RxNorm NO YES NO
1513876 insulin lispro protamine, human 314684 RxNorm NO YES NO
1531601 insulin aspart protamine, human 352385 RxNorm NO YES NO
1586346 insulin, regular, pork 221109 RxNorm NO YES NO
1544838 insulin glulisine, human 400008 RxNorm NO YES NO
1516976 insulin detemir 139825 RxNorm NO YES NO
1590165 insulin, regular, beef-pork 235275 RxNorm NO YES NO
1513849 lente insulin, human 314683 RxNorm NO YES NO
1562586 lente insulin, pork 93108 RxNorm NO YES NO
1588986 insulin human, rDNA origin 631657 RxNorm NO YES NO
1513843 lente insulin, beef-pork 314682 RxNorm NO YES NO
1586369 ultralente insulin, human 221110 RxNorm NO YES NO
35605670 insulin argine 1740938 RxNorm NO YES NO
35602717 insulin degludec 1670007 RxNorm NO YES NO
19078608 insulin, protamine zinc, beef-pork 100 UNT/ML Injectable Suspension 311053 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.4.11 Concept: Metformin

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1503297 metformin 6809 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.4.12 Concept: Secondary diabetes mellitus

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
195771 Secondary diabetes mellitus 8801005 SNOMED NO YES NO
761051 Complication due to secondary diabetes mellitus 138811000119100 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.4.13 Concept: Type 1 diabetes mellitus

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
40484649 Type 1 diabetes mellitus well controlled 444074000 SNOMED NO YES NO
42689695 Eating disorder co-occurrent with diabetes mellitus type 1 1067201000000106 SNOMED NO YES NO
765533 Glaucoma due to diabetes mellitus type 1 60981000119103 SNOMED NO YES NO
43531006 Maturity onset diabetes of the young, type 1 609562003 SNOMED NO YES NO
765650 Cranial nerve palsy due to diabetes mellitus type 1 82561000119101 SNOMED NO YES NO
45770986 Retinopathy due to unstable diabetes mellitus type 1 706894000 SNOMED NO YES NO
201254 Type 1 diabetes mellitus 46635009 SNOMED NO YES NO
45768456 Neuropathy due to unstable diabetes mellitus type 1 706891008 SNOMED NO YES NO
40484648 Type 1 diabetes mellitus uncontrolled 444073006 SNOMED NO YES NO
4128019 Brittle type 1 diabetes mellitus 290002008 SNOMED NO YES NO
435216 Disorder due to type 1 diabetes mellitus 420868002 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.4.14 Concept: Type 2 diabetes mellitus

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
443238 Diabetic - poor control 268519009 SNOMED NO YES NO
201820 Diabetes mellitus 73211009 SNOMED NO YES NO
442793 Complication due to diabetes mellitus 74627003 SNOMED NO YES NO
40484648 Type 1 diabetes mellitus uncontrolled 444073006 SNOMED YES YES NO
201254 Type 1 diabetes mellitus 46635009 SNOMED YES YES NO
435216 Disorder due to type 1 diabetes mellitus 420868002 SNOMED YES YES NO
195771 Secondary diabetes mellitus 8801005 SNOMED YES YES NO
761051 Complication due to secondary diabetes mellitus 138811000119100 SNOMED YES YES NO
4016045 Diabetic - good control 170763003 SNOMED NO YES NO
40484649 Type 1 diabetes mellitus well controlled 444074000 SNOMED YES YES NO
43531009 Pregnancy and type 1 diabetes mellitus 609566000 SNOMED YES YES NO
4024659 Gestational diabetes mellitus 11687002 SNOMED YES YES NO

B.4.15 Concept: GLP-1 receptor agonists

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
45774435 dulaglutide 1551291 RxNorm NO YES NO
1583722 exenatide 60548 RxNorm NO YES NO
40170911 liraglutide 475968 RxNorm NO YES NO
44506754 lixisenatide 1440051 RxNorm NO YES NO
793143 semaglutide 1991302 RxNorm NO YES NO
44816332 albiglutide 1534763 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.5 New user of sitagliptin as 2nd-line treatment with prior T2DM and prior metformin

B.5.1 Cohort Entry Events

People with continuous observation of 365 days before event may enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. drug exposure of ‘sitagliptin’ for the first time in the person’s history.

Limit cohort entry events to the earliest event per person.

Restrict entry events to with all of the following criteria:

  1. with the following event criteria: who are >= 18 years old.
  2. having at least 1 condition occurrence of ‘Type 2 diabetes mellitus’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.
  3. having no condition occurrences of ‘Type 1 diabetes mellitus’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.
  4. having no condition occurrences of ‘Secondary diabetes mellitus’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

B.5.2 Additional Inclusion Criteria

I. Prior metformin use

Entry events with any of the following criteria:

  1. having at least 1 drug era of ‘Metformin’, starting anytime up to 90 days before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period; with era length >= 90 days.
  2. having at least 3 drug exposures of ‘Metformin’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

II. No prior GLP-1 RA exposure

Entry events having no drug exposures of ‘GLP-1 receptor agonists’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

III. No prior DPP4 inhibitor exposure

Entry events having no drug exposures of ‘DPP4 inhibitors except sitagliptin’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

IV. No prior SGLT-2 inhibitor exposure

Entry events having no drug exposures of ‘SGLT2 inhibitors’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

V. No prior SU exposure

Entry events having no drug exposures of ‘Sulfonylureas’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

VI. No prior other anti-diabetic exposure

Entry events having no drug exposures of ‘Other anti-diabetics’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

VII. No prior insulin use or combo initiation: Proxy for < 30 days drug era anytime before index and no combination use on index

Entry events with all of the following criteria:

  1. having no drug eras of ‘Insulin’, starting anytime up to 30 days before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period; with era length > 30 days.
  2. having no drug eras of ‘Insulin’, starting between 30 days before and 0 days after cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

B.5.3 Cohort Exit

The cohort end date will be based on a continuous exposure to ‘sitagliptin’: allowing 30 days between exposures, adding 0 days after exposure ends, and using days supply and exposure end date for exposure duration.

B.5.4 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 0 days of each other.

B.5.5 Concept: DPP4 inhibitors except sitagliptin

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
43013884 alogliptin 1368001 RxNorm NO YES NO
40239216 linagliptin 1100699 RxNorm NO YES NO
40166035 saxagliptin 857974 RxNorm NO YES NO
1580747 sitagliptin 593411 RxNorm YES YES NO
19122137 vildagliptin 596554 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.5.6 Concept: sitagliptin

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1580747 sitagliptin 593411 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.5.7 Concept: SGLT2 inhibitors

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
43526465 canagliflozin 1373458 RxNorm NO YES NO
44785829 dapagliflozin 1488564 RxNorm NO YES NO
45774751 empagliflozin 1545653 RxNorm NO YES NO
793293 ertugliflozin 1992672 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.5.8 Concept: Sulfonylureas

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1594973 chlorpropamide 2404 RxNorm NO YES NO
1597756 glimepiride 25789 RxNorm NO YES NO
1560171 glipizide 4821 RxNorm NO YES NO
19097821 gliquidone 25793 RxNorm NO YES NO
1559684 glyburide 4815 RxNorm NO YES NO
1502809 tolazamide 10633 RxNorm NO YES NO
1502855 tolbutamide 10635 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.5.9 Concept: Other anti-diabetics

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1529331 acarbose 16681 RxNorm NO YES NO
1530014 acetohexamide 173 RxNorm NO YES NO
730548 bromocriptine 1760 RxNorm NO YES NO
19033498 carbutamide 2068 RxNorm NO YES NO
19001409 glibornuride 102846 RxNorm NO YES NO
19059796 gliclazide 4816 RxNorm NO YES NO
19001441 glymidine 102848 RxNorm NO YES NO
1510202 miglitol 30009 RxNorm NO YES NO
1502826 nateglinide 274332 RxNorm NO YES NO
1525215 pioglitazone 33738 RxNorm NO YES NO
1516766 repaglinide 73044 RxNorm NO YES NO
1547504 rosiglitazone 84108 RxNorm NO YES NO
1515249 troglitazone 72610 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.5.10 Concept: Insulin

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1596977 insulin, regular, human 253182 RxNorm NO YES NO
1550023 insulin lispro 86009 RxNorm NO YES NO
1567198 insulin aspart, human 51428 RxNorm NO YES NO
1502905 insulin glargine 274783 RxNorm NO YES NO
1513876 insulin lispro protamine, human 314684 RxNorm NO YES NO
1531601 insulin aspart protamine, human 352385 RxNorm NO YES NO
1586346 insulin, regular, pork 221109 RxNorm NO YES NO
1544838 insulin glulisine, human 400008 RxNorm NO YES NO
1516976 insulin detemir 139825 RxNorm NO YES NO
1590165 insulin, regular, beef-pork 235275 RxNorm NO YES NO
1513849 lente insulin, human 314683 RxNorm NO YES NO
1562586 lente insulin, pork 93108 RxNorm NO YES NO
1588986 insulin human, rDNA origin 631657 RxNorm NO YES NO
1513843 lente insulin, beef-pork 314682 RxNorm NO YES NO
1586369 ultralente insulin, human 221110 RxNorm NO YES NO
35605670 insulin argine 1740938 RxNorm NO YES NO
35602717 insulin degludec 1670007 RxNorm NO YES NO
19078608 insulin, protamine zinc, beef-pork 100 UNT/ML Injectable Suspension 311053 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.5.11 Concept: Metformin

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1503297 metformin 6809 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.5.12 Concept: Secondary diabetes mellitus

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
195771 Secondary diabetes mellitus 8801005 SNOMED NO YES NO
761051 Complication due to secondary diabetes mellitus 138811000119100 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.5.13 Concept: Type 1 diabetes mellitus

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
40484649 Type 1 diabetes mellitus well controlled 444074000 SNOMED NO YES NO
42689695 Eating disorder co-occurrent with diabetes mellitus type 1 1067201000000106 SNOMED NO YES NO
765533 Glaucoma due to diabetes mellitus type 1 60981000119103 SNOMED NO YES NO
43531006 Maturity onset diabetes of the young, type 1 609562003 SNOMED NO YES NO
765650 Cranial nerve palsy due to diabetes mellitus type 1 82561000119101 SNOMED NO YES NO
45770986 Retinopathy due to unstable diabetes mellitus type 1 706894000 SNOMED NO YES NO
201254 Type 1 diabetes mellitus 46635009 SNOMED NO YES NO
45768456 Neuropathy due to unstable diabetes mellitus type 1 706891008 SNOMED NO YES NO
40484648 Type 1 diabetes mellitus uncontrolled 444073006 SNOMED NO YES NO
4128019 Brittle type 1 diabetes mellitus 290002008 SNOMED NO YES NO
435216 Disorder due to type 1 diabetes mellitus 420868002 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.5.14 Concept: Type 2 diabetes mellitus

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
443238 Diabetic - poor control 268519009 SNOMED NO YES NO
201820 Diabetes mellitus 73211009 SNOMED NO YES NO
442793 Complication due to diabetes mellitus 74627003 SNOMED NO YES NO
40484648 Type 1 diabetes mellitus uncontrolled 444073006 SNOMED YES YES NO
201254 Type 1 diabetes mellitus 46635009 SNOMED YES YES NO
435216 Disorder due to type 1 diabetes mellitus 420868002 SNOMED YES YES NO
195771 Secondary diabetes mellitus 8801005 SNOMED YES YES NO
761051 Complication due to secondary diabetes mellitus 138811000119100 SNOMED YES YES NO
4016045 Diabetic - good control 170763003 SNOMED NO YES NO
40484649 Type 1 diabetes mellitus well controlled 444074000 SNOMED YES YES NO
43531009 Pregnancy and type 1 diabetes mellitus 609566000 SNOMED YES YES NO
4024659 Gestational diabetes mellitus 11687002 SNOMED YES YES NO

B.5.15 Concept: GLP-1 receptor agonists

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
45774435 dulaglutide 1551291 RxNorm NO YES NO
1583722 exenatide 60548 RxNorm NO YES NO
40170911 liraglutide 475968 RxNorm NO YES NO
44506754 lixisenatide 1440051 RxNorm NO YES NO
793143 semaglutide 1991302 RxNorm NO YES NO
44816332 albiglutide 1534763 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.6 New user of glipizide as 2nd-line treatment with prior T2DM and prior metformin

B.6.1 Cohort Entry Events

People with continuous observation of 365 days before event may enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. drug exposure of ‘glipizide’ for the first time in the person’s history.

Limit cohort entry events to the earliest event per person.

Restrict entry events to with all of the following criteria:

  1. with the following event criteria: who are >= 18 years old.
  2. having at least 1 condition occurrence of ‘Type 2 diabetes mellitus’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.
  3. having no condition occurrences of ‘Type 1 diabetes mellitus’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.
  4. having no condition occurrences of ‘Secondary diabetes mellitus’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

B.6.2 Additional Inclusion Criteria

I. Prior metformin use

Entry events with any of the following criteria:

  1. having at least 1 drug era of ‘Metformin’, starting anytime up to 90 days before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period; with era length >= 90 days.
  2. having at least 3 drug exposures of ‘Metformin’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

II. No prior GLP-1 RA exposure

Entry events having no drug exposures of ‘GLP-1 receptor agonists’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

III. No prior DPP4 inhibitor exposure

Entry events having no drug exposures of ‘DPP4 inhibitors’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

IV. No prior SGLT-2 inhibitor exposure

Entry events having no drug exposures of ‘SGLT2 inhibitors’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

V. No prior SU exposure

Entry events having no drug exposures of ‘Sulfonylureas except glipizide’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

VI. No prior other anti-diabetic exposure

Entry events having no drug exposures of ‘Other anti-diabetics’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

VII. No prior insulin use or combo initiation: Proxy for < 30 days drug era anytime before index and no combination use on index

Entry events with all of the following criteria:

  1. having no drug eras of ‘Insulin’, starting anytime up to 30 days before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period; with era length > 30 days.
  2. having no drug eras of ‘Insulin’, starting between 30 days before and 0 days after cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

B.6.3 Cohort Exit

The cohort end date will be based on a continuous exposure to ‘glipizide’: allowing 30 days between exposures, adding 0 days after exposure ends, and using days supply and exposure end date for exposure duration.

B.6.4 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 0 days of each other.

B.6.5 Concept: DPP4 inhibitors

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
43013884 alogliptin 1368001 RxNorm NO YES NO
40239216 linagliptin 1100699 RxNorm NO YES NO
40166035 saxagliptin 857974 RxNorm NO YES NO
1580747 sitagliptin 593411 RxNorm NO YES NO
19122137 vildagliptin 596554 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.6.6 Concept: glipizide

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1560171 glipizide 4821 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.6.7 Concept: SGLT2 inhibitors

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
43526465 canagliflozin 1373458 RxNorm NO YES NO
44785829 dapagliflozin 1488564 RxNorm NO YES NO
45774751 empagliflozin 1545653 RxNorm NO YES NO
793293 ertugliflozin 1992672 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.6.8 Concept: Sulfonylureas except glipizide

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1594973 chlorpropamide 2404 RxNorm NO YES NO
1597756 glimepiride 25789 RxNorm NO YES NO
1560171 glipizide 4821 RxNorm YES YES NO
19097821 gliquidone 25793 RxNorm NO YES NO
1559684 glyburide 4815 RxNorm NO YES NO
1502809 tolazamide 10633 RxNorm NO YES NO
1502855 tolbutamide 10635 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.6.9 Concept: Other anti-diabetics

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1529331 acarbose 16681 RxNorm NO YES NO
1530014 acetohexamide 173 RxNorm NO YES NO
730548 bromocriptine 1760 RxNorm NO YES NO
19033498 carbutamide 2068 RxNorm NO YES NO
19001409 glibornuride 102846 RxNorm NO YES NO
19059796 gliclazide 4816 RxNorm NO YES NO
19001441 glymidine 102848 RxNorm NO YES NO
1510202 miglitol 30009 RxNorm NO YES NO
1502826 nateglinide 274332 RxNorm NO YES NO
1525215 pioglitazone 33738 RxNorm NO YES NO
1516766 repaglinide 73044 RxNorm NO YES NO
1547504 rosiglitazone 84108 RxNorm NO YES NO
1515249 troglitazone 72610 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.6.10 Concept: Insulin

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1596977 insulin, regular, human 253182 RxNorm NO YES NO
1550023 insulin lispro 86009 RxNorm NO YES NO
1567198 insulin aspart, human 51428 RxNorm NO YES NO
1502905 insulin glargine 274783 RxNorm NO YES NO
1513876 insulin lispro protamine, human 314684 RxNorm NO YES NO
1531601 insulin aspart protamine, human 352385 RxNorm NO YES NO
1586346 insulin, regular, pork 221109 RxNorm NO YES NO
1544838 insulin glulisine, human 400008 RxNorm NO YES NO
1516976 insulin detemir 139825 RxNorm NO YES NO
1590165 insulin, regular, beef-pork 235275 RxNorm NO YES NO
1513849 lente insulin, human 314683 RxNorm NO YES NO
1562586 lente insulin, pork 93108 RxNorm NO YES NO
1588986 insulin human, rDNA origin 631657 RxNorm NO YES NO
1513843 lente insulin, beef-pork 314682 RxNorm NO YES NO
1586369 ultralente insulin, human 221110 RxNorm NO YES NO
35605670 insulin argine 1740938 RxNorm NO YES NO
35602717 insulin degludec 1670007 RxNorm NO YES NO
19078608 insulin, protamine zinc, beef-pork 100 UNT/ML Injectable Suspension 311053 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.6.11 Concept: Metformin

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1503297 metformin 6809 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.6.12 Concept: Secondary diabetes mellitus

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
195771 Secondary diabetes mellitus 8801005 SNOMED NO YES NO
761051 Complication due to secondary diabetes mellitus 138811000119100 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.6.13 Concept: Type 1 diabetes mellitus

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
40484649 Type 1 diabetes mellitus well controlled 444074000 SNOMED NO YES NO
42689695 Eating disorder co-occurrent with diabetes mellitus type 1 1067201000000106 SNOMED NO YES NO
765533 Glaucoma due to diabetes mellitus type 1 60981000119103 SNOMED NO YES NO
43531006 Maturity onset diabetes of the young, type 1 609562003 SNOMED NO YES NO
765650 Cranial nerve palsy due to diabetes mellitus type 1 82561000119101 SNOMED NO YES NO
45770986 Retinopathy due to unstable diabetes mellitus type 1 706894000 SNOMED NO YES NO
201254 Type 1 diabetes mellitus 46635009 SNOMED NO YES NO
45768456 Neuropathy due to unstable diabetes mellitus type 1 706891008 SNOMED NO YES NO
40484648 Type 1 diabetes mellitus uncontrolled 444073006 SNOMED NO YES NO
4128019 Brittle type 1 diabetes mellitus 290002008 SNOMED NO YES NO
435216 Disorder due to type 1 diabetes mellitus 420868002 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.6.14 Concept: Type 2 diabetes mellitus

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
443238 Diabetic - poor control 268519009 SNOMED NO YES NO
201820 Diabetes mellitus 73211009 SNOMED NO YES NO
442793 Complication due to diabetes mellitus 74627003 SNOMED NO YES NO
40484648 Type 1 diabetes mellitus uncontrolled 444073006 SNOMED YES YES NO
201254 Type 1 diabetes mellitus 46635009 SNOMED YES YES NO
435216 Disorder due to type 1 diabetes mellitus 420868002 SNOMED YES YES NO
195771 Secondary diabetes mellitus 8801005 SNOMED YES YES NO
761051 Complication due to secondary diabetes mellitus 138811000119100 SNOMED YES YES NO
4016045 Diabetic - good control 170763003 SNOMED NO YES NO
40484649 Type 1 diabetes mellitus well controlled 444074000 SNOMED YES YES NO
43531009 Pregnancy and type 1 diabetes mellitus 609566000 SNOMED YES YES NO
4024659 Gestational diabetes mellitus 11687002 SNOMED YES YES NO

B.6.15 Concept: GLP-1 receptor agonists

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
45774435 dulaglutide 1551291 RxNorm NO YES NO
1583722 exenatide 60548 RxNorm NO YES NO
40170911 liraglutide 475968 RxNorm NO YES NO
44506754 lixisenatide 1440051 RxNorm NO YES NO
793143 semaglutide 1991302 RxNorm NO YES NO
44816332 albiglutide 1534763 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.7 New user of semaglutide with prior T2DM and prior metformin and no insulin

B.7.1 Cohort Entry Events

People with continuous observation of 365 days before event may enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. drug exposure of ‘semaglutide’ for the first time in the person’s history.

Limit cohort entry events to the earliest event per person.

Restrict entry events to with all of the following criteria:

  1. with the following event criteria: who are >= 18 years old.
  2. having at least 1 condition occurrence of ‘Type 2 diabetes mellitus’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.
  3. having no condition occurrences of ‘Type 1 diabetes mellitus’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.
  4. having no condition occurrences of ‘Secondary diabetes mellitus’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

B.7.2 Additional Inclusion Criteria

I. Prior metformin use

Entry events with any of the following criteria:

  1. having at least 1 drug era of ‘Metformin’, starting anytime up to 90 days before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period; with era length >= 90 days.
  2. having at least 3 drug exposures of ‘Metformin’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

II. No prior insulin use or combo initiation: Proxy for < 30 days drug era anytime before index and no combination use on index

Entry events with all of the following criteria:

  1. having no drug eras of ‘Insulin’, starting anytime up to 30 days before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period; with era length > 30 days.
  2. having no drug eras of ‘Insulin’, starting between 30 days before and 0 days after cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

B.7.3 Cohort Exit

The cohort end date will be based on a continuous exposure to ‘semaglutide’: allowing 30 days between exposures, adding 0 days after exposure ends, and using days supply and exposure end date for exposure duration.

B.7.4 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 0 days of each other.

B.7.5 Concept: semaglutide

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
793143 semaglutide 1991302 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.7.6 Concept: Insulin

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1596977 insulin, regular, human 253182 RxNorm NO YES NO
1550023 insulin lispro 86009 RxNorm NO YES NO
1567198 insulin aspart, human 51428 RxNorm NO YES NO
1502905 insulin glargine 274783 RxNorm NO YES NO
1513876 insulin lispro protamine, human 314684 RxNorm NO YES NO
1531601 insulin aspart protamine, human 352385 RxNorm NO YES NO
1586346 insulin, regular, pork 221109 RxNorm NO YES NO
1544838 insulin glulisine, human 400008 RxNorm NO YES NO
1516976 insulin detemir 139825 RxNorm NO YES NO
1590165 insulin, regular, beef-pork 235275 RxNorm NO YES NO
1513849 lente insulin, human 314683 RxNorm NO YES NO
1562586 lente insulin, pork 93108 RxNorm NO YES NO
1588986 insulin human, rDNA origin 631657 RxNorm NO YES NO
1513843 lente insulin, beef-pork 314682 RxNorm NO YES NO
1586369 ultralente insulin, human 221110 RxNorm NO YES NO
35605670 insulin argine 1740938 RxNorm NO YES NO
35602717 insulin degludec 1670007 RxNorm NO YES NO
19078608 insulin, protamine zinc, beef-pork 100 UNT/ML Injectable Suspension 311053 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.7.7 Concept: Metformin

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1503297 metformin 6809 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.7.8 Concept: Secondary diabetes mellitus

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
195771 Secondary diabetes mellitus 8801005 SNOMED NO YES NO
761051 Complication due to secondary diabetes mellitus 138811000119100 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.7.9 Concept: Type 1 diabetes mellitus

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
40484649 Type 1 diabetes mellitus well controlled 444074000 SNOMED NO YES NO
42689695 Eating disorder co-occurrent with diabetes mellitus type 1 1067201000000106 SNOMED NO YES NO
765533 Glaucoma due to diabetes mellitus type 1 60981000119103 SNOMED NO YES NO
43531006 Maturity onset diabetes of the young, type 1 609562003 SNOMED NO YES NO
765650 Cranial nerve palsy due to diabetes mellitus type 1 82561000119101 SNOMED NO YES NO
45770986 Retinopathy due to unstable diabetes mellitus type 1 706894000 SNOMED NO YES NO
201254 Type 1 diabetes mellitus 46635009 SNOMED NO YES NO
45768456 Neuropathy due to unstable diabetes mellitus type 1 706891008 SNOMED NO YES NO
40484648 Type 1 diabetes mellitus uncontrolled 444073006 SNOMED NO YES NO
4128019 Brittle type 1 diabetes mellitus 290002008 SNOMED NO YES NO
435216 Disorder due to type 1 diabetes mellitus 420868002 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.7.10 Concept: Type 2 diabetes mellitus

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
443238 Diabetic - poor control 268519009 SNOMED NO YES NO
201820 Diabetes mellitus 73211009 SNOMED NO YES NO
442793 Complication due to diabetes mellitus 74627003 SNOMED NO YES NO
40484648 Type 1 diabetes mellitus uncontrolled 444073006 SNOMED YES YES NO
201254 Type 1 diabetes mellitus 46635009 SNOMED YES YES NO
435216 Disorder due to type 1 diabetes mellitus 420868002 SNOMED YES YES NO
195771 Secondary diabetes mellitus 8801005 SNOMED YES YES NO
761051 Complication due to secondary diabetes mellitus 138811000119100 SNOMED YES YES NO
4016045 Diabetic - good control 170763003 SNOMED NO YES NO
40484649 Type 1 diabetes mellitus well controlled 444074000 SNOMED YES YES NO
43531009 Pregnancy and type 1 diabetes mellitus 609566000 SNOMED YES YES NO
4024659 Gestational diabetes mellitus 11687002 SNOMED YES YES NO

B.8 New user of empagliflozin with prior T2DM and prior metformin and no insulin

B.8.1 Cohort Entry Events

People with continuous observation of 365 days before event may enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. drug exposure of ‘empagliflozin’ for the first time in the person’s history.

Limit cohort entry events to the earliest event per person.

Restrict entry events to with all of the following criteria:

  1. with the following event criteria: who are >= 18 years old.
  2. having at least 1 condition occurrence of ‘Type 2 diabetes mellitus’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.
  3. having no condition occurrences of ‘Type 1 diabetes mellitus’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.
  4. having no condition occurrences of ‘Secondary diabetes mellitus’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

B.8.2 Additional Inclusion Criteria

I. Prior metformin use

Entry events with any of the following criteria:

  1. having at least 1 drug era of ‘Metformin’, starting anytime up to 90 days before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period; with era length >= 90 days.
  2. having at least 3 drug exposures of ‘Metformin’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

II. No prior insulin use or combo initiation: Proxy for < 30 days drug era anytime before index and no combination use on index

Entry events with all of the following criteria:

  1. having no drug eras of ‘Insulin’, starting anytime up to 30 days before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period; with era length > 30 days.
  2. having no drug eras of ‘Insulin’, starting between 30 days before and 0 days after cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

B.8.3 Cohort Exit

The cohort end date will be based on a continuous exposure to ‘empagliflozin’: allowing 30 days between exposures, adding 0 days after exposure ends, and using days supply and exposure end date for exposure duration.

B.8.4 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 0 days of each other.

B.8.5 Concept: empagliflozin

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
45774751 empagliflozin 1545653 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.8.6 Concept: Insulin

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1596977 insulin, regular, human 253182 RxNorm NO YES NO
1550023 insulin lispro 86009 RxNorm NO YES NO
1567198 insulin aspart, human 51428 RxNorm NO YES NO
1502905 insulin glargine 274783 RxNorm NO YES NO
1513876 insulin lispro protamine, human 314684 RxNorm NO YES NO
1531601 insulin aspart protamine, human 352385 RxNorm NO YES NO
1586346 insulin, regular, pork 221109 RxNorm NO YES NO
1544838 insulin glulisine, human 400008 RxNorm NO YES NO
1516976 insulin detemir 139825 RxNorm NO YES NO
1590165 insulin, regular, beef-pork 235275 RxNorm NO YES NO
1513849 lente insulin, human 314683 RxNorm NO YES NO
1562586 lente insulin, pork 93108 RxNorm NO YES NO
1588986 insulin human, rDNA origin 631657 RxNorm NO YES NO
1513843 lente insulin, beef-pork 314682 RxNorm NO YES NO
1586369 ultralente insulin, human 221110 RxNorm NO YES NO
35605670 insulin argine 1740938 RxNorm NO YES NO
35602717 insulin degludec 1670007 RxNorm NO YES NO
19078608 insulin, protamine zinc, beef-pork 100 UNT/ML Injectable Suspension 311053 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.8.7 Concept: Metformin

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1503297 metformin 6809 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.8.8 Concept: Secondary diabetes mellitus

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
195771 Secondary diabetes mellitus 8801005 SNOMED NO YES NO
761051 Complication due to secondary diabetes mellitus 138811000119100 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.8.9 Concept: Type 1 diabetes mellitus

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
40484649 Type 1 diabetes mellitus well controlled 444074000 SNOMED NO YES NO
42689695 Eating disorder co-occurrent with diabetes mellitus type 1 1067201000000106 SNOMED NO YES NO
765533 Glaucoma due to diabetes mellitus type 1 60981000119103 SNOMED NO YES NO
43531006 Maturity onset diabetes of the young, type 1 609562003 SNOMED NO YES NO
765650 Cranial nerve palsy due to diabetes mellitus type 1 82561000119101 SNOMED NO YES NO
45770986 Retinopathy due to unstable diabetes mellitus type 1 706894000 SNOMED NO YES NO
201254 Type 1 diabetes mellitus 46635009 SNOMED NO YES NO
45768456 Neuropathy due to unstable diabetes mellitus type 1 706891008 SNOMED NO YES NO
40484648 Type 1 diabetes mellitus uncontrolled 444073006 SNOMED NO YES NO
4128019 Brittle type 1 diabetes mellitus 290002008 SNOMED NO YES NO
435216 Disorder due to type 1 diabetes mellitus 420868002 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.8.10 Concept: Type 2 diabetes mellitus

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
443238 Diabetic - poor control 268519009 SNOMED NO YES NO
201820 Diabetes mellitus 73211009 SNOMED NO YES NO
442793 Complication due to diabetes mellitus 74627003 SNOMED NO YES NO
40484648 Type 1 diabetes mellitus uncontrolled 444073006 SNOMED YES YES NO
201254 Type 1 diabetes mellitus 46635009 SNOMED YES YES NO
435216 Disorder due to type 1 diabetes mellitus 420868002 SNOMED YES YES NO
195771 Secondary diabetes mellitus 8801005 SNOMED YES YES NO
761051 Complication due to secondary diabetes mellitus 138811000119100 SNOMED YES YES NO
4016045 Diabetic - good control 170763003 SNOMED NO YES NO
40484649 Type 1 diabetes mellitus well controlled 444074000 SNOMED YES YES NO
43531009 Pregnancy and type 1 diabetes mellitus 609566000 SNOMED YES YES NO
4024659 Gestational diabetes mellitus 11687002 SNOMED YES YES NO

B.9 New user of sitagliptin with prior T2DM and prior metformin and no insulin

B.9.1 Cohort Entry Events

People with continuous observation of 365 days before event may enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. drug exposure of ‘sitagliptin’ for the first time in the person’s history.

Limit cohort entry events to the earliest event per person.

Restrict entry events to with all of the following criteria:

  1. with the following event criteria: who are >= 18 years old.
  2. having at least 1 condition occurrence of ‘Type 2 diabetes mellitus’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.
  3. having no condition occurrences of ‘Type 1 diabetes mellitus’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.
  4. having no condition occurrences of ‘Secondary diabetes mellitus’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

B.9.2 Additional Inclusion Criteria

I. Prior metformin use

Entry events with any of the following criteria:

  1. having at least 1 drug era of ‘Metformin’, starting anytime up to 90 days before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period; with era length >= 90 days.
  2. having at least 3 drug exposures of ‘Metformin’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

II. No prior insulin use or combo initiation: Proxy for < 30 days drug era anytime before index and no combination use on index

Entry events with all of the following criteria:

  1. having no drug eras of ‘Insulin’, starting anytime up to 30 days before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period; with era length > 30 days.
  2. having no drug eras of ‘Insulin’, starting between 30 days before and 0 days after cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

B.9.3 Cohort Exit

The cohort end date will be based on a continuous exposure to ‘sitagliptin’: allowing 30 days between exposures, adding 0 days after exposure ends, and using days supply and exposure end date for exposure duration.

B.9.4 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 0 days of each other.

B.9.5 Concept: sitagliptin

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1580747 sitagliptin 593411 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.9.6 Concept: Insulin

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1596977 insulin, regular, human 253182 RxNorm NO YES NO
1550023 insulin lispro 86009 RxNorm NO YES NO
1567198 insulin aspart, human 51428 RxNorm NO YES NO
1502905 insulin glargine 274783 RxNorm NO YES NO
1513876 insulin lispro protamine, human 314684 RxNorm NO YES NO
1531601 insulin aspart protamine, human 352385 RxNorm NO YES NO
1586346 insulin, regular, pork 221109 RxNorm NO YES NO
1544838 insulin glulisine, human 400008 RxNorm NO YES NO
1516976 insulin detemir 139825 RxNorm NO YES NO
1590165 insulin, regular, beef-pork 235275 RxNorm NO YES NO
1513849 lente insulin, human 314683 RxNorm NO YES NO
1562586 lente insulin, pork 93108 RxNorm NO YES NO
1588986 insulin human, rDNA origin 631657 RxNorm NO YES NO
1513843 lente insulin, beef-pork 314682 RxNorm NO YES NO
1586369 ultralente insulin, human 221110 RxNorm NO YES NO
35605670 insulin argine 1740938 RxNorm NO YES NO
35602717 insulin degludec 1670007 RxNorm NO YES NO
19078608 insulin, protamine zinc, beef-pork 100 UNT/ML Injectable Suspension 311053 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.9.7 Concept: Metformin

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1503297 metformin 6809 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.9.8 Concept: Secondary diabetes mellitus

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
195771 Secondary diabetes mellitus 8801005 SNOMED NO YES NO
761051 Complication due to secondary diabetes mellitus 138811000119100 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.9.9 Concept: Type 1 diabetes mellitus

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
40484649 Type 1 diabetes mellitus well controlled 444074000 SNOMED NO YES NO
42689695 Eating disorder co-occurrent with diabetes mellitus type 1 1067201000000106 SNOMED NO YES NO
765533 Glaucoma due to diabetes mellitus type 1 60981000119103 SNOMED NO YES NO
43531006 Maturity onset diabetes of the young, type 1 609562003 SNOMED NO YES NO
765650 Cranial nerve palsy due to diabetes mellitus type 1 82561000119101 SNOMED NO YES NO
45770986 Retinopathy due to unstable diabetes mellitus type 1 706894000 SNOMED NO YES NO
201254 Type 1 diabetes mellitus 46635009 SNOMED NO YES NO
45768456 Neuropathy due to unstable diabetes mellitus type 1 706891008 SNOMED NO YES NO
40484648 Type 1 diabetes mellitus uncontrolled 444073006 SNOMED NO YES NO
4128019 Brittle type 1 diabetes mellitus 290002008 SNOMED NO YES NO
435216 Disorder due to type 1 diabetes mellitus 420868002 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.9.10 Concept: Type 2 diabetes mellitus

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
443238 Diabetic - poor control 268519009 SNOMED NO YES NO
201820 Diabetes mellitus 73211009 SNOMED NO YES NO
442793 Complication due to diabetes mellitus 74627003 SNOMED NO YES NO
40484648 Type 1 diabetes mellitus uncontrolled 444073006 SNOMED YES YES NO
201254 Type 1 diabetes mellitus 46635009 SNOMED YES YES NO
435216 Disorder due to type 1 diabetes mellitus 420868002 SNOMED YES YES NO
195771 Secondary diabetes mellitus 8801005 SNOMED YES YES NO
761051 Complication due to secondary diabetes mellitus 138811000119100 SNOMED YES YES NO
4016045 Diabetic - good control 170763003 SNOMED NO YES NO
40484649 Type 1 diabetes mellitus well controlled 444074000 SNOMED YES YES NO
43531009 Pregnancy and type 1 diabetes mellitus 609566000 SNOMED YES YES NO
4024659 Gestational diabetes mellitus 11687002 SNOMED YES YES NO

B.10 New user of glipizide with prior T2DM and prior metformin and no insulin

B.10.1 Cohort Entry Events

People with continuous observation of 365 days before event may enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. drug exposure of ‘glipizide’ for the first time in the person’s history.

Limit cohort entry events to the earliest event per person.

Restrict entry events to with all of the following criteria:

  1. with the following event criteria: who are >= 18 years old.
  2. having at least 1 condition occurrence of ‘Type 2 diabetes mellitus’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.
  3. having no condition occurrences of ‘Type 1 diabetes mellitus’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.
  4. having no condition occurrences of ‘Secondary diabetes mellitus’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

B.10.2 Additional Inclusion Criteria

I. Prior metformin use

Entry events with any of the following criteria:

  1. having at least 1 drug era of ‘Metformin’, starting anytime up to 90 days before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period; with era length >= 90 days.
  2. having at least 3 drug exposures of ‘Metformin’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

II. No prior insulin use or combo initiation: Proxy for < 30 days drug era anytime before index and no combination use on index

Entry events with all of the following criteria:

  1. having no drug eras of ‘Insulin’, starting anytime up to 30 days before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period; with era length > 30 days.
  2. having no drug eras of ‘Insulin’, starting between 30 days before and 0 days after cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

B.10.3 Cohort Exit

The cohort end date will be based on a continuous exposure to ‘glipizide’: allowing 30 days between exposures, adding 0 days after exposure ends, and using days supply and exposure end date for exposure duration.

B.10.4 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 0 days of each other.

B.10.5 Concept: glipizide

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1560171 glipizide 4821 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.10.6 Concept: Insulin

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1596977 insulin, regular, human 253182 RxNorm NO YES NO
1550023 insulin lispro 86009 RxNorm NO YES NO
1567198 insulin aspart, human 51428 RxNorm NO YES NO
1502905 insulin glargine 274783 RxNorm NO YES NO
1513876 insulin lispro protamine, human 314684 RxNorm NO YES NO
1531601 insulin aspart protamine, human 352385 RxNorm NO YES NO
1586346 insulin, regular, pork 221109 RxNorm NO YES NO
1544838 insulin glulisine, human 400008 RxNorm NO YES NO
1516976 insulin detemir 139825 RxNorm NO YES NO
1590165 insulin, regular, beef-pork 235275 RxNorm NO YES NO
1513849 lente insulin, human 314683 RxNorm NO YES NO
1562586 lente insulin, pork 93108 RxNorm NO YES NO
1588986 insulin human, rDNA origin 631657 RxNorm NO YES NO
1513843 lente insulin, beef-pork 314682 RxNorm NO YES NO
1586369 ultralente insulin, human 221110 RxNorm NO YES NO
35605670 insulin argine 1740938 RxNorm NO YES NO
35602717 insulin degludec 1670007 RxNorm NO YES NO
19078608 insulin, protamine zinc, beef-pork 100 UNT/ML Injectable Suspension 311053 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.10.7 Concept: Metformin

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1503297 metformin 6809 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.10.8 Concept: Secondary diabetes mellitus

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
195771 Secondary diabetes mellitus 8801005 SNOMED NO YES NO
761051 Complication due to secondary diabetes mellitus 138811000119100 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.10.9 Concept: Type 1 diabetes mellitus

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
40484649 Type 1 diabetes mellitus well controlled 444074000 SNOMED NO YES NO
42689695 Eating disorder co-occurrent with diabetes mellitus type 1 1067201000000106 SNOMED NO YES NO
765533 Glaucoma due to diabetes mellitus type 1 60981000119103 SNOMED NO YES NO
43531006 Maturity onset diabetes of the young, type 1 609562003 SNOMED NO YES NO
765650 Cranial nerve palsy due to diabetes mellitus type 1 82561000119101 SNOMED NO YES NO
45770986 Retinopathy due to unstable diabetes mellitus type 1 706894000 SNOMED NO YES NO
201254 Type 1 diabetes mellitus 46635009 SNOMED NO YES NO
45768456 Neuropathy due to unstable diabetes mellitus type 1 706891008 SNOMED NO YES NO
40484648 Type 1 diabetes mellitus uncontrolled 444073006 SNOMED NO YES NO
4128019 Brittle type 1 diabetes mellitus 290002008 SNOMED NO YES NO
435216 Disorder due to type 1 diabetes mellitus 420868002 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.10.10 Concept: Type 2 diabetes mellitus

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
443238 Diabetic - poor control 268519009 SNOMED NO YES NO
201820 Diabetes mellitus 73211009 SNOMED NO YES NO
442793 Complication due to diabetes mellitus 74627003 SNOMED NO YES NO
40484648 Type 1 diabetes mellitus uncontrolled 444073006 SNOMED YES YES NO
201254 Type 1 diabetes mellitus 46635009 SNOMED YES YES NO
435216 Disorder due to type 1 diabetes mellitus 420868002 SNOMED YES YES NO
195771 Secondary diabetes mellitus 8801005 SNOMED YES YES NO
761051 Complication due to secondary diabetes mellitus 138811000119100 SNOMED YES YES NO
4016045 Diabetic - good control 170763003 SNOMED NO YES NO
40484649 Type 1 diabetes mellitus well controlled 444074000 SNOMED YES YES NO
43531009 Pregnancy and type 1 diabetes mellitus 609566000 SNOMED YES YES NO
4024659 Gestational diabetes mellitus 11687002 SNOMED YES YES NO

B.11 New user of dulaglutide with prior T2DM and prior metformin and no insulin

B.11.1 Cohort Entry Events

People with continuous observation of 365 days before event may enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. drug exposure of ‘dulaglutide’ for the first time in the person’s history.

Limit cohort entry events to the earliest event per person.

Restrict entry events to with all of the following criteria:

  1. with the following event criteria: who are >= 18 years old.
  2. having at least 1 condition occurrence of ‘Type 2 diabetes mellitus’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.
  3. having no condition occurrences of ‘Type 1 diabetes mellitus’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.
  4. having no condition occurrences of ‘Secondary diabetes mellitus’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

B.11.2 Additional Inclusion Criteria

I. Prior metformin use

Entry events with any of the following criteria:

  1. having at least 1 drug era of ‘Metformin’, starting anytime up to 90 days before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period; with era length >= 90 days.
  2. having at least 3 drug exposures of ‘Metformin’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

II. No prior insulin use or combo initiation: Proxy for < 30 days drug era anytime before index and no combination use on index

Entry events with all of the following criteria:

  1. having no drug eras of ‘Insulin’, starting anytime up to 30 days before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period; with era length > 30 days.
  2. having no drug eras of ‘Insulin’, starting between 30 days before and 0 days after cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

B.11.3 Cohort Exit

The cohort end date will be based on a continuous exposure to ‘dulaglutide’: allowing 30 days between exposures, adding 0 days after exposure ends, and using days supply and exposure end date for exposure duration.

B.11.4 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 0 days of each other.

B.11.5 Concept: dulaglutide

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
45774435 dulaglutide 1551291 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.11.6 Concept: Insulin

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1596977 insulin, regular, human 253182 RxNorm NO YES NO
1550023 insulin lispro 86009 RxNorm NO YES NO
1567198 insulin aspart, human 51428 RxNorm NO YES NO
1502905 insulin glargine 274783 RxNorm NO YES NO
1513876 insulin lispro protamine, human 314684 RxNorm NO YES NO
1531601 insulin aspart protamine, human 352385 RxNorm NO YES NO
1586346 insulin, regular, pork 221109 RxNorm NO YES NO
1544838 insulin glulisine, human 400008 RxNorm NO YES NO
1516976 insulin detemir 139825 RxNorm NO YES NO
1590165 insulin, regular, beef-pork 235275 RxNorm NO YES NO
1513849 lente insulin, human 314683 RxNorm NO YES NO
1562586 lente insulin, pork 93108 RxNorm NO YES NO
1588986 insulin human, rDNA origin 631657 RxNorm NO YES NO
1513843 lente insulin, beef-pork 314682 RxNorm NO YES NO
1586369 ultralente insulin, human 221110 RxNorm NO YES NO
35605670 insulin argine 1740938 RxNorm NO YES NO
35602717 insulin degludec 1670007 RxNorm NO YES NO
19078608 insulin, protamine zinc, beef-pork 100 UNT/ML Injectable Suspension 311053 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.11.7 Concept: Metformin

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1503297 metformin 6809 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.11.8 Concept: Secondary diabetes mellitus

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
195771 Secondary diabetes mellitus 8801005 SNOMED NO YES NO
761051 Complication due to secondary diabetes mellitus 138811000119100 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.11.9 Concept: Type 1 diabetes mellitus

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
40484649 Type 1 diabetes mellitus well controlled 444074000 SNOMED NO YES NO
42689695 Eating disorder co-occurrent with diabetes mellitus type 1 1067201000000106 SNOMED NO YES NO
765533 Glaucoma due to diabetes mellitus type 1 60981000119103 SNOMED NO YES NO
43531006 Maturity onset diabetes of the young, type 1 609562003 SNOMED NO YES NO
765650 Cranial nerve palsy due to diabetes mellitus type 1 82561000119101 SNOMED NO YES NO
45770986 Retinopathy due to unstable diabetes mellitus type 1 706894000 SNOMED NO YES NO
201254 Type 1 diabetes mellitus 46635009 SNOMED NO YES NO
45768456 Neuropathy due to unstable diabetes mellitus type 1 706891008 SNOMED NO YES NO
40484648 Type 1 diabetes mellitus uncontrolled 444073006 SNOMED NO YES NO
4128019 Brittle type 1 diabetes mellitus 290002008 SNOMED NO YES NO
435216 Disorder due to type 1 diabetes mellitus 420868002 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.11.10 Concept: Type 2 diabetes mellitus

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
443238 Diabetic - poor control 268519009 SNOMED NO YES NO
201820 Diabetes mellitus 73211009 SNOMED NO YES NO
442793 Complication due to diabetes mellitus 74627003 SNOMED NO YES NO
40484648 Type 1 diabetes mellitus uncontrolled 444073006 SNOMED YES YES NO
201254 Type 1 diabetes mellitus 46635009 SNOMED YES YES NO
435216 Disorder due to type 1 diabetes mellitus 420868002 SNOMED YES YES NO
195771 Secondary diabetes mellitus 8801005 SNOMED YES YES NO
761051 Complication due to secondary diabetes mellitus 138811000119100 SNOMED YES YES NO
4016045 Diabetic - good control 170763003 SNOMED NO YES NO
40484649 Type 1 diabetes mellitus well controlled 444074000 SNOMED YES YES NO
43531009 Pregnancy and type 1 diabetes mellitus 609566000 SNOMED YES YES NO
4024659 Gestational diabetes mellitus 11687002 SNOMED YES YES NO

B.12 New user of exenatide with prior T2DM and prior metformin and no insulin

B.12.1 Cohort Entry Events

People with continuous observation of 365 days before event may enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. drug exposure of ‘exenatide’ for the first time in the person’s history.

Limit cohort entry events to the earliest event per person.

Restrict entry events to with all of the following criteria:

  1. with the following event criteria: who are >= 18 years old.
  2. having at least 1 condition occurrence of ‘Type 2 diabetes mellitus’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.
  3. having no condition occurrences of ‘Type 1 diabetes mellitus’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.
  4. having no condition occurrences of ‘Secondary diabetes mellitus’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

B.12.2 Additional Inclusion Criteria

I. Prior metformin use

Entry events with any of the following criteria:

  1. having at least 1 drug era of ‘Metformin’, starting anytime up to 90 days before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period; with era length >= 90 days.
  2. having at least 3 drug exposures of ‘Metformin’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

II. No prior insulin use or combo initiation: Proxy for < 30 days drug era anytime before index and no combination use on index

Entry events with all of the following criteria:

  1. having no drug eras of ‘Insulin’, starting anytime up to 30 days before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period; with era length > 30 days.
  2. having no drug eras of ‘Insulin’, starting between 30 days before and 0 days after cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

B.12.3 Cohort Exit

The cohort end date will be based on a continuous exposure to ‘exenatide’: allowing 30 days between exposures, adding 0 days after exposure ends, and using days supply and exposure end date for exposure duration.

B.12.4 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 0 days of each other.

B.12.5 Concept: exenatide

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1583722 exenatide 60548 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.12.6 Concept: Insulin

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1596977 insulin, regular, human 253182 RxNorm NO YES NO
1550023 insulin lispro 86009 RxNorm NO YES NO
1567198 insulin aspart, human 51428 RxNorm NO YES NO
1502905 insulin glargine 274783 RxNorm NO YES NO
1513876 insulin lispro protamine, human 314684 RxNorm NO YES NO
1531601 insulin aspart protamine, human 352385 RxNorm NO YES NO
1586346 insulin, regular, pork 221109 RxNorm NO YES NO
1544838 insulin glulisine, human 400008 RxNorm NO YES NO
1516976 insulin detemir 139825 RxNorm NO YES NO
1590165 insulin, regular, beef-pork 235275 RxNorm NO YES NO
1513849 lente insulin, human 314683 RxNorm NO YES NO
1562586 lente insulin, pork 93108 RxNorm NO YES NO
1588986 insulin human, rDNA origin 631657 RxNorm NO YES NO
1513843 lente insulin, beef-pork 314682 RxNorm NO YES NO
1586369 ultralente insulin, human 221110 RxNorm NO YES NO
35605670 insulin argine 1740938 RxNorm NO YES NO
35602717 insulin degludec 1670007 RxNorm NO YES NO
19078608 insulin, protamine zinc, beef-pork 100 UNT/ML Injectable Suspension 311053 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.12.7 Concept: Metformin

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1503297 metformin 6809 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.12.8 Concept: Secondary diabetes mellitus

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
195771 Secondary diabetes mellitus 8801005 SNOMED NO YES NO
761051 Complication due to secondary diabetes mellitus 138811000119100 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.12.9 Concept: Type 1 diabetes mellitus

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
40484649 Type 1 diabetes mellitus well controlled 444074000 SNOMED NO YES NO
42689695 Eating disorder co-occurrent with diabetes mellitus type 1 1067201000000106 SNOMED NO YES NO
765533 Glaucoma due to diabetes mellitus type 1 60981000119103 SNOMED NO YES NO
43531006 Maturity onset diabetes of the young, type 1 609562003 SNOMED NO YES NO
765650 Cranial nerve palsy due to diabetes mellitus type 1 82561000119101 SNOMED NO YES NO
45770986 Retinopathy due to unstable diabetes mellitus type 1 706894000 SNOMED NO YES NO
201254 Type 1 diabetes mellitus 46635009 SNOMED NO YES NO
45768456 Neuropathy due to unstable diabetes mellitus type 1 706891008 SNOMED NO YES NO
40484648 Type 1 diabetes mellitus uncontrolled 444073006 SNOMED NO YES NO
4128019 Brittle type 1 diabetes mellitus 290002008 SNOMED NO YES NO
435216 Disorder due to type 1 diabetes mellitus 420868002 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.12.10 Concept: Type 2 diabetes mellitus

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
443238 Diabetic - poor control 268519009 SNOMED NO YES NO
201820 Diabetes mellitus 73211009 SNOMED NO YES NO
442793 Complication due to diabetes mellitus 74627003 SNOMED NO YES NO
40484648 Type 1 diabetes mellitus uncontrolled 444073006 SNOMED YES YES NO
201254 Type 1 diabetes mellitus 46635009 SNOMED YES YES NO
435216 Disorder due to type 1 diabetes mellitus 420868002 SNOMED YES YES NO
195771 Secondary diabetes mellitus 8801005 SNOMED YES YES NO
761051 Complication due to secondary diabetes mellitus 138811000119100 SNOMED YES YES NO
4016045 Diabetic - good control 170763003 SNOMED NO YES NO
40484649 Type 1 diabetes mellitus well controlled 444074000 SNOMED YES YES NO
43531009 Pregnancy and type 1 diabetes mellitus 609566000 SNOMED YES YES NO
4024659 Gestational diabetes mellitus 11687002 SNOMED YES YES NO

B.13 New user of semaglutide as 2nd-line treatment with prior T2DM Dec2017-Jan2020

B.13.1 Cohort Entry Events

People with continuous observation of 365 days before event may enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. drug exposure of ‘semaglutide’ for the first time in the person’s history.

Limit cohort entry events to the earliest event per person.

Restrict entry events to with all of the following criteria:

  1. with the following event criteria: who are >= 18 years old.
  2. having at least 1 condition occurrence of ‘Type 2 diabetes mellitus’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.
  3. having no condition occurrences of ‘Type 1 diabetes mellitus’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.
  4. having no condition occurrences of ‘Secondary diabetes mellitus’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

B.13.2 Additional Inclusion Criteria

I. Prior metformin use

Entry events with any of the following criteria:

  1. having at least 1 drug era of ‘Metformin’, starting anytime up to 90 days before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period; with era length >= 90 days.
  2. having at least 3 drug exposures of ‘Metformin’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

II. No prior GLP-1 RA exposure

Entry events having no drug exposures of ‘GLP-1 receptor agonists excluding semaglutide’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

III. No prior DPP4 inhibitor exposure

Entry events having no drug exposures of ‘DPP4 inhibitors’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

IV. No prior SGLT-2 inhibitor exposure

Entry events having no drug exposures of ‘SGLT2 inhibitors’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

V. No prior SU exposure

Entry events having no drug exposures of ‘Sulfonylureas’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

VI. No prior other anti-diabetic exposure

Entry events having no drug exposures of ‘Other anti-diabetics’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

VII. No prior insulin use or combo initiation: Proxy for < 30 days drug era anytime before index and no combination use on index

Entry events with all of the following criteria:

  1. having no drug eras of ‘Insulin’, starting anytime up to 30 days before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period; with era length > 30 days.
  2. having no drug eras of ‘Insulin’, starting between 30 days before and 0 days after cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

VIII. index date between 1Dec2017 and 31Jan2020

Entry events with the following event criteria: starting between December 1, 2017 and January 31, 2020.

B.13.3 Cohort Exit

The cohort end date will be based on a continuous exposure to ‘semaglutide’: allowing 30 days between exposures, adding 0 days after exposure ends, and using days supply and exposure end date for exposure duration.

B.13.4 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 0 days of each other.

B.13.5 Concept: DPP4 inhibitors

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
43013884 alogliptin 1368001 RxNorm NO YES NO
40239216 linagliptin 1100699 RxNorm NO YES NO
40166035 saxagliptin 857974 RxNorm NO YES NO
1580747 sitagliptin 593411 RxNorm NO YES NO
19122137 vildagliptin 596554 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.13.6 Concept: semaglutide

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
793143 semaglutide 1991302 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.13.7 Concept: SGLT2 inhibitors

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
43526465 canagliflozin 1373458 RxNorm NO YES NO
44785829 dapagliflozin 1488564 RxNorm NO YES NO
45774751 empagliflozin 1545653 RxNorm NO YES NO
793293 ertugliflozin 1992672 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.13.8 Concept: Sulfonylureas

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1594973 chlorpropamide 2404 RxNorm NO YES NO
1597756 glimepiride 25789 RxNorm NO YES NO
1560171 glipizide 4821 RxNorm NO YES NO
19097821 gliquidone 25793 RxNorm NO YES NO
1559684 glyburide 4815 RxNorm NO YES NO
1502809 tolazamide 10633 RxNorm NO YES NO
1502855 tolbutamide 10635 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.13.9 Concept: Other anti-diabetics

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1529331 acarbose 16681 RxNorm NO YES NO
1530014 acetohexamide 173 RxNorm NO YES NO
730548 bromocriptine 1760 RxNorm NO YES NO
19033498 carbutamide 2068 RxNorm NO YES NO
19001409 glibornuride 102846 RxNorm NO YES NO
19059796 gliclazide 4816 RxNorm NO YES NO
19001441 glymidine 102848 RxNorm NO YES NO
1510202 miglitol 30009 RxNorm NO YES NO
1502826 nateglinide 274332 RxNorm NO YES NO
1525215 pioglitazone 33738 RxNorm NO YES NO
1516766 repaglinide 73044 RxNorm NO YES NO
1547504 rosiglitazone 84108 RxNorm NO YES NO
1515249 troglitazone 72610 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.13.10 Concept: Insulin

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1596977 insulin, regular, human 253182 RxNorm NO YES NO
1550023 insulin lispro 86009 RxNorm NO YES NO
1567198 insulin aspart, human 51428 RxNorm NO YES NO
1502905 insulin glargine 274783 RxNorm NO YES NO
1513876 insulin lispro protamine, human 314684 RxNorm NO YES NO
1531601 insulin aspart protamine, human 352385 RxNorm NO YES NO
1586346 insulin, regular, pork 221109 RxNorm NO YES NO
1544838 insulin glulisine, human 400008 RxNorm NO YES NO
1516976 insulin detemir 139825 RxNorm NO YES NO
1590165 insulin, regular, beef-pork 235275 RxNorm NO YES NO
1513849 lente insulin, human 314683 RxNorm NO YES NO
1562586 lente insulin, pork 93108 RxNorm NO YES NO
1588986 insulin human, rDNA origin 631657 RxNorm NO YES NO
1513843 lente insulin, beef-pork 314682 RxNorm NO YES NO
1586369 ultralente insulin, human 221110 RxNorm NO YES NO
35605670 insulin argine 1740938 RxNorm NO YES NO
35602717 insulin degludec 1670007 RxNorm NO YES NO
19078608 insulin, protamine zinc, beef-pork 100 UNT/ML Injectable Suspension 311053 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.13.11 Concept: Metformin

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1503297 metformin 6809 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.13.12 Concept: Secondary diabetes mellitus

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
195771 Secondary diabetes mellitus 8801005 SNOMED NO YES NO
761051 Complication due to secondary diabetes mellitus 138811000119100 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.13.13 Concept: Type 1 diabetes mellitus

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
40484649 Type 1 diabetes mellitus well controlled 444074000 SNOMED NO YES NO
42689695 Eating disorder co-occurrent with diabetes mellitus type 1 1067201000000106 SNOMED NO YES NO
765533 Glaucoma due to diabetes mellitus type 1 60981000119103 SNOMED NO YES NO
43531006 Maturity onset diabetes of the young, type 1 609562003 SNOMED NO YES NO
765650 Cranial nerve palsy due to diabetes mellitus type 1 82561000119101 SNOMED NO YES NO
45770986 Retinopathy due to unstable diabetes mellitus type 1 706894000 SNOMED NO YES NO
201254 Type 1 diabetes mellitus 46635009 SNOMED NO YES NO
45768456 Neuropathy due to unstable diabetes mellitus type 1 706891008 SNOMED NO YES NO
40484648 Type 1 diabetes mellitus uncontrolled 444073006 SNOMED NO YES NO
4128019 Brittle type 1 diabetes mellitus 290002008 SNOMED NO YES NO
435216 Disorder due to type 1 diabetes mellitus 420868002 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.13.14 Concept: Type 2 diabetes mellitus

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
443238 Diabetic - poor control 268519009 SNOMED NO YES NO
201820 Diabetes mellitus 73211009 SNOMED NO YES NO
442793 Complication due to diabetes mellitus 74627003 SNOMED NO YES NO
40484648 Type 1 diabetes mellitus uncontrolled 444073006 SNOMED YES YES NO
201254 Type 1 diabetes mellitus 46635009 SNOMED YES YES NO
435216 Disorder due to type 1 diabetes mellitus 420868002 SNOMED YES YES NO
195771 Secondary diabetes mellitus 8801005 SNOMED YES YES NO
761051 Complication due to secondary diabetes mellitus 138811000119100 SNOMED YES YES NO
4016045 Diabetic - good control 170763003 SNOMED NO YES NO
40484649 Type 1 diabetes mellitus well controlled 444074000 SNOMED YES YES NO
43531009 Pregnancy and type 1 diabetes mellitus 609566000 SNOMED YES YES NO
4024659 Gestational diabetes mellitus 11687002 SNOMED YES YES NO

B.13.15 Concept: GLP-1 receptor agonists excluding semaglutide

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
45774435 dulaglutide 1551291 RxNorm NO YES NO
1583722 exenatide 60548 RxNorm NO YES NO
40170911 liraglutide 475968 RxNorm NO YES NO
44506754 lixisenatide 1440051 RxNorm NO YES NO
793143 semaglutide 1991302 RxNorm YES YES NO
44816332 albiglutide 1534763 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.14 New user of semaglutide as 2nd-line treatment with prior T2DM Feb2020-Jun2021

B.14.1 Cohort Entry Events

People with continuous observation of 365 days before event may enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. drug exposure of ‘semaglutide’ for the first time in the person’s history.

Limit cohort entry events to the earliest event per person.

Restrict entry events to with all of the following criteria:

  1. with the following event criteria: who are >= 18 years old.
  2. having at least 1 condition occurrence of ‘Type 2 diabetes mellitus’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.
  3. having no condition occurrences of ‘Type 1 diabetes mellitus’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.
  4. having no condition occurrences of ‘Secondary diabetes mellitus’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

B.14.2 Additional Inclusion Criteria

I. Prior metformin use

Entry events with any of the following criteria:

  1. having at least 1 drug era of ‘Metformin’, starting anytime up to 90 days before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period; with era length >= 90 days.
  2. having at least 3 drug exposures of ‘Metformin’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

II. No prior GLP-1 RA exposure

Entry events having no drug exposures of ‘GLP-1 receptor agonists excluding semaglutide’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

III. No prior DPP4 inhibitor exposure

Entry events having no drug exposures of ‘DPP4 inhibitors’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

IV. No prior SGLT-2 inhibitor exposure

Entry events having no drug exposures of ‘SGLT2 inhibitors’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

V. No prior SU exposure

Entry events having no drug exposures of ‘Sulfonylureas’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

VI. No prior other anti-diabetic exposure

Entry events having no drug exposures of ‘Other anti-diabetics’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

VII. No prior insulin use or combo initiation: Proxy for < 30 days drug era anytime before index and no combination use on index

Entry events with all of the following criteria:

  1. having no drug eras of ‘Insulin’, starting anytime up to 30 days before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period; with era length > 30 days.
  2. having no drug eras of ‘Insulin’, starting between 30 days before and 0 days after cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

VIII. index date between 1Feb2020 and 30Jun2021

Entry events with the following event criteria: starting between February 1, 2020 and June 30, 2021.

B.14.3 Cohort Exit

The cohort end date will be based on a continuous exposure to ‘semaglutide’: allowing 30 days between exposures, adding 0 days after exposure ends, and using days supply and exposure end date for exposure duration.

B.14.4 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 0 days of each other.

B.14.5 Concept: DPP4 inhibitors

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
43013884 alogliptin 1368001 RxNorm NO YES NO
40239216 linagliptin 1100699 RxNorm NO YES NO
40166035 saxagliptin 857974 RxNorm NO YES NO
1580747 sitagliptin 593411 RxNorm NO YES NO
19122137 vildagliptin 596554 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.14.6 Concept: semaglutide

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
793143 semaglutide 1991302 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.14.7 Concept: SGLT2 inhibitors

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
43526465 canagliflozin 1373458 RxNorm NO YES NO
44785829 dapagliflozin 1488564 RxNorm NO YES NO
45774751 empagliflozin 1545653 RxNorm NO YES NO
793293 ertugliflozin 1992672 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.14.8 Concept: Sulfonylureas

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1594973 chlorpropamide 2404 RxNorm NO YES NO
1597756 glimepiride 25789 RxNorm NO YES NO
1560171 glipizide 4821 RxNorm NO YES NO
19097821 gliquidone 25793 RxNorm NO YES NO
1559684 glyburide 4815 RxNorm NO YES NO
1502809 tolazamide 10633 RxNorm NO YES NO
1502855 tolbutamide 10635 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.14.9 Concept: Other anti-diabetics

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1529331 acarbose 16681 RxNorm NO YES NO
1530014 acetohexamide 173 RxNorm NO YES NO
730548 bromocriptine 1760 RxNorm NO YES NO
19033498 carbutamide 2068 RxNorm NO YES NO
19001409 glibornuride 102846 RxNorm NO YES NO
19059796 gliclazide 4816 RxNorm NO YES NO
19001441 glymidine 102848 RxNorm NO YES NO
1510202 miglitol 30009 RxNorm NO YES NO
1502826 nateglinide 274332 RxNorm NO YES NO
1525215 pioglitazone 33738 RxNorm NO YES NO
1516766 repaglinide 73044 RxNorm NO YES NO
1547504 rosiglitazone 84108 RxNorm NO YES NO
1515249 troglitazone 72610 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.14.10 Concept: Insulin

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1596977 insulin, regular, human 253182 RxNorm NO YES NO
1550023 insulin lispro 86009 RxNorm NO YES NO
1567198 insulin aspart, human 51428 RxNorm NO YES NO
1502905 insulin glargine 274783 RxNorm NO YES NO
1513876 insulin lispro protamine, human 314684 RxNorm NO YES NO
1531601 insulin aspart protamine, human 352385 RxNorm NO YES NO
1586346 insulin, regular, pork 221109 RxNorm NO YES NO
1544838 insulin glulisine, human 400008 RxNorm NO YES NO
1516976 insulin detemir 139825 RxNorm NO YES NO
1590165 insulin, regular, beef-pork 235275 RxNorm NO YES NO
1513849 lente insulin, human 314683 RxNorm NO YES NO
1562586 lente insulin, pork 93108 RxNorm NO YES NO
1588986 insulin human, rDNA origin 631657 RxNorm NO YES NO
1513843 lente insulin, beef-pork 314682 RxNorm NO YES NO
1586369 ultralente insulin, human 221110 RxNorm NO YES NO
35605670 insulin argine 1740938 RxNorm NO YES NO
35602717 insulin degludec 1670007 RxNorm NO YES NO
19078608 insulin, protamine zinc, beef-pork 100 UNT/ML Injectable Suspension 311053 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.14.11 Concept: Metformin

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1503297 metformin 6809 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.14.12 Concept: Secondary diabetes mellitus

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
195771 Secondary diabetes mellitus 8801005 SNOMED NO YES NO
761051 Complication due to secondary diabetes mellitus 138811000119100 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.14.13 Concept: Type 1 diabetes mellitus

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
40484649 Type 1 diabetes mellitus well controlled 444074000 SNOMED NO YES NO
42689695 Eating disorder co-occurrent with diabetes mellitus type 1 1067201000000106 SNOMED NO YES NO
765533 Glaucoma due to diabetes mellitus type 1 60981000119103 SNOMED NO YES NO
43531006 Maturity onset diabetes of the young, type 1 609562003 SNOMED NO YES NO
765650 Cranial nerve palsy due to diabetes mellitus type 1 82561000119101 SNOMED NO YES NO
45770986 Retinopathy due to unstable diabetes mellitus type 1 706894000 SNOMED NO YES NO
201254 Type 1 diabetes mellitus 46635009 SNOMED NO YES NO
45768456 Neuropathy due to unstable diabetes mellitus type 1 706891008 SNOMED NO YES NO
40484648 Type 1 diabetes mellitus uncontrolled 444073006 SNOMED NO YES NO
4128019 Brittle type 1 diabetes mellitus 290002008 SNOMED NO YES NO
435216 Disorder due to type 1 diabetes mellitus 420868002 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.14.14 Concept: Type 2 diabetes mellitus

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
443238 Diabetic - poor control 268519009 SNOMED NO YES NO
201820 Diabetes mellitus 73211009 SNOMED NO YES NO
442793 Complication due to diabetes mellitus 74627003 SNOMED NO YES NO
40484648 Type 1 diabetes mellitus uncontrolled 444073006 SNOMED YES YES NO
201254 Type 1 diabetes mellitus 46635009 SNOMED YES YES NO
435216 Disorder due to type 1 diabetes mellitus 420868002 SNOMED YES YES NO
195771 Secondary diabetes mellitus 8801005 SNOMED YES YES NO
761051 Complication due to secondary diabetes mellitus 138811000119100 SNOMED YES YES NO
4016045 Diabetic - good control 170763003 SNOMED NO YES NO
40484649 Type 1 diabetes mellitus well controlled 444074000 SNOMED YES YES NO
43531009 Pregnancy and type 1 diabetes mellitus 609566000 SNOMED YES YES NO
4024659 Gestational diabetes mellitus 11687002 SNOMED YES YES NO

B.14.15 Concept: GLP-1 receptor agonists excluding semaglutide

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
45774435 dulaglutide 1551291 RxNorm NO YES NO
1583722 exenatide 60548 RxNorm NO YES NO
40170911 liraglutide 475968 RxNorm NO YES NO
44506754 lixisenatide 1440051 RxNorm NO YES NO
793143 semaglutide 1991302 RxNorm YES YES NO
44816332 albiglutide 1534763 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.15 New user of semaglutide as 2nd-line treatment with prior T2DM Jul2021-Dec2023

B.15.1 Cohort Entry Events

People with continuous observation of 365 days before event may enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. drug exposure of ‘semaglutide’ for the first time in the person’s history.

Limit cohort entry events to the earliest event per person.

Restrict entry events to with all of the following criteria:

  1. with the following event criteria: who are >= 18 years old.
  2. having at least 1 condition occurrence of ‘Type 2 diabetes mellitus’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.
  3. having no condition occurrences of ‘Type 1 diabetes mellitus’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.
  4. having no condition occurrences of ‘Secondary diabetes mellitus’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

B.15.2 Additional Inclusion Criteria

I. Prior metformin use

Entry events with any of the following criteria:

  1. having at least 1 drug era of ‘Metformin’, starting anytime up to 90 days before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period; with era length >= 90 days.
  2. having at least 3 drug exposures of ‘Metformin’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

II. No prior GLP-1 RA exposure

Entry events having no drug exposures of ‘GLP-1 receptor agonists excluding semaglutide’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

III. No prior DPP4 inhibitor exposure

Entry events having no drug exposures of ‘DPP4 inhibitors’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

IV. No prior SGLT-2 inhibitor exposure

Entry events having no drug exposures of ‘SGLT2 inhibitors’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

V. No prior SU exposure

Entry events having no drug exposures of ‘Sulfonylureas’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

VI. No prior other anti-diabetic exposure

Entry events having no drug exposures of ‘Other anti-diabetics’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

VII. No prior insulin use or combo initiation: Proxy for < 30 days drug era anytime before index and no combination use on index

Entry events with all of the following criteria:

  1. having no drug eras of ‘Insulin’, starting anytime up to 30 days before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period; with era length > 30 days.
  2. having no drug eras of ‘Insulin’, starting between 30 days before and 0 days after cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

VIII. index date between 1Jul2021 and 31Dec2023

Entry events with the following event criteria: starting between July 1, 2021 and December 31, 2023.

B.15.3 Cohort Exit

The cohort end date will be based on a continuous exposure to ‘semaglutide’: allowing 30 days between exposures, adding 0 days after exposure ends, and using days supply and exposure end date for exposure duration.

B.15.4 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 0 days of each other.

B.15.5 Concept: DPP4 inhibitors

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
43013884 alogliptin 1368001 RxNorm NO YES NO
40239216 linagliptin 1100699 RxNorm NO YES NO
40166035 saxagliptin 857974 RxNorm NO YES NO
1580747 sitagliptin 593411 RxNorm NO YES NO
19122137 vildagliptin 596554 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.15.6 Concept: semaglutide

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
793143 semaglutide 1991302 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.15.7 Concept: SGLT2 inhibitors

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
43526465 canagliflozin 1373458 RxNorm NO YES NO
44785829 dapagliflozin 1488564 RxNorm NO YES NO
45774751 empagliflozin 1545653 RxNorm NO YES NO
793293 ertugliflozin 1992672 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.15.8 Concept: Sulfonylureas

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1594973 chlorpropamide 2404 RxNorm NO YES NO
1597756 glimepiride 25789 RxNorm NO YES NO
1560171 glipizide 4821 RxNorm NO YES NO
19097821 gliquidone 25793 RxNorm NO YES NO
1559684 glyburide 4815 RxNorm NO YES NO
1502809 tolazamide 10633 RxNorm NO YES NO
1502855 tolbutamide 10635 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.15.9 Concept: Other anti-diabetics

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1529331 acarbose 16681 RxNorm NO YES NO
1530014 acetohexamide 173 RxNorm NO YES NO
730548 bromocriptine 1760 RxNorm NO YES NO
19033498 carbutamide 2068 RxNorm NO YES NO
19001409 glibornuride 102846 RxNorm NO YES NO
19059796 gliclazide 4816 RxNorm NO YES NO
19001441 glymidine 102848 RxNorm NO YES NO
1510202 miglitol 30009 RxNorm NO YES NO
1502826 nateglinide 274332 RxNorm NO YES NO
1525215 pioglitazone 33738 RxNorm NO YES NO
1516766 repaglinide 73044 RxNorm NO YES NO
1547504 rosiglitazone 84108 RxNorm NO YES NO
1515249 troglitazone 72610 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.15.10 Concept: Insulin

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1596977 insulin, regular, human 253182 RxNorm NO YES NO
1550023 insulin lispro 86009 RxNorm NO YES NO
1567198 insulin aspart, human 51428 RxNorm NO YES NO
1502905 insulin glargine 274783 RxNorm NO YES NO
1513876 insulin lispro protamine, human 314684 RxNorm NO YES NO
1531601 insulin aspart protamine, human 352385 RxNorm NO YES NO
1586346 insulin, regular, pork 221109 RxNorm NO YES NO
1544838 insulin glulisine, human 400008 RxNorm NO YES NO
1516976 insulin detemir 139825 RxNorm NO YES NO
1590165 insulin, regular, beef-pork 235275 RxNorm NO YES NO
1513849 lente insulin, human 314683 RxNorm NO YES NO
1562586 lente insulin, pork 93108 RxNorm NO YES NO
1588986 insulin human, rDNA origin 631657 RxNorm NO YES NO
1513843 lente insulin, beef-pork 314682 RxNorm NO YES NO
1586369 ultralente insulin, human 221110 RxNorm NO YES NO
35605670 insulin argine 1740938 RxNorm NO YES NO
35602717 insulin degludec 1670007 RxNorm NO YES NO
19078608 insulin, protamine zinc, beef-pork 100 UNT/ML Injectable Suspension 311053 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.15.11 Concept: Metformin

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1503297 metformin 6809 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.15.12 Concept: Secondary diabetes mellitus

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
195771 Secondary diabetes mellitus 8801005 SNOMED NO YES NO
761051 Complication due to secondary diabetes mellitus 138811000119100 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.15.13 Concept: Type 1 diabetes mellitus

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
40484649 Type 1 diabetes mellitus well controlled 444074000 SNOMED NO YES NO
42689695 Eating disorder co-occurrent with diabetes mellitus type 1 1067201000000106 SNOMED NO YES NO
765533 Glaucoma due to diabetes mellitus type 1 60981000119103 SNOMED NO YES NO
43531006 Maturity onset diabetes of the young, type 1 609562003 SNOMED NO YES NO
765650 Cranial nerve palsy due to diabetes mellitus type 1 82561000119101 SNOMED NO YES NO
45770986 Retinopathy due to unstable diabetes mellitus type 1 706894000 SNOMED NO YES NO
201254 Type 1 diabetes mellitus 46635009 SNOMED NO YES NO
45768456 Neuropathy due to unstable diabetes mellitus type 1 706891008 SNOMED NO YES NO
40484648 Type 1 diabetes mellitus uncontrolled 444073006 SNOMED NO YES NO
4128019 Brittle type 1 diabetes mellitus 290002008 SNOMED NO YES NO
435216 Disorder due to type 1 diabetes mellitus 420868002 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.15.14 Concept: Type 2 diabetes mellitus

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
443238 Diabetic - poor control 268519009 SNOMED NO YES NO
201820 Diabetes mellitus 73211009 SNOMED NO YES NO
442793 Complication due to diabetes mellitus 74627003 SNOMED NO YES NO
40484648 Type 1 diabetes mellitus uncontrolled 444073006 SNOMED YES YES NO
201254 Type 1 diabetes mellitus 46635009 SNOMED YES YES NO
435216 Disorder due to type 1 diabetes mellitus 420868002 SNOMED YES YES NO
195771 Secondary diabetes mellitus 8801005 SNOMED YES YES NO
761051 Complication due to secondary diabetes mellitus 138811000119100 SNOMED YES YES NO
4016045 Diabetic - good control 170763003 SNOMED NO YES NO
40484649 Type 1 diabetes mellitus well controlled 444074000 SNOMED YES YES NO
43531009 Pregnancy and type 1 diabetes mellitus 609566000 SNOMED YES YES NO
4024659 Gestational diabetes mellitus 11687002 SNOMED YES YES NO

B.15.15 Concept: GLP-1 receptor agonists excluding semaglutide

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
45774435 dulaglutide 1551291 RxNorm NO YES NO
1583722 exenatide 60548 RxNorm NO YES NO
40170911 liraglutide 475968 RxNorm NO YES NO
44506754 lixisenatide 1440051 RxNorm NO YES NO
793143 semaglutide 1991302 RxNorm YES YES NO
44816332 albiglutide 1534763 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.16 New user of empagliflozin as 2nd-line treatment with prior T2DM Dec2017-Jan2020

B.16.1 Cohort Entry Events

People with continuous observation of 365 days before event may enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. drug exposure of ‘empagliflozin’ for the first time in the person’s history.

Limit cohort entry events to the earliest event per person.

Restrict entry events to with all of the following criteria:

  1. with the following event criteria: who are >= 18 years old.
  2. having at least 1 condition occurrence of ‘Type 2 diabetes mellitus’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.
  3. having no condition occurrences of ‘Type 1 diabetes mellitus’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.
  4. having no condition occurrences of ‘Secondary diabetes mellitus’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

B.16.2 Additional Inclusion Criteria

I. Prior metformin use

Entry events with any of the following criteria:

  1. having at least 1 drug era of ‘Metformin’, starting anytime up to 90 days before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period; with era length >= 90 days.
  2. having at least 3 drug exposures of ‘Metformin’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

II. No prior GLP-1 RA exposure

Entry events having no drug exposures of ‘GLP-1 receptor agonists’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

III. No prior DPP4 inhibitor exposure

Entry events having no drug exposures of ‘DPP4 inhibitors’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

IV. No prior SGLT-2 inhibitor exposure

Entry events having no drug exposures of ‘SGLT2 inhibitors except empagliflozin’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

V. No prior SU exposure

Entry events having no drug exposures of ‘Sulfonylureas’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

VI. No prior other anti-diabetic exposure

Entry events having no drug exposures of ‘Other anti-diabetics’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

VII. No prior insulin use or combo initiation: Proxy for < 30 days drug era anytime before index and no combination use on index

Entry events with all of the following criteria:

  1. having no drug eras of ‘Insulin’, starting anytime up to 30 days before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period; with era length > 30 days.
  2. having no drug eras of ‘Insulin’, starting between 30 days before and 0 days after cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

VIII. index date between 1Dec2017 and 31Jan2020

Entry events with the following event criteria: starting between December 1, 2017 and January 31, 2020.

B.16.3 Cohort Exit

The cohort end date will be based on a continuous exposure to ‘empagliflozin’: allowing 30 days between exposures, adding 0 days after exposure ends, and using days supply and exposure end date for exposure duration.

B.16.4 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 0 days of each other.

B.16.5 Concept: DPP4 inhibitors

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
43013884 alogliptin 1368001 RxNorm NO YES NO
40239216 linagliptin 1100699 RxNorm NO YES NO
40166035 saxagliptin 857974 RxNorm NO YES NO
1580747 sitagliptin 593411 RxNorm NO YES NO
19122137 vildagliptin 596554 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.16.6 Concept: empagliflozin

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
45774751 empagliflozin 1545653 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.16.7 Concept: SGLT2 inhibitors except empagliflozin

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
43526465 canagliflozin 1373458 RxNorm NO YES NO
44785829 dapagliflozin 1488564 RxNorm NO YES NO
45774751 empagliflozin 1545653 RxNorm YES YES NO
793293 ertugliflozin 1992672 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.16.8 Concept: Sulfonylureas

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1594973 chlorpropamide 2404 RxNorm NO YES NO
1597756 glimepiride 25789 RxNorm NO YES NO
1560171 glipizide 4821 RxNorm NO YES NO
19097821 gliquidone 25793 RxNorm NO YES NO
1559684 glyburide 4815 RxNorm NO YES NO
1502809 tolazamide 10633 RxNorm NO YES NO
1502855 tolbutamide 10635 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.16.9 Concept: Other anti-diabetics

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1529331 acarbose 16681 RxNorm NO YES NO
1530014 acetohexamide 173 RxNorm NO YES NO
730548 bromocriptine 1760 RxNorm NO YES NO
19033498 carbutamide 2068 RxNorm NO YES NO
19001409 glibornuride 102846 RxNorm NO YES NO
19059796 gliclazide 4816 RxNorm NO YES NO
19001441 glymidine 102848 RxNorm NO YES NO
1510202 miglitol 30009 RxNorm NO YES NO
1502826 nateglinide 274332 RxNorm NO YES NO
1525215 pioglitazone 33738 RxNorm NO YES NO
1516766 repaglinide 73044 RxNorm NO YES NO
1547504 rosiglitazone 84108 RxNorm NO YES NO
1515249 troglitazone 72610 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.16.10 Concept: Insulin

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1596977 insulin, regular, human 253182 RxNorm NO YES NO
1550023 insulin lispro 86009 RxNorm NO YES NO
1567198 insulin aspart, human 51428 RxNorm NO YES NO
1502905 insulin glargine 274783 RxNorm NO YES NO
1513876 insulin lispro protamine, human 314684 RxNorm NO YES NO
1531601 insulin aspart protamine, human 352385 RxNorm NO YES NO
1586346 insulin, regular, pork 221109 RxNorm NO YES NO
1544838 insulin glulisine, human 400008 RxNorm NO YES NO
1516976 insulin detemir 139825 RxNorm NO YES NO
1590165 insulin, regular, beef-pork 235275 RxNorm NO YES NO
1513849 lente insulin, human 314683 RxNorm NO YES NO
1562586 lente insulin, pork 93108 RxNorm NO YES NO
1588986 insulin human, rDNA origin 631657 RxNorm NO YES NO
1513843 lente insulin, beef-pork 314682 RxNorm NO YES NO
1586369 ultralente insulin, human 221110 RxNorm NO YES NO
35605670 insulin argine 1740938 RxNorm NO YES NO
35602717 insulin degludec 1670007 RxNorm NO YES NO
19078608 insulin, protamine zinc, beef-pork 100 UNT/ML Injectable Suspension 311053 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.16.11 Concept: Metformin

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1503297 metformin 6809 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.16.12 Concept: Secondary diabetes mellitus

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
195771 Secondary diabetes mellitus 8801005 SNOMED NO YES NO
761051 Complication due to secondary diabetes mellitus 138811000119100 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.16.13 Concept: Type 1 diabetes mellitus

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
40484649 Type 1 diabetes mellitus well controlled 444074000 SNOMED NO YES NO
42689695 Eating disorder co-occurrent with diabetes mellitus type 1 1067201000000106 SNOMED NO YES NO
765533 Glaucoma due to diabetes mellitus type 1 60981000119103 SNOMED NO YES NO
43531006 Maturity onset diabetes of the young, type 1 609562003 SNOMED NO YES NO
765650 Cranial nerve palsy due to diabetes mellitus type 1 82561000119101 SNOMED NO YES NO
45770986 Retinopathy due to unstable diabetes mellitus type 1 706894000 SNOMED NO YES NO
201254 Type 1 diabetes mellitus 46635009 SNOMED NO YES NO
45768456 Neuropathy due to unstable diabetes mellitus type 1 706891008 SNOMED NO YES NO
40484648 Type 1 diabetes mellitus uncontrolled 444073006 SNOMED NO YES NO
4128019 Brittle type 1 diabetes mellitus 290002008 SNOMED NO YES NO
435216 Disorder due to type 1 diabetes mellitus 420868002 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.16.14 Concept: Type 2 diabetes mellitus

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
443238 Diabetic - poor control 268519009 SNOMED NO YES NO
201820 Diabetes mellitus 73211009 SNOMED NO YES NO
442793 Complication due to diabetes mellitus 74627003 SNOMED NO YES NO
40484648 Type 1 diabetes mellitus uncontrolled 444073006 SNOMED YES YES NO
201254 Type 1 diabetes mellitus 46635009 SNOMED YES YES NO
435216 Disorder due to type 1 diabetes mellitus 420868002 SNOMED YES YES NO
195771 Secondary diabetes mellitus 8801005 SNOMED YES YES NO
761051 Complication due to secondary diabetes mellitus 138811000119100 SNOMED YES YES NO
4016045 Diabetic - good control 170763003 SNOMED NO YES NO
40484649 Type 1 diabetes mellitus well controlled 444074000 SNOMED YES YES NO
43531009 Pregnancy and type 1 diabetes mellitus 609566000 SNOMED YES YES NO
4024659 Gestational diabetes mellitus 11687002 SNOMED YES YES NO

B.16.15 Concept: GLP-1 receptor agonists

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
45774435 dulaglutide 1551291 RxNorm NO YES NO
1583722 exenatide 60548 RxNorm NO YES NO
40170911 liraglutide 475968 RxNorm NO YES NO
44506754 lixisenatide 1440051 RxNorm NO YES NO
793143 semaglutide 1991302 RxNorm NO YES NO
44816332 albiglutide 1534763 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.17 New user of empagliflozin as 2nd-line treatment with prior T2DM Feb2020-Jun2021

B.17.1 Cohort Entry Events

People with continuous observation of 365 days before event may enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. drug exposure of ‘empagliflozin’ for the first time in the person’s history.

Limit cohort entry events to the earliest event per person.

Restrict entry events to with all of the following criteria:

  1. with the following event criteria: who are >= 18 years old.
  2. having at least 1 condition occurrence of ‘Type 2 diabetes mellitus’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.
  3. having no condition occurrences of ‘Type 1 diabetes mellitus’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.
  4. having no condition occurrences of ‘Secondary diabetes mellitus’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

B.17.2 Additional Inclusion Criteria

I. Prior metformin use

Entry events with any of the following criteria:

  1. having at least 1 drug era of ‘Metformin’, starting anytime up to 90 days before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period; with era length >= 90 days.
  2. having at least 3 drug exposures of ‘Metformin’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

II. No prior GLP-1 RA exposure

Entry events having no drug exposures of ‘GLP-1 receptor agonists’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

III. No prior DPP4 inhibitor exposure

Entry events having no drug exposures of ‘DPP4 inhibitors’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

IV. No prior SGLT-2 inhibitor exposure

Entry events having no drug exposures of ‘SGLT2 inhibitors except empagliflozin’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

V. No prior SU exposure

Entry events having no drug exposures of ‘Sulfonylureas’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

VI. No prior other anti-diabetic exposure

Entry events having no drug exposures of ‘Other anti-diabetics’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

VII. No prior insulin use or combo initiation: Proxy for < 30 days drug era anytime before index and no combination use on index

Entry events with all of the following criteria:

  1. having no drug eras of ‘Insulin’, starting anytime up to 30 days before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period; with era length > 30 days.
  2. having no drug eras of ‘Insulin’, starting between 30 days before and 0 days after cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

VIII. index date between 1Feb2020 and 30Jun2021

Entry events with the following event criteria: starting between February 1, 2020 and June 30, 2021.

B.17.3 Cohort Exit

The cohort end date will be based on a continuous exposure to ‘empagliflozin’: allowing 30 days between exposures, adding 0 days after exposure ends, and using days supply and exposure end date for exposure duration.

B.17.4 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 0 days of each other.

B.17.5 Concept: DPP4 inhibitors

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
43013884 alogliptin 1368001 RxNorm NO YES NO
40239216 linagliptin 1100699 RxNorm NO YES NO
40166035 saxagliptin 857974 RxNorm NO YES NO
1580747 sitagliptin 593411 RxNorm NO YES NO
19122137 vildagliptin 596554 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.17.6 Concept: empagliflozin

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
45774751 empagliflozin 1545653 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.17.7 Concept: SGLT2 inhibitors except empagliflozin

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
43526465 canagliflozin 1373458 RxNorm NO YES NO
44785829 dapagliflozin 1488564 RxNorm NO YES NO
45774751 empagliflozin 1545653 RxNorm YES YES NO
793293 ertugliflozin 1992672 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.17.8 Concept: Sulfonylureas

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1594973 chlorpropamide 2404 RxNorm NO YES NO
1597756 glimepiride 25789 RxNorm NO YES NO
1560171 glipizide 4821 RxNorm NO YES NO
19097821 gliquidone 25793 RxNorm NO YES NO
1559684 glyburide 4815 RxNorm NO YES NO
1502809 tolazamide 10633 RxNorm NO YES NO
1502855 tolbutamide 10635 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.17.9 Concept: Other anti-diabetics

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1529331 acarbose 16681 RxNorm NO YES NO
1530014 acetohexamide 173 RxNorm NO YES NO
730548 bromocriptine 1760 RxNorm NO YES NO
19033498 carbutamide 2068 RxNorm NO YES NO
19001409 glibornuride 102846 RxNorm NO YES NO
19059796 gliclazide 4816 RxNorm NO YES NO
19001441 glymidine 102848 RxNorm NO YES NO
1510202 miglitol 30009 RxNorm NO YES NO
1502826 nateglinide 274332 RxNorm NO YES NO
1525215 pioglitazone 33738 RxNorm NO YES NO
1516766 repaglinide 73044 RxNorm NO YES NO
1547504 rosiglitazone 84108 RxNorm NO YES NO
1515249 troglitazone 72610 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.17.10 Concept: Insulin

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1596977 insulin, regular, human 253182 RxNorm NO YES NO
1550023 insulin lispro 86009 RxNorm NO YES NO
1567198 insulin aspart, human 51428 RxNorm NO YES NO
1502905 insulin glargine 274783 RxNorm NO YES NO
1513876 insulin lispro protamine, human 314684 RxNorm NO YES NO
1531601 insulin aspart protamine, human 352385 RxNorm NO YES NO
1586346 insulin, regular, pork 221109 RxNorm NO YES NO
1544838 insulin glulisine, human 400008 RxNorm NO YES NO
1516976 insulin detemir 139825 RxNorm NO YES NO
1590165 insulin, regular, beef-pork 235275 RxNorm NO YES NO
1513849 lente insulin, human 314683 RxNorm NO YES NO
1562586 lente insulin, pork 93108 RxNorm NO YES NO
1588986 insulin human, rDNA origin 631657 RxNorm NO YES NO
1513843 lente insulin, beef-pork 314682 RxNorm NO YES NO
1586369 ultralente insulin, human 221110 RxNorm NO YES NO
35605670 insulin argine 1740938 RxNorm NO YES NO
35602717 insulin degludec 1670007 RxNorm NO YES NO
19078608 insulin, protamine zinc, beef-pork 100 UNT/ML Injectable Suspension 311053 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.17.11 Concept: Metformin

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1503297 metformin 6809 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.17.12 Concept: Secondary diabetes mellitus

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
195771 Secondary diabetes mellitus 8801005 SNOMED NO YES NO
761051 Complication due to secondary diabetes mellitus 138811000119100 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.17.13 Concept: Type 1 diabetes mellitus

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
40484649 Type 1 diabetes mellitus well controlled 444074000 SNOMED NO YES NO
42689695 Eating disorder co-occurrent with diabetes mellitus type 1 1067201000000106 SNOMED NO YES NO
765533 Glaucoma due to diabetes mellitus type 1 60981000119103 SNOMED NO YES NO
43531006 Maturity onset diabetes of the young, type 1 609562003 SNOMED NO YES NO
765650 Cranial nerve palsy due to diabetes mellitus type 1 82561000119101 SNOMED NO YES NO
45770986 Retinopathy due to unstable diabetes mellitus type 1 706894000 SNOMED NO YES NO
201254 Type 1 diabetes mellitus 46635009 SNOMED NO YES NO
45768456 Neuropathy due to unstable diabetes mellitus type 1 706891008 SNOMED NO YES NO
40484648 Type 1 diabetes mellitus uncontrolled 444073006 SNOMED NO YES NO
4128019 Brittle type 1 diabetes mellitus 290002008 SNOMED NO YES NO
435216 Disorder due to type 1 diabetes mellitus 420868002 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.17.14 Concept: Type 2 diabetes mellitus

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
443238 Diabetic - poor control 268519009 SNOMED NO YES NO
201820 Diabetes mellitus 73211009 SNOMED NO YES NO
442793 Complication due to diabetes mellitus 74627003 SNOMED NO YES NO
40484648 Type 1 diabetes mellitus uncontrolled 444073006 SNOMED YES YES NO
201254 Type 1 diabetes mellitus 46635009 SNOMED YES YES NO
435216 Disorder due to type 1 diabetes mellitus 420868002 SNOMED YES YES NO
195771 Secondary diabetes mellitus 8801005 SNOMED YES YES NO
761051 Complication due to secondary diabetes mellitus 138811000119100 SNOMED YES YES NO
4016045 Diabetic - good control 170763003 SNOMED NO YES NO
40484649 Type 1 diabetes mellitus well controlled 444074000 SNOMED YES YES NO
43531009 Pregnancy and type 1 diabetes mellitus 609566000 SNOMED YES YES NO
4024659 Gestational diabetes mellitus 11687002 SNOMED YES YES NO

B.17.15 Concept: GLP-1 receptor agonists

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
45774435 dulaglutide 1551291 RxNorm NO YES NO
1583722 exenatide 60548 RxNorm NO YES NO
40170911 liraglutide 475968 RxNorm NO YES NO
44506754 lixisenatide 1440051 RxNorm NO YES NO
793143 semaglutide 1991302 RxNorm NO YES NO
44816332 albiglutide 1534763 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.18 New user of empagliflozin as 2nd-line treatment with prior T2DM Jul2021-Dec2023

B.18.1 Cohort Entry Events

People with continuous observation of 365 days before event may enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. drug exposure of ‘empagliflozin’ for the first time in the person’s history.

Limit cohort entry events to the earliest event per person.

Restrict entry events to with all of the following criteria:

  1. with the following event criteria: who are >= 18 years old.
  2. having at least 1 condition occurrence of ‘Type 2 diabetes mellitus’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.
  3. having no condition occurrences of ‘Type 1 diabetes mellitus’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.
  4. having no condition occurrences of ‘Secondary diabetes mellitus’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

B.18.2 Additional Inclusion Criteria

I. Prior metformin use

Entry events with any of the following criteria:

  1. having at least 1 drug era of ‘Metformin’, starting anytime up to 90 days before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period; with era length >= 90 days.
  2. having at least 3 drug exposures of ‘Metformin’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

II. No prior GLP-1 RA exposure

Entry events having no drug exposures of ‘GLP-1 receptor agonists’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

III. No prior DPP4 inhibitor exposure

Entry events having no drug exposures of ‘DPP4 inhibitors’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

IV. No prior SGLT-2 inhibitor exposure

Entry events having no drug exposures of ‘SGLT2 inhibitors except empagliflozin’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

V. No prior SU exposure

Entry events having no drug exposures of ‘Sulfonylureas’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

VI. No prior other anti-diabetic exposure

Entry events having no drug exposures of ‘Other anti-diabetics’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

VII. No prior insulin use or combo initiation: Proxy for < 30 days drug era anytime before index and no combination use on index

Entry events with all of the following criteria:

  1. having no drug eras of ‘Insulin’, starting anytime up to 30 days before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period; with era length > 30 days.
  2. having no drug eras of ‘Insulin’, starting between 30 days before and 0 days after cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

VIII. index date between 1Jul2021 and 31Dec2023

Entry events with the following event criteria: starting between July 1, 2021 and December 31, 2023.

B.18.3 Cohort Exit

The cohort end date will be based on a continuous exposure to ‘empagliflozin’: allowing 30 days between exposures, adding 0 days after exposure ends, and using days supply and exposure end date for exposure duration.

B.18.4 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 0 days of each other.

B.18.5 Concept: DPP4 inhibitors

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
43013884 alogliptin 1368001 RxNorm NO YES NO
40239216 linagliptin 1100699 RxNorm NO YES NO
40166035 saxagliptin 857974 RxNorm NO YES NO
1580747 sitagliptin 593411 RxNorm NO YES NO
19122137 vildagliptin 596554 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.18.6 Concept: empagliflozin

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
45774751 empagliflozin 1545653 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.18.7 Concept: SGLT2 inhibitors except empagliflozin

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
43526465 canagliflozin 1373458 RxNorm NO YES NO
44785829 dapagliflozin 1488564 RxNorm NO YES NO
45774751 empagliflozin 1545653 RxNorm YES YES NO
793293 ertugliflozin 1992672 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.18.8 Concept: Sulfonylureas

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1594973 chlorpropamide 2404 RxNorm NO YES NO
1597756 glimepiride 25789 RxNorm NO YES NO
1560171 glipizide 4821 RxNorm NO YES NO
19097821 gliquidone 25793 RxNorm NO YES NO
1559684 glyburide 4815 RxNorm NO YES NO
1502809 tolazamide 10633 RxNorm NO YES NO
1502855 tolbutamide 10635 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.18.9 Concept: Other anti-diabetics

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1529331 acarbose 16681 RxNorm NO YES NO
1530014 acetohexamide 173 RxNorm NO YES NO
730548 bromocriptine 1760 RxNorm NO YES NO
19033498 carbutamide 2068 RxNorm NO YES NO
19001409 glibornuride 102846 RxNorm NO YES NO
19059796 gliclazide 4816 RxNorm NO YES NO
19001441 glymidine 102848 RxNorm NO YES NO
1510202 miglitol 30009 RxNorm NO YES NO
1502826 nateglinide 274332 RxNorm NO YES NO
1525215 pioglitazone 33738 RxNorm NO YES NO
1516766 repaglinide 73044 RxNorm NO YES NO
1547504 rosiglitazone 84108 RxNorm NO YES NO
1515249 troglitazone 72610 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.18.10 Concept: Insulin

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1596977 insulin, regular, human 253182 RxNorm NO YES NO
1550023 insulin lispro 86009 RxNorm NO YES NO
1567198 insulin aspart, human 51428 RxNorm NO YES NO
1502905 insulin glargine 274783 RxNorm NO YES NO
1513876 insulin lispro protamine, human 314684 RxNorm NO YES NO
1531601 insulin aspart protamine, human 352385 RxNorm NO YES NO
1586346 insulin, regular, pork 221109 RxNorm NO YES NO
1544838 insulin glulisine, human 400008 RxNorm NO YES NO
1516976 insulin detemir 139825 RxNorm NO YES NO
1590165 insulin, regular, beef-pork 235275 RxNorm NO YES NO
1513849 lente insulin, human 314683 RxNorm NO YES NO
1562586 lente insulin, pork 93108 RxNorm NO YES NO
1588986 insulin human, rDNA origin 631657 RxNorm NO YES NO
1513843 lente insulin, beef-pork 314682 RxNorm NO YES NO
1586369 ultralente insulin, human 221110 RxNorm NO YES NO
35605670 insulin argine 1740938 RxNorm NO YES NO
35602717 insulin degludec 1670007 RxNorm NO YES NO
19078608 insulin, protamine zinc, beef-pork 100 UNT/ML Injectable Suspension 311053 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.18.11 Concept: Metformin

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1503297 metformin 6809 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.18.12 Concept: Secondary diabetes mellitus

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
195771 Secondary diabetes mellitus 8801005 SNOMED NO YES NO
761051 Complication due to secondary diabetes mellitus 138811000119100 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.18.13 Concept: Type 1 diabetes mellitus

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
40484649 Type 1 diabetes mellitus well controlled 444074000 SNOMED NO YES NO
42689695 Eating disorder co-occurrent with diabetes mellitus type 1 1067201000000106 SNOMED NO YES NO
765533 Glaucoma due to diabetes mellitus type 1 60981000119103 SNOMED NO YES NO
43531006 Maturity onset diabetes of the young, type 1 609562003 SNOMED NO YES NO
765650 Cranial nerve palsy due to diabetes mellitus type 1 82561000119101 SNOMED NO YES NO
45770986 Retinopathy due to unstable diabetes mellitus type 1 706894000 SNOMED NO YES NO
201254 Type 1 diabetes mellitus 46635009 SNOMED NO YES NO
45768456 Neuropathy due to unstable diabetes mellitus type 1 706891008 SNOMED NO YES NO
40484648 Type 1 diabetes mellitus uncontrolled 444073006 SNOMED NO YES NO
4128019 Brittle type 1 diabetes mellitus 290002008 SNOMED NO YES NO
435216 Disorder due to type 1 diabetes mellitus 420868002 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.18.14 Concept: Type 2 diabetes mellitus

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
443238 Diabetic - poor control 268519009 SNOMED NO YES NO
201820 Diabetes mellitus 73211009 SNOMED NO YES NO
442793 Complication due to diabetes mellitus 74627003 SNOMED NO YES NO
40484648 Type 1 diabetes mellitus uncontrolled 444073006 SNOMED YES YES NO
201254 Type 1 diabetes mellitus 46635009 SNOMED YES YES NO
435216 Disorder due to type 1 diabetes mellitus 420868002 SNOMED YES YES NO
195771 Secondary diabetes mellitus 8801005 SNOMED YES YES NO
761051 Complication due to secondary diabetes mellitus 138811000119100 SNOMED YES YES NO
4016045 Diabetic - good control 170763003 SNOMED NO YES NO
40484649 Type 1 diabetes mellitus well controlled 444074000 SNOMED YES YES NO
43531009 Pregnancy and type 1 diabetes mellitus 609566000 SNOMED YES YES NO
4024659 Gestational diabetes mellitus 11687002 SNOMED YES YES NO

B.18.15 Concept: GLP-1 receptor agonists

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
45774435 dulaglutide 1551291 RxNorm NO YES NO
1583722 exenatide 60548 RxNorm NO YES NO
40170911 liraglutide 475968 RxNorm NO YES NO
44506754 lixisenatide 1440051 RxNorm NO YES NO
793143 semaglutide 1991302 RxNorm NO YES NO
44816332 albiglutide 1534763 RxNorm NO YES NO

C Exposure Cohorts for SCCS

C.1 semaglutide exposures

C.1.1 Cohort Entry Events

People enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. drug exposures of ‘semaglutide’.

C.1.2 Cohort Exit

The cohort end date will be based on a continuous exposure to ‘semaglutide’: allowing 30 days between exposures, adding 0 days after exposure ends, and using days supply and exposure end date for exposure duration.

C.1.3 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 0 days of each other.

C.1.4 Concept: semaglutide

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
793143 semaglutide 1991302 RxNorm NO YES NO

C.2 dulaglutide exposures

C.2.1 Cohort Entry Events

People enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. drug exposures of ‘dulaglutide’.

C.2.2 Cohort Exit

The cohort end date will be based on a continuous exposure to ‘dulaglutide’: allowing 30 days between exposures, adding 0 days after exposure ends, and using days supply and exposure end date for exposure duration.

C.2.3 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 0 days of each other.

C.2.4 Concept: dulaglutide

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
45774435 dulaglutide 1551291 RxNorm NO YES NO

C.3 exenatide exposures

C.3.1 Cohort Entry Events

People enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. drug exposures of ‘exenatide’.

C.3.2 Cohort Exit

The cohort end date will be based on a continuous exposure to ‘exenatide’: allowing 30 days between exposures, adding 0 days after exposure ends, and using days supply and exposure end date for exposure duration.

C.3.3 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 0 days of each other.

C.3.4 Concept: exenatide

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1583722 exenatide 60548 RxNorm NO YES NO

C.4 empagliflozin exposures

C.4.1 Cohort Entry Events

People enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. drug exposures of ‘empagliflozin’.

C.4.2 Cohort Exit

The cohort end date will be based on a continuous exposure to ‘empagliflozin’: allowing 30 days between exposures, adding 0 days after exposure ends, and using days supply and exposure end date for exposure duration.

C.4.3 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 0 days of each other.

C.4.4 Concept: empagliflozin

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
45774751 empagliflozin 1545653 RxNorm NO YES NO

C.5 sitagliptin exposures

C.5.1 Cohort Entry Events

People enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. drug exposures of ‘sitagliptin’.

C.5.2 Cohort Exit

The cohort end date will be based on a continuous exposure to ‘sitagliptin’: allowing 30 days between exposures, adding 0 days after exposure ends, and using days supply and exposure end date for exposure duration.

C.5.3 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 0 days of each other.

C.5.4 Concept: sitagliptin

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1580747 sitagliptin 593411 RxNorm NO YES NO

C.6 glipizide exposures

C.6.1 Cohort Entry Events

People enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. drug exposures of ‘glipizide’.

C.6.2 Cohort Exit

The cohort end date will be based on a continuous exposure to ‘glipizide’: allowing 30 days between exposures, adding 0 days after exposure ends, and using days supply and exposure end date for exposure duration.

C.6.3 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 0 days of each other.

C.6.4 Concept: glipizide

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1560171 glipizide 4821 RxNorm NO YES NO

D Outcome Cohorts

D.1 Nonarteric anterior ischemic neuropathy with index date correction and 2dxGCA

D.1.1 Cohort Entry Events

People may enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. condition occurrences of ‘Nonarteritic Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy’.

  2. condition occurrences of ‘presention conditons for index date correction’.

D.1.2 Additional Inclusion Criteria

I. no giant cell arteritis (defined by 2x diagnosis)

Entry events with at most 0 of the following criteria:

  1. having at least 2 distinct start dates from condition occurrences of ‘Giant cell arteritis or arteritic ischemic optic neuropathy’.

II. has NAION in 60d

Entry events having at least 1 condition occurrence of ‘Nonarteritic Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy’, starting between 0 days before and 60 days after cohort entry start date.

III. no traumatic optic nerve injury on or prior

Entry events having no condition occurrences of ‘traumatic optic nerve injury’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date.

Limit qualifying entry events to the earliest event per person.

D.1.3 Cohort Exit

The person also exists the cohort at the end of continuous observation.

D.1.4 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 0 days of each other.

D.1.5 Concept: Nonarteritic Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
373487 Ischemic optic neuropathy 14357004 SNOMED NO YES NO
4047917 Arteritic ischemic optic neuropathy 230508004 SNOMED YES YES NO

D.1.6 Concept: Giant cell arteritis or arteritic ischemic optic neuropathy

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
4290976 Temporal arteritis 400130008 SNOMED NO YES NO
37116696 Arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy 733506009 SNOMED NO YES NO

D.1.7 Concept: presention conditons for index date correction

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
4134605 Optic disc disorder 128331005 SNOMED NO YES NO
374954 Optic neuritis 66760008 SNOMED NO YES NO
377286 Visual field defect 12184005 SNOMED NO YES NO
4308632 Optic disc edema 423341008 SNOMED NO YES NO

D.1.8 Concept: traumatic optic nerve injury

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
375428 Traumatic optic nerve injury 48233004 SNOMED NO YES NO

D.2 Nonarteric anterior ischemic neuropathy with index date correction and 2nd dx and 2dxGCA

D.2.1 Cohort Entry Events

People may enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. condition occurrences of ‘Nonarteritic Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy’.

  2. condition occurrences of ‘presention conditons for index date correction’.

D.2.2 Additional Inclusion Criteria

I. no giant cell arteritis (2dx)

Entry events with at most 0 of the following criteria:

  1. having at least 2 distinct start dates from condition occurrences of ‘Giant cell arteritis or arteritic ischemic optic neuropathy’, allow events outside observation period.

II. has 2+ NAION diagnosis with one in 60d of index and another in 90d

Entry events having at least 1 condition occurrence of ‘Nonarteritic Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy’, starting between 0 days before and 60 days after cohort entry start date; having at least 1 condition occurrence of ‘Nonarteritic Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy’, starting between 1 days after and 90 days after ‘Nonarteritic Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy’ start date.

III. no traumatic optic nerve injury on or prior

Entry events having no condition occurrences of ‘traumatic optic nerve injury’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

Limit qualifying entry events to the earliest event per person.

D.2.3 Cohort Exit

The person also exists the cohort at the end of continuous observation.

D.2.4 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 0 days of each other.

D.2.5 Concept: Nonarteritic Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
373487 Ischemic optic neuropathy 14357004 SNOMED NO YES NO
4047917 Arteritic ischemic optic neuropathy 230508004 SNOMED YES YES NO

D.2.6 Concept: Giant cell arteritis or arteritic ischemic optic neuropathy

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
4290976 Temporal arteritis 400130008 SNOMED NO YES NO
37116696 Arteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy 733506009 SNOMED NO YES NO

D.2.7 Concept: presention conditons for index date correction

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
4134605 Optic disc disorder 128331005 SNOMED NO YES NO
374954 Optic neuritis 66760008 SNOMED NO YES NO
377286 Visual field defect 12184005 SNOMED NO YES NO
4308632 Optic disc edema 423341008 SNOMED NO YES NO

D.2.8 Concept: traumatic optic nerve injury

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
375428 Traumatic optic nerve injury 48233004 SNOMED NO YES NO

D.3 Proliferative diabetic retinopathy

D.3.1 Cohort Entry Events

People enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. condition occurrences of ‘Proliferative diabetic retinopathy’.

Limit cohort entry events to the earliest event per person.

D.3.2 Cohort Exit

The person also exists the cohort at the end of continuous observation.

D.3.3 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 0 days of each other.

D.3.4 Concept: Proliferative diabetic retinopathy

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
380096 Proliferative retinopathy due to diabetes mellitus 59276001 SNOMED NO YES NO
45763584 Proliferative retinopathy due to type 1 diabetes mellitus 60971000119101 SNOMED YES YES NO

D.4 Treatment-requiring Diabetic Retinopathy or Macular Edema

D.4.1 Cohort Entry Events

People may enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. drug exposures of ‘aflibercept ranibizumab and bevacizumab’.

  2. procedure occurrences of ‘focal laser photocoagulation’.

  3. procedure occurrences of ‘panretinal photocoagulation’.

Limit cohort entry events to the earliest event per person.

D.4.2 Additional Inclusion Criteria

I. has DR or ME on or within 90d of treatment

Entry events with any of the following criteria:

  1. having at least 1 condition occurrence of ‘Diabetic retinopathy’, starting between 90 days before and 0 days after cohort entry start date.
  2. having at least 1 condition occurrence of ‘Macular edema’, starting between 90 days before and 0 days after cohort entry start date.

II. has no AMD or RVO any time prior

Entry events with all of the following criteria:

  1. having no condition occurrences of ‘Renal vein occlusion’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.
  2. having no condition occurrences of ‘Age-related macular degeneration’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

III. has no DR or ME prior to 90d of treatment

Entry events with all of the following criteria:

  1. having no condition occurrences of ‘Diabetic retinopathy’, starting anytime up to 90 days before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.
  2. having no condition occurrences of ‘Macular edema’, starting anytime up to 90 days before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

D.4.3 Cohort Exit

The person also exists the cohort at the end of continuous observation.

D.4.4 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 0 days of each other.

D.4.5 Concept: aflibercept ranibizumab and bevacizumab

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
40244266 aflibercept 1232150 RxNorm NO YES NO
1397141 bevacizumab 253337 RxNorm NO YES NO
19080982 ranibizumab 595060 RxNorm NO YES NO

D.4.6 Concept: Diabetic retinopathy

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
4174977 Retinopathy due to diabetes mellitus 4855003 SNOMED NO YES NO

D.4.7 Concept: Macular edema

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
4290333 Macular retinal edema 37231002 SNOMED NO YES NO
4208200 Postoperative cystoid macular edema 312920004 SNOMED YES YES NO

D.4.9 Concept: Renal vein occlusion

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
440392 Retinal vascular occlusion 73757007 SNOMED NO YES NO
4334245 Retinal artery occlusion 232035005 SNOMED YES YES NO
437544 Arterial retinal branch occlusion 50821009 SNOMED YES YES NO
4338905 Cilioretinal artery occlusion 232036006 SNOMED YES YES NO

D.4.10 Concept: focal laser photocoagulation

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
4219449 Focal laser photocoagulation of retina 397538008 SNOMED NO YES NO
2111048 Destruction of localized lesion of retina (eg, macular edema, tumors), 1 or more sessions; photocoagulation 67210 CPT4 NO YES NO

D.4.11 Concept: panretinal photocoagulation

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
2111054 Treatment of extensive or progressive retinopathy (eg, diabetic retinopathy), photocoagulation 67228 CPT4 NO YES NO
4162096 Laser photocoagulation to retina 399867007 SNOMED NO YES NO
4013503 Repair of retina for retinal tear or defect by laser photocoagulation 112969004 SNOMED YES YES NO
4309528 Repair of retinal detachment by laser photocoagulation 85231002 SNOMED YES YES NO

D.5 Treatment-requiring Diabetic Retinopathy or Macular Edema including vitrectomy

D.5.1 Cohort Entry Events

People may enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. drug exposures of ‘aflibercept ranibizumab and bevacizumab’.

  2. procedure occurrences of ‘focal laser photocoagulation’.

  3. procedure occurrences of ‘panretinal photocoagulation’.

  4. procedure occurrences of ‘Mechanical vitrectomy’.

Limit cohort entry events to the earliest event per person.

D.5.2 Additional Inclusion Criteria

I. has DR or ME on or within 90d of treatment

Entry events with any of the following criteria:

  1. having at least 1 condition occurrence of ‘Diabetic retinopathy’, starting between 90 days before and 0 days after cohort entry start date.
  2. having at least 1 condition occurrence of ‘Macular edema’, starting between 90 days before and 0 days after cohort entry start date.

II. has no AMD or RVO any time prior

Entry events with all of the following criteria:

  1. having no condition occurrences of ‘Renal vein occlusion’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.
  2. having no condition occurrences of ‘Age-related macular degeneration’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

III. has no DR or ME prior to 90d of treatment

Entry events with all of the following criteria:

  1. having no condition occurrences of ‘Diabetic retinopathy’, starting anytime up to 90 days before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.
  2. having no condition occurrences of ‘Macular edema’, starting anytime up to 90 days before cohort entry start date; allow events outside observation period.

D.5.3 Cohort Exit

The person also exists the cohort at the end of continuous observation.

D.5.4 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 0 days of each other.

D.5.5 Concept: Proliferative diabetic retinopathy

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
380096 Proliferative retinopathy due to diabetes mellitus 59276001 SNOMED NO YES NO
45763584 Proliferative retinopathy due to type 1 diabetes mellitus 60971000119101 SNOMED YES YES NO

D.5.6 Concept: aflibercept ranibizumab and bevacizumab

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
40244266 aflibercept 1232150 RxNorm NO YES NO
1397141 bevacizumab 253337 RxNorm NO YES NO
19080982 ranibizumab 595060 RxNorm NO YES NO

D.5.7 Concept: Diabetic retinopathy

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
4174977 Retinopathy due to diabetes mellitus 4855003 SNOMED NO YES NO

D.5.8 Concept: Macular edema

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
4290333 Macular retinal edema 37231002 SNOMED NO YES NO
4208200 Postoperative cystoid macular edema 312920004 SNOMED YES YES NO

D.5.10 Concept: Renal vein occlusion

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
440392 Retinal vascular occlusion 73757007 SNOMED NO YES NO
4334245 Retinal artery occlusion 232035005 SNOMED YES YES NO
437544 Arterial retinal branch occlusion 50821009 SNOMED YES YES NO
4338905 Cilioretinal artery occlusion 232036006 SNOMED YES YES NO

D.5.11 Concept: focal laser photocoagulation

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
4219449 Focal laser photocoagulation of retina 397538008 SNOMED NO YES NO
2111048 Destruction of localized lesion of retina (eg, macular edema, tumors), 1 or more sessions; photocoagulation 67210 CPT4 NO YES NO

D.5.12 Concept: panretinal photocoagulation

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
2111054 Treatment of extensive or progressive retinopathy (eg, diabetic retinopathy), photocoagulation 67228 CPT4 NO YES NO
4162096 Laser photocoagulation to retina 399867007 SNOMED NO YES NO
4013503 Repair of retina for retinal tear or defect by laser photocoagulation 112969004 SNOMED YES YES NO
4309528 Repair of retinal detachment by laser photocoagulation 85231002 SNOMED YES YES NO

D.5.13 Concept: Mechanical vitrectomy

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
4314406 Mechanical vitrectomy by pars plana approach 87021001 SNOMED NO YES NO
4246506 Mechanical vitrectomy 60177007 SNOMED NO YES NO
45889738 Vitrectomy, mechanical, pars plana approach 1014238 CPT4 NO YES NO
2111009 Removal of lens material; pars plana approach, with or without vitrectomy 66852 CPT4 YES NO NO

E Negative Control Concepts

Table E.1: Negative outcome controls specified through condition occurrences that map to (a descendent of) the indicated concept ID
Concept ID
439935 Abnormal posture
443585 Abrasion and/or friction burn of multiple sites
199192 Abrasion and/or friction burn of trunk without infection
4088290 Absence of breast
4092879 Absent kidney
75911 Acquired hallux valgus
137951 Acquired keratoderma
73241 Anal and rectal polyp
45757682 Anomaly of jaw size
81878 Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
4216219 Bizarre personal appearance
133655 Burn of forearm
134765 Cachexia
73560 Calcaneal spur
434327 Cannabis abuse
140842 Changes in skin texture
81378 Chondromalacia of patella
432303 Cocaine abuse
4201390 Colostomy present
46269889 Complication due to Crohn’s disease
434675 Complication of gastrostomy
134438 Contact dermatitis
78619 Contusion of knee
201606 Crohn’s disease
76786 Derangement of knee
436077 Developmental delay
377910 Deviated nasal septum
4115402 Difficulty sleeping
45757370 Disproportion of reconstructed breast
433111 Effects of hunger
433527 Endometriosis
4170770 Epidermoid cyst
437448 Exhaustion due to excessive exertion
4092896 Feces contents abnormal
4092896 Feces contents abnormal
374801 Foreign body in ear
259995 Foreign body in orifice
4096540 Foreskin deficient
439788 Galactosemia
40481632 Ganglion cyst
40481632 Ganglion cyst
4168318 Genetic disorder carrier
433577 Hammer toe
4231770 Hereditary thrombophilia
4012570 High risk sexual behavior
4012934 Homocystinuria
374375 Impacted cerumen
374375 Impacted cerumen
4344500 Impingement syndrome of shoulder region
40481897 Inadequate sleep hygiene
139099 Ingrowing nail
444132 Injury of knee
4265896 Jellyfish poisoning
432593 Kwashiorkor
434203 Late effect of contusion
438329 Late effect of motor vehicle accident
4027782 Lipid storage disease
433997 Lymphangioma
4051630 Malingering
258540 Marfan’s syndrome
432798 Mechanical complication of internal orthopedic device, implant AND/OR graft
4103703 Melena
439795 Minimal cognitive impairment
4209423 Nicotine dependence
4209423 Nicotine dependence
377572 Noise effects on inner ear
136368 Non-toxic multinodular goiter
40480893 Nonspecific tuberculin test reaction
40480893 Nonspecific tuberculin test reaction
438130 Opioid abuse
438130 Opioid abuse
4299094 Opioid intoxication
4091513 Passing flatus
437092 Physiological development failure
433951 Poisoning by tranquilizer
4202045 Postviral fatigue syndrome
439790 Psychalgia
81634 Ptotic breast
380706 Regular astigmatism
141932 Senile hyperkeratosis
4019836 Social exclusion
36713918 Somatic dysfunction of lumbar region
443172 Splinter of face without major open wound
81151 Sprain of ankle
72748 Strain of rotator cuff capsule
432436 Symbolic dysfunction
378427 Tear film insufficiency
437264 Tobacco dependence syndrome
433244 Tooth loss
436876 Toxic effect of lead compound
440612 Toxic effect of tobacco and nicotine
4201387 Tracheostomy present
45757285 Unsatisfactory tooth restoration
140641 Verruca vulgaris
4115367 Wrist joint pain
440193 Wristdrop