1 List of Abbreviations

ACEi Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor
ARB Angiotensin receptor blocker
BB Beta blocker
CCB Calcium channel blocker
CDM Common data model
dCCB Dihydropyridine calcium channel blocker
HTN Hypertension
LEGEND Large-scale Evidence Generation and Evaluation across a Network of Databases
CDM Common data model
MACE Major adverse cardiovascular event
MDRR Minimum detectable risk ratio
OHDSI Observational Health Data Science and Informatics
OMOP Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership
PS Propensity score
RAS Renin-angiotensin system
RCT Randomized controlled trial
THZ Thiazide or thiazide-like diuretics

2 Responsible Parties

2.1 Investigators

Investigator Institution/Affiliation
Chungsoo Kim Section of Cardiovascular Medicine, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA
Rohan Khera Section of Cardiovascular Medicine, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA
George Hripcsak Department of Biomedical Informatics, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA
Patrick B. Ryan Observational Health Data Analytics, Janssen Research and Development, Titusville, NJ, USA
Harlan M. Krumholz Section of Cardiovascular Medicine, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA
Marc A. Suchard Department of Biostatistics, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Yuan Lu* Section of Cardiovascular Medicine, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA
* Principal Investigator

2.2 Disclosures

This study is undertaken within Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics (OHDSI), an open collaboration. CK reported no disclosure. RK is a founder of Evidence2Health, and receives grant funding from the US National Institutes of Health. GH receives grant funding from the US National Institutes of Health and the US Food & Drug Administration and contracts from Johnson and Johnson. PBR reported being an employee and shareholder of Johnson and Johnson. HMK received expenses and/or personal fees from UnitedHealth, Element Science, Aetna, Reality Labs, Tesseract/4Catalyst, F-Prime, the Siegfried and Jensen Law Firm, Arnold and Porter Law Firm, and Martin/Baughman Law Firm. He is a co-founder of Refactor Health and HugoHealth, and is associated with contracts, through Yale New Haven Hospital, from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services and through Yale University from Johnson & Johnson. MAS receives grant funding from the US National Institutes of Health, the US Department of Veterans Affairs and the US Food & Drug Administration and contracts from Johnson and Johnson and IQVIA. YL received support from the Sentara Research Foundation, the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (grant Nos. R01HL169954, R01HL169171) and the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (No. HM-2022C2-28354).

3 Abstract

Background and Significance: Hypertension is a major cause of morbidity and mortality globally and is associated with an elevated risk of cardiovascular events. Recommended antihypertensive agents can be applied to patients as a single agent (monotherapy) or in combination. In the case of combination, initial combination strategy can be considered, or stepped care strategy using a monotherapy followed by adding other agents use can be considered.

Many patients are unable to reach their target blood pressure with a monotherapy, therefore, they often use two or more medications in combination. Recent European hypertension guidelines recommend initial combination treatment for general patients with hypertension[1]; however, the US guidelines maintain a recommendation of stepped care for most patients with uncontrolled blood pressure[2]. Our team has already generated large-scale evidence comparing the effectiveness of each monotherapy[3] and initial combination therapy for hypertension[4]. Now, we will explore how the choice of step therapy medication affects patients’ cardiovascular and safety outcomes.

Study Aims: To determine real-world comparative effectiveness and safety of stepped care strategy of hypertension using health information encompassing millions of patients with hypertension, with a focus on individual at comorbidity risk and other key subgroups for treatment heterogeneity.

Study Description: We will conduct large-scale, systematic, observational studies to make pairwise comparisons of all stepped care regimens at the drug-, class- and population subgroup-level within our proposed Large-Scale Evidence Generations Across a Network of Database for Hypertension Stepped Care (LEGEND-HTNStepCare) initiative. LEGEND-HTNStepCare will leverage the Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics (OHDSI) Community that provides access to a standing global network of administrative claims and electronic health record (EHR) data sources. LEGEND-HTNStepCare will study:

  • Population: Adult, hypertension patients who newly added a secondary antihypertensive agent for their uncontrolled blood pressure by monotherapy

  • Exposures: The exposure of interest is a combination of monotherapy with the following drug groups (except BB), followed by an addition of drugs from other groups. For example, patients with dCCB added after ACEI monotherapy.

    • RAS agents:
      • ACEI: Benazepril, Captopril, Enalapril, Fosinopril, Lisinopril, Moexipril, Perindopril, Quinapril, Ramipril, Trandolapril
      • ARB: Azilsartan, Candesartan, Eprosartan, Irbesartan, Losartan, Olmesartan, Telmisartan, Valsartan
    • THZ: Chlorthalidone, Hydrochlorothiazide, Indapamide, Metolazone
    • CCB:
      • dCCB: Amlodipine, Felodipine, Isradipine, Nicardipine, Nifedipine, Nisoldipine
      • ndCCB: Diltiazem, Verapamil
    • BB (second-line only): Atenolol, Acebutolol, Betaxolol, Bisoprolol, Carvedilol, Labetalol, Metoprolol, Nadolol, Nebivolol, Penbutolol, Pindolol, Propranolol
  • Outcomes:

    • Primary: 3- and 4-point major adverse cardiovascular events
    • Secondary effectiveness: Acute myocardial infarction, hospitalization with heart failure, revascularization, stroke, sudden cardiac death
    • Secondary safety: Abdominal pain, Abnormal weight gain, Abnormal weight loss, Acute pancreatitis, Acute renal failure, All-cause mortality, Angioedema, Anaphylactic reaction, Anemia, Anxiety, Bone fracture, Bradycardia, Cardiac arrhythmia, Chest pain or angina, Chronic kidney disease, Cough, Diarrhea, Dementia, Depression, Diarrhea, End stage renal disease, Fall, Gastrointestinal bleeding, Genitourinary infection, Gout, Headache, Hepatic failure, Hyperkalemia, Hypokalemia, Hyponatremia, Hypomagnesemia, Hypotension, Impotence, Joint pain, Malignant neoplasm, Measured renal dysfunction, Nausea, Neutropenia or agranulocytosis, Peripheral edema, Photosensitivity, Rash, Rhabdomyolysis, Syncope, Transient ischemic attack, Thrombocytopenia, Type 2 diabetes, Unstable angina, Vasculitis, Venous thromboembolism, Vertigo, Vomiting

For each data source and comparison, LEGEND-HTNStepCare will employ a state-of-the-art design:

  • Design: Observational: active-comparator, new-user cohort study

Our systematic framework will address residual confounding, publication bias and \(p\)-hacking using data-driven, large-scale propensity adjustment for measured confounding, a large set of negative control outcome experiments to address unmeasured and systematic bias, prespecification and full disclosure of hypotheses tested and their results. These approaches capitalize on mature OHDSI open source resources and a large body of clinical and quantitative research that the LEGEND-HTNStepCare investigators originated and continue to drive. Finally, LEGEND-HTNStepCare is dedicated to open science and transparency and will publicly share all our analytic code from reproducible cohort definitions through turn-key software, enabling other research groups to leverage our methods, data, and results in order to verify and extend our findings.

4 Amendments and Updates

Number Date Section of study protocol Amendment or update Reason
1 14-Apr-2024 All Update Initial draft
2 15-Feb-2025 All Update Protocol refinement

5 Milestones

Milestone Planned / actual date
Protocol online release 31-Mar-2025 /
Protocol registration
Collecting data partners
Start of analysis
End of analysis
Results presentation

6 Rationale and Background

Over 100 million US adults have hypertension, a leading cause of mortality and morbidity, and 70% of them cannot achieve adequate blood pressure control with monotherapy alone[5]. Although recent clinical practice guidelines suggest initiating therapy with two drugs[1,2,6], more than 50% of people currently treated for hypertension start with a single medication [7,8]. For these patients, clinical guidelines propose adding a second antihypertensive drug for treatment escalation[2,79]. However, the guidelines provide little guidance on which specific agents to add for which patients. There are no large randomized controlled trials (RCT) to guide recommendations about the choice of the second drug[[2];]. RCTs comparing antihypertensive drugs are not only expensive and time-consuming, but also cannot possibly test all the relevant drug combinations recommended by the guidelines. Given the abundance of potential strategies, there is a critical need to generate real-world evidence to guide the choice of comparators in future RCTs and to support guideline recommendations. Advances in observational research design using real-world data provides an opportunity to produce high-quality evidence through strategies that support causal inference, enhance generalizability, and minimize bias. While this evidence will not supersede RCT evidence, it can identify promising directions for trials and provide Level of Evidence B for guideline recommendations[10]. Such research can be purposeful, pre-specified, and have strategies to prevent publication bias, p-hacking, and findings due to chance. In our prior work, we have successfully demonstrated how these methods can be applied to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of first-line antihypertensive monotherapies[3,1114]. This will be the first study that applies these massive real-world datasets and reproducible methods to comprehensively evaluate the effectiveness and safety of the second antihypertensive agents added to monotherapy as a hypertension stepped care.

7 Study Objectives

The overall objective in this protocol is to determine the comparative effectiveness and safety of the stepped care strategy in real-world settings. The central hypothesis is that there is heterogeneity in the effectiveness and safety of the secondary antihypertensive agent, and the optimal choice depends on patient characteristics and the initial therapy. Our long-term goal is to produce real-world evidence to inform decisions about RCTs for hypertension treatment escalation and to provide the highest quality non-randomized evidence to support guideline recommendations. The approach is distinctive because of the breadth and depth of data, and the use of state-of-the-art observational research methods to produce high-quality evidence. Our preliminary data demonstrate a large variation in prescription patterns of the second agents added to monotherapy[8], providing ample opportunity to leverage practice variation to test our hypothesis. The following three specific aims are proposed:

  1. To determine the comparative effectiveness of the stepped-care strategy on major cardiovascular outcomes (e.g., myocardial infarction, stroke, heart failure).
  2. To determine the comparative risk of the second antihypertensive agents on potential drug-related adverse events (e.g., acute renal failure, angioedema, gastrointestinal bleeding, hyperkalemia).
  3. To assess heterogeneity in effectiveness and safety of the stepped care strategy among key patient subgroups defined by age, sex, race, ethnicity, and comorbidity.

8 Research Methods

LEGEND-HTNStepCare will execute three systematic, large-scale observational studies of second line antihypertensive agents to estimate the relative risks of cardiovascular effectiveness and safety outcomes.

  1. The Class-vs-Class Study will provide all pairwise comparisons between the stepped care combination with antihypertensive agent classes to evaluate their comparative effects on cardiovascular risk (Objective 1) and patient-centered safety outcomes (Objective 2);
  2. The Drug-vs-Drug Study will furnish head-to-head pairwise comparisons between individual agents within and across class in stepped care combination (both Objectives 1 and 2); and
  3. The Heterogeneity Study will refine these comparisons for hypertension patients for important subgroups (Objective 3).

In contrast to a single comparison approach, LEGEND-HTNStepCare will provide a comprehensive view of the findings and their consistency across populations, drugs, and outcomes. We will model each study on our successful collaborative research evaluating the comparative effectiveness of antihypertensives monotherapy previously published in The Lancet [3].

Table 8.1 list the major classes of antihypertensive agents and those ingredients lisenced in the U.S. within each class.

For each comparison, we are interested in the relative risk of each of the cardiovascular and safety outcomes described in Section 8.5.

Table 8.1: Antihypertensive drug classes and individual agents within each class
benazepril azilsartan amlodipine diltiazem chlorthalidone acebutolol
captopril candesartan felodipine verapamil hydrochlorothiazide atenolol
enalapril eprosartan isradipine indapamide betaxolol
fosinopril irbesartan nicardipine metolazone bisoprolol
lisinopril losartan nifedipine carvedilol
moexipril olmesartan nisoldipine labetalol
perindopril telmisartan metoprolol
quinapril valsartan nebivolol
ramipril nadolol
trandolapril penbutolol

8.1 Study Design

For each study, we will employ an active comparator, new-user cohort design[15]. New-user cohort design is advocated as the primary design to be considered for comparative effectiveness and drug safety. By identifying patients who start a new treatment course and using therapy initiation as the start of follow-up, the new-user design models a randomized controlled trial (RCT) where treatment commences at the index study visit. Exploiting such an index date allows a clear separation of baseline patient characteristics that occur prior to index date and are usable as covariates in the analysis without concern of inadvertently introducing mediator variables that arise between exposure and outcome. Excluding prevalent users as those without a sufficient washout period prior to first exposure occurrence further reduces bias due to balancing mediators on the causal pathway, time-varying hazards, and depletion of susceptibles. Our systematic framework across studies further will address residual confounding, publication bias, and p-hacking using data-driven, large-scale propensity adjustment for measured confounding, a large set of negative control outcome experiments to address unmeasured and systematic bias, and full disclosure of hypotheses tested. Figure 8.1 below illustrates our design for all studies that the following sections describe in more detail.

Schematic of LEGEND-HtnStepCare new-user cohort design for the Class-vs-Class, Drug-vs-Drug and Heterogeneity studies.

Figure 8.1: Schematic of LEGEND-HtnStepCare new-user cohort design for the Class-vs-Class, Drug-vs-Drug and Heterogeneity studies.

8.2 Data Sources

We will execute LEGEND-HTNStepCare as a series of OHDSI network studies. All data partners within OHDSI are encouraged to participate voluntarily and can do so conveniently, because of the community’s shared Observational Medical Outcome Partnership (OMOP) common data model (CDM) and OHDSI tool-stack [16]. Many OHDSI community data partners have already committed to participate and we will recruit further data partners through OHDSI’s standard recruitment process, which includes protocol publication on OHDSI’s GitHub, an announcement in OHDSI’s research forum, presentation at the weekly OHDSI all-hands-on meeting and direct requests to data holders.

In Table 8.2, we report a brief description of already committed databases and their size of the population it represents and its patient capture process and start date. While the earliest patient capture begins in 2000 (VA), the vast majority come from the 2010s to today, providing a decade of HTN treatment coverage. The US population include those publicly insured, enriched for older individuals (VA) and racially diverse (VA, Sentara). The US data sources may capture the same patients across multiple sources. Different views of the same patients are an advantage in capturing the diversity of real-world health events that patients experience. All data sources will receive institutional review board approval or exemption for their participation before executing LEGEND-HTNStepCare.

Table 8.2: Committed LEGEND-HtnStepCare data sources and the populations they cover.
Data source Population Patients History Data capture process and short description
Electronic health records (EHRs)
Yale New Haven Health System (YNHHS) Academic medical center patients 2M 2013 – General practice, specialists and inpatient hospital services from the YNHHS in Connecticut.
Sentara Healthcare (Sentara) Patients in a non-profit integrated healthacare system, all ages, racially diverse 7.8M 2010 – The largest integrated health system in Northern Virginia with 12 hostpials and 556 outpatient sites. Sentara Healthcare serves the Hampton Roads region of Virginia, an area with 1.7 million residents, of which 31% are African American and 8% are Hispanic.
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Veterans, older, racially diverse 12M 2000 – National VA health care system, the largest integrated provider of medical services in the US, provided at 170 VA medical centers and 1,063 outpatient sites.
Columbia University Irving Medical Center (CUIMC) Academic medical center patients, racially diverse 6M 1989 – General practice, specialists and inpatient hospital services from the New York-Presbyterian hospital and affiliated academic physician practices in New York.
Optum Electronic Health Records (PanTher) US general Population, all ages 93M 2006 – Clinical information, prescriptions, lab results, vital signs, body measurements, diagnoses and procedures derived from clinical notes using natural language processing.

8.3 Study Population

We will include all subjects in a data source who meet inclusion criteria for the stepped care exposure cohorts. Broadly, these cohorts will consist of hypertension patients with any of ACEis, ARBs, THZs, and CCBs previous as a first line hypertension treatment. We describe specific definitions of exposure cohorts for each study in the following sections.

8.4 Exposure Comparators

8.4.1 Class-vs-Class Study comparisons

The Class-vs-Class Study will construct twenty-three exposure cohorts for secondary use of any drug ingredient within the major classes in Table 8.1. Cohort entry (index date) for each patient is their first observed exposure to any drug ingredient for secondary added drug classes (different to primary class). Consistent with an idealized target trial for hypertension therapy and cardiovascular risk, inclusion criteria for patients based on the index date will include:

  • Hypertension diagnosis but no secondary HTN diagnosis before the index date;
  • At least 1 year of observation time before the index date (to improve new-user sensitivity);
  • At least one prescription of first antihypertensive agents before 30 days earlier than the index date;
  • No single use of antihypertensives at the index date;
  • No prior drug exposure to a comparator antihypertensive agent; and
  • No other antihypertensive agents (other diuretics: loop diuretics/K+ sparing diuretics/aldosterone antagonists; direct renin inhibitor; alpha-1 blocker; central alpha-2 agonist and other centrally acting drugs; direct vasodilators).

We will construct and compare separately cohorts patients either with

  • At least 1 months use of first-line antihypertensive agents use before the index date.

In this case, a month of first-line antihypertensive agents is consistent with 2017 AHA/ACC guidelines. We will use cohort diagnostics, such as achieving covariate balance and clinical empirical equipoise between exposure cohorts (Section 9) and stakeholder input to guide the possible need to exclude other prior diagnoses, such as heart failure.

Of note, the inclusion criteria do not directly incorporate quantitative measures of blood pressure control, such as elevated blood pressure; such laboratory values are irregularly captured in even EHR data sources. The ACC/AHA guidelines advise escalating to add a second agent when average BP is more than 20/10 mmHg above their BP target. We will conduct sensitivity analyses involving available BP measurements to demonstrate their balance between exposure cohorts (described later in Section 9). In the unlikely event that balance is not met, we will consider an inclusion criterion of BP >130/80 (or 140/90) mmHg within 6 months before the index.

For each data source, we will then execute all 42 pairwise class comparisons for which the data source yields \(\ge\) 1,000 patients in each arm. Appendix A. 1. reports the complete OHDSI ATLAS cohort description for new-users of thiazide or thiazide-like diuretics with the first line ACEI. This description lists complete specification of cohort entry events, additional inclusion criteria, cohort exit events, and all associate standard OMOP CDM concept code sets used in the definition. ATLAS automatically translates these definitions into network-deployable SQL source code. Significantly fewer numbers of patients strongly suggest data source-specific differences in prescribing practices that may introduce residual bias and sufficient sample sizes are required to construct effective propensity score models.

8.4.2 Drug-vs-Drug Study comparisons

The Drug-vs-Drug Study will construct 1,070 exposure cohorts for new-users of each drug ingredient in Table 8.1. We will apply the same cohort definition, inclusion criteria and patient count minimum as described in Section 8.4.1.

Theoretically, \(\binom{1070}{2}\) = 571,915 comparisons are possible. However, we want to take into account the fact that Class-vs-Class comparisons will be performed and clinical situation when stepped care is performed. Therefore, we will focus primary clinical interpretation and scientific publishing to the 3,400 comparisons where the first-line drug is the same and the second line drug is a different ingredient within the same class, e.g, First amlodipine adding acebutolol vs. First amlodipine adding atenolol.

Appendix A.5 reports the complete OHDSI ATLAS cohort description for new-users of acebutolol added to amlodipine monotherapy. Again, we programmatically construct all new-user drug-level cohort and automatically translate into SQL.

8.4.3 Heterogeneity Study comparisons

The Heterogeneity Study will further stratify all class- and drug-level exposure cohorts in Section 8.4.1 and 8.4.2 by clinically important patient characteristics that modify cardiovascular risk of relative treatment heterogeneity to provide patient-focused treatment recommendations. These factors will include:

  • Age (18 - 44 / 45 - 64 / \(\ge\) 65 at the index date)
  • Sex (women / men)
  • Race (White / African American or black / Hispanic)

Appendix A. 3 presents complete OHDSI ATLAS specifications for these subgroups.

8.4.4 Validation

We will validate exposure cohorts and aggregate drug utilization using comprehensive cohort characterization tools against data sources. Chief among these tools stands OHDSI’s CohortDiagnostics package (https://github.com/OHDSI/CohortDiagnostics). For any cohort and data source mapped to OMOP CDM, this package systematically generates incidence new-user rates (stratified by age, gender, and calendar year), cohort characteristics (all comorbidities, drug use, procedures, health utilization) and the actual codes found in the data triggering the various rules in the cohort definitions. This can allow researchers and stakeholders to understand the heterogeneity of source coding for exposures and health outcomes as well as the impact of various inclusion criteria on overall cohort counts (details described in Section 9).

8.5 Outcomes

We originally identified outcomes for LEGEND-HTNStepCare from clinical trial endpoints from clinical guidelines and systematic reviews. We augmented these with adverse events from US structured product labels of hypertension drugs. For each outcome, we developed an operational phenotype definition to determine if observational data could in fact support evaluation of the outcome. We used the same approach to design, implement, and evaluate all phenotypes. Specifically, clinical guidelines and systematic review of clinical trial of hypertension treatments informed our clinical definition of cardiovascular outcomes. We developed all exposure cohorts according to the definition itself through ATLAS. We did not perform source record verification or other validation methods.

Across all data sources and pairwise exposure cohorts, we will assess relative risks of 32 cardiovascular and patient-centered outcomes (Table 8.3). Primary outcomes of interest are:

  • 3-point major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE), including acute myocardial infarction, stroke, and sudden cardiac death, and
  • 4-point MACE that additionally includes heart failure hospitalization.

Secondary outcomes include:

  • individual MACE components,

In data sources with laboratory measurements, secondary outcomes further include:

  • Blood pressure control

We will also study secondary antihypertensive agent adverse events and safety concerns highlighted in the 2017 ACC/AHA guidelines and from RCTs, including SPRINT trial. We will employ the same level of systematic rigor in studying outcomes regardless of their primary or secondary label. A majority of outcome definitions have been previously implemented and validated in our own work, based heavily on prior development by others (see prior development in Table 8.3).

To assess across-source consistency and general clinical validity, we will characterize outcome incidence, stratified by age, sex and index year for each data source.

We will employ the same level of systematic rigor in studying outcomes regardless of their primary or secondary label.

A majority of outcome definitions have been previously implemented and validated in our own work [1722] based heavily on prior development by others (see references in Table 8.3 [18,19,2124,2426,26,27,2729,29,30,30,31,31,32,32,33,33,34,3484,84172,173 ]). To assess across-source consistency and general clinical validity, we will characterize outcome incidence, stratified by age, sex and index year for each data source.

Table 8.3: LEGEND-HtnSteppedCare study outcomes
Phenotype Brief logical description Prior development
Cardiovascular outcomes
3-point MACE Condition record of acute myocardial infarction, hemorrhagic or ischemic stroke or sudden cardiac death during an inpatient or ER visit [2335]
4-point MACE 3-Point MACE \(+\) inpatient or ER visit (hospitalization) with heart failure condition record [19,2341]
Abdominal pain Abdominal pain condition record of any type; successive records with > 90 day gap are considered independent episodes [4244]
Abnormal weight gain Abnormal weight gain record of any type; successive records with > 90 day gap are considered independent episodes; note, weight measurements not used [45]
Abnormal weight loss Abnormal weight loss record of any type; successive records with > 90 day gap are considered independent episodes; note, weight measurements not used [46]
Acute myocardial infarction Condition record of acute myocardial infarction during an inpatient or ER vist [2328]
Acute pancreatitis Condition record of acute pancreatitis during an inpatient or ER visit [4750]
Acute renal failure Condition record of acute renal failure during an inpatient or ER visit [21,5158]
All-cause mortality Death record of any type [26,59,60]
Anaphylactoid reaction Anaphylactoid reaction condition record during an inpatient or ER visit; successive records with >7 day gap are considered independent episodes [61,62]
Patient-centered safety outcomes
Anemia The first condition record of anemia [6365]
Angioedema Angioedema condition record during an inpatient or ER visit; successive records with >7 day gap are considered independent episodes [66,67]
Anxiety The first condition record of anxiety, which is followed by another anxiety condition record or a drug used to treat anxiety [6871]
Bone fracture Bone fracture condition record of any type; successive records with > 90 day gap are considered independent episodes
Bradycardia The first condition record of bradycardia, which is followed by another bradycardia condition record [72,73]
Cardiac arrhythmia The first condition record of cardiac arrhythmia, which is followed by another cardiac arrhythmia condition record, at least two drug records for a drug used to treat arrhythmias, or a procedure to treat arrhythmias [35,7477]
Chest pain The first condition record of chest pain or angina [78]
Chronic kidney disease The first condition record of chronic kidney disease, which is followed by either another chronic kidney disease condition record or a dialysis procedure or observation [53,7986]
Cough Cough condition record of any type; successive records with > 90 day gap are considered independent episodes [87,88]
Decreased libido The first condition record of decreased libido [89]
Dementia The first condition record of dementia [9096]
Depression The first condition record of depression, which is followed by another depression condition record, at least two drugs used to treat depression without another indication, or two psychotherapy procedures [69,70,96100]
Diarrhea Diarrhea condition record of any type; successive records with > 30 day gap are considered independent episodes [101103]
End stage renal disease End stage renal disease (ESRD) is defined by at least one diagnosis in any setting, followed by at least one additional diagnosis or a dialysis-related procedure within 90 days [50,84,104]
Fall Fall condition record of any type; successive records with >180 day gap are considered independent episodes [105107]
Gastrointestinal bleeding Gastrointestinal hemorrhage condition record during an inpatient or ER visit; successive records with > 30 day gap are considered independent episodes [108114]
Genitourinary infection Condition record of any type of genital or urinary tract infection during an outpatient or ER vists [115]
Gout The first condition record of gout [116119]
Headache Headache condition record of any type; successive records with > 30 day gap are considered independent episodes [120,121]
Hemorrhagic stroke Intracranial, cerebral or subarachnoid hemorrhage condition record during an inpatient or ER visit; successive records with > 180 day gap are considered independent episodes [2933]
Hepatic failure The first condition record of hepatic failure, necrosis, or coma [122129]
Hospitalization with heart failure Inpatient or ER visit with heart failure condition record [19,3641]
Hyperkalemia Condition record for hyperkalemia or potassium measurements > 5.6 mmol/L; successive records with >90 day gap are considered independent episodes [130132]
Hypoglycemia Hypoglycemia condition record of any type; successive records with > 90 day gap are considered independent episodes [133]
Hypokalemia Hypokalemia condition record of any type; successive records with > 90 day gap are considered independent episodes [134]
Hypomagnesemia Hypomagnesemia condition record of any type; successive records with > 90 day gap are considered independent episodes [135,136]
Hyponatremia Hyponatremia condition record of any type; successive records with > 90 day gap are considered independent episodes [137,138]
Hypotension Hypotension condition record of any type; successive records with > 90 day gap are considered independent episodes [139]
Impotence The first condition record of impotence [140143]
Ischemic stroke Ischemic stroke condition record during an inpatient or ER visit; successive records with > 180 day gap are considered independent episodes [24,26,27,29,34]
Joint pain Joint pain condition record of any type; successive records with > 90 days gap are considered independent episodes
Lower extremity amputation Procedure record of below knee lower extremity amputation during inpatient or outpatient visit [19,22]
Malignant neoplasm First occurrence of malignant neoplasm, followed by at least one additional diagnosis of the same type (melanoma, bladder, brain, breast, colon and rectum, kidney, leukemia, liver, lung, lymphoma, multiple myeloma, ovary, pancreas, prostate, thyroid, uterus, myelodysplastic syndrome) [144156]
Measured renal dysfunction First creatinine measurement with value > 3 mg/dL [58]
Nausea Nausea condition record of any type; successive records with > 30 day gap are considered independent episodes [108,157,158]
Neutropenia or agranulocytosis The first condition record of neutropenia or agranulocytosis [159,160]
Peripheral edema Edema condition record of any type; successive records with > 180 day gap are considered independent episodes
Photosensitivity Condition record of drug-induced photosensitivity during any type of visit
Rash Rash condition record of any type; successive records with >90 day gap are considered independent episodes [66]
Revascularization Procedure record of percutaneous coronary intervention or coronary artery bypass grafting during an inpatient or ER visit [18]
Rhabdomyolysis Rhabdomyolysis condition record or muscle disorder condition record with creatine measurement 5*ULN during an inpatient or ER visit; successive records with >90 day gap are considered independent episodes [161,162]
Stroke Condition record of hemorrhagic or ischemic stroke during an inpatient or ER visit [2934]
Sudden cardiac death Condition record of sudden cardiac death during an inpatient or ER visit [26,35]
Syncope Syncope condition record of any type; successive records with > 180 day gap are considered independent episodes [139]
Thrombocytopenia The first condition record of thrombocytopenia [163165]
Transient ischemic attack Transient ischemic attack condition record during an inpatient or ER visit; successive records with > 30 day gap are considered independent episodes [29,34]
Type 2 diabetes mellitus The first condition record of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, which is followed by another Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus condition record, at least 2 drugs used to treat Type 2 diabetes, or at least 2 HbA1c measurements with value >6.5% [96,166168]
Venous thromboembolism Venous thromboembolism condition record of any type; successive records with > 180 day gap are considered independent episodes [169172]
Vertigo The first condition record of vertigo [173]
Vomiting Vomiting condition record of any type; successive records with > 30 day gap are considered independent episodes [108,157,158]

8.6 Analysis

8.6.1 Contemporary utilization of drug classes and individual agents

For all cohorts in the three studies, we will describe overall utilization as well as temporal trends in the use of each drug class and agents within the class. Further, we will evaluate these trends in patient groups by age (18-44 / 45-64 / \(\ge\) 65 years), sex, race and geographic regions. These data will provide insight into the current patterns of use ad possible disparities. These data are critical to guide the real-world application of treatment decision pathways for the treatment of HTN patients.

Specifically, we will calculate and validate aggregate drug utilization using the OHDSI’s CohortDiagnostics package against data sources. The CohortDiganostics package works in two steps: 1) Generate the utilization results and diagnostics against a data source and 2) Explore the generated utilization and diagnostics in a user-friendly graphical interface R-Shiny app. Through the interface, one can explore patient profiles of a random sample of subjects in a cohort. These diagnostics provide a consistent methodology to evaluate cohort definition and phenotype algorithms across a variety of observational databases. This will enable researchers and stakeholders to become informed on the appropriateness of including specific data sources within analyses, exposing potential risks related to heterogeneity and variability in patient care delivery that, when not addressed in the design, could result in errors such as high correlated covariates in propensity score matching of a target and a comparator cohort. Thus, the added value of this approach is two-fold in terms of exposing data quality for a study question and ensuring face validity checks are performed on proposed covariates to be used for balancing propensity scores.

8.6.2 Relative risk of cardiovascular and patient-centered outcomes

We will execute a systematic process to estimate the relative risk of cardiovascular and patient-centered outcomes between new-users of second-line HTN agents. The process will adjust for measured confounding, control from further residual (unmeasured) bias and accommodate important design choices to best emulate the nearly impossible to execute, idealized RCT that our stakeholders envision across data source populations, comparators, outcomes, and subgroups.

To adjust for potential measured confounding and improve the balance between cohorts, we will build large-scale propensity score (PS) models for each pairwise comparison and data source using a consistent data-driven process through regularized regression. This process engineers a large set of predefined baseline patient characteristics, including age, gender, race, index month/year and other demographics and prior conditions, drug exposures, procedures, laboratory measurements and health service utilization behaviors, to provide the most accurate prediction of treatment and balance patient cohorts across many characteristics. Construction of condition, drug, procedures and observations include occurrences within 365, 180, and 30 days prior to index date and are aggregated at several SNOMED (condition) and ingredient/ATC class (drug) levels. Other demographic measures include comorbidity risk scores (Charlson, DCSI, CHADS2, CHAD2VASc). From prior work, feature counts have ranged in the 1,000s-10,000s, and these large-scale PS models have outperformed hdPS in simulation and real-world examples.

We will:

  • Exclude patients who have experienced the outcome prior to their index date,
  • Stratify and variable-ratio match patients by PS, and
  • Use Cox proportional hazards models

to estimate hazard ratios (HRs) between alternative target and comparator treatments for the risk of each outcome in each data source. In addition, we will perform a sensitivity analysis that does not exclude individuals who previously experienced a blood pressure control outcome before the index date. The regression will condition on the PS strata/matching-unit with treatment allocation as the sole explanatory variable and censor patients at the end of their time-at-risk (TAR) or data source observation period. We will prefer stratification over matching if both sufficiently balance patients (see Section 9), as the former optimizes patient inclusions and thus generalizability.

We will execute each comparison using three different TAR definitions, reflecting different and important causal contrasts:

  • Intent-to-treat (TAR: index + 1 → end of observation) captures both direct treatment effects and (long-term) behavioral/treatment changes that initial assignment triggers [174];
  • On-treatment-1 (TAR: index + 1 → treatment discontinuation) is more patient-centered [175] and captures direct treatment effect while allowing for escalation with additional antihypertensive agents; and
  • On-treatment-2 (TAR: index + 1 → discontinuation or escalation with other antihypertensive agents) carries the least possible confounding with other concurrent antihypertensive agents.

Our “on-treatment” is often called “per-protocol”. Systematically executing with multiple causal contrasts enables us to identify potential biases that missing prescription data, treatment escalation and behavioral changes introduce, while preserving the ease of intent-to-treat interpretation and power if the data demonstrate them as unbiased. Appendix A.3 reports the modified cohort exit rule for the on-treatment-2 TAR.

We will aggregate HR estimates across non-overlapping data sources to produce meta-analytic estimates using a random-effects meta-analysis. The classic meta-analysis assumes that per-data source likelihoods are approximately normally distributed. This assumption fails when outcomes are rare as we expect for some safety events. Here, our recent research shows that as the number of data sources increases, the non-normality effect increases to where coverage of 95% confidence intervals (CIs) can be as low as 5%. To counter this, we will also apply a Bayesian meta-analysis model that neither assumes normality nor requires patient-level data sharing by building on composite likelihood methods and enables us to introduce appropriate overlap weights between data sources.

Residual study bias from unmeasured and systematic sources often remains in observational studies even after controlling for measured confounding through PS-adjustment. For each comparison-outcome effect, we will conduct negative control (falsification) outcome experiments, where the null hypothesis of no effect is believed to be true, using approximately 100 controls. We identified these controls through a data-rich algorithm that identifies prevalent OMOP condition concept occurrences that lack evidence of association with exposures in published literature, drug-product labeling and spontaneous reports, and were then adjudicated by clinical review. We previously validated 60 of the controls in LEGEND-HTN. Appendix C lists these negative controls and their OMOP condition concept IDs. Using the empirical null distributions from these experiments, we will calibrate each study effect HR estimate, its 95% CI and the p-value to reject the null hypothesis of no differential effect. We will declare an HR as significantly different from no effect when its calibrated p < 0.05 without correcting for multiple testing. Finally, blinded to all trial results, study investigators will evaluate study diagnostics for all comparisons to assess if they were likely to yield unbiased estimates (Section 9).

8.6.3 Sensitivity analyses and missingness

Because of the potential confounding effect of blood pressure at baseline between treatment choice and outcomes and to better understand the impact of limited blood pressure level measurements on effectiveness and safety estimation that arises in some EHR data, we will perform pre-specified sensitivity analyses for all studies within data sources that contain reliable blood pressure measurements. Within a study, for each exposure pair, we will first rebuild PS models where we additionally include baseline blood pressure as patient characteristics, stratify or matching patients under the new PS models that directly adjust for potential confounding by blood pressure and then estimate effectiveness and safety HRs.

A limitation of the Cox model is that no doubly robust procedure is believed to exist for estimating HRs, due to their non-collapsibility. Doubly robust procedures combine baseline patient characteristic-adjusted outcome and PS models to control for confounding and, in theory, remain unbiased when either (but not necessarily both) model is correctly specified. Doubly robust procedures do exist for hazard differences, and we will validate the appropriateness of our univariable Cox modelling by comparing estimate differences under an additive hazards model with and without doubly robust-adjustment. In practice, however, neither the outcome nor PS model is correctly specified, leading to systematic error in the observational setting.

Missing data of potential concern are patient demographics (gender, age, race) for our inclusion criteria. We will include only individuals whose baseline eligibility can be characterized that will most notably influence race subgroup assessments in the Heterogeneity Study. No further missing data can arise in our large-scale PS models because all features, with the exception of demographics, simply indicate the presence or absence of health records in a given time-period. Finally, we limit the impact of missing data, such as prescription information, relating to exposure time-at-risk by entertaining multiple definitions [176]. In all reports, we will clearly tabulate numbers of missing observations and patient attrition.

9 Sample Size and Study Power

Within each data source, we will execute all comparisons with \(\ge\) 1,000 eligible patients per arm. Blinded to effect estimates, investigators and stakeholders will evaluate extensive study diagnostics for each comparison to assess reliability and generalizability, and only report risk estimates that pass [177,178]. These diagnostics will include

  1. Minimum detectable risk ratio (MDRR) as a typical proxy for power,
  2. Preference score distributions to evaluate empirical equipoise [179] and population generalizability,
  3. Extensive patient characteristics to evaluate cohort balance before and after PS-adjustment,
  4. Negative control calibration plots to assess residual bias, and
  5. Kaplan-Meier plots to examine hazard ratio proportionality assumptions.

We will define cohorts to stand in empirical equipoise if the majority of patients carry preference scores between 0.3 and 0.7 and to achieve balance if all after-adjustment characteristics return absolute standardized mean differences \(<\) 0.1 [180].

10 Strengths and Limitations

10.1 Strengths

The strengths of the LegendHtnStepCare study stem from the research question, the methodologies employed, and our commitment to open science: * This study is poised to be the first to systematically address the critical clinical question: What are the relative benefits and risks of adding a second antihypertensive drug to monotherapy in patients with hypertension? * We are employing massive, diverse real-world datasets and cutting-edge observational research methods to provide comprehensive estimates of effectiveness and safety for second antihypertensive drugs added to monotherapy. These tools have previously evaluated antihypertensive monotherapies, but have not been used to assess the addition of a second drug when monotherapy is insufficient for managing hypertension. * Unlike typical observational research, this study will minimize residual bias by employing reproducible methods to mitigate observed confounding. We will enhance transparency by reporting diagnostics such as empirical equipoise and covariate balance, and by using a large set of control outcomes to detect and correct for any remaining systematic errors. This approach marks a significant advancement in observational research. * We will assess antihypertensive medications at both class and individual drug levels, evaluating effectiveness and safety across patient subgroups defined by demographic and clinical characteristics. This comprehensive approach has not been adequately explored in previous studies. * Our commitment to Open Science includes making all study artifacts—such as the study protocol, analytical code, and full results—publicly available. We will also provide real-time access to these materials for external analysis and interpretation, a practice that goes beyond the transparency typically seen in past studies.

10.2 Limitations

Some additional aspects merit consideration: * Residual Confounding: Despite our sophisticated analytic approach and diagnostics, residual confounding remains a possibility. We anticipate that ongoing and future randomized controlled trials (RCTs) will shed further light on this issue. We will use two distinct methods to triangulate residual confounding: large-scale propensity score (PS) adjustment and the use of numerous negative controls. Our PS adjustment incorporates tens of thousands of baseline covariates for matching and stratification. * Medication Adherence: Merely having a prescription does not guarantee medication consumption. We will conduct sensitivity analyses using pharmacy refill data to infer adherence, and perform on-treatment analysis to adjust for potential discrepancies in adherence across different drug classes. * Dose Variability: We will conduct sensitivity analyses among patients maintaining consistent dosing throughout the on-treatment period to account for differences in dosing and potency. * Medication Indication: Some patients, like those with congestive heart failure, might be prescribed antihypertensive medications for reasons other than lowering blood pressure. We will exclude such patients from the study cohort during sensitivity analyses. * Informative Censoring: There is a risk that censoring at the end of the on-treatment periods could be informative. We will utilize extensive negative controls to detect and adjust for any potential bias introduced by this censoring. * Overlap of Patients Across Databases: While our study is designed to minimize patient overlap across databases by adhering to federated analytic principles, we acknowledge that some overlap may occur. We will ensure that patient experiences are reported distinctly for each database.

11 Protection of Human Subjects

LEGEND-HTNStepCare does not involve human subject research. The project does, however, use human data collected during routine healthcare provision. Most often the data are de-identified within data source. All data partners executing the LEGEND-HtnStepCare studies within their data sources will have received institutional review board (IRB) approval or waiver for participation in accordance to their institutional governance prior to execution (see Table 11.1). LEGEND-HTNStepCare executes across a federated and distributed data network, where analysis code is sent to participating data partners and only aggregate summary statistics are returned, with no sharing of patient-level data between organizations.

Table 11.1: IRB approval or waiver statement from partners.
Data source Statement
Yale New Haven Health System (YNHHS) Use of the YNHHS EHR data source was approved by the Yale University Institutional Review Board as an OHDSI network study (IRB#2000026013).
Sentara Healthcare System (Sentara) Use of the Sentara EHR data source was approved by the Senatara Health Institutional Review Board as an OHDSI network study (IRB# pending).
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Use of the VA EHR data source was approved by the Department of Veterans Affairs Central Institutional Review Board and was determined to meet the criteria for exemption under Exemption category4(3) and approved the request for Waiver of HIPAA Authorization (IRB# pending).

12 Management and Reporting of Adverse Events and Adverse Reactions

LEGEND-HtnStepCare uses coded data that already exist in electronic databases. In these types of databases, it is not usually possible to link (i.e., identify a potential causal association between) a particular product and medical event for any specific individual. Thus, the minimum criteria for reporting an adverse event (i.e., identifiable patient, identifiable reporter, a suspect product and event) are not available and adverse events are not reportable as individual adverse event reports. The study results will be assessed for medically important findings.

13 Plans for Disseminating and Communicating Study Results

Open science aims to make scientific research, including its data process and software, and its dissemination, through publication and presentation, accessible to all levels of an inquiring society, amateur or professional [181] and is a governing principle of LEGEND-HtnStepCare. Open science delivers reproducible, transparent and reliable evidence. All aspects of LEGEND-HtnStepCare (except private patient data) will be open and we will actively encourage other interested researchers, clinicians and patients to participate. This differs fundamentally from traditional studies that rarely open their analytic tools or share all result artifacts, and inform the community about hard-to-verify conclusions at completion.

13.1 Transparent and re-usable research tools

We will publicly register this protocol and announce its availability for feedback from stakeholders, the OHDSI community and within clinical professional societies. This protocol will link to open source code for all steps to generating diagnostics, effect estimates, figures and tables. Such transparency is possible because we will construct our studies on top of the OHDSI toolstack of open source software tools that are community developed and rigorously tested [178]. We will publicly host LEGEND-HtnStepCare source code at (https://github.com/ohdsi-studies/LegendHtnStepCare), allowing public contribution and review, and free re-use for anyone’s future research.

13.2 Continuous sharing of results

LEGEND-HtnStepCare embodies a new approach to generating evidence from healthcare data that overcome weaknesses in the current process of answering and publishing (or not) one question at a time. Generating evidence for thousands of research and control questions using a systematic process enables us to not only evaluate that process and the coherence and consistency of the evidence, but also to avoid \(p\)-hacking and publication bias [177]. We will store and openly communicate all of these results as they become available using a user-friendly web-based app that serves up all descriptive statistics, study diagnostics and effect estimates for each cohort comparison and outcome. Open access to this app will be through a general public facing LEGEND-HtnStepCare webpage.

13.3 Scientific meetings and publications

We will deliver multiple presentations annually at scientific venues including the annual meetings of the American College of Cardiology, American Heart Association and American Medical Informatics Association. We will also prepare multiple scientific publications for clinical, informatics and statistical journals.

13.4 General public

We believe in sharing our findings that will guide clinical care with the general public. LEGEND-HtnStepCare will use social-media (e.g., X and LinkedIn) to facilitate this. With dedicated support from the OHDSI communications specialist, we will deliver regular press releases at key project stages, distributed via the extensive media networks of Yale, UCLA, and Columbia.


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A Exposure Cohort Definitions

A.1 Class-vs-Class Exposure (First ACEI adding Thiazide) Cohort

A.1.1 Cohort Entry Events

People with continuous observation of 365 days before event may enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. drug exposure of ‘Second agent’ for the first time in the person’s history, who are >= 18 years old. Limit cohort entry events to the earliest event per person.

A.1.2 Additional Inclusion Criteria

I. rule1

Entry events having at least 1 drug exposure of ‘First agent’, starting anytime up to 30 days before cohort entry start date.

II. rule2

Entry events having at least 1 condition occurrence of ‘Hypertension’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date.

III. rule3

Entry events having exactly 1 distinct standard concepts from drug exposure of ‘Antihypertensives’, starting anytime prior to cohort entry start date.

IV. rule4

Entry events having no drug exposures of ‘Other agents’, starting between 0 days before and 180 days after cohort entry start date.

V. rule5

Entry events having no condition occurrences of ‘Previous CV events including acute MI, stroke, HF’, starting anytime prior to cohort entry start date.

A.1.3 Cohort Exit

The cohort end date will be based on a continuous exposure to ‘Second agent’: allowing 30 days between exposures, adding 30 days after exposure ends, and using days supply and exposure end date for exposure duration.

A.1.4 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 0 days of each other.

A.1.5 Concept: Second agent

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1307046 metoprolol 6918 RxNorm NO YES NO
1313200 nadolol 7226 RxNorm NO YES NO
1314002 atenolol 1202 RxNorm NO YES NO
1314577 nebivolol 31555 RxNorm NO YES NO
1319998 acebutolol 149 RxNorm NO YES NO
1322081 betaxolol 1520 RxNorm NO YES NO
1327978 penbutolol 7973 RxNorm NO YES NO
1338005 bisoprolol 19484 RxNorm NO YES NO
1345858 pindolol 8332 RxNorm NO YES NO
1346823 carvedilol 20352 RxNorm NO YES NO
1353766 propranolol 8787 RxNorm NO YES NO
1386957 labetalol 6185 RxNorm NO YES NO

A.1.6 Concept: First agent

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1308216 lisinopril 29046 RxNorm NO YES NO
1310756 moexipril 30131 RxNorm NO YES NO
1331235 quinapril 35208 RxNorm NO YES NO
1334456 ramipril 35296 RxNorm NO YES NO
1335471 benazepril 18867 RxNorm NO YES NO
1340128 captopril 1998 RxNorm NO YES NO
1341927 enalapril 3827 RxNorm NO YES NO
1342439 trandolapril 38454 RxNorm NO YES NO
1363749 fosinopril 50166 RxNorm NO YES NO
1373225 perindopril 54552 RxNorm NO YES NO
1510704 amlodipine / celecoxib Oral Product 2047711 RxNorm YES YES NO
1510705 amlodipine / celecoxib Pill 2047712 RxNorm YES YES NO
2064627 amlodipine / chlorthalidone / telmisartan Oral Tablet OMOP4965915 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
21035025 Amiloride / Furosemide Oral Solution OMOP402978 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
21052206 Chlorothiazide / Spironolactone Oral Solution OMOP358547 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
21071954 Chlorothiazide / Spironolactone Oral Capsule OMOP358549 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
21071955 Chlorothiazide / Spironolactone Injectable Solution OMOP358550 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
21130571 Chlorothiazide / Spironolactone Oral Suspension OMOP358548 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
21132694 Atenolol / Chlorthalidone Oral Solution OMOP395909 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
21152528 Atenolol / Chlorthalidone Oral Suspension OMOP395911 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
21152932 Amiloride / Furosemide Oral Suspension OMOP402980 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
35146103 irbesartan / Trichlormethiazide Oral Tablet OMOP4803186 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
35150194 Amlodipine / irbesartan Oral Tablet OMOP4807246 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
35406763 Amlodipine / Indapamide / Perindopril Delayed Release Oral Tablet OMOP1140348 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
35408893 Bisoprolol / Perindopril Delayed Release Oral Tablet OMOP1142478 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
36212160 betaxolol / pilocarpine Ophthalmic Product 1153805 RxNorm YES YES NO
36212261 captopril / hydrochlorothiazide Oral Product 1155750 RxNorm YES YES NO
36212262 captopril / hydrochlorothiazide Pill 1155751 RxNorm YES YES NO
36212293 chlorthalidone / clonidine Oral Product 1155783 RxNorm YES YES NO
36212294 chlorthalidone / clonidine Pill 1155784 RxNorm YES YES NO
36212295 chlorthalidone / hydralazine / oxprenolol Oral Product 1155785 RxNorm YES YES NO
36212296 chlorthalidone / hydralazine / oxprenolol Pill 1155786 RxNorm YES YES NO
36212297 chlorthalidone / metoprolol Oral Product 1155787 RxNorm YES YES NO
36212298 chlorthalidone / metoprolol Pill 1155788 RxNorm YES YES NO
36212299 chlorthalidone / oxprenolol Oral Product 1155789 RxNorm YES YES NO
36212300 chlorthalidone / oxprenolol Pill 1155790 RxNorm YES YES NO
36212301 chlorthalidone / reserpine Oral Product 1155791 RxNorm YES YES NO
36212302 chlorthalidone / reserpine Pill 1155792 RxNorm YES YES NO
36212303 chlorthalidone / triamterene Oral Product 1155793 RxNorm YES YES NO
36212304 chlorthalidone / triamterene Pill 1155794 RxNorm YES YES NO
36212400 chlorothiazide / methyldopa Oral Product 1153863 RxNorm YES YES NO
36212401 chlorothiazide / methyldopa Pill 1153864 RxNorm YES YES NO
36212440 clopamide / pindolol Oral Product 1153903 RxNorm YES YES NO
36212441 clopamide / pindolol Pill 1153904 RxNorm YES YES NO
36213274 bendroflumethiazide / clonidine Oral Product 1156019 RxNorm YES YES NO
36213275 bendroflumethiazide / clonidine Pill 1156020 RxNorm YES YES NO
36213278 bendroflumethiazide / nadolol Oral Product 1156023 RxNorm YES YES NO
36213279 bendroflumethiazide / nadolol Pill 1156024 RxNorm YES YES NO
36214315 indapamide / perindopril Oral Product 1156300 RxNorm YES YES NO
36214316 indapamide / perindopril Pill 1156301 RxNorm YES YES NO
36214477 atenolol / bendroflumethiazide Oral Product 1154366 RxNorm YES YES NO
36214478 atenolol / bendroflumethiazide Pill 1154367 RxNorm YES YES NO
36214479 atenolol / chlorthalidone / hydralazine Oral Product 1154368 RxNorm YES YES NO
36214480 atenolol / chlorthalidone / hydralazine Pill 1154369 RxNorm YES YES NO
36214481 atenolol / chlorthalidone Oral Product 1154370 RxNorm YES YES NO
36214482 atenolol / chlorthalidone Pill 1154371 RxNorm YES YES NO
36214483 atenolol / nifedipine Oral Product 1154374 RxNorm YES YES NO
36214484 atenolol / nifedipine Pill 1154375 RxNorm YES YES NO
36215127 althiazide / spironolactone Oral Product 1156535 RxNorm YES YES NO
36215128 althiazide / spironolactone Pill 1156536 RxNorm YES YES NO
36215209 dehydrosanol / triamterene Oral Product 1157731 RxNorm YES YES NO
36215210 dehydrosanol / triamterene Pill 1157732 RxNorm YES YES NO
36215223 deserpidine / hydrochlorothiazide Oral Product 1157745 RxNorm YES YES NO
36215224 deserpidine / hydrochlorothiazide Pill 1157746 RxNorm YES YES NO
36215393 candesartan / hydrochlorothiazide Oral Product 1156609 RxNorm YES YES NO
36215394 candesartan / hydrochlorothiazide Pill 1156610 RxNorm YES YES NO
36215416 cyclothiazide / triamterene Oral Product 1156637 RxNorm YES YES NO
36215417 cyclothiazide / triamterene Pill 1156638 RxNorm YES YES NO
36215809 bisoprolol / hydrochlorothiazide Oral Product 1154704 RxNorm YES YES NO
36215810 bisoprolol / hydrochlorothiazide Pill 1154705 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216030 dihydralazine / hydrochlorothiazide / reserpine Oral Product 1151524 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216031 dihydralazine / hydrochlorothiazide / reserpine Pill 1151525 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216034 dihydralazine / propranolol Oral Product 1151528 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216035 dihydralazine / propranolol Pill 1151529 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216161 amiloride / atenolol / hydrochlorothiazide Oral Product 1151590 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216162 amiloride / atenolol / hydrochlorothiazide Pill 1151591 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216163 amiloride / bendroflumethiazide Oral Product 1151592 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216164 amiloride / bendroflumethiazide Pill 1151593 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216165 amiloride / bumetanide Oral Product 1151594 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216166 amiloride / bumetanide Pill 1151595 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216167 amiloride / cyclopenthiazide Oral Product 1151596 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216168 amiloride / cyclopenthiazide Pill 1151597 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216169 amiloride / furosemide / indapamide Oral Product 1151598 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216170 amiloride / furosemide / indapamide Pill 1151599 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216171 amiloride / furosemide Oral Product 1151600 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216172 amiloride / furosemide Pill 1151601 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216173 amiloride / hydrochlorothiazide / methyldopa Oral Product 1151602 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216174 amiloride / hydrochlorothiazide / methyldopa Pill 1151603 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216175 amiloride / hydrochlorothiazide / timolol Oral Product 1151604 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216176 amiloride / hydrochlorothiazide / timolol Pill 1151605 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216246 amiloride / hydrochlorothiazide Oral Liquid Product 1151606 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216247 amiloride / hydrochlorothiazide Oral Product 1151607 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216248 amiloride / hydrochlorothiazide Pill 1151608 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216249 amiloride / metolazone Oral Product 1151609 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216250 amiloride / metolazone Pill 1151610 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216251 amiloride / trichlormethiazide Oral Product 1151611 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216252 amiloride / trichlormethiazide Pill 1151612 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216551 cilazapril / hydrochlorothiazide Oral Product 1151778 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216552 cilazapril / hydrochlorothiazide Pill 1151779 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216725 diltiazem / enalapril Oral Product 1151883 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216726 diltiazem / enalapril Pill 1151884 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216727 diltiazem / hydrochlorothiazide Oral Product 1151885 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216728 diltiazem / hydrochlorothiazide Pill 1151886 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216899 acebutolol / hydrochlorothiazide Oral Product 1153651 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216900 acebutolol / hydrochlorothiazide Pill 1153652 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216901 acebutolol / mefruside Oral Product 1153653 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216902 acebutolol / mefruside Pill 1153654 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216903 acebutolol / nifedipine Oral Product 1153655 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216904 acebutolol / nifedipine Pill 1153656 RxNorm YES YES NO
36217137 clonidine / hydrochlorothiazide / triamterene Oral Product 1153380 RxNorm YES YES NO
36217138 clonidine / hydrochlorothiazide / triamterene Pill 1153381 RxNorm YES YES NO
36217139 clonidine / cyclothiazide Oral Product 1153382 RxNorm YES YES NO
36217140 clonidine / cyclothiazide Pill 1153383 RxNorm YES YES NO
36217664 bendroflumethiazide / propranolol Oral Product 1151296 RxNorm YES YES NO
36217665 bendroflumethiazide / propranolol Pill 1151297 RxNorm YES YES NO
36217670 bendroflumethiazide / spironolactone Oral Product 1151302 RxNorm YES YES NO
36217671 bendroflumethiazide / spironolactone Pill 1151303 RxNorm YES YES NO
36217708 amlodipine / hydrochlorothiazide / olmesartan Oral Product 1152277 RxNorm YES YES NO
36217709 amlodipine / hydrochlorothiazide / olmesartan Pill 1152278 RxNorm YES YES NO
36217710 amlodipine / hydrochlorothiazide / valsartan Oral Product 1152279 RxNorm YES YES NO
36217711 amlodipine / hydrochlorothiazide / valsartan Pill 1152280 RxNorm YES YES NO
36217712 amlodipine / atorvastatin Oral Product 1152281 RxNorm YES YES NO
36217713 amlodipine / atorvastatin Pill 1152282 RxNorm YES YES NO
36217714 amlodipine / benazepril Oral Product 1152283 RxNorm YES YES NO
36217715 amlodipine / benazepril Pill 1152284 RxNorm YES YES NO
36217716 amlodipine / olmesartan Oral Product 1152285 RxNorm YES YES NO
36217717 amlodipine / olmesartan Pill 1152286 RxNorm YES YES NO
36217718 amlodipine / telmisartan Oral Product 1152287 RxNorm YES YES NO
36217719 amlodipine / telmisartan Pill 1152288 RxNorm YES YES NO
36217720 amlodipine / valsartan Oral Product 1152289 RxNorm YES YES NO
36217721 amlodipine / valsartan Pill 1152290 RxNorm YES YES NO
36217842 bumetanide / potassium chloride Oral Product 1151343 RxNorm YES YES NO
36217843 bumetanide / potassium chloride Pill 1151344 RxNorm YES YES NO
36217844 bumetanide / potassium Oral Product 1151345 RxNorm YES YES NO
36217845 bumetanide / potassium Pill 1151346 RxNorm YES YES NO
36218311 hydrochlorothiazide / mepindolol Pill 1162774 RxNorm YES YES NO
36218312 hydrochlorothiazide / moexipril Oral Product 1162775 RxNorm YES YES NO
36218313 hydrochlorothiazide / moexipril Pill 1162776 RxNorm YES YES NO
36218314 hydrochlorothiazide / olmesartan Oral Product 1162777 RxNorm YES YES NO
36218315 hydrochlorothiazide / olmesartan Pill 1162778 RxNorm YES YES NO
36218316 hydrochlorothiazide / quinapril Oral Product 1162779 RxNorm YES YES NO
36218317 hydrochlorothiazide / quinapril Pill 1162780 RxNorm YES YES NO
36218318 hydrochlorothiazide / telmisartan Oral Product 1162781 RxNorm YES YES NO
36218319 hydrochlorothiazide / telmisartan Pill 1162782 RxNorm YES YES NO
36218320 hydrochlorothiazide / valsartan Oral Product 1162783 RxNorm YES YES NO
36218321 hydrochlorothiazide / valsartan Pill 1162784 RxNorm YES YES NO
36218404 hydroflumethiazide / spironolactone Oral Product 1164019 RxNorm YES YES NO
36218405 hydroflumethiazide / spironolactone Pill 1164020 RxNorm YES YES NO
36218517 Hyzaar Oral Product 1166546 RxNorm YES YES NO
36218518 Hyzaar Pill 1166549 RxNorm YES YES NO
36218624 methyclothiazide / triamterene Oral Product 1162867 RxNorm YES YES NO
36218625 methyclothiazide / triamterene Pill 1162868 RxNorm YES YES NO
36219017 quinidine / verapamil Oral Product 1164182 RxNorm YES YES NO
36219018 quinidine / verapamil Pill 1164183 RxNorm YES YES NO
36219590 aliskiren / amlodipine / hydrochlorothiazide Oral Product 1164294 RxNorm YES YES NO
36219628 buthiazide / spironolactone Oral Product 1164332 RxNorm YES YES NO
36220155 piretanide / ramipril Oral Product 1163266 RxNorm YES YES NO
36220156 piretanide / ramipril Pill 1163267 RxNorm YES YES NO
36220835 hydroxyzine / labetalol Oral Product 1164636 RxNorm YES YES NO
36220836 hydroxyzine / labetalol Pill 1164637 RxNorm YES YES NO
36221077 metolazone / triamterene Oral Product 1163516 RxNorm YES YES NO
36221078 metolazone / triamterene Pill 1163517 RxNorm YES YES NO
36221081 metoprolol / nifedipine Oral Product 1163520 RxNorm YES YES NO
36221082 metoprolol / nifedipine Pill 1163521 RxNorm YES YES NO
36221405 penbutolol / piretanide Oral Product 1164756 RxNorm YES YES NO
36221406 penbutolol / piretanide Pill 1164757 RxNorm YES YES NO
36221767 aliskiren / amlodipine / hydrochlorothiazide Pill 1164880 RxNorm YES YES NO
36221768 aliskiren / amlodipine Oral Product 1164881 RxNorm YES YES NO
36221769 aliskiren / amlodipine Pill 1164882 RxNorm YES YES NO
36221770 aliskiren / hydrochlorothiazide Oral Product 1164883 RxNorm YES YES NO
36222006 aliskiren / hydrochlorothiazide Pill 1164884 RxNorm YES YES NO
36222007 aliskiren / valsartan Oral Product 1164885 RxNorm YES YES NO
36222008 aliskiren / valsartan Pill 1164886 RxNorm YES YES NO
36222040 buthiazide / spironolactone Pill 1164919 RxNorm YES YES NO
36223174 triamterene / xipamide Oral Product 1158232 RxNorm YES YES NO
36223175 triamterene / xipamide Pill 1158233 RxNorm YES YES NO
36223654 benzthiazide / triamterene Oral Product 1160544 RxNorm YES YES NO
36223655 benzthiazide / triamterene Pill 1160545 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224289 hydrochlorothiazide / labetalol Oral Product 1162122 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224290 hydrochlorothiazide / labetalol Pill 1162123 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224291 hydrochlorothiazide / lisinopril Oral Product 1162124 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224292 hydrochlorothiazide / lisinopril Pill 1162125 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224293 hydrochlorothiazide / losartan Oral Product 1162126 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224294 hydrochlorothiazide / losartan Pill 1162127 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224295 hydrochlorothiazide / magnesium chloride / methotrimeprazine Oral Product 1162128 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224296 hydrochlorothiazide / magnesium chloride / methotrimeprazine Pill 1162129 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224297 hydrochlorothiazide / methyldopa Oral Product 1162130 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224298 hydrochlorothiazide / methyldopa Pill 1162131 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224299 hydrochlorothiazide / metoprolol Oral Product 1162132 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224300 hydrochlorothiazide / metoprolol Pill 1162133 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224301 hydrochlorothiazide / pindolol Oral Product 1162134 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224302 hydrochlorothiazide / pindolol Pill 1162135 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224303 hydrochlorothiazide / potassium chloride Oral Product 1162136 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224304 hydrochlorothiazide / potassium chloride Pill 1162137 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224305 hydrochlorothiazide / propranolol Oral Product 1162138 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224306 hydrochlorothiazide / propranolol Pill 1162139 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224307 hydrochlorothiazide / ramipril Oral Product 1162140 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224308 hydrochlorothiazide / ramipril Pill 1162141 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224309 hydrochlorothiazide / reserpine Oral Product 1162142 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224310 hydrochlorothiazide / reserpine Pill 1162143 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224311 hydrochlorothiazide / sotalol Oral Product 1162144 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224312 hydrochlorothiazide / sotalol Pill 1162145 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224313 hydrochlorothiazide / spironolactone Oral Product 1162146 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224314 hydrochlorothiazide / spironolactone Pill 1162147 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224315 hydrochlorothiazide / timolol Oral Product 1162148 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224316 hydrochlorothiazide / timolol Pill 1162149 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224317 hydrochlorothiazide / triamterene / verapamil Oral Product 1162150 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224318 hydrochlorothiazide / triamterene / verapamil Pill 1162151 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224319 hydrochlorothiazide / triamterene Oral Product 1162152 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224320 hydrochlorothiazide / triamterene Pill 1162153 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224449 guanethidine / hydrochlorothiazide Oral Product 1159708 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224450 guanethidine / hydrochlorothiazide Pill 1159709 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224573 enalapril / felodipine Oral Product 1162647 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224574 enalapril / felodipine Pill 1162648 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224575 enalapril / hydrochlorothiazide Oral Product 1162649 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224576 enalapril / hydrochlorothiazide Pill 1162650 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224600 fosinopril / hydrochlorothiazide Oral Product 1162674 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224601 fosinopril / hydrochlorothiazide Pill 1162675 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224690 nicardipine / pyrithioxin Oral Product 1158667 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224691 nicardipine / pyrithioxin Pill 1158668 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224719 isosorbide dinitrate / verapamil Oral Product 1159751 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224720 isosorbide dinitrate / verapamil Pill 1159752 RxNorm YES YES NO
36225134 hydrochlorothiazide / verapamil Oral Product 1162154 RxNorm YES YES NO
36225135 hydrochlorothiazide / verapamil Pill 1162155 RxNorm YES YES NO
36225136 hydrochlorothiazide / irbesartan Oral Product 1162156 RxNorm YES YES NO
36225137 hydrochlorothiazide / irbesartan Pill 1162157 RxNorm YES YES NO
36225138 hydrochlorothiazide / mepindolol Oral Product 1162158 RxNorm YES YES NO
36225434 furosemide / penbutolol Oral Product 1162702 RxNorm YES YES NO
36225435 furosemide / penbutolol Pill 1162703 RxNorm YES YES NO
36225436 furosemide / potassium chloride Oral Product 1162704 RxNorm YES YES NO
36225437 furosemide / potassium chloride Pill 1162705 RxNorm YES YES NO
36225438 furosemide / potassium Oral Product 1162706 RxNorm YES YES NO
36225439 furosemide / potassium Pill 1162707 RxNorm YES YES NO
36225440 furosemide / spironolactone Oral Product 1162708 RxNorm YES YES NO
36225441 furosemide / spironolactone Pill 1162709 RxNorm YES YES NO
36225442 furosemide / triamterene Oral Product 1162710 RxNorm YES YES NO
36225443 furosemide / triamterene Pill 1162711 RxNorm YES YES NO
36225488 trandolapril / verapamil Oral Product 1162756 RxNorm YES YES NO
36225489 trandolapril / verapamil Pill 1162757 RxNorm YES YES NO
36225635 benazepril / hydrochlorothiazide Oral Product 1160005 RxNorm YES YES NO
36225636 benazepril / hydrochlorothiazide Pill 1160006 RxNorm YES YES NO
36225790 eprosartan / hydrochlorothiazide Oral Product 1161918 RxNorm YES YES NO
36225791 eprosartan / hydrochlorothiazide Pill 1161919 RxNorm YES YES NO
36226052 ergoloid mesylates, USP / nifedipine Oral Product 1162494 RxNorm YES YES NO
36226053 ergoloid mesylates, USP / nifedipine Pill 1162495 RxNorm YES YES NO
36226137 felodipine / metoprolol Oral Product 1159024 RxNorm YES YES NO
36226138 felodipine / metoprolol Pill 1159025 RxNorm YES YES NO
36226139 felodipine / ramipril Oral Product 1159026 RxNorm YES YES NO
36226140 felodipine / ramipril Pill 1159027 RxNorm YES YES NO
36226883 pentaerythritol / propranolol Oral Product 1161389 RxNorm YES YES NO
36226884 pentaerythritol / propranolol Pill 1161390 RxNorm YES YES NO
36226979 mefruside / methyldopa Oral Product 1159202 RxNorm YES YES NO
36226980 mefruside / methyldopa Pill 1159203 RxNorm YES YES NO
36226981 mefruside / nifedipine Oral Product 1159204 RxNorm YES YES NO
36226982 mefruside / nifedipine Pill 1159205 RxNorm YES YES NO
36227399 polythiazide / prazosin Oral Product 1160457 RxNorm YES YES NO
36227400 polythiazide / prazosin Pill 1160458 RxNorm YES YES NO
36227481 hydralazine / hydrochlorothiazide / metoprolol Oral Product 1161545 RxNorm YES YES NO
36227482 hydralazine / hydrochlorothiazide / metoprolol Pill 1161546 RxNorm YES YES NO
36227483 hydralazine / hydrochlorothiazide / reserpine Oral Product 1161547 RxNorm YES YES NO
36227484 hydralazine / hydrochlorothiazide / reserpine Pill 1161548 RxNorm YES YES NO
36227485 hydralazine / hydrochlorothiazide Oral Product 1161549 RxNorm YES YES NO
36227486 hydralazine / hydrochlorothiazide Pill 1161550 RxNorm YES YES NO
36227487 hydralazine / isosorbide dinitrate Oral Product 1161551 RxNorm YES YES NO
36227488 hydralazine / isosorbide dinitrate Pill 1161552 RxNorm YES YES NO
36227489 hydralazine / reserpine Oral Product 1161553 RxNorm YES YES NO
36227490 hydralazine / reserpine Pill 1161554 RxNorm YES YES NO
36227929 Totaretic Oral Product 1178598 RxNorm YES YES NO
36227930 Totaretic Pill 1178599 RxNorm YES YES NO
36228123 Emcor LS Oral Product 1175298 RxNorm YES YES NO
36228124 Emcor LS Pill 1175299 RxNorm YES YES NO
36228734 Hydropres Oral Product 1175471 RxNorm YES YES NO
36228735 Hydropres Pill 1175472 RxNorm YES YES NO
36228737 Hydroserp Oral Product 1175476 RxNorm YES YES NO
36228738 Hydroserp Pill 1175477 RxNorm YES YES NO
36228739 Hydroserpine Oral Product 1175478 RxNorm YES YES NO
36228740 Hydroserpine Pill 1175479 RxNorm YES YES NO
36228868 Prinzide Oral Product 1178914 RxNorm YES YES NO
36228869 Prinzide Pill 1178915 RxNorm YES YES NO
36229025 Serpazide Oral Product 1180769 RxNorm YES YES NO
36229026 Serpazide Pill 1180770 RxNorm YES YES NO
36229027 Serpex Oral Product 1180771 RxNorm YES YES NO
36229028 Serpex Pill 1180772 RxNorm YES YES NO
36229222 Tarka Pill 1179047 RxNorm YES YES NO
36229223 Tarka Oral Product 1179052 RxNorm YES YES NO
36229579 Trandide Oral Product 1179179 RxNorm YES YES NO
36229633 Tenoret Oral Product 1181453 RxNorm YES YES NO
36230422 HHR Oral Product 1176066 RxNorm YES YES NO
36230423 HHR Pill 1176067 RxNorm YES YES NO
36230655 Teczem Oral Product 1180847 RxNorm YES YES NO
36230656 Teczem Pill 1180848 RxNorm YES YES NO
36230668 Tekamlo Oral Product 1180862 RxNorm YES YES NO
36230669 Tekamlo Pill 1180865 RxNorm YES YES NO
36230802 Tiamate Oral Product 1177910 RxNorm YES YES NO
36231207 Tri-Hydroserpine Oral Product 1179709 RxNorm YES YES NO
36231208 Tri-Hydroserpine Pill 1179710 RxNorm YES YES NO
36231237 Mallopress Oral Product 1179744 RxNorm YES YES NO
36231238 Mallopress Pill 1179745 RxNorm YES YES NO
36231600 Lotrel Oral Product 1180906 RxNorm YES YES NO
36231601 Lotrel Pill 1180909 RxNorm YES YES NO
36231925 Moduret Oral Product 1181621 RxNorm YES YES NO
36231926 Moduret Pill 1181622 RxNorm YES YES NO
36231927 Moduretic Oral Product 1181623 RxNorm YES YES NO
36231928 Moduretic Pill 1181624 RxNorm YES YES NO
36232208 Regroton Oral Product 1180071 RxNorm YES YES NO
36232209 Regroton Pill 1180072 RxNorm YES YES NO
36232387 Hypolar Retard 20 Oral Product 1176719 RxNorm YES YES NO
36232388 Hypolar Retard 20 Pill 1176720 RxNorm YES YES NO
36232453 Tiamate Pill 1178487 RxNorm YES YES NO
36232483 Timolide Oral Product 1178526 RxNorm YES YES NO
36232484 Timolide Pill 1178527 RxNorm YES YES NO
36232516 Ser-Ap-Es Oral Product 1180173 RxNorm YES YES NO
36232517 Ser-Ap-Es Pill 1180174 RxNorm YES YES NO
36232520 Serathide Oral Product 1180179 RxNorm YES YES NO
36232521 Serathide Pill 1180180 RxNorm YES YES NO
36232591 Marpres Oral Product 1181022 RxNorm YES YES NO
36232592 Marpres Pill 1181023 RxNorm YES YES NO
36233813 Inderide Oral Product 1172018 RxNorm YES YES NO
36233814 Inderide Pill 1172027 RxNorm YES YES NO
36234200 Atacand HCT Pill 1172182 RxNorm YES YES NO
36234201 Atacand HCT Oral Product 1172183 RxNorm YES YES NO
36234454 Benicar HCT Oral Product 1170817 RxNorm YES YES NO
36234455 Benicar HCT Pill 1170818 RxNorm YES YES NO
36234627 Labrocol Oral Product 1174956 RxNorm YES YES NO
36234628 Labrocol Pill 1174957 RxNorm YES YES NO
36235144 Demi-Regroton Oral Product 1172430 RxNorm YES YES NO
36235145 Demi-Regroton Pill 1172431 RxNorm YES YES NO
36236948 Aquazide H Oral Product 1170086 RxNorm YES YES NO
36236949 Aquazide H Pill 1170087 RxNorm YES YES NO
36237230 HydroDIURIL Oral Product 1174811 RxNorm YES YES NO
36237231 HydroDIURIL Pill 1174812 RxNorm YES YES NO
36237459 Diuretic Ap-Es Oral Product 1173148 RxNorm YES YES NO
36237460 Diuretic Ap-Es Pill 1173149 RxNorm YES YES NO
36237783 Exforge HCT Oral Product 1173249 RxNorm YES YES NO
36237784 Exforge HCT Pill 1173250 RxNorm YES YES NO
36237852 Hydrap-ES Oral Product 1174064 RxNorm YES YES NO
36237853 Hydrap-ES Pill 1174065 RxNorm YES YES NO
36237869 Hydro-Reserp Oral Product 1174092 RxNorm YES YES NO
36237870 Hydro-Reserp Pill 1174093 RxNorm YES YES NO
36238273 azilsartan / chlorthalidone Oral Product 1235140 RxNorm YES YES NO
36238274 azilsartan / chlorthalidone Pill 1235141 RxNorm YES YES NO
36238510 Tribenzor Pill 1182147 RxNorm YES YES NO
36238819 Monopril-HCT Pill 1182235 RxNorm YES YES NO
36238820 Monopril-HCT Oral Product 1182236 RxNorm YES YES NO
36239006 Zestoretic Oral Product 1187277 RxNorm YES YES NO
36239007 Zestoretic Pill 1187278 RxNorm YES YES NO
36239102 Tribenzor Oral Product 1182686 RxNorm YES YES NO
36239296 Valturna Oral Product 1187346 RxNorm YES YES NO
36239297 Valturna Pill 1187347 RxNorm YES YES NO
36239382 Maxzide Oral Product 1182741 RxNorm YES YES NO
36239383 Maxzide Pill 1182742 RxNorm YES YES NO
36239638 Ziac Pill 1187449 RxNorm YES YES NO
36239639 Ziac Oral Product 1187450 RxNorm YES YES NO
36239650 Zida-Co Oral Product 1187471 RxNorm YES YES NO
36239651 Zida-Co Pill 1187472 RxNorm YES YES NO
36239801 Mepranix Oral Product 1184390 RxNorm YES YES NO
36239802 Mepranix Pill 1184391 RxNorm YES YES NO
36239983 Vaseretic Oral Product 1187581 RxNorm YES YES NO
36239984 Vaseretic Pill 1187582 RxNorm YES YES NO
36240204 Quinaretic Oral Product 1185902 RxNorm YES YES NO
36240205 Quinaretic Pill 1185903 RxNorm YES YES NO
36241084 Unipres Oral Product 1186281 RxNorm YES YES NO
36241085 Unipres Pill 1186282 RxNorm YES YES NO
36241087 Uniretic Oral Product 1186288 RxNorm YES YES NO
36241088 Uniretic Pill 1186289 RxNorm YES YES NO
36241277 Teveten HCT Oral Product 1184922 RxNorm YES YES NO
36241278 Teveten HCT Pill 1184923 RxNorm YES YES NO
36242838 Twynsta Pill 1186904 RxNorm YES YES NO
36242839 Twynsta Oral Product 1186905 RxNorm YES YES NO
36243159 Uni Serp Oral Product 1187843 RxNorm YES YES NO
36243160 Uni Serp Pill 1187844 RxNorm YES YES NO
36243282 Tenoret Pill 1182012 RxNorm YES YES NO
36243283 Tenoretic Oral Product 1182013 RxNorm YES YES NO
36243284 Tenoretic Pill 1182014 RxNorm YES YES NO
36247927 Tekturna HCT Oral Product 1430140 RxNorm YES YES NO
36247928 Tekturna HCT Pill 1430141 RxNorm YES YES NO
36248677 sacubitril / valsartan Oral Product 1656336 RxNorm YES YES NO
36248678 sacubitril / valsartan Pill 1656337 RxNorm YES YES NO
36248703 amlodipine / perindopril Oral Product 1600713 RxNorm YES YES NO
36248704 amlodipine / perindopril Pill 1600714 RxNorm YES YES NO
36248705 Prestalia Oral Product 1600720 RxNorm YES YES NO
36248706 Prestalia Pill 1600721 RxNorm YES YES NO
36250179 nebivolol / valsartan Oral Product 1798277 RxNorm YES YES NO
36250180 nebivolol / valsartan Pill 1798278 RxNorm YES YES NO
36259265 Amlodipine / Indapamide / Perindopril Oral Tablet OMOP3110140 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
36264366 Hydrochlorothiazide / Metoprolol Extended Release Oral Capsule OMOP3115241 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
36264394 Bisoprolol / Hydrochlorothiazide Oral Capsule OMOP3115269 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
36266935 Bisoprolol / Perindopril Oral Tablet OMOP3117810 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
36269479 Hydrochlorothiazide / Losartan Oral Capsule OMOP3120354 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
36272027 Hydrochlorothiazide / nebivolol Oral Tablet OMOP3122902 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
36272030 Felodipine / Ramipril Extended Release Oral Capsule OMOP3122905 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
36274581 Felodipine / Metoprolol Extended Release Oral Capsule OMOP3125456 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
36274595 Chlorthalidone / Metoprolol Extended Release Oral Capsule OMOP3125470 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
36784817 Bisoprolol / Hydrochlorothiazide Extended Release Oral Tablet OMOP4773102 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
36786066 Cilazapril / Hydrochlorothiazide Delayed Release Oral Tablet OMOP4774342 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
36787123 Amlodipine / Hydrochlorothiazide / olmesartan Delayed Release Oral Tablet OMOP4775385 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
36787465 eprosartan / Hydrochlorothiazide Delayed Release Oral Tablet OMOP4775731 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
36881813 Chlorthalidone / Metoprolol Delayed Release Oral Tablet OMOP993857 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
36889540 Chlorthalidone / Oxprenolol Delayed Release Oral Tablet OMOP1004099 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
40003426 acebutolol / nifedipine Oral Tablet 446671 RxNorm YES YES NO
40007368 amiloride / atenolol / hydrochlorothiazide Oral Capsule 379257 RxNorm YES YES NO
40007369 amiloride / atenolol / hydrochlorothiazide Oral Tablet 437781 RxNorm YES YES NO
40007373 amiloride / furosemide / indapamide Oral Tablet 437571 RxNorm YES YES NO
40007374 amiloride / furosemide Oral Tablet 370847 RxNorm YES YES NO
40007377 amiloride / hydrochlorothiazide / methyldopa Oral Tablet 446454 RxNorm YES YES NO
40007378 amiloride / hydrochlorothiazide / timolol Oral Tablet 379256 RxNorm YES YES NO
40007379 amiloride / hydrochlorothiazide Oral Solution 370848 RxNorm YES YES NO
40007380 amiloride / hydrochlorothiazide Oral Tablet 370638 RxNorm YES YES NO
40010558 atenolol / bendroflumethiazide Oral Capsule 385565 RxNorm YES YES NO
40010559 atenolol / chlorthalidone / hydralazine Oral Tablet 440424 RxNorm YES YES NO
40010560 atenolol / chlorthalidone Oral Capsule 370958 RxNorm YES YES NO
40010561 atenolol / chlorthalidone Oral Tablet 370620 RxNorm YES YES NO
40010567 atenolol / nifedipine Extended Release Oral Capsule 393276 RxNorm YES YES NO
40010568 atenolol / nifedipine Oral Capsule 370961 RxNorm YES YES NO
40010569 atenolol / nifedipine Oral Tablet 376172 RxNorm YES YES NO
40011854 bendroflumethiazide / propranolol Extended Release Oral Capsule 373656 RxNorm YES YES NO
40011855 bendroflumethiazide / propranolol Oral Capsule 373655 RxNorm YES YES NO
40011856 bendroflumethiazide / propranolol Oral Tablet 373657 RxNorm YES YES NO
40011860 bendroflumethiazide / timolol Oral Tablet 374136 RxNorm YES YES NO
40015092 bisoprolol / hydrochlorothiazide Oral Tablet 371103 RxNorm YES YES NO
40020436 chlorothiazide / methyldopa Oral Tablet [Aldoclor] 368245 RxNorm YES YES NO
40026132 clonidine / hydrochlorothiazide / triamterene Oral Tablet 438743 RxNorm YES YES NO
40027598 cilazapril / hydrochlorothiazide Oral Tablet 371507 RxNorm YES YES NO
40028109 cyclopenthiazide / oxprenolol Extended Release Oral Tablet 373186 RxNorm YES YES NO
40028110 cyclopenthiazide / oxprenolol Oral Tablet 373185 RxNorm YES YES NO
40030840 chlorthalidone / hydralazine / oxprenolol Oral Tablet 440427 RxNorm YES YES NO
40030842 chlorthalidone / metoprolol Extended Release Oral Tablet 446468 RxNorm YES YES NO
40030843 chlorthalidone / metoprolol Oral Tablet 379254 RxNorm YES YES NO
40030844 chlorthalidone / oxprenolol Extended Release Oral Tablet 373182 RxNorm YES YES NO
40030845 chlorthalidone / oxprenolol Oral Tablet 373181 RxNorm YES YES NO
40033922 dihydralazine / propranolol Oral Tablet 439011 RxNorm YES YES NO
40034892 diltiazem / hydrochlorothiazide Extended Release Oral Capsule 385943 RxNorm YES YES NO
40037280 felodipine / metoprolol Extended Release Oral Tablet 439560 RxNorm YES YES NO
40037281 felodipine / ramipril Oral Tablet 393440 RxNorm YES YES NO
40039294 ergoloid mesylates, USP / nifedipine Oral Tablet 439288 RxNorm YES YES NO
40039680 furosemide / spironolactone Oral Capsule 373944 RxNorm YES YES NO
40039681 furosemide / spironolactone Oral Tablet 451932 RxNorm YES YES NO
40039682 furosemide / triamterene Extended Release Oral Capsule 452294 RxNorm YES YES NO
40039683 furosemide / triamterene Oral Tablet 374196 RxNorm YES YES NO
40044449 hydralazine / hydrochlorothiazide / metoprolol Oral Tablet 440425 RxNorm YES YES NO
40044821 hydrochlorothiazide / losartan Oral Tablet 372650 RxNorm YES YES NO
40044824 hydrochlorothiazide / magnesium chloride / methotrimeprazine Oral Tablet 440593 RxNorm YES YES NO
40044831 hydrochlorothiazide / metoprolol Extended Release Oral Tablet 372890 RxNorm YES YES NO
40044832 hydrochlorothiazide / metoprolol Oral Tablet 372889 RxNorm YES YES NO
40044834 hydrochlorothiazide / olmesartan Oral Tablet 406041 RxNorm YES YES NO
40044837 hydrochlorothiazide / potassium chloride Oral Tablet 376241 RxNorm YES YES NO
40044838 hydrochlorothiazide / propranolol Extended Release Oral Capsule 373650 RxNorm YES YES NO
40044839 hydrochlorothiazide / propranolol Oral Tablet 373651 RxNorm YES YES NO
40044851 hydrochlorothiazide / spironolactone Oral Tablet 370639 RxNorm YES YES NO
40044854 hydrochlorothiazide / timolol Oral Tablet 374419 RxNorm YES YES NO
40044856 hydrochlorothiazide / triamterene / verapamil Oral Tablet 452537 RxNorm YES YES NO
40044857 hydrochlorothiazide / triamterene Oral Capsule 370640 RxNorm YES YES NO
40045116 hydrochlorothiazide / triamterene Oral Tablet 374192 RxNorm YES YES NO
40045118 hydrochlorothiazide / verapamil Extended Release Oral Capsule 452536 RxNorm YES YES NO
40045119 hydrochlorothiazide / irbesartan Oral Tablet 370705 RxNorm YES YES NO
40045121 hydrochlorothiazide / mepindolol Oral Tablet 446301 RxNorm YES YES NO
40045124 hydrochlorothiazide / quinapril Oral Tablet 373732 RxNorm YES YES NO
40045126 hydrochlorothiazide / telmisartan Oral Tablet 378921 RxNorm YES YES NO
40045128 hydrochlorothiazide / valsartan Oral Tablet 374280 RxNorm YES YES NO
40049453 indapamide / perindopril Oral Tablet 393357 RxNorm YES YES NO
40054917 dehydrosanol / triamterene Oral Capsule 452289 RxNorm YES YES NO
40054918 dehydrosanol / triamterene Oral Tablet 452285 RxNorm YES YES NO
40059139 eprosartan / hydrochlorothiazide Oral Tablet 378735 RxNorm YES YES NO
40060227 cyclothiazide / triamterene Oral Tablet 452292 RxNorm YES YES NO
40061782 metoprolol / nifedipine Extended Release Oral Capsule 446677 RxNorm YES YES NO
40065740 methyclothiazide / triamterene Oral Tablet 452299 RxNorm YES YES NO
40085584 triamterene / xipamide Oral Tablet 452302 RxNorm YES YES NO
40095410 candesartan / hydrochlorothiazide Oral Tablet 374934 RxNorm YES YES NO
40096153 benazepril / hydrochlorothiazide Oral Tablet 371000 RxNorm YES YES NO
40096806 benzthiazide / triamterene Oral Capsule 374195 RxNorm YES YES NO
40099414 trandolapril / verapamil Extended Release Oral Capsule 379582 RxNorm YES YES NO
40099416 trandolapril / verapamil Extended Release Oral Tablet 374178 RxNorm YES YES NO
40137849 hydrochlorothiazide / methyldopa Oral Tablet [Aldoril] 688642 RxNorm YES YES NO
40140541 amlodipine / valsartan Oral Tablet 722125 RxNorm YES YES NO
40142669 amlodipine / olmesartan Oral Tablet 730860 RxNorm YES YES NO
40147525 aliskiren / hydrochlorothiazide Oral Tablet 754717 RxNorm YES YES NO
40160338 amlodipine / hydrochlorothiazide / valsartan Oral Tablet 848130 RxNorm YES YES NO
40167838 amlodipine / telmisartan Oral Tablet 876513 RxNorm YES YES NO
40224153 amlodipine / hydrochlorothiazide / olmesartan Oral Tablet 999966 RxNorm YES YES NO
40232328 aliskiren / amlodipine / hydrochlorothiazide Oral Tablet 1050796 RxNorm YES YES NO
40749849 Chlorothiazide / Spironolactone Oral Powder OMOP4707410 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
40830512 Hydrochlorothiazide / Reserpine / Triamterene Oral Tablet OMOP2028474 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
40830513 european olive pollen extract / Hydrochlorothiazide / Potassium Oral Tablet OMOP2028475 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
40893011 Dihydralazine / Hydrochlorothiazide / Potassium / Reserpine Oral Tablet OMOP2090973 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
40924218 Canrenoic Acid / Furosemide / Phosphoric acid Injectable Solution OMOP2122180 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
40924457 Amiloride / Timolol Oral Tablet OMOP2122419 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
40955187 Hydrochlorothiazide / Potassium / Rauwolfia preparation / rescinnamine / Reserpine / Vitamin A / Vitamin E Oral Tablet OMOP2153149 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
40955683 Alprenolol / Hydrochlorothiazide Oral Tablet OMOP2153645 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
40986248 Propranolol / Valeriana officinalis whole extract Oral Capsule OMOP2184210 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
40986369 Hydrochlorothiazide / Propranolol / Triamterene Oral Capsule OMOP2184331 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
40986688 Bunitrolol / Hydrochlorothiazide / Triamterene Extended Release Oral Capsule OMOP2184650 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
41017227 trandolapril / Verapamil Oral Tablet OMOP2215189 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
41048702 Hydrochlorothiazide / Oxprenolol Oral Tablet OMOP2246664 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
41080575 Amlodipine / Losartan Oral Tablet OMOP2278537 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
41111670 Canrenoic Acid / Furosemide Injectable Solution OMOP2309632 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
41143011 Felodipine / Metoprolol Oral Tablet OMOP2340973 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
41143341 dehydrosanol / Hesperidin / Thiamine / Triamterene Oral Tablet OMOP2341303 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
41174430 Amlodipine / Bisoprolol Oral Tablet OMOP2372392 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
41174481 Aesculus hippocastanum bark extract / Hydrochlorothiazide / Triamterene Oral Tablet OMOP2372443 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
41205367 Propranolol / Spironolactone Oral Tablet OMOP2403329 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
41205620 Dihydroergotoxine / Nifedipine Oral Tablet OMOP2403582 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
41236870 Amlodipine / candesartan Oral Capsule OMOP2434832 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
41237790 Mefruside / Methyldopa Oral Tablet [Sali Presinol] OMOP2435752 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
41238954 buthiazide / Methyldopa Oral Tablet [Sembrina] OMOP2436916 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
41267737 Bupranolol / dehydrosanol / Triamterene Oral Tablet OMOP2465699 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
41298388 Furosemide / Reserpine Oral Tablet OMOP2496350 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
41298962 6-(Diethylaminomethyl)Rutin / CRATAEGUS LAEVIGATA FRUIT / Hexamethonium Hydroxide / Hydrochlorothiazide / Potassium / Rauwolfia preparation / Reserpine Oral Tablet OMOP2496924 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
41299800 Mefruside / Methyldopa / Reserpine Oral Tablet [Caprinol] OMOP2497762 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
42479214 Felodipine / Ramipril Extended Release Oral Tablet OMOP419678 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
42705336 azilsartan / chlorthalidone Oral Tablet 1235142 RxNorm YES YES NO
42874880 Felodipine / Ramipril Delayed Release Oral Tablet OMOP4871998 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
42875928 Amlodipine / Hydrochlorothiazide / Ramipril Oral Capsule OMOP4873041 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
42938519 Amlodipine / Hydrochlorothiazide / telmisartan Oral Tablet OMOP4665192 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
42948657 lercanidipine / valsartan Oral Tablet OMOP4675247 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
42950872 Amlodipine / Chlorthalidone / Losartan Oral Tablet OMOP4677445 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
42960011 Amlodipine / fimasartan potassium Oral Tablet OMOP4686518 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
42960024 fimasartan potassium / Hydrochlorothiazide Oral Tablet OMOP4686530 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
42972643 atorvastatin / irbesartan Oral Tablet OMOP4699050 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
43022805 carvedilol / ivabradine Delayed Release Oral Tablet OMOP4837934 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
43134832 Hydrochlorothiazide / Losartan Delayed Release Oral Tablet OMOP447236 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
43156974 aliskiren / Hydrochlorothiazide Delayed Release Oral Tablet OMOP447297 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
43157075 Hydrochlorothiazide / quinapril Delayed Release Oral Tablet OMOP448040 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
43166576 benazepril / Hydrochlorothiazide Delayed Release Oral Tablet OMOP485878 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
43167787 Hydrochlorothiazide / olmesartan Delayed Release Oral Tablet OMOP446318 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
43178952 Hydrochlorothiazide / zofenopril Delayed Release Oral Tablet OMOP447280 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
43188587 Atenolol / Chlorthalidone Delayed Release Oral Tablet OMOP488010 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
43189757 Hydrochlorothiazide / irbesartan Delayed Release Oral Tablet OMOP446394 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
43189944 Hydrochlorothiazide / nebivolol Delayed Release Oral Tablet OMOP448113 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
43193525 Indapamide / Perindopril Delayed Release Oral Tablet OMOP480217 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
43199873 Hydrochlorothiazide / valsartan Delayed Release Oral Tablet OMOP510396 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
43199916 Amlodipine / Hydrochlorothiazide / valsartan Delayed Release Oral Tablet OMOP514110 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
43203499 Amlodipine / Indapamide Extended Release Oral Tablet OMOP470511 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
43205563 Enalapril / lercanidipine Delayed Release Oral Tablet OMOP489591 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
43211738 Bisoprolol / Hydrochlorothiazide Delayed Release Oral Tablet OMOP447790 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
43260913 Enalapril / lercanidipine Oral Tablet OMOP530577 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
43585468 ivabradine / Metoprolol Oral Tablet OMOP954444 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
43599922 dehydrosanol / Triamterene Delayed Release Oral Tablet OMOP778743 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
43636119 Hydrochlorothiazide / zofenopril Oral Tablet OMOP789674 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
43672256 Hydrochlorothiazide / Propranolol / Triamterene Oral Tablet OMOP781184 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
43677126 Amlodipine / Ramipril Oral Capsule OMOP670769 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
43725912 Bendroflumethiazide / Hydralazine / Propranolol Oral Capsule OMOP778561 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
43748731 Enalapril / Nitrendipine Oral Tablet OMOP671132 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
43749671 Amlodipine / candesartan Oral Tablet OMOP687193 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
43839612 Amlodipine / Lisinopril Oral Tablet OMOP682928 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
44031088 Hydrochlorothiazide / Methyldopa Oral Tablet [Aldoril 25] OMOP1025719 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
44031476 Chlorothiazide / Methyldopa Oral Tablet [Supres] OMOP1026107 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
44057083 Hydrochlorothiazide / Methyldopa Oral Tablet [Pms-Dopazide] OMOP1051714 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
44069972 Hydrochlorothiazide / Methyldopa Oral Tablet [Aldoril 15] OMOP1064603 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
44082841 Hydrochlorothiazide / Methyldopa Oral Tablet [Novo-Doparil] OMOP1077472 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
44095788 Hydrochlorothiazide / Methyldopa Oral Tablet [Apo Methazide] OMOP1090419 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
45892980 amlodipine / perindopril Oral Tablet 1600715 RxNorm YES YES NO

A.1.7 Concept: Hypertension

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
320128 Essential hypertension 59621000 SNOMED NO YES NO
4034031 Benign essential hypertension complicating AND/OR reason for care during pregnancy 23717007 SNOMED YES YES NO
4083723 Essential hypertension complicating AND/OR reason for care during childbirth 18416000 SNOMED YES YES NO
4215640 Benign essential hypertension complicating AND/OR reason for care during childbirth 71874008 SNOMED YES YES NO
4302591 Essential hypertension complicating AND/OR reason for care during pregnancy 78808002 SNOMED YES YES NO

A.1.8 Concept: Antihypertensives

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
904542 triamterene 10763 RxNorm NO YES NO
907013 metolazone 6916 RxNorm NO YES NO
932745 bumetanide 1808 RxNorm NO YES NO
942350 torsemide 38413 RxNorm NO YES NO
956874 furosemide 4603 RxNorm NO YES NO
970250 spironolactone 9997 RxNorm NO YES NO
974166 hydrochlorothiazide 5487 RxNorm NO YES NO
978555 indapamide 5764 RxNorm NO YES NO
991382 amiloride 644 RxNorm NO YES NO
1305447 methyldopa 6876 RxNorm NO YES NO
1307046 metoprolol 6918 RxNorm NO YES NO
1307863 verapamil 11170 RxNorm NO YES NO
1308216 lisinopril 29046 RxNorm NO YES NO
1308842 valsartan 69749 RxNorm NO YES NO
1309068 minoxidil 6984 RxNorm NO YES NO
1309799 eplerenone 298869 RxNorm NO YES NO
1310756 moexipril 30131 RxNorm NO YES NO
1313200 nadolol 7226 RxNorm NO YES NO
1314002 atenolol 1202 RxNorm NO YES NO
1314577 nebivolol 31555 RxNorm NO YES NO
1317640 telmisartan 73494 RxNorm NO YES NO
1317967 aliskiren 325646 RxNorm NO YES NO
1318137 nicardipine 7396 RxNorm NO YES NO
1318853 nifedipine 7417 RxNorm NO YES NO
1319880 nisoldipine 7435 RxNorm NO YES NO
1319998 acebutolol 149 RxNorm NO YES NO
1322081 betaxolol 1520 RxNorm NO YES NO
1326012 isradipine 33910 RxNorm NO YES NO
1327978 penbutolol 7973 RxNorm NO YES NO
1328165 diltiazem 3443 RxNorm NO YES NO
1331235 quinapril 35208 RxNorm NO YES NO
1332418 amlodipine 17767 RxNorm NO YES NO
1334456 ramipril 35296 RxNorm NO YES NO
1335471 benazepril 18867 RxNorm NO YES NO
1338005 bisoprolol 19484 RxNorm NO YES NO
1340128 captopril 1998 RxNorm NO YES NO
1341238 terazosin 37798 RxNorm NO YES NO
1341927 enalapril 3827 RxNorm NO YES NO
1342439 trandolapril 38454 RxNorm NO YES NO
1344965 guanfacine 40114 RxNorm NO YES NO
1345858 pindolol 8332 RxNorm NO YES NO
1346686 eprosartan 83515 RxNorm NO YES NO
1346823 carvedilol 20352 RxNorm NO YES NO
1347384 irbesartan 83818 RxNorm NO YES NO
1350489 prazosin 8629 RxNorm NO YES NO
1351557 candesartan 214354 RxNorm NO YES NO
1353766 propranolol 8787 RxNorm NO YES NO
1353776 felodipine 4316 RxNorm NO YES NO
1363053 doxazosin 49276 RxNorm NO YES NO
1363749 fosinopril 50166 RxNorm NO YES NO
1367500 losartan 52175 RxNorm NO YES NO
1373225 perindopril 54552 RxNorm NO YES NO
1373928 hydralazine 5470 RxNorm NO YES NO
1386957 labetalol 6185 RxNorm NO YES NO
1395058 chlorthalidone 2409 RxNorm NO YES NO
1398937 clonidine 2599 RxNorm NO YES NO
40226742 olmesartan 321064 RxNorm NO YES NO
40235485 azilsartan 1091643 RxNorm NO YES NO

A.1.9 Concept: Other agents

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
904542 triamterene 10763 RxNorm NO YES NO
907013 metolazone 6916 RxNorm NO YES NO
932745 bumetanide 1808 RxNorm NO YES NO
942350 torsemide 38413 RxNorm NO YES NO
956874 furosemide 4603 RxNorm NO YES NO
970250 spironolactone 9997 RxNorm NO YES NO
974166 hydrochlorothiazide 5487 RxNorm NO YES NO
978555 indapamide 5764 RxNorm NO YES NO
991382 amiloride 644 RxNorm NO YES NO
1305447 methyldopa 6876 RxNorm NO YES NO
1307863 verapamil 11170 RxNorm NO YES NO
1308842 valsartan 69749 RxNorm NO YES NO
1309068 minoxidil 6984 RxNorm NO YES NO
1309799 eplerenone 298869 RxNorm NO YES NO
1317640 telmisartan 73494 RxNorm NO YES NO
1317967 aliskiren 325646 RxNorm NO YES NO
1318137 nicardipine 7396 RxNorm NO YES NO
1318853 nifedipine 7417 RxNorm NO YES NO
1319880 nisoldipine 7435 RxNorm NO YES NO
1326012 isradipine 33910 RxNorm NO YES NO
1328165 diltiazem 3443 RxNorm NO YES NO
1332418 amlodipine 17767 RxNorm NO YES NO
1341238 terazosin 37798 RxNorm NO YES NO
1344965 guanfacine 40114 RxNorm NO YES NO
1346686 eprosartan 83515 RxNorm NO YES NO
1347384 irbesartan 83818 RxNorm NO YES NO
1350489 prazosin 8629 RxNorm NO YES NO
1351557 candesartan 214354 RxNorm NO YES NO
1353776 felodipine 4316 RxNorm NO YES NO
1363053 doxazosin 49276 RxNorm NO YES NO
1367500 losartan 52175 RxNorm NO YES NO
1373928 hydralazine 5470 RxNorm NO YES NO
1395058 chlorthalidone 2409 RxNorm NO YES NO
1398937 clonidine 2599 RxNorm NO YES NO
40226742 olmesartan 321064 RxNorm NO YES NO
40235485 azilsartan 1091643 RxNorm NO YES NO
1308216 lisinopril 29046 RxNorm YES YES NO
1310756 moexipril 30131 RxNorm YES YES NO
1331235 quinapril 35208 RxNorm YES YES NO
1334456 ramipril 35296 RxNorm YES YES NO
1335471 benazepril 18867 RxNorm YES YES NO
1340128 captopril 1998 RxNorm YES YES NO
1341927 enalapril 3827 RxNorm YES YES NO
1342439 trandolapril 38454 RxNorm YES YES NO
1363749 fosinopril 50166 RxNorm YES YES NO
1373225 perindopril 54552 RxNorm YES YES NO
1307046 metoprolol 6918 RxNorm YES YES NO
1313200 nadolol 7226 RxNorm YES YES NO
1314002 atenolol 1202 RxNorm YES YES NO
1314577 nebivolol 31555 RxNorm YES YES NO
1319998 acebutolol 149 RxNorm YES YES NO
1322081 betaxolol 1520 RxNorm YES YES NO
1327978 penbutolol 7973 RxNorm YES YES NO
1338005 bisoprolol 19484 RxNorm YES YES NO
1345858 pindolol 8332 RxNorm YES YES NO
1346823 carvedilol 20352 RxNorm YES YES NO
1353766 propranolol 8787 RxNorm YES YES NO
1386957 labetalol 6185 RxNorm YES YES NO

A.1.10 Concept: Previous CV events including acute MI, stroke, HF

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
372924 Cerebral artery occlusion 20059004 SNOMED NO NO NO
375557 Cerebral embolism 75543006 SNOMED NO NO NO
376713 Cerebral hemorrhage 274100004 SNOMED NO NO NO
432923 Subarachnoid hemorrhage 21454007 SNOMED NO NO NO
439847 Intracranial hemorrhage 1386000 SNOMED NO NO NO
441874 Cerebral thrombosis 71444005 SNOMED NO NO NO
316139 Heart failure 84114007 SNOMED NO YES NO
443454 Cerebral infarction 432504007 SNOMED NO YES NO
4329847 Myocardial infarction 22298006 SNOMED NO YES NO
314666 Old myocardial infarction 1755008 SNOMED YES YES NO
315295 Congestive rheumatic heart failure 82523003 SNOMED YES YES NO

A.2 Escalation Exit Criteria (On-treatment 2)

The cohort end date will be based on a continuous exposure to ‘Second agent’: allowing 30 days between exposures, adding 30 days after exposure ends, and using days supply and exposure end date for exposure duration.

The person also exists the cohort when encountering any of the following events:

  1. drug exposures of ‘Other agents’.

A.3 Heterogenity Study Inclusion Criteria

A.3.1 Young age subgroup

People with continuous observation of 365 days before event may enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. drug exposure of ‘Second agent’ for the first time in the person’s history, who are between 18 and 44 years old.

Limit cohort entry events to the earliest event per person.

A.3.2 Middle age subgroup

People with continuous observation of 365 days before event may enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. drug exposure of ‘Second agent’ for the first time in the person’s history, who are between 45 and 64 years old.

Limit cohort entry events to the earliest event per person.

A.3.3 Old age subgroup

People with continuous observation of 365 days before event may enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. drug exposure of ‘Second agent’ for the first time in the person’s history, who are >= 65 years old.

Limit cohort entry events to the earliest event per person.

A.3.4 Female subgroup

People with continuous observation of 365 days before event may enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. drug exposure of ‘Second agent’ for the first time in the person’s history, who are female >= 18 years old.

Limit cohort entry events to the earliest event per person.

A.3.5 Male subgroup

People with continuous observation of 365 days before event may enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. drug exposure of ‘Second agent’ for the first time in the person’s history, who are male >= 18 years old.

Limit cohort entry events to the earliest event per person.

A.3.6 Black or African American subgroup


Entry events with the following event criteria: race is: “black or african american” or “black”.

A.4 Drug-vs-Drug Exposure (First amlodipine adding acebutolol

) Cohort

A.4.1 Cohort Entry Events

People with continuous observation of 365 days before event may enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. drug exposure of ‘Second agent’ for the first time in the person’s history, who are >= 18 years old. Limit cohort entry events to the earliest event per person.

A.4.2 Additional Inclusion Criteria

I. rule1

Entry events having at least 1 drug exposure of ‘First agent’, starting anytime up to 30 days before cohort entry start date.

II. rule2

Entry events having at least 1 condition occurrence of ‘Hypertension’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date.

III. rule3

Entry events having exactly 1 distinct standard concepts from drug exposure of ‘Antihypertensives’, starting anytime prior to cohort entry start date.

IV. rule4

Entry events having no drug exposures of ‘Other agents’, starting between 0 days before and 180 days after cohort entry start date.

V. rule5

Entry events having no condition occurrences of ‘Previous CV events including acute MI, stroke, HF’, starting anytime prior to cohort entry start date.

A.4.3 Cohort Exit

The cohort end date will be based on a continuous exposure to ‘Second agent’: allowing 30 days between exposures, adding 30 days after exposure ends, and using days supply and exposure end date for exposure duration.

A.4.4 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 0 days of each other.

A.4.5 Concept: Second agent

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1319998 acebutolol 149 RxNorm NO YES NO

A.4.6 Concept: First agent

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
1332418 amlodipine 17767 RxNorm NO YES NO
1510704 amlodipine / celecoxib Oral Product 2047711 RxNorm YES YES NO
1510705 amlodipine / celecoxib Pill 2047712 RxNorm YES YES NO
2064627 amlodipine / chlorthalidone / telmisartan Oral Tablet OMOP4965915 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
21035025 Amiloride / Furosemide Oral Solution OMOP402978 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
21052206 Chlorothiazide / Spironolactone Oral Solution OMOP358547 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
21071954 Chlorothiazide / Spironolactone Oral Capsule OMOP358549 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
21071955 Chlorothiazide / Spironolactone Injectable Solution OMOP358550 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
21130571 Chlorothiazide / Spironolactone Oral Suspension OMOP358548 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
21132694 Atenolol / Chlorthalidone Oral Solution OMOP395909 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
21152528 Atenolol / Chlorthalidone Oral Suspension OMOP395911 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
21152932 Amiloride / Furosemide Oral Suspension OMOP402980 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
35146103 irbesartan / Trichlormethiazide Oral Tablet OMOP4803186 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
35150194 Amlodipine / irbesartan Oral Tablet OMOP4807246 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
35406763 Amlodipine / Indapamide / Perindopril Delayed Release Oral Tablet OMOP1140348 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
35408893 Bisoprolol / Perindopril Delayed Release Oral Tablet OMOP1142478 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
36212160 betaxolol / pilocarpine Ophthalmic Product 1153805 RxNorm YES YES NO
36212261 captopril / hydrochlorothiazide Oral Product 1155750 RxNorm YES YES NO
36212262 captopril / hydrochlorothiazide Pill 1155751 RxNorm YES YES NO
36212293 chlorthalidone / clonidine Oral Product 1155783 RxNorm YES YES NO
36212294 chlorthalidone / clonidine Pill 1155784 RxNorm YES YES NO
36212295 chlorthalidone / hydralazine / oxprenolol Oral Product 1155785 RxNorm YES YES NO
36212296 chlorthalidone / hydralazine / oxprenolol Pill 1155786 RxNorm YES YES NO
36212297 chlorthalidone / metoprolol Oral Product 1155787 RxNorm YES YES NO
36212298 chlorthalidone / metoprolol Pill 1155788 RxNorm YES YES NO
36212299 chlorthalidone / oxprenolol Oral Product 1155789 RxNorm YES YES NO
36212300 chlorthalidone / oxprenolol Pill 1155790 RxNorm YES YES NO
36212301 chlorthalidone / reserpine Oral Product 1155791 RxNorm YES YES NO
36212302 chlorthalidone / reserpine Pill 1155792 RxNorm YES YES NO
36212303 chlorthalidone / triamterene Oral Product 1155793 RxNorm YES YES NO
36212304 chlorthalidone / triamterene Pill 1155794 RxNorm YES YES NO
36212400 chlorothiazide / methyldopa Oral Product 1153863 RxNorm YES YES NO
36212401 chlorothiazide / methyldopa Pill 1153864 RxNorm YES YES NO
36212440 clopamide / pindolol Oral Product 1153903 RxNorm YES YES NO
36212441 clopamide / pindolol Pill 1153904 RxNorm YES YES NO
36213274 bendroflumethiazide / clonidine Oral Product 1156019 RxNorm YES YES NO
36213275 bendroflumethiazide / clonidine Pill 1156020 RxNorm YES YES NO
36213278 bendroflumethiazide / nadolol Oral Product 1156023 RxNorm YES YES NO
36213279 bendroflumethiazide / nadolol Pill 1156024 RxNorm YES YES NO
36214315 indapamide / perindopril Oral Product 1156300 RxNorm YES YES NO
36214316 indapamide / perindopril Pill 1156301 RxNorm YES YES NO
36214477 atenolol / bendroflumethiazide Oral Product 1154366 RxNorm YES YES NO
36214478 atenolol / bendroflumethiazide Pill 1154367 RxNorm YES YES NO
36214479 atenolol / chlorthalidone / hydralazine Oral Product 1154368 RxNorm YES YES NO
36214480 atenolol / chlorthalidone / hydralazine Pill 1154369 RxNorm YES YES NO
36214481 atenolol / chlorthalidone Oral Product 1154370 RxNorm YES YES NO
36214482 atenolol / chlorthalidone Pill 1154371 RxNorm YES YES NO
36214483 atenolol / nifedipine Oral Product 1154374 RxNorm YES YES NO
36214484 atenolol / nifedipine Pill 1154375 RxNorm YES YES NO
36215127 althiazide / spironolactone Oral Product 1156535 RxNorm YES YES NO
36215128 althiazide / spironolactone Pill 1156536 RxNorm YES YES NO
36215209 dehydrosanol / triamterene Oral Product 1157731 RxNorm YES YES NO
36215210 dehydrosanol / triamterene Pill 1157732 RxNorm YES YES NO
36215223 deserpidine / hydrochlorothiazide Oral Product 1157745 RxNorm YES YES NO
36215224 deserpidine / hydrochlorothiazide Pill 1157746 RxNorm YES YES NO
36215393 candesartan / hydrochlorothiazide Oral Product 1156609 RxNorm YES YES NO
36215394 candesartan / hydrochlorothiazide Pill 1156610 RxNorm YES YES NO
36215416 cyclothiazide / triamterene Oral Product 1156637 RxNorm YES YES NO
36215417 cyclothiazide / triamterene Pill 1156638 RxNorm YES YES NO
36215809 bisoprolol / hydrochlorothiazide Oral Product 1154704 RxNorm YES YES NO
36215810 bisoprolol / hydrochlorothiazide Pill 1154705 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216030 dihydralazine / hydrochlorothiazide / reserpine Oral Product 1151524 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216031 dihydralazine / hydrochlorothiazide / reserpine Pill 1151525 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216034 dihydralazine / propranolol Oral Product 1151528 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216035 dihydralazine / propranolol Pill 1151529 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216161 amiloride / atenolol / hydrochlorothiazide Oral Product 1151590 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216162 amiloride / atenolol / hydrochlorothiazide Pill 1151591 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216163 amiloride / bendroflumethiazide Oral Product 1151592 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216164 amiloride / bendroflumethiazide Pill 1151593 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216165 amiloride / bumetanide Oral Product 1151594 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216166 amiloride / bumetanide Pill 1151595 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216167 amiloride / cyclopenthiazide Oral Product 1151596 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216168 amiloride / cyclopenthiazide Pill 1151597 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216169 amiloride / furosemide / indapamide Oral Product 1151598 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216170 amiloride / furosemide / indapamide Pill 1151599 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216171 amiloride / furosemide Oral Product 1151600 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216172 amiloride / furosemide Pill 1151601 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216173 amiloride / hydrochlorothiazide / methyldopa Oral Product 1151602 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216174 amiloride / hydrochlorothiazide / methyldopa Pill 1151603 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216175 amiloride / hydrochlorothiazide / timolol Oral Product 1151604 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216176 amiloride / hydrochlorothiazide / timolol Pill 1151605 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216246 amiloride / hydrochlorothiazide Oral Liquid Product 1151606 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216247 amiloride / hydrochlorothiazide Oral Product 1151607 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216248 amiloride / hydrochlorothiazide Pill 1151608 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216249 amiloride / metolazone Oral Product 1151609 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216250 amiloride / metolazone Pill 1151610 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216251 amiloride / trichlormethiazide Oral Product 1151611 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216252 amiloride / trichlormethiazide Pill 1151612 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216551 cilazapril / hydrochlorothiazide Oral Product 1151778 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216552 cilazapril / hydrochlorothiazide Pill 1151779 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216725 diltiazem / enalapril Oral Product 1151883 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216726 diltiazem / enalapril Pill 1151884 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216727 diltiazem / hydrochlorothiazide Oral Product 1151885 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216728 diltiazem / hydrochlorothiazide Pill 1151886 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216899 acebutolol / hydrochlorothiazide Oral Product 1153651 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216900 acebutolol / hydrochlorothiazide Pill 1153652 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216901 acebutolol / mefruside Oral Product 1153653 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216902 acebutolol / mefruside Pill 1153654 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216903 acebutolol / nifedipine Oral Product 1153655 RxNorm YES YES NO
36216904 acebutolol / nifedipine Pill 1153656 RxNorm YES YES NO
36217137 clonidine / hydrochlorothiazide / triamterene Oral Product 1153380 RxNorm YES YES NO
36217138 clonidine / hydrochlorothiazide / triamterene Pill 1153381 RxNorm YES YES NO
36217139 clonidine / cyclothiazide Oral Product 1153382 RxNorm YES YES NO
36217140 clonidine / cyclothiazide Pill 1153383 RxNorm YES YES NO
36217664 bendroflumethiazide / propranolol Oral Product 1151296 RxNorm YES YES NO
36217665 bendroflumethiazide / propranolol Pill 1151297 RxNorm YES YES NO
36217670 bendroflumethiazide / spironolactone Oral Product 1151302 RxNorm YES YES NO
36217671 bendroflumethiazide / spironolactone Pill 1151303 RxNorm YES YES NO
36217708 amlodipine / hydrochlorothiazide / olmesartan Oral Product 1152277 RxNorm YES YES NO
36217709 amlodipine / hydrochlorothiazide / olmesartan Pill 1152278 RxNorm YES YES NO
36217710 amlodipine / hydrochlorothiazide / valsartan Oral Product 1152279 RxNorm YES YES NO
36217711 amlodipine / hydrochlorothiazide / valsartan Pill 1152280 RxNorm YES YES NO
36217712 amlodipine / atorvastatin Oral Product 1152281 RxNorm YES YES NO
36217713 amlodipine / atorvastatin Pill 1152282 RxNorm YES YES NO
36217714 amlodipine / benazepril Oral Product 1152283 RxNorm YES YES NO
36217715 amlodipine / benazepril Pill 1152284 RxNorm YES YES NO
36217716 amlodipine / olmesartan Oral Product 1152285 RxNorm YES YES NO
36217717 amlodipine / olmesartan Pill 1152286 RxNorm YES YES NO
36217718 amlodipine / telmisartan Oral Product 1152287 RxNorm YES YES NO
36217719 amlodipine / telmisartan Pill 1152288 RxNorm YES YES NO
36217720 amlodipine / valsartan Oral Product 1152289 RxNorm YES YES NO
36217721 amlodipine / valsartan Pill 1152290 RxNorm YES YES NO
36217842 bumetanide / potassium chloride Oral Product 1151343 RxNorm YES YES NO
36217843 bumetanide / potassium chloride Pill 1151344 RxNorm YES YES NO
36217844 bumetanide / potassium Oral Product 1151345 RxNorm YES YES NO
36217845 bumetanide / potassium Pill 1151346 RxNorm YES YES NO
36218311 hydrochlorothiazide / mepindolol Pill 1162774 RxNorm YES YES NO
36218312 hydrochlorothiazide / moexipril Oral Product 1162775 RxNorm YES YES NO
36218313 hydrochlorothiazide / moexipril Pill 1162776 RxNorm YES YES NO
36218314 hydrochlorothiazide / olmesartan Oral Product 1162777 RxNorm YES YES NO
36218315 hydrochlorothiazide / olmesartan Pill 1162778 RxNorm YES YES NO
36218316 hydrochlorothiazide / quinapril Oral Product 1162779 RxNorm YES YES NO
36218317 hydrochlorothiazide / quinapril Pill 1162780 RxNorm YES YES NO
36218318 hydrochlorothiazide / telmisartan Oral Product 1162781 RxNorm YES YES NO
36218319 hydrochlorothiazide / telmisartan Pill 1162782 RxNorm YES YES NO
36218320 hydrochlorothiazide / valsartan Oral Product 1162783 RxNorm YES YES NO
36218321 hydrochlorothiazide / valsartan Pill 1162784 RxNorm YES YES NO
36218404 hydroflumethiazide / spironolactone Oral Product 1164019 RxNorm YES YES NO
36218405 hydroflumethiazide / spironolactone Pill 1164020 RxNorm YES YES NO
36218517 Hyzaar Oral Product 1166546 RxNorm YES YES NO
36218518 Hyzaar Pill 1166549 RxNorm YES YES NO
36218624 methyclothiazide / triamterene Oral Product 1162867 RxNorm YES YES NO
36218625 methyclothiazide / triamterene Pill 1162868 RxNorm YES YES NO
36219017 quinidine / verapamil Oral Product 1164182 RxNorm YES YES NO
36219018 quinidine / verapamil Pill 1164183 RxNorm YES YES NO
36219590 aliskiren / amlodipine / hydrochlorothiazide Oral Product 1164294 RxNorm YES YES NO
36219628 buthiazide / spironolactone Oral Product 1164332 RxNorm YES YES NO
36220155 piretanide / ramipril Oral Product 1163266 RxNorm YES YES NO
36220156 piretanide / ramipril Pill 1163267 RxNorm YES YES NO
36220835 hydroxyzine / labetalol Oral Product 1164636 RxNorm YES YES NO
36220836 hydroxyzine / labetalol Pill 1164637 RxNorm YES YES NO
36221077 metolazone / triamterene Oral Product 1163516 RxNorm YES YES NO
36221078 metolazone / triamterene Pill 1163517 RxNorm YES YES NO
36221081 metoprolol / nifedipine Oral Product 1163520 RxNorm YES YES NO
36221082 metoprolol / nifedipine Pill 1163521 RxNorm YES YES NO
36221405 penbutolol / piretanide Oral Product 1164756 RxNorm YES YES NO
36221406 penbutolol / piretanide Pill 1164757 RxNorm YES YES NO
36221767 aliskiren / amlodipine / hydrochlorothiazide Pill 1164880 RxNorm YES YES NO
36221768 aliskiren / amlodipine Oral Product 1164881 RxNorm YES YES NO
36221769 aliskiren / amlodipine Pill 1164882 RxNorm YES YES NO
36221770 aliskiren / hydrochlorothiazide Oral Product 1164883 RxNorm YES YES NO
36222006 aliskiren / hydrochlorothiazide Pill 1164884 RxNorm YES YES NO
36222007 aliskiren / valsartan Oral Product 1164885 RxNorm YES YES NO
36222008 aliskiren / valsartan Pill 1164886 RxNorm YES YES NO
36222040 buthiazide / spironolactone Pill 1164919 RxNorm YES YES NO
36223174 triamterene / xipamide Oral Product 1158232 RxNorm YES YES NO
36223175 triamterene / xipamide Pill 1158233 RxNorm YES YES NO
36223654 benzthiazide / triamterene Oral Product 1160544 RxNorm YES YES NO
36223655 benzthiazide / triamterene Pill 1160545 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224289 hydrochlorothiazide / labetalol Oral Product 1162122 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224290 hydrochlorothiazide / labetalol Pill 1162123 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224291 hydrochlorothiazide / lisinopril Oral Product 1162124 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224292 hydrochlorothiazide / lisinopril Pill 1162125 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224293 hydrochlorothiazide / losartan Oral Product 1162126 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224294 hydrochlorothiazide / losartan Pill 1162127 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224295 hydrochlorothiazide / magnesium chloride / methotrimeprazine Oral Product 1162128 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224296 hydrochlorothiazide / magnesium chloride / methotrimeprazine Pill 1162129 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224297 hydrochlorothiazide / methyldopa Oral Product 1162130 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224298 hydrochlorothiazide / methyldopa Pill 1162131 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224299 hydrochlorothiazide / metoprolol Oral Product 1162132 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224300 hydrochlorothiazide / metoprolol Pill 1162133 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224301 hydrochlorothiazide / pindolol Oral Product 1162134 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224302 hydrochlorothiazide / pindolol Pill 1162135 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224303 hydrochlorothiazide / potassium chloride Oral Product 1162136 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224304 hydrochlorothiazide / potassium chloride Pill 1162137 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224305 hydrochlorothiazide / propranolol Oral Product 1162138 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224306 hydrochlorothiazide / propranolol Pill 1162139 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224307 hydrochlorothiazide / ramipril Oral Product 1162140 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224308 hydrochlorothiazide / ramipril Pill 1162141 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224309 hydrochlorothiazide / reserpine Oral Product 1162142 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224310 hydrochlorothiazide / reserpine Pill 1162143 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224311 hydrochlorothiazide / sotalol Oral Product 1162144 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224312 hydrochlorothiazide / sotalol Pill 1162145 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224313 hydrochlorothiazide / spironolactone Oral Product 1162146 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224314 hydrochlorothiazide / spironolactone Pill 1162147 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224315 hydrochlorothiazide / timolol Oral Product 1162148 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224316 hydrochlorothiazide / timolol Pill 1162149 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224317 hydrochlorothiazide / triamterene / verapamil Oral Product 1162150 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224318 hydrochlorothiazide / triamterene / verapamil Pill 1162151 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224319 hydrochlorothiazide / triamterene Oral Product 1162152 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224320 hydrochlorothiazide / triamterene Pill 1162153 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224449 guanethidine / hydrochlorothiazide Oral Product 1159708 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224450 guanethidine / hydrochlorothiazide Pill 1159709 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224573 enalapril / felodipine Oral Product 1162647 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224574 enalapril / felodipine Pill 1162648 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224575 enalapril / hydrochlorothiazide Oral Product 1162649 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224576 enalapril / hydrochlorothiazide Pill 1162650 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224600 fosinopril / hydrochlorothiazide Oral Product 1162674 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224601 fosinopril / hydrochlorothiazide Pill 1162675 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224690 nicardipine / pyrithioxin Oral Product 1158667 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224691 nicardipine / pyrithioxin Pill 1158668 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224719 isosorbide dinitrate / verapamil Oral Product 1159751 RxNorm YES YES NO
36224720 isosorbide dinitrate / verapamil Pill 1159752 RxNorm YES YES NO
36225134 hydrochlorothiazide / verapamil Oral Product 1162154 RxNorm YES YES NO
36225135 hydrochlorothiazide / verapamil Pill 1162155 RxNorm YES YES NO
36225136 hydrochlorothiazide / irbesartan Oral Product 1162156 RxNorm YES YES NO
36225137 hydrochlorothiazide / irbesartan Pill 1162157 RxNorm YES YES NO
36225138 hydrochlorothiazide / mepindolol Oral Product 1162158 RxNorm YES YES NO
36225434 furosemide / penbutolol Oral Product 1162702 RxNorm YES YES NO
36225435 furosemide / penbutolol Pill 1162703 RxNorm YES YES NO
36225436 furosemide / potassium chloride Oral Product 1162704 RxNorm YES YES NO
36225437 furosemide / potassium chloride Pill 1162705 RxNorm YES YES NO
36225438 furosemide / potassium Oral Product 1162706 RxNorm YES YES NO
36225439 furosemide / potassium Pill 1162707 RxNorm YES YES NO
36225440 furosemide / spironolactone Oral Product 1162708 RxNorm YES YES NO
36225441 furosemide / spironolactone Pill 1162709 RxNorm YES YES NO
36225442 furosemide / triamterene Oral Product 1162710 RxNorm YES YES NO
36225443 furosemide / triamterene Pill 1162711 RxNorm YES YES NO
36225488 trandolapril / verapamil Oral Product 1162756 RxNorm YES YES NO
36225489 trandolapril / verapamil Pill 1162757 RxNorm YES YES NO
36225635 benazepril / hydrochlorothiazide Oral Product 1160005 RxNorm YES YES NO
36225636 benazepril / hydrochlorothiazide Pill 1160006 RxNorm YES YES NO
36225790 eprosartan / hydrochlorothiazide Oral Product 1161918 RxNorm YES YES NO
36225791 eprosartan / hydrochlorothiazide Pill 1161919 RxNorm YES YES NO
36226052 ergoloid mesylates, USP / nifedipine Oral Product 1162494 RxNorm YES YES NO
36226053 ergoloid mesylates, USP / nifedipine Pill 1162495 RxNorm YES YES NO
36226137 felodipine / metoprolol Oral Product 1159024 RxNorm YES YES NO
36226138 felodipine / metoprolol Pill 1159025 RxNorm YES YES NO
36226139 felodipine / ramipril Oral Product 1159026 RxNorm YES YES NO
36226140 felodipine / ramipril Pill 1159027 RxNorm YES YES NO
36226883 pentaerythritol / propranolol Oral Product 1161389 RxNorm YES YES NO
36226884 pentaerythritol / propranolol Pill 1161390 RxNorm YES YES NO
36226979 mefruside / methyldopa Oral Product 1159202 RxNorm YES YES NO
36226980 mefruside / methyldopa Pill 1159203 RxNorm YES YES NO
36226981 mefruside / nifedipine Oral Product 1159204 RxNorm YES YES NO
36226982 mefruside / nifedipine Pill 1159205 RxNorm YES YES NO
36227399 polythiazide / prazosin Oral Product 1160457 RxNorm YES YES NO
36227400 polythiazide / prazosin Pill 1160458 RxNorm YES YES NO
36227481 hydralazine / hydrochlorothiazide / metoprolol Oral Product 1161545 RxNorm YES YES NO
36227482 hydralazine / hydrochlorothiazide / metoprolol Pill 1161546 RxNorm YES YES NO
36227483 hydralazine / hydrochlorothiazide / reserpine Oral Product 1161547 RxNorm YES YES NO
36227484 hydralazine / hydrochlorothiazide / reserpine Pill 1161548 RxNorm YES YES NO
36227485 hydralazine / hydrochlorothiazide Oral Product 1161549 RxNorm YES YES NO
36227486 hydralazine / hydrochlorothiazide Pill 1161550 RxNorm YES YES NO
36227487 hydralazine / isosorbide dinitrate Oral Product 1161551 RxNorm YES YES NO
36227488 hydralazine / isosorbide dinitrate Pill 1161552 RxNorm YES YES NO
36227489 hydralazine / reserpine Oral Product 1161553 RxNorm YES YES NO
36227490 hydralazine / reserpine Pill 1161554 RxNorm YES YES NO
36227929 Totaretic Oral Product 1178598 RxNorm YES YES NO
36227930 Totaretic Pill 1178599 RxNorm YES YES NO
36228123 Emcor LS Oral Product 1175298 RxNorm YES YES NO
36228124 Emcor LS Pill 1175299 RxNorm YES YES NO
36228734 Hydropres Oral Product 1175471 RxNorm YES YES NO
36228735 Hydropres Pill 1175472 RxNorm YES YES NO
36228737 Hydroserp Oral Product 1175476 RxNorm YES YES NO
36228738 Hydroserp Pill 1175477 RxNorm YES YES NO
36228739 Hydroserpine Oral Product 1175478 RxNorm YES YES NO
36228740 Hydroserpine Pill 1175479 RxNorm YES YES NO
36228868 Prinzide Oral Product 1178914 RxNorm YES YES NO
36228869 Prinzide Pill 1178915 RxNorm YES YES NO
36229025 Serpazide Oral Product 1180769 RxNorm YES YES NO
36229026 Serpazide Pill 1180770 RxNorm YES YES NO
36229027 Serpex Oral Product 1180771 RxNorm YES YES NO
36229028 Serpex Pill 1180772 RxNorm YES YES NO
36229222 Tarka Pill 1179047 RxNorm YES YES NO
36229223 Tarka Oral Product 1179052 RxNorm YES YES NO
36229579 Trandide Oral Product 1179179 RxNorm YES YES NO
36229633 Tenoret Oral Product 1181453 RxNorm YES YES NO
36230422 HHR Oral Product 1176066 RxNorm YES YES NO
36230423 HHR Pill 1176067 RxNorm YES YES NO
36230655 Teczem Oral Product 1180847 RxNorm YES YES NO
36230656 Teczem Pill 1180848 RxNorm YES YES NO
36230668 Tekamlo Oral Product 1180862 RxNorm YES YES NO
36230669 Tekamlo Pill 1180865 RxNorm YES YES NO
36230802 Tiamate Oral Product 1177910 RxNorm YES YES NO
36231207 Tri-Hydroserpine Oral Product 1179709 RxNorm YES YES NO
36231208 Tri-Hydroserpine Pill 1179710 RxNorm YES YES NO
36231237 Mallopress Oral Product 1179744 RxNorm YES YES NO
36231238 Mallopress Pill 1179745 RxNorm YES YES NO
36231600 Lotrel Oral Product 1180906 RxNorm YES YES NO
36231601 Lotrel Pill 1180909 RxNorm YES YES NO
36231925 Moduret Oral Product 1181621 RxNorm YES YES NO
36231926 Moduret Pill 1181622 RxNorm YES YES NO
36231927 Moduretic Oral Product 1181623 RxNorm YES YES NO
36231928 Moduretic Pill 1181624 RxNorm YES YES NO
36232208 Regroton Oral Product 1180071 RxNorm YES YES NO
36232209 Regroton Pill 1180072 RxNorm YES YES NO
36232387 Hypolar Retard 20 Oral Product 1176719 RxNorm YES YES NO
36232388 Hypolar Retard 20 Pill 1176720 RxNorm YES YES NO
36232453 Tiamate Pill 1178487 RxNorm YES YES NO
36232483 Timolide Oral Product 1178526 RxNorm YES YES NO
36232484 Timolide Pill 1178527 RxNorm YES YES NO
36232516 Ser-Ap-Es Oral Product 1180173 RxNorm YES YES NO
36232517 Ser-Ap-Es Pill 1180174 RxNorm YES YES NO
36232520 Serathide Oral Product 1180179 RxNorm YES YES NO
36232521 Serathide Pill 1180180 RxNorm YES YES NO
36232591 Marpres Oral Product 1181022 RxNorm YES YES NO
36232592 Marpres Pill 1181023 RxNorm YES YES NO
36233813 Inderide Oral Product 1172018 RxNorm YES YES NO
36233814 Inderide Pill 1172027 RxNorm YES YES NO
36234200 Atacand HCT Pill 1172182 RxNorm YES YES NO
36234201 Atacand HCT Oral Product 1172183 RxNorm YES YES NO
36234454 Benicar HCT Oral Product 1170817 RxNorm YES YES NO
36234455 Benicar HCT Pill 1170818 RxNorm YES YES NO
36234627 Labrocol Oral Product 1174956 RxNorm YES YES NO
36234628 Labrocol Pill 1174957 RxNorm YES YES NO
36235144 Demi-Regroton Oral Product 1172430 RxNorm YES YES NO
36235145 Demi-Regroton Pill 1172431 RxNorm YES YES NO
36236948 Aquazide H Oral Product 1170086 RxNorm YES YES NO
36236949 Aquazide H Pill 1170087 RxNorm YES YES NO
36237230 HydroDIURIL Oral Product 1174811 RxNorm YES YES NO
36237231 HydroDIURIL Pill 1174812 RxNorm YES YES NO
36237459 Diuretic Ap-Es Oral Product 1173148 RxNorm YES YES NO
36237460 Diuretic Ap-Es Pill 1173149 RxNorm YES YES NO
36237783 Exforge HCT Oral Product 1173249 RxNorm YES YES NO
36237784 Exforge HCT Pill 1173250 RxNorm YES YES NO
36237852 Hydrap-ES Oral Product 1174064 RxNorm YES YES NO
36237853 Hydrap-ES Pill 1174065 RxNorm YES YES NO
36237869 Hydro-Reserp Oral Product 1174092 RxNorm YES YES NO
36237870 Hydro-Reserp Pill 1174093 RxNorm YES YES NO
36238273 azilsartan / chlorthalidone Oral Product 1235140 RxNorm YES YES NO
36238274 azilsartan / chlorthalidone Pill 1235141 RxNorm YES YES NO
36238510 Tribenzor Pill 1182147 RxNorm YES YES NO
36238819 Monopril-HCT Pill 1182235 RxNorm YES YES NO
36238820 Monopril-HCT Oral Product 1182236 RxNorm YES YES NO
36239006 Zestoretic Oral Product 1187277 RxNorm YES YES NO
36239007 Zestoretic Pill 1187278 RxNorm YES YES NO
36239102 Tribenzor Oral Product 1182686 RxNorm YES YES NO
36239296 Valturna Oral Product 1187346 RxNorm YES YES NO
36239297 Valturna Pill 1187347 RxNorm YES YES NO
36239382 Maxzide Oral Product 1182741 RxNorm YES YES NO
36239383 Maxzide Pill 1182742 RxNorm YES YES NO
36239638 Ziac Pill 1187449 RxNorm YES YES NO
36239639 Ziac Oral Product 1187450 RxNorm YES YES NO
36239650 Zida-Co Oral Product 1187471 RxNorm YES YES NO
36239651 Zida-Co Pill 1187472 RxNorm YES YES NO
36239801 Mepranix Oral Product 1184390 RxNorm YES YES NO
36239802 Mepranix Pill 1184391 RxNorm YES YES NO
36239983 Vaseretic Oral Product 1187581 RxNorm YES YES NO
36239984 Vaseretic Pill 1187582 RxNorm YES YES NO
36240204 Quinaretic Oral Product 1185902 RxNorm YES YES NO
36240205 Quinaretic Pill 1185903 RxNorm YES YES NO
36241084 Unipres Oral Product 1186281 RxNorm YES YES NO
36241085 Unipres Pill 1186282 RxNorm YES YES NO
36241087 Uniretic Oral Product 1186288 RxNorm YES YES NO
36241088 Uniretic Pill 1186289 RxNorm YES YES NO
36241277 Teveten HCT Oral Product 1184922 RxNorm YES YES NO
36241278 Teveten HCT Pill 1184923 RxNorm YES YES NO
36242838 Twynsta Pill 1186904 RxNorm YES YES NO
36242839 Twynsta Oral Product 1186905 RxNorm YES YES NO
36243159 Uni Serp Oral Product 1187843 RxNorm YES YES NO
36243160 Uni Serp Pill 1187844 RxNorm YES YES NO
36243282 Tenoret Pill 1182012 RxNorm YES YES NO
36243283 Tenoretic Oral Product 1182013 RxNorm YES YES NO
36243284 Tenoretic Pill 1182014 RxNorm YES YES NO
36247927 Tekturna HCT Oral Product 1430140 RxNorm YES YES NO
36247928 Tekturna HCT Pill 1430141 RxNorm YES YES NO
36248677 sacubitril / valsartan Oral Product 1656336 RxNorm YES YES NO
36248678 sacubitril / valsartan Pill 1656337 RxNorm YES YES NO
36248703 amlodipine / perindopril Oral Product 1600713 RxNorm YES YES NO
36248704 amlodipine / perindopril Pill 1600714 RxNorm YES YES NO
36248705 Prestalia Oral Product 1600720 RxNorm YES YES NO
36248706 Prestalia Pill 1600721 RxNorm YES YES NO
36250179 nebivolol / valsartan Oral Product 1798277 RxNorm YES YES NO
36250180 nebivolol / valsartan Pill 1798278 RxNorm YES YES NO
36259265 Amlodipine / Indapamide / Perindopril Oral Tablet OMOP3110140 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
36264366 Hydrochlorothiazide / Metoprolol Extended Release Oral Capsule OMOP3115241 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
36264394 Bisoprolol / Hydrochlorothiazide Oral Capsule OMOP3115269 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
36266935 Bisoprolol / Perindopril Oral Tablet OMOP3117810 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
36269479 Hydrochlorothiazide / Losartan Oral Capsule OMOP3120354 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
36272027 Hydrochlorothiazide / nebivolol Oral Tablet OMOP3122902 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
36272030 Felodipine / Ramipril Extended Release Oral Capsule OMOP3122905 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
36274581 Felodipine / Metoprolol Extended Release Oral Capsule OMOP3125456 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
36274595 Chlorthalidone / Metoprolol Extended Release Oral Capsule OMOP3125470 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
36784817 Bisoprolol / Hydrochlorothiazide Extended Release Oral Tablet OMOP4773102 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
36786066 Cilazapril / Hydrochlorothiazide Delayed Release Oral Tablet OMOP4774342 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
36787123 Amlodipine / Hydrochlorothiazide / olmesartan Delayed Release Oral Tablet OMOP4775385 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
36787465 eprosartan / Hydrochlorothiazide Delayed Release Oral Tablet OMOP4775731 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
36881813 Chlorthalidone / Metoprolol Delayed Release Oral Tablet OMOP993857 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
36889540 Chlorthalidone / Oxprenolol Delayed Release Oral Tablet OMOP1004099 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
40003426 acebutolol / nifedipine Oral Tablet 446671 RxNorm YES YES NO
40007368 amiloride / atenolol / hydrochlorothiazide Oral Capsule 379257 RxNorm YES YES NO
40007369 amiloride / atenolol / hydrochlorothiazide Oral Tablet 437781 RxNorm YES YES NO
40007373 amiloride / furosemide / indapamide Oral Tablet 437571 RxNorm YES YES NO
40007374 amiloride / furosemide Oral Tablet 370847 RxNorm YES YES NO
40007377 amiloride / hydrochlorothiazide / methyldopa Oral Tablet 446454 RxNorm YES YES NO
40007378 amiloride / hydrochlorothiazide / timolol Oral Tablet 379256 RxNorm YES YES NO
40007379 amiloride / hydrochlorothiazide Oral Solution 370848 RxNorm YES YES NO
40007380 amiloride / hydrochlorothiazide Oral Tablet 370638 RxNorm YES YES NO
40010558 atenolol / bendroflumethiazide Oral Capsule 385565 RxNorm YES YES NO
40010559 atenolol / chlorthalidone / hydralazine Oral Tablet 440424 RxNorm YES YES NO
40010560 atenolol / chlorthalidone Oral Capsule 370958 RxNorm YES YES NO
40010561 atenolol / chlorthalidone Oral Tablet 370620 RxNorm YES YES NO
40010567 atenolol / nifedipine Extended Release Oral Capsule 393276 RxNorm YES YES NO
40010568 atenolol / nifedipine Oral Capsule 370961 RxNorm YES YES NO
40010569 atenolol / nifedipine Oral Tablet 376172 RxNorm YES YES NO
40011854 bendroflumethiazide / propranolol Extended Release Oral Capsule 373656 RxNorm YES YES NO
40011855 bendroflumethiazide / propranolol Oral Capsule 373655 RxNorm YES YES NO
40011856 bendroflumethiazide / propranolol Oral Tablet 373657 RxNorm YES YES NO
40011860 bendroflumethiazide / timolol Oral Tablet 374136 RxNorm YES YES NO
40015092 bisoprolol / hydrochlorothiazide Oral Tablet 371103 RxNorm YES YES NO
40020436 chlorothiazide / methyldopa Oral Tablet [Aldoclor] 368245 RxNorm YES YES NO
40026132 clonidine / hydrochlorothiazide / triamterene Oral Tablet 438743 RxNorm YES YES NO
40027598 cilazapril / hydrochlorothiazide Oral Tablet 371507 RxNorm YES YES NO
40028109 cyclopenthiazide / oxprenolol Extended Release Oral Tablet 373186 RxNorm YES YES NO
40028110 cyclopenthiazide / oxprenolol Oral Tablet 373185 RxNorm YES YES NO
40030840 chlorthalidone / hydralazine / oxprenolol Oral Tablet 440427 RxNorm YES YES NO
40030842 chlorthalidone / metoprolol Extended Release Oral Tablet 446468 RxNorm YES YES NO
40030843 chlorthalidone / metoprolol Oral Tablet 379254 RxNorm YES YES NO
40030844 chlorthalidone / oxprenolol Extended Release Oral Tablet 373182 RxNorm YES YES NO
40030845 chlorthalidone / oxprenolol Oral Tablet 373181 RxNorm YES YES NO
40033922 dihydralazine / propranolol Oral Tablet 439011 RxNorm YES YES NO
40034892 diltiazem / hydrochlorothiazide Extended Release Oral Capsule 385943 RxNorm YES YES NO
40037280 felodipine / metoprolol Extended Release Oral Tablet 439560 RxNorm YES YES NO
40037281 felodipine / ramipril Oral Tablet 393440 RxNorm YES YES NO
40039294 ergoloid mesylates, USP / nifedipine Oral Tablet 439288 RxNorm YES YES NO
40039680 furosemide / spironolactone Oral Capsule 373944 RxNorm YES YES NO
40039681 furosemide / spironolactone Oral Tablet 451932 RxNorm YES YES NO
40039682 furosemide / triamterene Extended Release Oral Capsule 452294 RxNorm YES YES NO
40039683 furosemide / triamterene Oral Tablet 374196 RxNorm YES YES NO
40044449 hydralazine / hydrochlorothiazide / metoprolol Oral Tablet 440425 RxNorm YES YES NO
40044821 hydrochlorothiazide / losartan Oral Tablet 372650 RxNorm YES YES NO
40044824 hydrochlorothiazide / magnesium chloride / methotrimeprazine Oral Tablet 440593 RxNorm YES YES NO
40044831 hydrochlorothiazide / metoprolol Extended Release Oral Tablet 372890 RxNorm YES YES NO
40044832 hydrochlorothiazide / metoprolol Oral Tablet 372889 RxNorm YES YES NO
40044834 hydrochlorothiazide / olmesartan Oral Tablet 406041 RxNorm YES YES NO
40044837 hydrochlorothiazide / potassium chloride Oral Tablet 376241 RxNorm YES YES NO
40044838 hydrochlorothiazide / propranolol Extended Release Oral Capsule 373650 RxNorm YES YES NO
40044839 hydrochlorothiazide / propranolol Oral Tablet 373651 RxNorm YES YES NO
40044851 hydrochlorothiazide / spironolactone Oral Tablet 370639 RxNorm YES YES NO
40044854 hydrochlorothiazide / timolol Oral Tablet 374419 RxNorm YES YES NO
40044856 hydrochlorothiazide / triamterene / verapamil Oral Tablet 452537 RxNorm YES YES NO
40044857 hydrochlorothiazide / triamterene Oral Capsule 370640 RxNorm YES YES NO
40045116 hydrochlorothiazide / triamterene Oral Tablet 374192 RxNorm YES YES NO
40045118 hydrochlorothiazide / verapamil Extended Release Oral Capsule 452536 RxNorm YES YES NO
40045119 hydrochlorothiazide / irbesartan Oral Tablet 370705 RxNorm YES YES NO
40045121 hydrochlorothiazide / mepindolol Oral Tablet 446301 RxNorm YES YES NO
40045124 hydrochlorothiazide / quinapril Oral Tablet 373732 RxNorm YES YES NO
40045126 hydrochlorothiazide / telmisartan Oral Tablet 378921 RxNorm YES YES NO
40045128 hydrochlorothiazide / valsartan Oral Tablet 374280 RxNorm YES YES NO
40049453 indapamide / perindopril Oral Tablet 393357 RxNorm YES YES NO
40054917 dehydrosanol / triamterene Oral Capsule 452289 RxNorm YES YES NO
40054918 dehydrosanol / triamterene Oral Tablet 452285 RxNorm YES YES NO
40059139 eprosartan / hydrochlorothiazide Oral Tablet 378735 RxNorm YES YES NO
40060227 cyclothiazide / triamterene Oral Tablet 452292 RxNorm YES YES NO
40061782 metoprolol / nifedipine Extended Release Oral Capsule 446677 RxNorm YES YES NO
40065740 methyclothiazide / triamterene Oral Tablet 452299 RxNorm YES YES NO
40085584 triamterene / xipamide Oral Tablet 452302 RxNorm YES YES NO
40095410 candesartan / hydrochlorothiazide Oral Tablet 374934 RxNorm YES YES NO
40096153 benazepril / hydrochlorothiazide Oral Tablet 371000 RxNorm YES YES NO
40096806 benzthiazide / triamterene Oral Capsule 374195 RxNorm YES YES NO
40099414 trandolapril / verapamil Extended Release Oral Capsule 379582 RxNorm YES YES NO
40099416 trandolapril / verapamil Extended Release Oral Tablet 374178 RxNorm YES YES NO
40137849 hydrochlorothiazide / methyldopa Oral Tablet [Aldoril] 688642 RxNorm YES YES NO
40140541 amlodipine / valsartan Oral Tablet 722125 RxNorm YES YES NO
40142669 amlodipine / olmesartan Oral Tablet 730860 RxNorm YES YES NO
40147525 aliskiren / hydrochlorothiazide Oral Tablet 754717 RxNorm YES YES NO
40160338 amlodipine / hydrochlorothiazide / valsartan Oral Tablet 848130 RxNorm YES YES NO
40167838 amlodipine / telmisartan Oral Tablet 876513 RxNorm YES YES NO
40224153 amlodipine / hydrochlorothiazide / olmesartan Oral Tablet 999966 RxNorm YES YES NO
40232328 aliskiren / amlodipine / hydrochlorothiazide Oral Tablet 1050796 RxNorm YES YES NO
40749849 Chlorothiazide / Spironolactone Oral Powder OMOP4707410 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
40830512 Hydrochlorothiazide / Reserpine / Triamterene Oral Tablet OMOP2028474 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
40830513 european olive pollen extract / Hydrochlorothiazide / Potassium Oral Tablet OMOP2028475 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
40893011 Dihydralazine / Hydrochlorothiazide / Potassium / Reserpine Oral Tablet OMOP2090973 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
40924218 Canrenoic Acid / Furosemide / Phosphoric acid Injectable Solution OMOP2122180 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
40924457 Amiloride / Timolol Oral Tablet OMOP2122419 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
40955187 Hydrochlorothiazide / Potassium / Rauwolfia preparation / rescinnamine / Reserpine / Vitamin A / Vitamin E Oral Tablet OMOP2153149 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
40955683 Alprenolol / Hydrochlorothiazide Oral Tablet OMOP2153645 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
40986248 Propranolol / Valeriana officinalis whole extract Oral Capsule OMOP2184210 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
40986369 Hydrochlorothiazide / Propranolol / Triamterene Oral Capsule OMOP2184331 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
40986688 Bunitrolol / Hydrochlorothiazide / Triamterene Extended Release Oral Capsule OMOP2184650 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
41017227 trandolapril / Verapamil Oral Tablet OMOP2215189 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
41048702 Hydrochlorothiazide / Oxprenolol Oral Tablet OMOP2246664 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
41080575 Amlodipine / Losartan Oral Tablet OMOP2278537 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
41111670 Canrenoic Acid / Furosemide Injectable Solution OMOP2309632 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
41143011 Felodipine / Metoprolol Oral Tablet OMOP2340973 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
41143341 dehydrosanol / Hesperidin / Thiamine / Triamterene Oral Tablet OMOP2341303 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
41174430 Amlodipine / Bisoprolol Oral Tablet OMOP2372392 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
41174481 Aesculus hippocastanum bark extract / Hydrochlorothiazide / Triamterene Oral Tablet OMOP2372443 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
41205367 Propranolol / Spironolactone Oral Tablet OMOP2403329 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
41205620 Dihydroergotoxine / Nifedipine Oral Tablet OMOP2403582 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
41236870 Amlodipine / candesartan Oral Capsule OMOP2434832 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
41237790 Mefruside / Methyldopa Oral Tablet [Sali Presinol] OMOP2435752 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
41238954 buthiazide / Methyldopa Oral Tablet [Sembrina] OMOP2436916 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
41267737 Bupranolol / dehydrosanol / Triamterene Oral Tablet OMOP2465699 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
41298388 Furosemide / Reserpine Oral Tablet OMOP2496350 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
41298962 6-(Diethylaminomethyl)Rutin / CRATAEGUS LAEVIGATA FRUIT / Hexamethonium Hydroxide / Hydrochlorothiazide / Potassium / Rauwolfia preparation / Reserpine Oral Tablet OMOP2496924 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
41299800 Mefruside / Methyldopa / Reserpine Oral Tablet [Caprinol] OMOP2497762 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
42479214 Felodipine / Ramipril Extended Release Oral Tablet OMOP419678 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
42705336 azilsartan / chlorthalidone Oral Tablet 1235142 RxNorm YES YES NO
42874880 Felodipine / Ramipril Delayed Release Oral Tablet OMOP4871998 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
42875928 Amlodipine / Hydrochlorothiazide / Ramipril Oral Capsule OMOP4873041 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
42938519 Amlodipine / Hydrochlorothiazide / telmisartan Oral Tablet OMOP4665192 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
42948657 lercanidipine / valsartan Oral Tablet OMOP4675247 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
42950872 Amlodipine / Chlorthalidone / Losartan Oral Tablet OMOP4677445 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
42960011 Amlodipine / fimasartan potassium Oral Tablet OMOP4686518 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
42960024 fimasartan potassium / Hydrochlorothiazide Oral Tablet OMOP4686530 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
42972643 atorvastatin / irbesartan Oral Tablet OMOP4699050 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
43022805 carvedilol / ivabradine Delayed Release Oral Tablet OMOP4837934 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
43134832 Hydrochlorothiazide / Losartan Delayed Release Oral Tablet OMOP447236 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
43156974 aliskiren / Hydrochlorothiazide Delayed Release Oral Tablet OMOP447297 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
43157075 Hydrochlorothiazide / quinapril Delayed Release Oral Tablet OMOP448040 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
43166576 benazepril / Hydrochlorothiazide Delayed Release Oral Tablet OMOP485878 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
43167787 Hydrochlorothiazide / olmesartan Delayed Release Oral Tablet OMOP446318 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
43178952 Hydrochlorothiazide / zofenopril Delayed Release Oral Tablet OMOP447280 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
43188587 Atenolol / Chlorthalidone Delayed Release Oral Tablet OMOP488010 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
43189757 Hydrochlorothiazide / irbesartan Delayed Release Oral Tablet OMOP446394 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
43189944 Hydrochlorothiazide / nebivolol Delayed Release Oral Tablet OMOP448113 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
43193525 Indapamide / Perindopril Delayed Release Oral Tablet OMOP480217 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
43199873 Hydrochlorothiazide / valsartan Delayed Release Oral Tablet OMOP510396 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
43199916 Amlodipine / Hydrochlorothiazide / valsartan Delayed Release Oral Tablet OMOP514110 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
43203499 Amlodipine / Indapamide Extended Release Oral Tablet OMOP470511 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
43205563 Enalapril / lercanidipine Delayed Release Oral Tablet OMOP489591 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
43211738 Bisoprolol / Hydrochlorothiazide Delayed Release Oral Tablet OMOP447790 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
43260913 Enalapril / lercanidipine Oral Tablet OMOP530577 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
43585468 ivabradine / Metoprolol Oral Tablet OMOP954444 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
43599922 dehydrosanol / Triamterene Delayed Release Oral Tablet OMOP778743 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
43636119 Hydrochlorothiazide / zofenopril Oral Tablet OMOP789674 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
43672256 Hydrochlorothiazide / Propranolol / Triamterene Oral Tablet OMOP781184 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
43677126 Amlodipine / Ramipril Oral Capsule OMOP670769 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
43725912 Bendroflumethiazide / Hydralazine / Propranolol Oral Capsule OMOP778561 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
43748731 Enalapril / Nitrendipine Oral Tablet OMOP671132 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
43749671 Amlodipine / candesartan Oral Tablet OMOP687193 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
43839612 Amlodipine / Lisinopril Oral Tablet OMOP682928 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
44031088 Hydrochlorothiazide / Methyldopa Oral Tablet [Aldoril 25] OMOP1025719 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
44031476 Chlorothiazide / Methyldopa Oral Tablet [Supres] OMOP1026107 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
44057083 Hydrochlorothiazide / Methyldopa Oral Tablet [Pms-Dopazide] OMOP1051714 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
44069972 Hydrochlorothiazide / Methyldopa Oral Tablet [Aldoril 15] OMOP1064603 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
44082841 Hydrochlorothiazide / Methyldopa Oral Tablet [Novo-Doparil] OMOP1077472 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
44095788 Hydrochlorothiazide / Methyldopa Oral Tablet [Apo Methazide] OMOP1090419 RxNorm Extension YES YES NO
45892980 amlodipine / perindopril Oral Tablet 1600715 RxNorm YES YES NO

A.4.7 Concept: Hypertension

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
320128 Essential hypertension 59621000 SNOMED NO YES NO
4034031 Benign essential hypertension complicating AND/OR reason for care during pregnancy 23717007 SNOMED YES YES NO
4083723 Essential hypertension complicating AND/OR reason for care during childbirth 18416000 SNOMED YES YES NO
4215640 Benign essential hypertension complicating AND/OR reason for care during childbirth 71874008 SNOMED YES YES NO
4302591 Essential hypertension complicating AND/OR reason for care during pregnancy 78808002 SNOMED YES YES NO

A.4.8 Concept: Antihypertensives

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
904542 triamterene 10763 RxNorm NO YES NO
907013 metolazone 6916 RxNorm NO YES NO
932745 bumetanide 1808 RxNorm NO YES NO
942350 torsemide 38413 RxNorm NO YES NO
956874 furosemide 4603 RxNorm NO YES NO
970250 spironolactone 9997 RxNorm NO YES NO
974166 hydrochlorothiazide 5487 RxNorm NO YES NO
978555 indapamide 5764 RxNorm NO YES NO
991382 amiloride 644 RxNorm NO YES NO
1305447 methyldopa 6876 RxNorm NO YES NO
1307046 metoprolol 6918 RxNorm NO YES NO
1307863 verapamil 11170 RxNorm NO YES NO
1308216 lisinopril 29046 RxNorm NO YES NO
1308842 valsartan 69749 RxNorm NO YES NO
1309068 minoxidil 6984 RxNorm NO YES NO
1309799 eplerenone 298869 RxNorm NO YES NO
1310756 moexipril 30131 RxNorm NO YES NO
1313200 nadolol 7226 RxNorm NO YES NO
1314002 atenolol 1202 RxNorm NO YES NO
1314577 nebivolol 31555 RxNorm NO YES NO
1317640 telmisartan 73494 RxNorm NO YES NO
1317967 aliskiren 325646 RxNorm NO YES NO
1318137 nicardipine 7396 RxNorm NO YES NO
1318853 nifedipine 7417 RxNorm NO YES NO
1319880 nisoldipine 7435 RxNorm NO YES NO
1319998 acebutolol 149 RxNorm NO YES NO
1322081 betaxolol 1520 RxNorm NO YES NO
1326012 isradipine 33910 RxNorm NO YES NO
1327978 penbutolol 7973 RxNorm NO YES NO
1328165 diltiazem 3443 RxNorm NO YES NO
1331235 quinapril 35208 RxNorm NO YES NO
1332418 amlodipine 17767 RxNorm NO YES NO
1334456 ramipril 35296 RxNorm NO YES NO
1335471 benazepril 18867 RxNorm NO YES NO
1338005 bisoprolol 19484 RxNorm NO YES NO
1340128 captopril 1998 RxNorm NO YES NO
1341238 terazosin 37798 RxNorm NO YES NO
1341927 enalapril 3827 RxNorm NO YES NO
1342439 trandolapril 38454 RxNorm NO YES NO
1344965 guanfacine 40114 RxNorm NO YES NO
1345858 pindolol 8332 RxNorm NO YES NO
1346686 eprosartan 83515 RxNorm NO YES NO
1346823 carvedilol 20352 RxNorm NO YES NO
1347384 irbesartan 83818 RxNorm NO YES NO
1350489 prazosin 8629 RxNorm NO YES NO
1351557 candesartan 214354 RxNorm NO YES NO
1353766 propranolol 8787 RxNorm NO YES NO
1353776 felodipine 4316 RxNorm NO YES NO
1363053 doxazosin 49276 RxNorm NO YES NO
1363749 fosinopril 50166 RxNorm NO YES NO
1367500 losartan 52175 RxNorm NO YES NO
1373225 perindopril 54552 RxNorm NO YES NO
1373928 hydralazine 5470 RxNorm NO YES NO
1386957 labetalol 6185 RxNorm NO YES NO
1395058 chlorthalidone 2409 RxNorm NO YES NO
1398937 clonidine 2599 RxNorm NO YES NO
40226742 olmesartan 321064 RxNorm NO YES NO
40235485 azilsartan 1091643 RxNorm NO YES NO

A.4.9 Concept: Other agents

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
904542 triamterene 10763 RxNorm NO YES NO
907013 metolazone 6916 RxNorm NO YES NO
932745 bumetanide 1808 RxNorm NO YES NO
942350 torsemide 38413 RxNorm NO YES NO
956874 furosemide 4603 RxNorm NO YES NO
970250 spironolactone 9997 RxNorm NO YES NO
974166 hydrochlorothiazide 5487 RxNorm NO YES NO
978555 indapamide 5764 RxNorm NO YES NO
991382 amiloride 644 RxNorm NO YES NO
1305447 methyldopa 6876 RxNorm NO YES NO
1307046 metoprolol 6918 RxNorm NO YES NO
1307863 verapamil 11170 RxNorm NO YES NO
1308216 lisinopril 29046 RxNorm NO YES NO
1308842 valsartan 69749 RxNorm NO YES NO
1309068 minoxidil 6984 RxNorm NO YES NO
1309799 eplerenone 298869 RxNorm NO YES NO
1310756 moexipril 30131 RxNorm NO YES NO
1313200 nadolol 7226 RxNorm NO YES NO
1314002 atenolol 1202 RxNorm NO YES NO
1314577 nebivolol 31555 RxNorm NO YES NO
1317640 telmisartan 73494 RxNorm NO YES NO
1317967 aliskiren 325646 RxNorm NO YES NO
1318137 nicardipine 7396 RxNorm NO YES NO
1318853 nifedipine 7417 RxNorm NO YES NO
1319880 nisoldipine 7435 RxNorm NO YES NO
1322081 betaxolol 1520 RxNorm NO YES NO
1326012 isradipine 33910 RxNorm NO YES NO
1327978 penbutolol 7973 RxNorm NO YES NO
1328165 diltiazem 3443 RxNorm NO YES NO
1331235 quinapril 35208 RxNorm NO YES NO
1334456 ramipril 35296 RxNorm NO YES NO
1335471 benazepril 18867 RxNorm NO YES NO
1338005 bisoprolol 19484 RxNorm NO YES NO
1340128 captopril 1998 RxNorm NO YES NO
1341238 terazosin 37798 RxNorm NO YES NO
1341927 enalapril 3827 RxNorm NO YES NO
1342439 trandolapril 38454 RxNorm NO YES NO
1344965 guanfacine 40114 RxNorm NO YES NO
1345858 pindolol 8332 RxNorm NO YES NO
1346686 eprosartan 83515 RxNorm NO YES NO
1346823 carvedilol 20352 RxNorm NO YES NO
1347384 irbesartan 83818 RxNorm NO YES NO
1350489 prazosin 8629 RxNorm NO YES NO
1351557 candesartan 214354 RxNorm NO YES NO
1353766 propranolol 8787 RxNorm NO YES NO
1353776 felodipine 4316 RxNorm NO YES NO
1363053 doxazosin 49276 RxNorm NO YES NO
1363749 fosinopril 50166 RxNorm NO YES NO
1367500 losartan 52175 RxNorm NO YES NO
1373225 perindopril 54552 RxNorm NO YES NO
1373928 hydralazine 5470 RxNorm NO YES NO
1386957 labetalol 6185 RxNorm NO YES NO
1395058 chlorthalidone 2409 RxNorm NO YES NO
1398937 clonidine 2599 RxNorm NO YES NO
40226742 olmesartan 321064 RxNorm NO YES NO
40235485 azilsartan 1091643 RxNorm NO YES NO
1332418 amlodipine 17767 RxNorm YES YES NO
1319998 acebutolol 149 RxNorm YES YES NO

A.4.10 Concept: Previous CV events including acute MI, stroke, HF

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
372924 Cerebral artery occlusion 20059004 SNOMED NO NO NO
375557 Cerebral embolism 75543006 SNOMED NO NO NO
376713 Cerebral hemorrhage 274100004 SNOMED NO NO NO
432923 Subarachnoid hemorrhage 21454007 SNOMED NO NO NO
439847 Intracranial hemorrhage 1386000 SNOMED NO NO NO
441874 Cerebral thrombosis 71444005 SNOMED NO NO NO
316139 Heart failure 84114007 SNOMED NO YES NO
443454 Cerebral infarction 432504007 SNOMED NO YES NO
4329847 Myocardial infarction 22298006 SNOMED NO YES NO
314666 Old myocardial infarction 1755008 SNOMED YES YES NO
315295 Congestive rheumatic heart failure 82523003 SNOMED YES YES NO

B Outcome Cohort Definitions

B.1 3-point MACE

B.1.1 Cohort Entry Events

People may enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. condition occurrences of ‘Acute myocardial Infarction’.

  2. condition occurrences of ‘Sudden cardiac death’.

  3. condition occurrences of ‘Ischemic stroke’.

  4. condition occurrences of ’ Intracranial bleed Hemorrhagic stroke’.

Restrict entry events to having at least 1 visit occurrence of ‘Inpatient or ER visit’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date and ending between 0 days before and all days after cohort entry start date.

B.1.2 Cohort Exit

The cohort end date will be offset from index event’s start date plus 7 days.

B.1.3 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 180 days of each other.

B.1.4 Concept: Inpatient or ER visit

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
262 Emergency Room and Inpatient Visit ERIP Visit NO YES NO
9203 Emergency Room Visit ER Visit NO YES NO
9201 Inpatient Visit IP Visit NO YES NO

B.1.5 Concept: Acute myocardial Infarction

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
4329847 Myocardial infarction 22298006 SNOMED NO YES NO
314666 Old myocardial infarction 1755008 SNOMED YES YES NO

B.1.6 Concept: Sudden cardiac death

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
4048809 Brainstem death 230802007 SNOMED NO YES NO
321042 Cardiac arrest 410429000 SNOMED NO YES NO
442289 Death in less than 24 hours from onset of symptoms 53559009 SNOMED NO YES NO
4317150 Sudden cardiac death 95281009 SNOMED NO YES NO
4132309 Sudden death 26636000 SNOMED NO YES NO
437894 Ventricular fibrillation 71908006 SNOMED YES YES NO

B.1.7 Concept: Ischemic stroke

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
372924 Cerebral artery occlusion 20059004 SNOMED NO NO NO
375557 Cerebral embolism 75543006 SNOMED NO NO NO
443454 Cerebral infarction 432504007 SNOMED NO YES NO
441874 Cerebral thrombosis 71444005 SNOMED NO NO NO

B.1.8 Concept: Intracranial bleed Hemorrhagic stroke

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
376713 Cerebral hemorrhage 274100004 SNOMED NO NO NO
439847 Intracranial hemorrhage 1386000 SNOMED NO NO NO
432923 Subarachnoid hemorrhage 21454007 SNOMED NO NO NO
43530727 Spontaneous cerebral hemorrhage 291571000119106 SNOMED NO NO NO
4148906 Spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage 270907008 SNOMED NO NO NO

B.1.9 Concept: Heart Failure

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
315295 Congestive rheumatic heart failure 82523003 SNOMED YES YES NO
316139 Heart failure 84114007 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.2 4-point MACE

B.2.1 Cohort Entry Events

People may enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. condition occurrences of ‘Acute myocardial Infarction’.

  2. condition occurrences of ‘Sudden cardiac death’.

  3. condition occurrences of ‘Ischemic stroke’.

  4. condition occurrences of ‘Iintracranial bleed Hemorrhagic stroke’.

  5. condition occurrences of ‘Heart Failure’.

Restrict entry events to having at least 1 visit occurrence of ‘Inpatient or ER visit’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date and ending between 0 days before and all days after cohort entry start date.

B.2.2 Cohort Exit

The cohort end date will be offset from index event’s start date plus 7 days.

B.2.3 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 180 days of each other.

B.2.4 Concept: Inpatient or ER visit

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
262 Emergency Room and Inpatient Visit ERIP Visit NO YES NO
9203 Emergency Room Visit ER Visit NO YES NO
9201 Inpatient Visit IP Visit NO YES NO

B.2.5 Concept: Acute myocardial Infarction

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
4329847 Myocardial infarction 22298006 SNOMED NO YES NO
314666 Old myocardial infarction 1755008 SNOMED YES YES NO

B.2.6 Concept: Sudden cardiac death

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
4048809 Brainstem death 230802007 SNOMED NO YES NO
321042 Cardiac arrest 410429000 SNOMED NO YES NO
442289 Death in less than 24 hours from onset of symptoms 53559009 SNOMED NO YES NO
4317150 Sudden cardiac death 95281009 SNOMED NO YES NO
4132309 Sudden death 26636000 SNOMED NO YES NO
437894 Ventricular fibrillation 71908006 SNOMED YES YES NO

B.2.7 Concept: Ischemic stroke

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
372924 Cerebral artery occlusion 20059004 SNOMED NO NO NO
375557 Cerebral embolism 75543006 SNOMED NO NO NO
443454 Cerebral infarction 432504007 SNOMED NO YES NO
441874 Cerebral thrombosis 71444005 SNOMED NO NO NO

B.2.8 Concept: Iintracranial bleed Hemorrhagic stroke

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
376713 Cerebral hemorrhage 274100004 SNOMED NO NO NO
439847 Intracranial hemorrhage 1386000 SNOMED NO NO NO
432923 Subarachnoid hemorrhage 21454007 SNOMED NO NO NO
43530727 Spontaneous cerebral hemorrhage 291571000119106 SNOMED NO NO NO
4148906 Spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage 270907008 SNOMED NO NO NO

B.2.9 Concept: Heart Failure

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
315295 Congestive rheumatic heart failure 82523003 SNOMED YES YES NO
316139 Heart failure 84114007 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.3 Abdominal pain

B.3.1 Cohort Entry Events

People enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. condition occurrences of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Abdominal pain’.

B.3.2 Cohort Exit

The cohort end date will be offset from index event’s start date plus 1 day.

B.3.3 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 90 days of each other.

B.3.4 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Abdominal pain

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
200219 Abdominal pain 21522001 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.4 Abnormal weight gain

B.4.1 Cohort Entry Events

People enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. observations of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Abnormal weight gain’.

B.4.2 Cohort Exit

The cohort end date will be offset from index event’s start date plus 1 day.

B.4.3 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 90 days of each other.

B.4.4 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Abnormal weight gain

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
439141 Abnormal weight gain 161833006 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.5 Abnormal weight loss

B.5.1 Cohort Entry Events

People enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. observations of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Abnormal weight loss’.

B.5.2 Cohort Exit

The cohort end date will be offset from index event’s start date plus 1 day.

B.5.3 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 90 days of each other.

B.5.4 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Abnormal weight loss

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
435928 Abnormal weight loss 267024001 SNOMED NO YES NO
40303297 Weight loss (& abnormal) 139091004 SNOMED NO NO NO

B.6 Acute myocardial infarction

B.6.1 Cohort Entry Events

People may enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. condition occurrences of ‘[LEGEND-HtnStepCare] Acute myocardial Infarction’.

Restrict entry events to having at least 1 visit occurrence of ‘Inpatient or ER visit’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date and ending between 0 days before and all days after cohort entry start date.

B.6.2 Cohort Exit

The cohort end date will be offset from index event’s start date plus 7 days.

B.6.3 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 180 days of each other.

B.6.4 Concept: Inpatient or ER visit

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
262 Emergency Room and Inpatient Visit ERIP Visit NO YES NO
9203 Emergency Room Visit ER Visit NO YES NO
9201 Inpatient Visit IP Visit NO YES NO

B.6.5 Concept: [LEGEND-HtnStepCare] Acute myocardial Infarction

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
4329847 Myocardial infarction 22298006 SNOMED NO YES NO
314666 Old myocardial infarction 1755008 SNOMED YES YES NO

B.7 Acute pancreatitis

B.7.1 Cohort Entry Events

People may enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. condition occurrences of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Acute pancreatitis’.

Restrict entry events to having at least 1 visit occurrence of ‘Inpatient or ER visit’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date and ending between 0 days before and all days after cohort entry start date.

B.7.2 Cohort Exit

The cohort end date will be offset from index event’s start date plus 7 days.

B.7.3 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 30 days of each other.

B.7.4 Concept: Inpatient or ER visit

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
262 Emergency Room and Inpatient Visit ERIP Visit NO YES NO
9203 Emergency Room Visit ER Visit NO YES NO
9201 Inpatient Visit IP Visit NO YES NO

B.7.5 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Acute pancreatitis

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
199074 Acute pancreatitis 197456007 SNOMED NO YES NO
2109394 Placement of drains, peripancreatic, for acute pancreatitis 48000 CPT4 NO NO NO
2109400 Resection or debridement of pancreas and peripancreatic tissue for acute necrotizing pancreatitis 48105 CPT4 NO NO NO
2109395 Placement of drains, peripancreatic, for acute pancreatitis; with cholecystostomy, gastrostomy, and jejunostomy 48001 CPT4 NO NO NO
42737025 Resection or debridement of pancreas and peripancreatic tissue for acute necrotizing pancreatitis (Deprecated) 48005 CPT4 NO NO NO

B.8 Acute renal failure

B.8.1 Cohort Entry Events

People may enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. condition occurrences of ‘Acute Renal Failure’.

Restrict entry events to having at least 1 visit occurrence of ‘Inpatient or ER visit’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date and ending between 0 days before and all days after cohort entry start date.

B.8.2 Cohort Exit

The cohort end date will be offset from index event’s start date plus 30 days.

B.8.3 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 30 days of each other.

B.8.4 Concept: Inpatient or ER visit

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
262 Emergency Room and Inpatient Visit ERIP Visit NO YES NO
9203 Emergency Room Visit ER Visit NO YES NO
9201 Inpatient Visit IP Visit NO YES NO

B.8.5 Concept: Acute Renal Failure

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
197320 Acute renal failure syndrome 14669001 SNOMED NO YES NO
432961 Acute renal papillary necrosis with renal failure 298015003 SNOMED NO YES NO
444044 Acute tubular necrosis 35455006 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.9 All-cause mortality

B.9.1 Cohort Entry Events

People enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. death of any form.

Limit cohort entry events to the earliest event per person.

B.9.2 Cohort Exit

The person also exists the cohort at the end of continuous observation.

B.9.3 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 0 days of each other.

B.10 Anaphylactoid reaction

B.10.1 Cohort Entry Events

People may enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. condition occurrences of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Anaphylactoid reaction’.

Restrict entry events to having at least 1 visit occurrence of ‘Inpatient or ER visit’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date and ending between 0 days before and all days after cohort entry start date.

B.10.2 Cohort Exit

The cohort end date will be offset from index event’s start date plus 7 days.

B.10.3 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 7 days of each other.

B.10.4 Concept: Inpatient or ER visit

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
262 Emergency Room and Inpatient Visit ERIP Visit NO YES NO
9203 Emergency Room Visit ER Visit NO YES NO
9201 Inpatient Visit IP Visit NO YES NO

B.10.5 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Angioedema

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
432791 Angioedema 41291007 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.10.6 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Anaphylactoid reaction

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
441202 Anaphylaxis 39579001 SNOMED NO YES NO
4330225 Anaphylaxis due to hymenoptera venom 430980000 SNOMED YES YES NO
40479646 Anaphylaxis due to latex 441593005 SNOMED YES YES NO
4299299 Anaphylaxis secondary to bite and/or sting 402391007 SNOMED YES YES NO
4084633 Bee sting-induced anaphylaxis 241931004 SNOMED YES YES NO
434219 Food anaphylaxis 91941002 SNOMED YES YES NO
4086737 Insulin-induced anaphylaxis 241939002 SNOMED YES YES NO
4084634 Wasp sting-induced anaphylaxis 241932006 SNOMED YES YES NO

B.11 Anemia

B.11.1 Cohort Entry Events

People enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. condition occurrence of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Anemia’ for the first time in the person’s history.

Limit cohort entry events to the earliest event per person.

B.11.2 Cohort Exit

The person also exists the cohort at the end of continuous observation.

B.11.3 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 0 days of each other.

B.11.4 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Anemia

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
439777 Anemia 271737000 SNOMED NO YES NO
137829 Aplastic anemia 306058006 SNOMED NO YES NO
437090 Hemolytic disease of fetus OR newborn due to ABO immunization 32858009 SNOMED YES YES NO
440218 Hemolytic disease of fetus OR newborn due to isoimmunization 387705004 SNOMED YES YES NO
25518 Sickle cell trait 16402000 SNOMED NO YES NO
24006 Sickle cell-hemoglobin C disease 35434009 SNOMED NO YES NO
4301602 Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura 78129009 SNOMED YES YES NO

B.12 Angioedema

B.12.1 Cohort Entry Events

People may enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. condition occurrences of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Angioedema’.

Restrict entry events to having at least 1 visit occurrence of ‘Inpatient or ER visit’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date and ending between 0 days before and all days after cohort entry start date.

B.12.2 Cohort Exit

The cohort end date will be offset from index event’s start date plus 7 days.

B.12.3 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 30 days of each other.

B.12.4 Concept: Inpatient or ER visit

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
262 Emergency Room and Inpatient Visit ERIP Visit NO YES NO
9203 Emergency Room Visit ER Visit NO YES NO
9201 Inpatient Visit IP Visit NO YES NO

B.12.5 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Angioedema

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
432791 Angioedema 41291007 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.13 Anxiety

B.13.1 Cohort Entry Events

People may enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. condition occurrence of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Anxiety’ for the first time in the person’s history.

Limit cohort entry events to the earliest event per person.

Restrict entry events to with any of the following criteria:

  1. having at least 1 condition occurrence of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Anxiety’, starting 1 days after cohort entry start date.
  2. having at least 1 drug exposure of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Drugs to treat anxiety’, starting between 0 days before and 30 days after cohort entry start date.

B.13.2 Cohort Exit

The person also exists the cohort at the end of continuous observation.

B.13.3 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 0 days of each other.

B.13.4 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Anxiety

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
442077 Anxiety disorder 197480006 SNOMED NO NO NO
37109206 Anxiety disorder caused by drug 22621000119103 SNOMED NO YES NO
4199892 Anxiety disorder due to a general medical condition 52910006 SNOMED NO YES NO
434613 Generalized anxiety disorder 21897009 SNOMED NO YES NO
4338031 Mixed anxiety and depressive disorder 231504006 SNOMED NO YES NO
381537 Organic anxiety disorder 17496003 SNOMED NO YES NO
436074 Panic disorder 371631005 SNOMED NO YES NO
4304010 Phobic disorder 386810004 SNOMED YES YES NO

B.13.5 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Drugs to treat depression

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped

B.13.6 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Drugs to treat anxiety

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
781039 Alprazolam 596 RxNorm NO YES NO
733301 Buspirone 1827 RxNorm NO YES NO
990678 Chlordiazepoxide 2356 RxNorm NO YES NO
797617 Citalopram 2556 RxNorm NO YES NO
19050832 clobazam 21241 RxNorm NO YES NO
798874 Clonazepam 2598 RxNorm NO YES NO
790253 clorazepate 2353 RxNorm NO YES NO
717607 Desvenlafaxine 734064 RxNorm NO YES NO
723013 Diazepam 3322 RxNorm NO YES NO
739323 Droperidol 3648 RxNorm NO YES NO
715259 duloxetine 72625 RxNorm NO YES NO
715939 Escitalopram 321988 RxNorm NO YES NO
755695 Fluoxetine 4493 RxNorm NO YES NO
751412 Fluvoxamine 42355 RxNorm NO YES NO
777221 Hydroxyzine 5553 RxNorm NO YES NO
791967 Lorazepam 6470 RxNorm NO YES NO
702865 Meprobamate 6760 RxNorm NO YES NO
724816 Oxazepam 7781 RxNorm NO YES NO
722031 Paroxetine 32937 RxNorm NO YES NO
739138 Sertraline 36437 RxNorm NO YES NO
743670 venlafaxine 39786 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.13.7 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Depression

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
442306 Adjustment disorder with depressed mood 57194009 SNOMED NO YES NO
436665 Bipolar disorder 13746004 SNOMED YES YES NO
440383 Depressive disorder 35489007 SNOMED NO YES NO
4175329 Organic mood disorder of depressed type 42594001 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.14 Bone fracture

B.14.1 Cohort Entry Events

People enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. condition occurrences of ‘Bone fracture’.

B.14.2 Cohort Exit

The cohort end date will be offset from index event’s start date plus 1 day.

B.14.3 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 90 days of each other.

B.14.4 Concept: Bone fracture

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
75053 Fracture of bone 125605004 SNOMED NO YES NO
4071354 Open reduction of fracture with internal fixation 20701002 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.15 Bradycardia

B.15.1 Cohort Entry Events

People may enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. condition occurrence of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Bradycardia’ for the first time in the person’s history.

Limit cohort entry events to the earliest event per person.

Restrict entry events to having at least 1 condition occurrence of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Bradycardia’, starting 1 days after cohort entry start date.

B.15.2 Cohort Exit

The person also exists the cohort at the end of continuous observation.

B.15.3 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 0 days of each other.

B.15.4 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Bradycardia

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
4169095 Bradycardia 48867003 SNOMED NO YES NO
316999 Conduction disorder of the heart 44808001 SNOMED NO NO NO
4171683 Sinus bradycardia 49710005 SNOMED NO YES NO
317302 Sinus node dysfunction 60423000 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.16 Cardiac arrhythmia

B.16.1 Cohort Entry Events

People may enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. condition occurrence of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Cardiac arrhythmia’ for the first time in the person’s history.

Limit cohort entry events to the earliest event per person.

Restrict entry events to with any of the following criteria:

  1. having at least 1 condition occurrence of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Cardiac arrhythmia’, starting 1 days after cohort entry start date.
  2. having at least 2 drug exposures of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Drugs used to treat cardiac arrhythmia’, starting between 0 days before and all days after cohort entry start date.
  3. having at least 1 procedure occurrence of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Procedures to treat cardiac arrhythmia’, starting between 0 days before and all days after cohort entry start date.

B.16.2 Cohort Exit

The person also exists the cohort at the end of continuous observation.

B.16.3 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 0 days of each other.

B.16.4 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Cardiac arrhythmia

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
44784217 Cardiac arrhythmia 698247007 SNOMED NO YES NO
38001137 Cardiac arrhythmia & conduction disorders w CC 309 DRG NO YES NO
38001138 Cardiac arrhythmia & conduction disorders w/o CC/MCC 310 DRG NO YES NO
315078 Palpitations 80313002 SNOMED NO YES NO
444070 Tachycardia 3424008 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.16.5 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Drugs used to treat cardiac arrhythmia

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
43013024 apixaban 1364430 RxNorm NO YES NO
40228152 dabigatran etexilate 1037042 RxNorm NO YES NO
40241331 rivaroxaban 1114195 RxNorm NO YES NO
1310149 Warfarin 11289 RxNorm NO YES NO
1309204 Adenosine 296 RxNorm NO YES NO
45892847 edoxaban 1599538 RxNorm NO YES NO

B.16.6 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Procedures to treat cardiac arrhythmia

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
45890325 Cardioversion, elective, electrical conversion of arrhythmia 1012978 CPT4 NO YES NO
45890400 Operative tissue ablation and reconstruction of atria, extensive (eg, maze procedure) 1014679 CPT4 NO YES NO
2107068 Operative tissue ablation and reconstruction of atria, performed at the time of other cardiac procedure(s), extensive (eg, maze procedure), with cardiopulmonary bypass (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure) 33259 CPT4 NO YES NO
4051932 Procedure for arrhythmia 233154000 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.17 Chest pain

B.17.1 Cohort Entry Events

People enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. condition occurrence of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Chest pain or angina’ for the first time in the person’s history.

Limit cohort entry events to the earliest event per person.

B.17.2 Cohort Exit

The person also exists the cohort at the end of continuous observation.

B.17.3 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 0 days of each other.

B.17.4 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Chest pain or angina

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
321318 Angina pectoris 194828000 SNOMED NO YES NO
77670 Chest pain 29857009 SNOMED NO NO NO

B.18 Chronic kidney disease

B.18.1 Cohort Entry Events

People may enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. condition occurrence of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Chronic kidney disease’ for the first time in the person’s history.

Limit cohort entry events to the earliest event per person.

Restrict entry events to with any of the following criteria:

  1. having at least 1 condition occurrence of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Chronic kidney disease’, starting 30 days after cohort entry start date.
  2. having at least 2 procedure occurrences of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Dialysis’, starting between 0 days before and all days after cohort entry start date.
  3. having at least 2 observations of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Dialysis’, starting between 0 days before and all days after cohort entry start date.

B.18.2 Cohort Exit

The person also exists the cohort at the end of continuous observation.

B.18.3 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 0 days of each other.

B.18.4 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Chronic kidney disease

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
194385 Aneurysm of renal artery 36184004 SNOMED NO YES NO
45769152 Bartter syndrome 707742001 SNOMED YES YES NO
46271022 Chronic kidney disease 709044004 SNOMED NO YES NO
192279 Diabetic renal disease 127013003 SNOMED NO YES NO
4263367 Glomerulonephritis 36171008 SNOMED NO YES NO
261071 Glomerulosclerosis 197661001 SNOMED NO YES NO
195289 Goodpasture’s syndrome 50581000 SNOMED YES YES NO
195737 Hemorrhagic nephroso-nephritis 102455002 SNOMED YES YES NO
201313 Hypertensive renal disease 38481006 SNOMED NO YES NO
43530912 Induced termination of pregnancy complicated by renal failure 609452007 SNOMED YES YES NO
4103224 Interstitial nephritis 28689008 SNOMED NO YES NO
193253 Nephritis 52845002 SNOMED NO NO NO
195314 Nephrotic syndrome 52254009 SNOMED NO YES NO
4066005 Post-delivery acute renal failure with postnatal problem 200118004 SNOMED YES YES NO
37116834 Postpartum acute renal failure 733839001 SNOMED YES YES NO
195014 Renal failure following molar AND/OR ectopic pregnancy 43629001 SNOMED YES YES NO
192359 Renal failure syndrome 42399005 SNOMED NO YES NO
197930 Renal hypertension complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium 198949009 SNOMED YES YES NO
197320 Acute renal failure syndrome 14669001 SNOMED YES YES NO

B.18.5 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Dialysis

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
4090651 Dialysis finding 251859005 SNOMED NO YES NO
4032243 Dialysis procedure 108241001 SNOMED NO YES NO
45889365 Dialysis Services and Procedures 1012740 CPT4 NO YES NO

B.19 Cough

B.19.1 Cohort Entry Events

People enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. condition occurrences of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Cough’.

B.19.2 Cohort Exit

The cohort end date will be offset from index event’s start date plus 1 day.

B.19.3 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 90 days of each other.

B.19.4 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Cough

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
254761 Cough 49727002 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.20 Decreased libido

B.20.1 Cohort Entry Events

People enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. condition occurrence of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Decreased libido’ for the first time in the person’s history.

Limit cohort entry events to the earliest event per person.

B.20.2 Cohort Exit

The person also exists the cohort at the end of continuous observation.

B.20.3 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 0 days of each other.

B.20.4 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Decreased libido

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
4087317 Lack of libido 248096004 SNOMED NO YES NO
443262 Lack or loss of sexual desire 270903007 SNOMED NO YES NO
436246 Reduced libido 8357008 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.21 Dementia

B.21.1 Cohort Entry Events

People enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. condition occurrence of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Dementia’ for the first time in the person’s history.

Limit cohort entry events to the earliest event per person.

B.21.2 Cohort Exit

The person also exists the cohort at the end of continuous observation.

B.21.3 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 0 days of each other.

B.21.4 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Dementia

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
4182210 Dementia 52448006 SNOMED NO YES NO
377788 General paresis - neurosyphilis 51928006 SNOMED YES YES NO
372610 Postconcussion syndrome 40425004 SNOMED YES YES NO
37116464 Dementia caused by heavy metal exposure 733184002 SNOMED YES YES NO
4244346 Dialysis dementia 9345005 SNOMED YES YES NO
37017247 Presenile dementia co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection 713488003 SNOMED YES YES NO
37017549 Dementia co-occurrent with human immunodeficiency virus infection 713844000 SNOMED YES YES NO

B.22 Depression

B.22.1 Cohort Entry Events

People may enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. condition occurrence of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Depression’ for the first time in the person’s history.

Limit cohort entry events to the earliest event per person.

Restrict entry events to with any of the following criteria:

  1. having at least 1 condition occurrence of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Depression’, starting 1 days after cohort entry start date.
  2. having at least 2 drug exposures of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Drugs to treat depression’, starting between 0 days before and all days after cohort entry start date; having no condition occurrences of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Other indications for drugs used to treat depression’, starting between 30 days before and 7 days after ‘[LEGEND HTN] Drugs to treat depression’ start date.
  3. having at least 2 procedure occurrences of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Procedures for depression’, starting between 0 days before and all days after cohort entry start date.

B.22.2 Cohort Exit

The person also exists the cohort at the end of continuous observation.

B.22.3 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 0 days of each other.

B.22.4 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Depression

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
442306 Adjustment disorder with depressed mood 57194009 SNOMED NO YES NO
436665 Bipolar disorder 13746004 SNOMED YES YES NO
440383 Depressive disorder 35489007 SNOMED NO YES NO
4175329 Organic mood disorder of depressed type 42594001 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.22.5 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Drugs to treat depression

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped

B.22.6 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Other indications for drugs used to treat depression

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
438407 Bulimia nervosa 78004001 SNOMED NO YES NO
4311708 Diabetic peripheral neuropathy 424736006 SNOMED NO YES NO
434613 Generalized anxiety disorder 21897009 SNOMED NO YES NO
436962 Insomnia 193462001 SNOMED NO YES NO
440374 Obsessive-compulsive disorder 191736004 SNOMED NO YES NO
436074 Panic disorder 371631005 SNOMED NO YES NO
436676 Posttraumatic stress disorder 47505003 SNOMED NO YES NO
4242733 Premenstrual dysphoric disorder 596004 SNOMED NO YES NO
440690 Social phobia 25501002 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.22.7 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Procedures for depression

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
4030840 Electroconvulsive therapy 23835007 SNOMED NO YES NO
2795842 Mental Health, Electroconvulsive Therapy GZB ICD10PCS NO YES NO
2795675 Mental Health, Individual Psychotherapy GZ5 ICD10PCS NO YES NO
4327941 Psychotherapy 75516001 SNOMED NO YES NO
45887951 Psychotherapy Services and Procedures 1021137 CPT4 NO YES NO

B.23 Diarrhea

B.23.1 Cohort Entry Events

People enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. condition occurrences of ‘[LEGEND HTN} Diarrhea’.

B.23.2 Cohort Exit

The cohort end date will be offset from index event’s start date plus 1 day.

B.23.3 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 30 days of each other.

B.23.4 Concept: [LEGEND HTN} Diarrhea

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
196523 Diarrhea 62315008 SNOMED NO YES NO
4134607 Diarrheal disorder 128333008 SNOMED NO YES NO
201773 Enteritis of small intestine 64613007 SNOMED NO NO NO
80141 Functional diarrhea 47812002 SNOMED NO YES NO
4207688 Infectious enteritis 55184003 SNOMED NO NO NO
4324838 Noninfectious enteritis 71207007 SNOMED NO NO NO
197596 Toxic gastroenteritis 71583005 SNOMED NO YES NO
196620 Viral enteritis 78420004 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.24 End stage renal disease

B.24.1 Cohort Entry Events

People may enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. condition occurrences of ‘[LEGEND HTN] End stage renal disease’.

Restrict entry events to with any of the following criteria:

  1. having at least 1 condition occurrence of ‘[LEGEND HTN] End stage renal disease’, starting between 1 days after and 90 days after cohort entry start date.
  2. having at least 1 procedure occurrence of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Dialysis’, starting between 0 days after and 90 days after cohort entry start date.
  3. having at least 1 observation of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Dialysis’, starting between 0 days after and 90 days after cohort entry start date.

Limit these restricted entry events to the earliest event per person.

B.24.2 Cohort Exit

The person also exists the cohort at the end of continuous observation.

B.24.3 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 0 days of each other.

B.24.4 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] End stage renal disease

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
443611 Chronic kidney disease stage 5 433146000 SNOMED NO YES NO
193782 End stage renal disease 46177005 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.24.5 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Dialysis

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
4090651 Dialysis finding 251859005 SNOMED NO YES NO
4032243 Dialysis procedure 108241001 SNOMED NO YES NO
45889365 Dialysis Services and Procedures 1012740 CPT4 NO YES NO

B.25 Fall

B.25.1 Cohort Entry Events

People enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. observations of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Falls’.

B.25.2 Cohort Exit

The cohort end date will be offset from index event’s start date plus 1 day.

B.25.3 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 180 days of each other.

B.25.4 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Falls

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
436583 Fall 1912002 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.26 Gastrointestinal bleeding

B.26.1 Cohort Entry Events

People may enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. condition occurrences of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Gastrointestinal hemorrhage GI bleeding’.

Restrict entry events to having at least 1 visit occurrence of ‘Inpatient or ER visit’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date and ending between 0 days before and all days after cohort entry start date.

B.26.2 Cohort Exit

The cohort end date will be offset from index event’s start date plus 7 days.

B.26.3 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 30 days of each other.

B.26.4 Concept: Inpatient or ER visit

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
262 Emergency Room and Inpatient Visit ERIP Visit NO YES NO
9203 Emergency Room Visit ER Visit NO YES NO
9201 Inpatient Visit IP Visit NO YES NO

B.26.5 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Gastrointestinal hemorrhage GI bleeding

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
4138962 Acute duodenal ulcer without hemorrhage AND without perforation 32490005 SNOMED YES YES NO
4195231 Acute gastric ulcer without hemorrhage AND without perforation 67964002 SNOMED YES YES NO
4147683 Acute gastrojejunal ulcer without hemorrhage AND without perforation 30514008 SNOMED NO NO NO
4163865 Acute peptic ulcer without hemorrhage AND without perforation 45485004 SNOMED YES YES NO
195584 Acute peptic ulcer without hemorrhage AND without perforation but with obstruction 58085004 SNOMED YES YES NO
40482685 Angiodysplasia of duodenum 442267002 SNOMED NO YES NO
28779 Bleeding esophageal varices 17709002 SNOMED NO YES NO
4222896 Chronic duodenal ulcer without hemorrhage AND without perforation 40214005 SNOMED YES YES NO
4296611 Chronic gastric ulcer without hemorrhage AND without perforation 76796008 SNOMED YES YES NO
200769 Chronic gastric ulcer without hemorrhage, without perforation AND without obstruction 1567007 SNOMED YES YES NO
4177387 Chronic gastrojejunal ulcer without hemorrhage AND without perforation 4269005 SNOMED YES YES NO
434400 Chronic gastrojejunal ulcer without hemorrhage AND without perforation but with obstruction 56579005 SNOMED YES YES NO
438795 Chronic gastrojejunal ulcer without hemorrhage, without perforation AND without obstruction 41626001 SNOMED YES YES NO
4204555 Chronic peptic ulcer without hemorrhage AND without perforation 5492000 SNOMED YES YES NO
24973 Chronic peptic ulcer without hemorrhage AND without perforation but with obstruction 12384004 SNOMED YES YES NO
23808 Chronic peptic ulcer without hemorrhage, without perforation AND without obstruction 60400003 SNOMED YES YES NO
2002608 Control of hemorrhage and suture of ulcer of stomach or duodenum 44.4 ICD9Proc NO YES NO
198798 Dieulafoy’s vascular malformation 109558001 SNOMED NO YES NO
4198381 Duodenal ulcer disease 51868009 SNOMED NO YES NO
4209746 Duodenal ulcer without hemorrhage AND without perforation 56776001 SNOMED YES YES NO
4112183 Esophageal varices with bleeding, associated with another disorder 195475003 SNOMED NO YES NO
2108900 Esophagogastroduodenoscopy, flexible, transoral; with control of bleeding, any method 43255 CPT4 NO YES NO
2108878 Esophagoscopy, flexible, transoral; with control of bleeding, any method 43227 CPT4 NO YES NO
4265600 Gastric ulcer 397825006 SNOMED NO YES NO
4248429 Gastric ulcer without hemorrhage AND without perforation 73481001 SNOMED YES YES NO
192671 Gastrointestinal hemorrhage 74474003 SNOMED NO YES NO
4101104 Gastrojejunal ulcer without hemorrhage AND without perforation 2783007 SNOMED YES YES NO
443530 Hematochezia 405729008 SNOMED YES YES NO
197925 Hemorrhage of rectum and anus 266464001 SNOMED YES YES NO
4027663 Peptic ulcer 13200003 SNOMED NO YES NO
4291028 Peptic ulcer without hemorrhage AND without perforation 37442009 SNOMED YES YES NO

B.27 Genitourinary infection

B.27.1 Cohort Entry Events

People enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. condition occurrences of ‘UTI’.

Limit qualifying entry events to the earliest event per person.

B.27.2 Cohort Exit

The cohort end date will be offset from index event’s start date plus 1 day.

B.27.3 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 30 days of each other.

B.27.4 Concept: UTI

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
81902 Urinary tract infectious disease 68566005 SNOMED NO YES NO
4167328 Pyuria 4800001 SNOMED NO YES NO
77340 Genitourinary tract infection in pregnancy 267204006 SNOMED NO YES NO
4265485 Bacteriuria 61373006 SNOMED NO YES NO
4126297 Chronic obstructive pyelonephritis 236379002 SNOMED NO YES NO
195588 Cystitis 38822007 SNOMED NO YES NO
198806 Abscess of prostate 8725005 SNOMED YES YES NO
4126267 Chronic radiation cystitis 236629009 SNOMED YES YES NO
194997 Prostatitis 9713002 SNOMED YES NO NO
4077499 Sterile pyuria 275742001 SNOMED YES YES NO
442345 Syphilis of kidney 59530001 SNOMED YES YES NO
4062493 Mumps nephritis 17121006 SNOMED YES YES NO
45757237 Diphtheria tubulointerstitial nephropathy 1086071000119103 SNOMED YES YES NO
36714969 Asymptomatic bacteriuria 720406004 SNOMED YES YES NO
195743 Diphtheritic cystitis 48278001 SNOMED YES YES NO
201353 Irradiation cystitis 11251000 SNOMED YES YES NO
4047937 Neonatal urinary tract infection 12301009 SNOMED YES YES NO
201792 Nongonococcal urethritis 84619001 SNOMED YES YES NO
4128384 Non-infective cystitis 236623005 SNOMED YES NO NO
78357 Reactive arthritis triad 67224007 SNOMED YES YES NO
195313 Urethral abscess 67277002 SNOMED YES YES NO
197919 Urethral stricture due to infection 80375002 SNOMED YES YES NO
439349 Cystitis associated with another disorder 197845000 SNOMED YES NO NO
4227291 Hemorrhagic cystitis 87696004 SNOMED YES NO NO
4060312 Infections of urethra in pregnancy 199206009 SNOMED YES NO NO
4127564 Acute cystitis - culture-negative 236624004 SNOMED YES YES NO
4126141 Chronic cystitis - culture negative 236626002 SNOMED YES NO NO
4127565 Recurrent cystitis - culture-negative 236625003 SNOMED YES YES NO
4207186 Viral infection by site 312130009 SNOMED YES YES NO
4207190 Fungal infection by site 312146001 SNOMED YES YES NO
434557 Tuberculosis 56717001 SNOMED YES YES NO
432251 Disease caused by parasite 17322007 SNOMED YES YES NO
36102152 Protozoal infectious disorders 10037072 MedDRA YES YES NO
433417 Gonorrhea 15628003 SNOMED YES YES NO
36102938 Chlamydial infections 10008561 MedDRA YES YES NO

B.28 Gout

B.28.1 Cohort Entry Events

People enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. condition occurrence of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Gout’ for the first time in the person’s history.

Limit cohort entry events to the earliest event per person.

B.28.2 Cohort Exit

The person also exists the cohort at the end of continuous observation.

B.28.3 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 0 days of each other.

B.28.4 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Gout

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
440674 Gout 90560007 SNOMED NO YES NO
4096347 Gouty arthropathy 190828008 SNOMED NO YES NO
4128219 Urate nephropathy 236495001 SNOMED NO YES NO
80070 Uric acid urolithiasis 267441009 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.29 Headache

B.29.1 Cohort Entry Events

People enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. condition occurrences of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Headache’.

B.29.2 Cohort Exit

The cohort end date will be offset from index event’s start date plus 1 day.

B.29.3 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 30 days of each other.

B.29.4 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Headache

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
378253 Headache 25064002 SNOMED NO YES NO
375527 Headache disorder 230461009 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.30 Hemorrhagic stroke

B.30.1 Cohort Entry Events

People may enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. condition occurrences of ‘[LEGEND HTN] intracranial bleed Hemorrhagic stroke’.

Restrict entry events to having at least 1 visit occurrence of ‘Inpatient or ER visit’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date and ending between 0 days before and all days after cohort entry start date.

B.30.2 Cohort Exit

The cohort end date will be offset from index event’s start date plus 7 days.

B.30.3 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 180 days of each other.

B.30.4 Concept: Inpatient or ER visit

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
262 Emergency Room and Inpatient Visit ERIP Visit NO YES NO
9203 Emergency Room Visit ER Visit NO YES NO
9201 Inpatient Visit IP Visit NO YES NO

B.30.5 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] intracranial bleed Hemorrhagic stroke

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
376713 Cerebral hemorrhage 274100004 SNOMED NO NO NO
439847 Intracranial hemorrhage 1386000 SNOMED NO NO NO
432923 Subarachnoid hemorrhage 21454007 SNOMED NO NO NO

B.31 Hepatic failure

B.31.1 Cohort Entry Events

People enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. condition occurrences of ‘[LEGEND HTN] hepatic failure, necrosis or coma’.

Limit cohort entry events to the earliest event per person.

B.31.2 Cohort Exit

The person also exists the cohort at the end of continuous observation.

B.31.3 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 0 days of each other.

B.31.4 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] hepatic failure, necrosis or coma

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
377604 Hepatic coma 72836002 SNOMED NO NO NO
4029488 Hepatic encephalopathy 13920009 SNOMED NO NO NO
4245975 Hepatic failure 59927004 SNOMED NO YES NO
4337543 Hepatic necrosis 87248009 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.32 Hospitalization with heart failure

B.32.1 Cohort Entry Events

People enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. visit occurrences of ‘Inpatient or ER visit’; having at least 1 condition occurrence of ‘[LEGEND-HtnStepCare] Heart Failure’, starting between 0 days before and all days after ‘Inpatient or ER visit’ start date and starting anytime on or before ‘Inpatient or ER visit’ end date.

B.32.2 Cohort Exit

The cohort end date will be offset from index event’s end date plus 0 days.

B.32.3 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 7 days of each other.

B.32.4 Concept: Inpatient or ER visit

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
262 Emergency Room and Inpatient Visit ERIP Visit NO YES NO
9203 Emergency Room Visit ER Visit NO YES NO
9201 Inpatient Visit IP Visit NO YES NO

B.32.5 Concept: [LEGEND-HtnStepCare] Heart Failure

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
315295 Congestive rheumatic heart failure 82523003 SNOMED YES YES NO
316139 Heart failure 84114007 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.33 Hyperkalemia

B.33.1 Cohort Entry Events

People enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. condition occurrences of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Hyperkalemia’.

  2. measurements of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Potassium measurement’, numeric value > 5.6; unit: “millimole per liter”.

B.33.2 Cohort Exit

The cohort end date will be offset from index event’s start date plus 1 day.

B.33.3 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 90 days of each other.

B.33.4 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Hyperkalemia

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
434610 Hyperkalemia 14140009 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.33.5 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Potassium measurement

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
40789890 Potassium Bld-Ser-Plas LP42189-8 LOINC NO YES|NO
4245152 Potassium measurement 59573005 SNOMED NO YES NO
4276440 Potassium level - finding 365760004 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.34 Hypoglycemia

B.34.1 Cohort Entry Events

People enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. condition occurrences of ‘Hypoglycemia’.

B.34.2 Cohort Exit

The cohort end date will be offset from index event’s start date plus 1 day.

B.34.3 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 30 days of each other.

B.34.4 Concept: Hypoglycemia

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
380688 Hypoglycemic coma 267384006 SNOMED NO YES NO
4048805 Non-diabetic hypoglycemic coma 230796005 SNOMED YES YES NO
4226798 Hypoglycemic coma due to diabetes mellitus 421725003 SNOMED NO YES NO
4228112 Hypoglycemic coma due to type 1 diabetes mellitus 421437000 SNOMED YES YES NO
36714116 Hypoglycemic coma due to type 2 diabetes mellitus 719216001 SNOMED NO YES NO
24609 Hypoglycemia 302866003 SNOMED NO YES NO
23034 Neonatal hypoglycemia 52767006 SNOMED YES YES NO
4029424 Non-diabetic hypoglycemia 237637005 SNOMED YES YES NO
4029423 Hypoglycemia due to diabetes mellitus 237633009 SNOMED NO YES NO
45769876 Hypoglycemia due to type 1 diabetes mellitus 84371000119108 SNOMED YES YES NO
45757363 Hypoglycemia due to type 2 diabetes mellitus 120731000119103 SNOMED NO YES NO
4096804 Drug-induced hypoglycemia without coma 190448007 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.35 Hypokalemia

B.35.1 Cohort Entry Events

People enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. condition occurrences of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Hypokalemia’.

B.35.2 Cohort Exit

The cohort end date will be offset from index event’s start date plus 1 day.

B.35.3 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 90 days of each other.

B.35.4 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Hypokalemia

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
45769152 Bartter syndrome 707742001 SNOMED YES YES NO
437833 Hypokalemia 43339004 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.36 Hypomagnesemia

B.36.1 Cohort Entry Events

People enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. condition occurrences of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Hypomagnesemia’.

B.36.2 Cohort Exit

The cohort end date will be offset from index event’s start date plus 1 day.

B.36.3 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 90 days of each other.

B.36.4 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Hypomagnesemia

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
438725 Disorder of magnesium metabolism 60853003 SNOMED NO YES NO
4098604 Hypomagnesemia 190855004 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.37 Hyponatremia

B.37.1 Cohort Entry Events

People enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. condition occurrences of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Hyponatremia’.

B.37.2 Cohort Exit

The cohort end date will be offset from index event’s start date plus 1 day.

B.37.3 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 90 days of each other.

B.37.4 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Hyponatremia

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
435515 Hypo-osmolality and or hyponatremia 267447008 SNOMED NO YES NO
4232311 Hyponatremia 89627008 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.38 Hypotension

B.38.1 Cohort Entry Events

People enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. condition occurrences of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Hypotension’.

B.38.2 Cohort Exit

The cohort end date will be offset from index event’s start date plus 1 day.

B.38.3 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 90 days of each other.

B.38.4 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Hypotension

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
313232 Hemodialysis-associated hypotension 408667000 SNOMED YES YES NO
317002 Low blood pressure 45007003 SNOMED NO YES NO
314432 Maternal hypotension syndrome 88887003 SNOMED YES YES NO

B.39 Impotence

B.39.1 Cohort Entry Events

People enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. condition occurrence of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Impotence’ for the first time in the person’s history.

Limit cohort entry events to the earliest event per person.

B.39.2 Cohort Exit

The person also exists the cohort at the end of continuous observation.

B.39.3 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 0 days of each other.

B.39.4 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Impotence

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
4250163 Sexual arousal disorder 74007000 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.40 Ischemic stroke

B.40.1 Cohort Entry Events

People may enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. condition occurrences of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Ischemic stroke’.

Restrict entry events to having at least 1 visit occurrence of ‘Inpatient or ER visit’, starting between all days before and 1 days after cohort entry start date and ending between 0 days before and all days after cohort entry start date.

B.40.2 Cohort Exit

The cohort end date will be offset from index event’s start date plus 7 days.

B.40.3 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 180 days of each other.

B.40.4 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Ischemic stroke

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
372924 Cerebral artery occlusion 20059004 SNOMED NO NO NO
375557 Cerebral embolism 75543006 SNOMED NO NO NO
443454 Cerebral infarction 432504007 SNOMED NO YES NO
441874 Cerebral thrombosis 71444005 SNOMED NO NO NO

B.40.5 Concept: Inpatient or ER visit

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
262 Emergency Room and Inpatient Visit ERIP Visit NO YES NO
9203 Emergency Room Visit ER Visit NO YES NO
9201 Inpatient Visit IP Visit NO YES NO

B.41 Joint pain

B.41.1 Cohort Entry Events

People enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. condition occurrences of ‘Joint pain’.

B.41.2 Cohort Exit

The cohort end date will be offset from index event’s start date plus 1 day.

B.41.3 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 90 days of each other.

B.41.4 Concept: Joint pain

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
77074 Joint pain 57676002 SNOMED NO NO NO

B.42 Lower extremity amputation

B.42.1 Cohort Entry Events

People may enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. procedure occurrences of ‘below-knee amputations’.

Restrict entry events to having no procedure occurrences of ‘below-knee amputations’, starting in the 30 days prior to cohort entry start date.

B.42.2 Cohort Exit

The cohort end date will be offset from index event’s start date plus 0 days.

B.42.3 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 0 days of each other.

B.42.4 Concept: below-knee amputations

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
4264289 Amputation of ankle 397218006 SNOMED NO YES NO
2006242 Amputation of ankle through malleoli of tibia and fibula 84.14 ICD9Proc NO YES NO
2105446 Amputation, leg, through tibia and fibula 27880 CPT4 NO YES NO
2105804 Amputation, foot; midtarsal (eg, Chopart type procedure) 28800 CPT4 NO YES NO
2105805 Amputation, foot; transmetatarsal 28805 CPT4 NO YES NO
2105806 Amputation, metatarsal, with toe, single 28810 CPT4 NO YES NO
2105807 Amputation, toe; metatarsophalangeal joint 28820 CPT4 NO YES NO
2105808 Amputation, toe; interphalangeal joint 28825 CPT4 NO YES NO
2105451 Amputation, ankle, through malleoli of tibia and fibula (eg, Syme, Pirogoff type procedures), with plastic closure and resection of nerves 27888 CPT4 NO YES NO
2105447 Amputation, leg, through tibia and fibula; with immediate fitting technique including application of first cast 27881 CPT4 NO YES NO
4338257 Amputation of leg through tibia and fibula 88312006 SNOMED NO YES NO
2105448 Amputation, leg, through tibia and fibula; open, circular (guillotine) 27882 CPT4 NO YES NO
4108565 Amputation of the foot 180030006 SNOMED NO YES NO
2006229 Amputation of toe 84.11 ICD9Proc NO YES NO
4159766 Amputation of toe 371186005 SNOMED NO YES NO
4054983 Amputation through foot 211570009 SNOMED NO YES NO
2006230 Amputation through foot 84.12 ICD9Proc NO YES NO
4143797 Amputation through metatarsal bones 265739006 SNOMED NO YES NO
2105450 Amputation, leg, through tibia and fibula; re-amputation 27886 CPT4 NO YES NO
2006231 Disarticulation of ankle 84.13 ICD9Proc NO YES NO
2006244 Disarticulation of knee 84.16 ICD9Proc NO YES NO
4018719 Midtarsal amputation of foot 209724005 SNOMED NO YES NO
2006243 Other amputation below knee 84.15 ICD9Proc NO YES NO
2105449 Amputation, leg, through tibia and fibula; secondary closure or scar revision 27884 CPT4 YES YES NO
4219032 Amputation of lower limb 397117006 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.43 Malignant neoplasm

B.43.1 Cohort Entry Events

People may enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. condition occurrence of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Malignant neoplasms excluding non-melanoma skin cancer’ for the first time in the person’s history.

Limit cohort entry events to the earliest event per person.

Restrict entry events to with any of the following criteria:

  1. having at least 2 condition occurrences of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Malignant neoplasms of breast’, starting between 0 days before and all days after cohort entry start date.
  2. having at least 2 condition occurrences of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Malignant neoplasms of prostate’, starting between 0 days before and all days after cohort entry start date.
  3. having at least 2 condition occurrences of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Malignant neoplasms of lung’, starting between 0 days before and all days after cohort entry start date.
  4. having at least 2 condition occurrences of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Malignant neoplasms of multiple myeloma’, starting between 0 days before and all days after cohort entry start date.
  5. having at least 2 condition occurrences of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Malignant neoplasms of colon and rectum’, starting between 0 days before and all days after cohort entry start date.
  6. having at least 2 condition occurrences of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Malignant neoplasms of bladder’, starting between 0 days before and all days after cohort entry start date.
  7. having at least 2 condition occurrences of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Malignant neoplasms of lymphoma’, starting between 0 days before and all days after cohort entry start date.
  8. having at least 2 condition occurrences of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Malignant neoplasms of ovary’, starting between 0 days before and all days after cohort entry start date.
  9. having at least 2 condition occurrences of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Malignant neoplasms of thyroid’, starting between 0 days before and all days after cohort entry start date.
  10. having at least 2 condition occurrences of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Malignant neoplasms of kidney’, starting between 0 days before and all days after cohort entry start date.
  11. having at least 2 condition occurrences of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Malignant neoplasms of leukemia’, starting between 0 days before and all days after cohort entry start date.
  12. having at least 2 condition occurrences of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Malignant neoplasms of brain’, starting between 0 days before and all days after cohort entry start date.
  13. having at least 2 condition occurrences of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Malignant neoplasms of pancreas’, starting between 0 days before and all days after cohort entry start date.
  14. having at least 2 condition occurrences of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Malignant neoplasms of liver’, starting between 0 days before and all days after cohort entry start date.
  15. having at least 2 condition occurrences of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Malignant neoplasms of uterus’, starting between 0 days before and all days after cohort entry start date.
  16. having at least 2 condition occurrences of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Malignant melanoma’, starting between 0 days before and all days after cohort entry start date.
  17. having at least 2 condition occurrences of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Myelodysplastic syndrome’, starting between 0 days before and all days after cohort entry start date.

B.43.2 Cohort Exit

The person also exists the cohort at the end of continuous observation.

B.43.3 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 0 days of each other.

B.43.4 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Malignant neoplasms excluding non-melanoma skin cancer

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
4112752 Basal cell carcinoma of skin 254701007 SNOMED YES YES NO
443392 Malignant neoplastic disease 363346000 SNOMED NO YES NO
432851 Secondary malignant neoplastic disease 128462008 SNOMED YES YES NO
4111921 Squamous cell carcinoma of skin 254651007 SNOMED YES YES NO

B.43.5 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Malignant neoplasms of breast

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
4112853 Malignant tumor of breast 254837009 SNOMED NO YES NO
432851 Secondary malignant neoplastic disease 128462008 SNOMED YES YES NO

B.43.6 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Malignant neoplasms of prostate

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
4112752 Basal cell carcinoma of skin 254701007 SNOMED YES YES NO
4163261 Malignant tumor of prostate 399068003 SNOMED NO YES NO
200962 Primary malignant neoplasm of prostate 93974005 SNOMED NO YES NO
432851 Secondary malignant neoplastic disease 128462008 SNOMED YES YES NO
4111921 Squamous cell carcinoma of skin 254651007 SNOMED YES YES NO

B.43.7 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Malignant neoplasms of lung

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
4112752 Basal cell carcinoma of skin 254701007 SNOMED YES YES NO
443388 Malignant tumor of lung 363358000 SNOMED NO YES NO
4311499 Primary malignant neoplasm of respiratory tract 93986008 SNOMED NO NO NO
432851 Secondary malignant neoplastic disease 128462008 SNOMED YES YES NO
4111921 Squamous cell carcinoma of skin 254651007 SNOMED YES YES NO

B.43.8 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Malignant neoplasms of multiple myeloma

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
4112752 Basal cell carcinoma of skin 254701007 SNOMED YES YES NO
437233 Multiple myeloma 109989006 SNOMED NO YES NO
432851 Secondary malignant neoplastic disease 128462008 SNOMED YES YES NO
4111921 Squamous cell carcinoma of skin 254651007 SNOMED YES YES NO

B.43.9 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Malignant neoplasms of colon and rectum

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
4112752 Basal cell carcinoma of skin 254701007 SNOMED YES YES NO
4180790 Malignant tumor of colon 363406005 SNOMED NO YES NO
443390 Malignant tumor of rectum 363351006 SNOMED NO YES NO
432851 Secondary malignant neoplastic disease 128462008 SNOMED YES YES NO
4111921 Squamous cell carcinoma of skin 254651007 SNOMED YES YES NO

B.43.10 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Malignant neoplasms of bladder

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
4112752 Basal cell carcinoma of skin 254701007 SNOMED YES YES NO
197508 Malignant tumor of urinary bladder 399326009 SNOMED NO YES NO
196360 Primary malignant neoplasm of bladder 93689003 SNOMED NO YES NO
432851 Secondary malignant neoplastic disease 128462008 SNOMED YES YES NO
4111921 Squamous cell carcinoma of skin 254651007 SNOMED YES YES NO

B.43.11 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Malignant neoplasms of lymphoma

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
4082311 B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia 277473004 SNOMED YES YES NO
4112752 Basal cell carcinoma of skin 254701007 SNOMED YES YES NO
432571 Malignant lymphoma 118600007 SNOMED NO YES NO
432851 Secondary malignant neoplastic disease 128462008 SNOMED YES YES NO
4111921 Squamous cell carcinoma of skin 254651007 SNOMED YES YES NO

B.43.12 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Malignant neoplasms of ovary

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
4112752 Basal cell carcinoma of skin 254701007 SNOMED YES YES NO
4181351 Malignant tumor of ovary 363443007 SNOMED NO YES NO
432851 Secondary malignant neoplastic disease 128462008 SNOMED YES YES NO
4111921 Squamous cell carcinoma of skin 254651007 SNOMED YES YES NO

B.43.13 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Malignant neoplasms of thyroid

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
4112752 Basal cell carcinoma of skin 254701007 SNOMED YES YES NO
4181483 Malignant tumor of parathyroid gland 363481002 SNOMED NO YES NO
4178976 Malignant tumor of thyroid gland 363478007 SNOMED NO YES NO
432851 Secondary malignant neoplastic disease 128462008 SNOMED YES YES NO
4111921 Squamous cell carcinoma of skin 254651007 SNOMED YES YES NO

B.43.14 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Malignant neoplasms of kidney

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
4112752 Basal cell carcinoma of skin 254701007 SNOMED YES YES NO
196653 Malignant tumor of kidney 363518003 SNOMED NO YES NO
198985 Primary malignant neoplasm of kidney 93849006 SNOMED NO YES NO
432851 Secondary malignant neoplastic disease 128462008 SNOMED YES YES NO
4111921 Squamous cell carcinoma of skin 254651007 SNOMED YES YES NO

B.43.15 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Malignant neoplasms of leukemia

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
4112752 Basal cell carcinoma of skin 254701007 SNOMED YES YES NO
317510 Leukemia 93143009 SNOMED NO YES NO
432851 Secondary malignant neoplastic disease 128462008 SNOMED YES YES NO
4111921 Squamous cell carcinoma of skin 254651007 SNOMED YES YES NO

B.43.16 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Malignant neoplasms of brain

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
4112752 Basal cell carcinoma of skin 254701007 SNOMED YES YES NO
443588 Malignant neoplasm of brain 428061005 SNOMED NO YES NO
432851 Secondary malignant neoplastic disease 128462008 SNOMED YES YES NO
4111921 Squamous cell carcinoma of skin 254651007 SNOMED YES YES NO

B.43.17 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Malignant neoplasms of pancreas

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
4112752 Basal cell carcinoma of skin 254701007 SNOMED YES YES NO
4180793 Malignant tumor of pancreas 363418001 SNOMED NO YES NO
432851 Secondary malignant neoplastic disease 128462008 SNOMED YES YES NO
4111921 Squamous cell carcinoma of skin 254651007 SNOMED YES YES NO

B.43.18 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Malignant neoplasms of liver

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
4112752 Basal cell carcinoma of skin 254701007 SNOMED YES YES NO
4246127 Malignant neoplasm of liver 93870000 SNOMED NO YES NO
432851 Secondary malignant neoplastic disease 128462008 SNOMED YES YES NO
4111921 Squamous cell carcinoma of skin 254651007 SNOMED YES YES NO

B.43.19 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Malignant neoplasms of uterus

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
4112752 Basal cell carcinoma of skin 254701007 SNOMED YES YES NO
197230 Malignant neoplasm of uterus 371973000 SNOMED NO YES NO
432851 Secondary malignant neoplastic disease 128462008 SNOMED YES YES NO
4111921 Squamous cell carcinoma of skin 254651007 SNOMED YES YES NO

B.43.20 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Malignant melanoma

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
4112752 Basal cell carcinoma of skin 254701007 SNOMED YES YES NO
4162276 Malignant melanoma 372244006 SNOMED NO YES NO
432851 Secondary malignant neoplastic disease 128462008 SNOMED YES YES NO
4111921 Squamous cell carcinoma of skin 254651007 SNOMED YES YES NO

B.43.21 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Myelodysplastic syndrome

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
138994 Myelodysplastic syndrome 109995007 SNOMED NO YES NO
432851 Secondary malignant neoplastic disease 128462008 SNOMED YES YES NO

B.44 Measured renal dysfunction

B.44.1 Cohort Entry Events

People enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. measurements of ‘Creatinine measurement’, numeric value > 3; unit: “milligram per deciliter”.

  2. measurements of ‘Creatinine measurement’, numeric value > 265; unit: “micromole/liter”.

  3. measurements of ‘Creatinine measurement’, numeric value > 0.265; unit: “millimole per liter”.

  4. measurements of ‘Creatinine measurement’, numeric value > 3; unit: “milligram”.

Limit cohort entry events to the earliest event per person.

B.44.2 Cohort Exit

The cohort end date will be offset from index event’s start date plus 1 day.

B.44.3 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 0 days of each other.

B.44.4 Concept: Creatinine measurement

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
3016723 Creatinine [Mass/volume] in Serum or Plasma 2160-0 LOINC NO YES NO
3022243 Creatinine [Mass/volume] in Serum or Plasma –pre dialysis 11042-9 LOINC NO YES NO
3020564 Creatinine [Moles/volume] in Serum or Plasma 14682-9 LOINC NO YES NO

B.45 Nausea

B.45.1 Cohort Entry Events

People enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. condition occurrences of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Nausea’.

B.45.2 Cohort Exit

The cohort end date will be offset from index event’s start date plus 1 day.

B.45.3 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 30 days of each other.

B.45.4 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Nausea

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
30284 Motion sickness 37031009 SNOMED YES YES NO
31967 Nausea 422587007 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.46 Neutropenia or agranulocytosis

B.46.1 Cohort Entry Events

People enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. condition occurrence of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Neutropenia and agranulocytosis’ for the first time in the person’s history.

Limit cohort entry events to the earliest event per person.

B.46.2 Cohort Exit

The person also exists the cohort at the end of continuous observation.

B.46.3 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 0 days of each other.

B.46.4 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Neutropenia and agranulocytosis

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
4150156 Agranulocytopenic disorder 267538002 SNOMED NO NO NO
440689 Agranulocytosis 17182001 SNOMED NO NO NO
4322386 Chemotherapy-induced neutropenia 425229001 SNOMED NO NO NO
4174297 Chloramphenicol-induced neutropenia 276628009 SNOMED NO NO NO
4211401 Dose-related drug-induced neutropenia 56918001 SNOMED NO NO NO
432289 Drug-induced neutropenia 47318007 SNOMED NO NO NO
320073 Neutropenia 165517008 SNOMED NO NO NO
4119158 Neutropenic disorder 303011007 SNOMED NO NO NO
4190716 Non dose-related drug-induced neutropenia 3902000 SNOMED NO NO NO
4135712 Toxic neutropenia 32092008 SNOMED NO NO NO

B.47 Peripheral edema

B.47.1 Cohort Entry Events

People enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. condition occurrences of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Edema’.

B.47.2 Cohort Exit

The cohort end date will be offset from index event’s start date plus 1 day.

B.47.3 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 180 days of each other.

B.47.4 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Edema

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
433595 Edema 267038008 SNOMED NO NO NO
4155910 Edema, generalized 271808008 SNOMED NO YES NO
4171917 Localized edema 274724004 SNOMED NO YES NO
133299 Swelling of limb 80068009 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.48 Photosensitivity

B.48.1 Cohort Entry Events

People enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. condition occurrences of ‘Photosensitivity’.

B.48.2 Cohort Exit

The cohort end date will be offset from index event’s start date plus 1 day.

B.48.3 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 90 days of each other.

B.48.4 Concept: Photosensitivity

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
4300445 Acantholytic actinic keratosis 403199007 SNOMED YES NO NO
4263325 Actinic cheilitis 46795000 SNOMED YES NO NO
4031007 Actinic folliculitis 238529007 SNOMED YES NO NO
442179 Actinic granuloma 79144000 SNOMED YES NO NO
37312586 Actinic intraepidermal squamous cell carcinoma 789051005 SNOMED YES NO NO
138825 Actinic keratosis 201101007 SNOMED YES NO NO
4304266 Actinic keratosis of eyelid 418686001 SNOMED YES NO NO
4064057 Actinic lichen planus 200999007 SNOMED YES NO NO
141374 Actinic prurigo 201015007 SNOMED YES NO NO
4031006 Actinic reaction 238528004 SNOMED YES NO NO
439096 Actinic reticuloid 52636001 SNOMED YES NO NO
4070156 Acute actinic otitis externa 21543000 SNOMED YES NO NO
4290728 Acute effect of ultraviolet radiation on normal skin 402165001 SNOMED YES NO NO
4241471 Acute phytophotodermatitis 58306008 SNOMED YES NO NO
36674412 Ataxia, photosensitivity, short stature syndrome 773769008 SNOMED YES NO NO
4293437 Atrophic actinic keratosis 403200005 SNOMED YES NO NO
4066470 Berloque dermatitis 200836002 SNOMED YES NO NO
4119822 Bowenoid actinic keratosis 304524009 SNOMED YES NO NO
4033832 Brachioradial summer pruritus 109252001 SNOMED YES NO NO
37116482 Burn of skin caused by exposure to artificial source of ultraviolet radiation 733209003 SNOMED YES NO NO
37116483 Burn of skin caused by ultraviolet radiation due to ultraviolet light therapy 733210008 SNOMED YES NO NO
4290729 Chronic effect of ultraviolet radiation on normal skin (photo-aging) 402166000 SNOMED YES NO NO
4239682 Chronic phototoxic dermatitis 69231004 SNOMED YES NO NO
4242265 Chronic phytophotodermatitis 58419006 SNOMED YES NO NO
36715275 Cutaneous photosensitivity and lethal colitis syndrome 720820000 SNOMED YES NO NO
4230340 Cutis rhomboidalis nuchae 89019003 SNOMED YES NO NO
4300796 Diffuse actinic hyperkeratosis 403208003 SNOMED YES NO NO
141650 Disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis 41495000 SNOMED YES NO NO
4301164 Drug-induced pellagra 403626007 SNOMED YES NO NO
4299673 Familial actinic prurigo of lip 403210001 SNOMED YES NO NO
4234867 Food-induced photosensitivity 90386003 SNOMED YES NO NO
36715367 Hair defect with photosensitivity and intellectual disability syndrome 721007005 SNOMED YES NO NO
4308081 Hydroa vacciniforme 200837006 SNOMED YES NO NO
42709861 Hyperkeratotic actinic keratosis 449733007 SNOMED YES NO NO
4112749 Hypertrophic solar keratosis 254667001 SNOMED YES NO NO
4300444 Idiopathic photo-onycholysis 403196000 SNOMED YES NO NO
4031005 Juvenile spring eruption 238526000 SNOMED YES NO NO
4116197 Lentigo maligna 302836005 SNOMED YES NO NO
4299672 Lichenoid actinic keratosis 403198004 SNOMED YES NO NO
4080922 Light - exacerbated acne 238530002 SNOMED YES NO NO
4293560 Multiple actinic keratoses 403202002 SNOMED YES NO NO
4293562 Multiple actinic keratoses involving face 403204001 SNOMED YES NO NO
4300794 Multiple actinic keratoses involving forehead and temples 403205000 SNOMED YES NO NO
4300795 Multiple actinic keratoses involving hands 403206004 SNOMED YES NO NO
4293563 Multiple actinic keratoses involving legs 403207008 SNOMED YES NO NO
4293561 Multiple actinic keratoses involving scalp 403203007 SNOMED YES NO NO
37110331 Neonatal burn due to phototherapy caused by ultraviolet radiation 724551009 SNOMED YES NO NO
4006157 Nodular elastosis with cysts and comedones 111200005 SNOMED YES NO NO
37110590 Occupational phototoxic reaction to skin contact with exogenous photoactive agent 724873006 SNOMED YES NO NO
4292224 Photoaggravated psoriasis 402318000 SNOMED YES NO NO
4293593 Photoaggravated rosacea 403365004 SNOMED YES NO NO
4290732 Photoaggravation of disorder 402179009 SNOMED YES NO NO
42537710 Photodermatitis co-occurrent and due to autoimmune disease 737249005 SNOMED YES NO NO
4318376 Photoonycholysis 95342006 SNOMED YES NO NO
4234104 Photosensitivity 90128006 SNOMED NO YES NO
42537712 Phototoxic reaction of skin caused by cosmetic 737251009 SNOMED YES NO NO
42537711 Phototoxic reaction of skin caused by fragrance 737250005 SNOMED YES NO NO
4290730 Phototoxic reaction to dye 402174004 SNOMED YES NO NO
4298594 Phototoxic reaction to tar or derivative 402175003 SNOMED YES NO NO
4298593 Phototoxic reaction to topical chemical 402173005 SNOMED YES NO NO
4270722 Phototoxic reaction to topically applied medicament 402176002 SNOMED YES NO NO
42539382 Pigmentation of skin caused by artificial ultraviolet light 762664003 SNOMED YES NO NO
42709860 Pigmented actinic keratosis 449732002 SNOMED YES NO NO
4080921 Polymorphous light eruption 238525001 SNOMED YES NO NO
4176424 Polymorphous light eruption, diffuse erythematous type 51048002 SNOMED YES NO NO
4223992 Polymorphous light eruption, eczematous type 84036008 SNOMED YES NO NO
4204365 Polymorphous light eruption, papular type 54116000 SNOMED YES NO NO
4195589 Polymorphous light eruption, papulovesicular type 79372000 SNOMED YES NO NO
4278846 Polymorphous light eruption, plaque type 6618004 SNOMED YES NO NO
4297664 Porphyria-induced phototoxic burn 402480004 SNOMED YES NO NO
4296207 Proliferative actinic keratosis 403201009 SNOMED YES NO NO
4066838 Pruritus estivalis 201024003 SNOMED YES NO NO
4031625 Solar comedone 238518008 SNOMED YES NO NO
4185267 Solar degeneration 43982006 SNOMED YES NO NO
4031162 Solar lentiginosis 238712007 SNOMED YES NO NO
4217502 Solar lentigo 72100002 SNOMED YES NO NO
4296189 Solar pruritus 402177006 SNOMED YES NO NO
4033831 Solar pruritus of elbows 109251008 SNOMED YES NO NO
4031004 Strimmer dermatitis 238522003 SNOMED YES NO NO
4296206 Sun-induced wrinkles 403197009 SNOMED YES NO NO

B.49 Rash

B.49.1 Cohort Entry Events

People enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. condition occurrences of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Rash’.

B.49.2 Cohort Exit

The cohort end date will be offset from index event’s start date plus 1 day.

B.49.3 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 90 days of each other.

B.49.4 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Rash

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
140214 Eruption 271807003 SNOMED NO YES NO
139900 Urticaria 126485001 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.50 Revascularization

B.50.1 Cohort Entry Events

People may enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. procedure occurrences of ‘PCI’.

  2. procedure occurrences of ‘CABG’.

B.50.2 Additional Inclusion Criteria

I. Hospitalization

Entry events having at least 1 visit occurrence of ‘Hospitalization’, starting between 0 days before and 0 days after cohort entry start date.

B.50.3 Cohort Exit

The cohort end date will be offset from index event’s start date plus 1 day.

B.50.4 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 0 days of each other.

B.50.5 Concept: PCI

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
4006788 Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty 11101003 SNOMED NO YES NO
4264285 Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty by rotoablation 397193006 SNOMED NO YES NO
4265293 Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty with rotoablation, single vessel 397431004 SNOMED NO YES NO
4225903 Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty, multiple vessels 85053006 SNOMED NO YES NO
4283892 Placement of stent in coronary artery 36969009 SNOMED NO YES NO
4337738 Percutaneous endarterectomy of coronary artery 232726007 SNOMED NO YES NO
4139198 Percutaneous transluminal thrombolysis of artery 426485003 SNOMED NO YES NO
44511532 Percutaneous transluminal thrombolysis of artery L71.6 OPCS4 NO YES NO
45770795 Percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty and insertion of drug eluting stent into coronary artery 936451000000108 SNOMED NO YES NO
44789455 Insertion of drug-eluting coronary artery stent 203741000000101 SNOMED NO NO NO
44784573 Percutaneous transluminal atherectomy of coronary artery by rotary cutter using fluoroscopic guidance 698740005 SNOMED NO YES NO
44512256 Percutaneous transluminal arterial thrombolysis and reconstruction L66.1 OPCS4 NO YES NO
44511273 Unspecified percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty and insertion of stent into coronary artery K75.9 OPCS4 NO YES NO
44511272 Other specified percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty and insertion of stent into coronary artery K75.8 OPCS4 NO NO NO
44511271 Percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty and insertion of 3 or more stents into coronary artery NEC K75.4 OPCS4 NO YES NO
44511269 Percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty and insertion of 3 or more drug-eluting stents into coronary artery K75.2 OPCS4 NO YES NO
44511268 Percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty and insertion of 1-2 drug-eluting stents into coronary artery K75.1 OPCS4 NO YES NO
44511133 Other specified transluminal balloon angioplasty of coronary artery K49.8 OPCS4 NO NO NO
44511131 Percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty of bypass graft of coronary artery K49.3 OPCS4 NO YES NO
44511130 Percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty of multiple coronary arteries K49.2 OPCS4 NO YES NO
43533353 Percutaneous transluminal coronary atherectomy, with drug eluting intracoronary stent, with coronary angioplasty when performed; single major coronary artery or branch C9602 HCPCS NO YES NO
43533352 Percutaneous transcatheter placement of drug-eluting intracoronary stent(s), with coronary angioplasty when performed; each additional branch of a major coronary artery (list separately in addition to code for primary procedure) C9601 HCPCS NO NO NO
43533248 Percutaneous transluminal coronary atherectomy, with drug-eluting intracoronary stent, with coronary angioplasty when performed; each additional branch of a major coronary artery (list separately in addition to code for primary procedure) C9603 HCPCS NO YES NO
43533247 Percutaneous transcatheter placement of drug eluting intracoronary stent(s), with coronary angioplasty when performed; single major coronary artery or branch C9600 HCPCS NO NO NO
43531440 Percutaneous transluminal insertion of metal stent into coronary artery using fluoroscopic guidance 609154002 SNOMED NO YES NO
43531439 Percutaneous insertion of drug eluting stent into coronary artery using fluoroscopic guidance 609153008 SNOMED NO NO NO
43531438 Percutaneous insertion of stent into aneurysm of coronary artery using fluoroscopic guidance 609152003 SNOMED NO NO NO
4329263 Placement of stent in circumflex branch of left coronary artery 429499003 SNOMED NO YES NO
4328103 Infusion of intra-arterial thrombolytic agent with percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty 75761004 SNOMED NO NO NO
4264286 Percutaneous rotational coronary endarterectomy 397194000 SNOMED NO NO NO
4238755 Infusion of intra-arterial thrombolytic agent with percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty, single vessel 91338001 SNOMED NO NO NO
4216356 Infusion of intra-arterial thrombolytic agent with percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty, multiple vessels 80762004 SNOMED NO NO NO
4214516 Insertion of drug coated stent 414509005 SNOMED NO NO NO
4181025 Percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty with insertion of stent into coronary artery 429639007 SNOMED NO YES NO
4178148 Placement of stent in anterior descending branch of left coronary artery 428488008 SNOMED NO YES NO
4175997 Percutaneous transluminal thrombolysis and reconstruction of artery 428068004 SNOMED NO YES NO
4171077 Fluoroscopic angiography of coronary artery and insertion of stent 418982001 SNOMED NO NO NO
4020653 Percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty of bypass graft of coronary artery 175066001 SNOMED NO YES NO
2001506 Insertion of drug-eluting coronary artery stent(s) 36.07 ICD9Proc NO NO NO
2001505 Insertion of non-drug-eluting coronary artery stent(s) 36.06 ICD9Proc NO NO NO
2000064 Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty [PTCA] 00.66 ICD9Proc NO YES NO
2001500 Single vessel percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty [PTCA] or coronary atherectomy without mention of thrombolytic agent 36.01 ICD9Proc NO YES NO
2001504 Multiple vessel percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty [PTCA] or coronary atherectomy performed during the same operation, with or without mention of thrombolytic agent 36.05 ICD9Proc NO NO NO
2001501 Single vessel percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty [PTCA] or coronary atherectomy with mention of thrombolytic agent 36.02 ICD9Proc NO YES NO

B.50.6 Concept: Hospitalization

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
262 Emergency Room and Inpatient Visit ERIP Visit NO YES NO
9203 Emergency Room Visit ER Visit NO YES NO
9201 Inpatient Visit IP Visit NO YES NO

B.50.7 Concept: CABG

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
2001516 Abdominal-coronary artery bypass 36.17 ICD9Proc NO YES NO
4284104 Aortocoronary artery bypass graft 67166004 SNOMED NO YES NO
4229433 Aortocoronary artery bypass graft with prosthesis 8876004 SNOMED NO YES NO
4146972 Aortocoronary artery bypass graft with saphenous vein graft 3546002 SNOMED NO YES NO
4228305 Aortocoronary artery bypass graft with three vein grafts 405599002 SNOMED NO YES NO
4228304 Aortocoronary artery bypass graft with two vein grafts 405598005 SNOMED NO YES NO
4063237 Aortocoronary artery bypass graft with vein graft 17073005 SNOMED NO YES NO
4148030 Aortocoronary bypass grafting 309814006 SNOMED NO YES NO
4008625 Aortocoronary bypass of four or more coronary arteries 10190003 SNOMED NO YES NO
4106548 Aortocoronary bypass of one coronary artery 29819009 SNOMED NO YES NO
4031996 Aortocoronary bypass of three coronary arteries 14323007 SNOMED NO YES NO
4234990 Aortocoronary bypass of two coronary arteries 90487008 SNOMED NO YES NO
45889469 Arterial Grafting for Coronary Artery Bypass 1006216 CPT4 NO YES NO
4240486 Carotid-subclavian artery bypass graft with vein 59012002 SNOMED NO YES NO
4336464 Coronary artery bypass graft 232717009 SNOMED NO YES NO
4337056 Coronary artery bypass graft x 1 232719007 SNOMED NO YES NO
4000733 Coronary artery bypass graft, anastomosis of artery of thorax to coronary artery 119565001 SNOMED NO YES NO
4336467 Coronary artery bypass grafts greater than 5 232724005 SNOMED NO YES NO
4336465 Coronary artery bypass grafts x 2 232720001 SNOMED NO YES NO
4339629 Coronary artery bypass grafts x 3 232721002 SNOMED NO YES NO
4337737 Coronary artery bypass grafts x 4 232722009 SNOMED NO YES NO
4336466 Coronary artery bypass grafts x 5 232723004 SNOMED NO YES NO
4233421 Coronary artery bypass with autogenous graft of internal mammary artery, single graft 359601003 SNOMED NO YES NO
4305509 Coronary artery bypass with autogenous graft, five grafts 82247006 SNOMED NO YES NO
4309432 Coronary artery bypass with autogenous graft, four grafts 39202005 SNOMED NO YES NO
4011931 Coronary artery bypass with autogenous graft, three grafts 10326007 SNOMED NO YES NO
4253805 Coronary artery bypass with autogenous graft, two grafts 74371005 SNOMED NO YES NO
45887879 Coronary artery bypass, using arterial graft(s) 1006217 CPT4 NO YES NO
2107242 Coronary artery bypass, using arterial graft(s); 2 coronary arterial grafts 33534 CPT4 NO YES NO
2107243 Coronary artery bypass, using arterial graft(s); 3 coronary arterial grafts 33535 CPT4 NO YES NO
2107244 Coronary artery bypass, using arterial graft(s); 4 or more coronary arterial grafts 33536 CPT4 NO YES NO
2107231 Coronary artery bypass, using arterial graft(s); single arterial graft 33533 CPT4 NO YES NO
45889898 Coronary artery bypass, using venous graft(s) and arterial graft(s) 1006208 CPT4 NO YES NO
2107223 Coronary artery bypass, using venous graft(s) and arterial graft(s); 2 venous grafts (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure) 33518 CPT4 NO YES NO
2107224 Coronary artery bypass, using venous graft(s) and arterial graft(s); 3 venous grafts (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure) 33519 CPT4 NO YES NO
2107226 Coronary artery bypass, using venous graft(s) and arterial graft(s); 4 venous grafts (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure) 33521 CPT4 NO YES NO
2107227 Coronary artery bypass, using venous graft(s) and arterial graft(s); 5 venous grafts (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure) 33522 CPT4 NO YES NO
2107228 Coronary artery bypass, using venous graft(s) and arterial graft(s); 6 or more venous grafts (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure) 33523 CPT4 NO YES NO
2107222 Coronary artery bypass, using venous graft(s) and arterial graft(s); single vein graft (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure) 33517 CPT4 NO YES NO
45887862 Coronary artery bypass, vein only 1006200 CPT4 NO YES NO
2107217 Coronary artery bypass, vein only; 2 coronary venous grafts 33511 CPT4 NO YES NO
2107218 Coronary artery bypass, vein only; 3 coronary venous grafts 33512 CPT4 NO YES NO
2107219 Coronary artery bypass, vein only; 4 coronary venous grafts 33513 CPT4 NO YES NO
2107220 Coronary artery bypass, vein only; 5 coronary venous grafts 33514 CPT4 NO YES NO
2107221 Coronary artery bypass, vein only; 6 or more coronary venous grafts 33516 CPT4 NO YES NO
2107216 Coronary artery bypass, vein only; single coronary venous graft 33510 CPT4 NO YES NO
2001515 Double internal mammary-coronary artery bypass 36.16 ICD9Proc NO YES NO
4000732 Internal mammary-coronary artery bypass graft 119564002 SNOMED NO YES NO
2001514 Single internal mammary-coronary artery bypass 36.15 ICD9Proc NO YES NO
4233420 Single internal mammary-coronary artery bypass 359597003 SNOMED NO YES NO
45889467 Venous Grafting Only for Coronary Artery Bypass 1006199 CPT4 NO YES NO
4020216 Revision of bypass for coronary artery 175036008 SNOMED NO NO NO
4305852 Off-pump coronary artery bypass 418824004 SNOMED NO NO NO

B.51 Rhabdomyolysis

B.51.1 Cohort Entry Events

People may enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. condition occurrences of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Rhabdomyolysis narrow’.

  2. condition occurrences of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Rhabdomyolysis broad’; having at least 1 measurement of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Rhabdomyolysis measurement of creatine kinase’, starting between 7 days before and 7 days after ‘[LEGEND HTN] Rhabdomyolysis broad’ start date; numeric value > 0; high range-to-value ratio > 5.

Restrict entry events to having at least 1 visit occurrence of ‘Inpatient or ER visit’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date and ending between 0 days before and all days after cohort entry start date.

B.51.2 Cohort Exit

The cohort end date will be offset from index event’s start date plus 1 day.

B.51.3 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 90 days of each other.

B.51.4 Concept: Inpatient or ER visit

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
262 Emergency Room and Inpatient Visit ERIP Visit NO YES NO
9203 Emergency Room Visit ER Visit NO YES NO
9201 Inpatient Visit IP Visit NO YES NO

B.51.5 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Rhabdomyolysis narrow

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
439142 Myoglobinuria 48165008 SNOMED NO YES NO
4345578 Rhabdomyolysis 240131006 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.51.6 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Rhabdomyolysis broad

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
137967 Muscle, ligament and fascia disorders 268006001 SNOMED NO NO NO
439142 Myoglobinuria 48165008 SNOMED NO YES NO
4345578 Rhabdomyolysis 240131006 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.51.7 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Rhabdomyolysis measurement of creatine kinase

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
40782593 Creatine kinase LP15510-8 LOINC NO YES NO
4265595 Creatine kinase measurement 397798009 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.52 Stroke

B.52.1 Cohort Entry Events

People may enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. condition occurrences of ‘[LEGEND-HtnStepCare] Stroke (ischemic or hemorrhagic)’.

Restrict entry events to having at least 1 visit occurrence of ‘Inpatient or ER visit’, starting between all days before and 1 days after cohort entry start date and ending between 0 days before and all days after cohort entry start date.

B.52.2 Cohort Exit

The cohort end date will be offset from index event’s start date plus 7 days.

B.52.3 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 180 days of each other.

B.52.4 Concept: Inpatient or ER visit

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
262 Emergency Room and Inpatient Visit ERIP Visit NO YES NO
9203 Emergency Room Visit ER Visit NO YES NO
9201 Inpatient Visit IP Visit NO YES NO

B.52.5 Concept: [LEGEND-HtnStepCare] Stroke (ischemic or hemorrhagic)

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
372924 Cerebral artery occlusion 20059004 SNOMED NO NO NO
375557 Cerebral embolism 75543006 SNOMED NO NO NO
376713 Cerebral hemorrhage 274100004 SNOMED NO NO NO
443454 Cerebral infarction 432504007 SNOMED NO YES NO
441874 Cerebral thrombosis 71444005 SNOMED NO NO NO
439847 Intracranial hemorrhage 1386000 SNOMED NO NO NO
432923 Subarachnoid hemorrhage 21454007 SNOMED NO NO NO
43530727 Spontaneous cerebral hemorrhage 291571000119106 SNOMED NO NO NO
4148906 Spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage 270907008 SNOMED NO NO NO

B.53 Sudden cardiac death

B.53.1 Cohort Entry Events

People may enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. condition occurrences of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Sudden cardiac death’.

Restrict entry events to having at least 1 visit occurrence of ‘Inpatient or ER visit’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date and ending between 0 days before and all days after cohort entry start date.

B.53.2 Cohort Exit

The cohort end date will be offset from index event’s start date plus 7 days.

B.53.3 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 180 days of each other.

B.53.4 Concept: Inpatient or ER visit

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
262 Emergency Room and Inpatient Visit ERIP Visit NO YES NO
9203 Emergency Room Visit ER Visit NO YES NO
9201 Inpatient Visit IP Visit NO YES NO

B.53.5 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Sudden cardiac death

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
4048809 Brainstem death 230802007 SNOMED NO YES NO
321042 Cardiac arrest 410429000 SNOMED NO YES NO
442289 Death in less than 24 hours from onset of symptoms 53559009 SNOMED NO YES NO
4317150 Sudden cardiac death 95281009 SNOMED NO YES NO
4132309 Sudden death 26636000 SNOMED NO YES NO
437894 Ventricular fibrillation 71908006 SNOMED YES YES NO

B.54 Syncope

B.54.1 Cohort Entry Events

People enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. condition occurrences of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Syncope’.

B.54.2 Cohort Exit

The cohort end date will be offset from index event’s start date plus 1 day.

B.54.3 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 180 days of each other.

B.54.4 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Syncope

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
140586 Heat syncope 89797005 SNOMED YES YES NO
135360 Syncope 271594007 SNOMED NO YES NO
38001140 Syncope & collapse 312 DRG NO NO NO

B.55 Thrombocytopenia

B.55.1 Cohort Entry Events

People enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. condition occurrence of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Thrombocytopenia’ for the first time in the person’s history.

Limit cohort entry events to the earliest event per person.

B.55.2 Cohort Exit

The person also exists the cohort at the end of continuous observation.

B.55.3 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 0 days of each other.

B.55.4 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Thrombocytopenia

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
432870 Thrombocytopenic disorder 302215000 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.56 Transient ischemic attack

B.56.1 Cohort Entry Events

People may enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. condition occurrences of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Transient ischemic attack (TIA) Transient cerebral Ischemia (TCA)’.

Restrict entry events to having at least 1 visit occurrence of ‘Inpatient or ER visit’, starting anytime on or before cohort entry start date and ending between 0 days before and all days after cohort entry start date.

B.56.2 Cohort Exit

The cohort end date will be offset from index event’s start date plus 7 days.

B.56.3 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 30 days of each other.

B.56.4 Concept: Inpatient or ER visit

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
262 Emergency Room and Inpatient Visit ERIP Visit NO YES NO
9203 Emergency Room Visit ER Visit NO YES NO
9201 Inpatient Visit IP Visit NO YES NO

B.56.5 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Transient ischemic attack (TIA) Transient cerebral Ischemia (TCA)

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
373503 Transient cerebral ischemia 266257000 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.57 Type 2 diabetes mellitus

B.57.1 Cohort Entry Events

People may enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. condition occurrence of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus’ for the first time in the person’s history.

Limit cohort entry events to the earliest event per person.

Restrict entry events to with any of the following criteria:

  1. having at least 1 condition occurrence of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus’, starting 1 days after cohort entry start date.
  2. having at least 2 drug exposures of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Drugs to treat Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus excluding insulin’, starting between 0 days before and all days after cohort entry start date.
  3. having at least 2 measurements of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Hemoglobin A1c measurement’, starting 7 days before cohort entry start date; numeric value between 6.5 and 30; unit: “percent”.

B.57.2 Cohort Exit

The person also exists the cohort at the end of continuous observation.

B.57.3 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 0 days of each other.

B.57.4 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
443735 Coma associated with diabetes mellitus 420662003 SNOMED NO YES NO
4225656 Diabetic cataract associated with type 1 diabetes mellitus 421920002 SNOMED YES YES NO
443767 Diabetic oculopathy 25093002 SNOMED NO YES NO
192279 Diabetic renal disease 127013003 SNOMED NO YES NO
4227210 Diabetic retinopathy associated with type 1 diabetes mellitus 420789003 SNOMED YES YES NO
435216 Disorder due to type 1 diabetes mellitus 420868002 SNOMED YES YES NO
443732 Disorder due to type 2 diabetes mellitus 422014003 SNOMED NO YES NO
37016355 Hyperosmolar coma due to secondary diabetes mellitus 368601000119102 SNOMED YES YES NO
4228112 Hypoglycemic coma in type 1 diabetes mellitus 421437000 SNOMED YES YES NO
4224254 Ketoacidotic coma in type 1 diabetes mellitus 421075007 SNOMED YES YES NO
376065 Neurologic disorder associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus 421326000 SNOMED NO YES NO
443729 Peripheral circulatory disorder associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus 422166005 SNOMED NO YES NO
200687 Renal disorder associated with type 1 diabetes mellitus 421893009 SNOMED YES YES NO
201254 Type 1 diabetes mellitus 46635009 SNOMED YES YES NO
201531 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with hyperosmolar coma 190330002 SNOMED YES YES NO
4295011 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with persistent microalbuminuria 401110002 SNOMED YES YES NO
201826 Type 2 diabetes mellitus 44054006 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.57.5 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Drugs to treat Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus excluding insulin

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped

B.57.6 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Hemoglobin A1c measurement

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
4197971 HbA1c measurement 313835008 SNOMED NO NO NO
44786901 HEDIS 2014 Value Set - HbA1c Tests 74246-0 LOINC NO NO NO
3004410 Hemoglobin A1c (Glycated) 4548-4 LOINC NO NO NO
3034639 Hemoglobin A1c [Mass/volume] in Blood 41995-2 LOINC NO NO NO
40758583 Hemoglobin A1c in Blood 55454-3 LOINC NO NO NO
3007263 Hemoglobin A1c/Hemoglobin.total in Blood by calculation 17855-8 LOINC NO NO NO
3003309 Hemoglobin A1c/Hemoglobin.total in Blood by Electrophoresis 4549-2 LOINC NO NO NO
3005673 Hemoglobin A1c/Hemoglobin.total in Blood by HPLC 17856-6 LOINC NO NO NO
40762352 Hemoglobin A1c/Hemoglobin.total in Blood by IFCC protocol 59261-8 LOINC NO NO NO
2212392 Hemoglobin; glycosylated (A1C) 83036 CPT4 NO NO NO

B.58 Venous thromboembolism

B.58.1 Cohort Entry Events

People enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. condition occurrences of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Venous thromboembolism (pulmonary embolism and deep vein thrombosis)’.

B.58.2 Cohort Exit

The cohort end date will be offset from index event’s start date plus 1 day.

B.58.3 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 180 days of each other.

B.58.4 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Venous thromboembolism (pulmonary embolism and deep vein thrombosis)

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
435616 Amniotic fluid embolism 17263003 SNOMED YES YES NO
435887 Antepartum deep vein thrombosis 49956009 SNOMED YES YES NO
196715 Budd-Chiari syndrome 82385007 SNOMED YES YES NO
4062269 Cerebral venous thrombosis in pregnancy 200259003 SNOMED YES YES NO
442055 Obstetric air pulmonary embolism 200286003 SNOMED YES YES NO
433832 Obstetric blood-clot pulmonary embolism 200299000 SNOMED YES YES NO
435026 Obstetric pulmonary embolism 200284000 SNOMED YES YES NO
440477 Obstetric pyemic and septic pulmonary embolism 267284008 SNOMED YES YES NO
318137 Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of intracranial sinuses 192753009 SNOMED YES YES NO
199837 Portal vein thrombosis 17920008 SNOMED YES YES NO
438820 Postpartum deep phlebothrombosis 56272000 SNOMED YES YES NO
440417 Pulmonary embolism 59282003 SNOMED NO YES NO
254662 Pulmonary infarction 64662007 SNOMED NO YES NO
4235812 Septic thrombophlebitis 439731006 SNOMED YES YES NO
195294 Thrombosed hemorrhoids 75955007 SNOMED YES YES NO
4187790 Thrombosis of retinal vein 46085004 SNOMED YES YES NO
444247 Venous thrombosis 111293003 SNOMED NO YES NO
44834756 Acute venous embolism and thrombosis of other specified veins 453.8 ICD9CM NO NO NO

B.59 Vertigo

B.59.1 Cohort Entry Events

People enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. condition occurrence of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Vertigo’ for the first time in the person’s history.

Limit cohort entry events to the earliest event per person.

B.59.2 Cohort Exit

The person also exists the cohort at the end of continuous observation.

B.59.3 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 0 days of each other.

B.59.4 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Vertigo

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
437496 Epidemic vertigo 186738001 SNOMED NO YES NO
78162 Peripheral vertigo 50438001 SNOMED NO YES NO
439383 Vertigo 399153001 SNOMED NO YES NO
381035 Vertigo of central origin 38403006 SNOMED NO YES NO

B.60 Vomiting

B.60.1 Cohort Entry Events

People enter the cohort when observing any of the following:

  1. condition occurrences of ‘[LEGEND HTN] Vomiting’.

B.60.2 Cohort Exit

The cohort end date will be offset from index event’s start date plus 1 day.

B.60.3 Cohort Eras

Remaining events will be combined into cohort eras if they are within 30 days of each other.

B.60.4 Concept: [LEGEND HTN] Vomiting

Concept ID Concept Name Code Vocabulary Excluded Descendants Mapped
40480290 Hyperemesis 444673007 SNOMED YES YES NO
4216862 Postoperative vomiting 72245005 SNOMED YES YES NO
441408 Vomiting 422400008 SNOMED NO YES NO
440785 Vomiting of pregnancy 90325002 SNOMED YES YES NO

C Negative Control Concepts

Table C.1: Negative outcome controls specified through condition occurrences that map to (a descendent of) the indicated concept ID
Concept ID
Abnormal posture 439935
Abnormal pupil 436409
Abrasion and/or friction burn of multiple sites 443585
Abrasion and/or friction burn of trunk without infection 199192
Absence of breast 4088290
Absent kidney 4092879
Acquired hallux valgus 75911
Acquired keratoderma 137951
Anal and rectal polyp 73241
Anomaly of jaw size 45757682
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo 81878
Bizarre personal appearance 4216219
Burn of forearm 133655
Cachexia 134765
Calcaneal spur 73560
Cannabis abuse 434327
Changes in skin texture 140842
Chondromalacia of patella 81378
Cocaine abuse 432303
Colostomy present 4201390
Complication due to Crohn’s disease 46269889
Complication of gastrostomy 434675
Contact dermatitis 134438
Contusion of knee 78619
Crohn’s disease 201606
Derangement of knee 76786
Developmental delay 436077
Deviated nasal septum 377910
Difficulty sleeping 4115402
Disproportion of reconstructed breast 45757370
Effects of hunger 433111
Endometriosis 433527
Epidermoid cyst 4170770
Exhaustion due to excessive exertion 437448
Feces contents abnormal 4092896
Feces contents abnormal 4092896
Foreign body in ear 374801
Foreign body in orifice 259995
Foreskin deficient 4096540
Galactosemia 439788
Ganglion cyst 40481632
Ganglion cyst 40481632
Genetic disorder carrier 4168318
Hammer toe 433577
Hereditary thrombophilia 4231770
High risk sexual behavior 4012570
Homocystinuria 4012934
Impacted cerumen 374375
Impacted cerumen 374375
Impingement syndrome of shoulder region 4344500
Inadequate sleep hygiene 40481897
Ingrowing nail 139099
Injury of knee 444132
Jellyfish poisoning 4265896
Kwashiorkor 432593
Lagophthalmos 381021
Late effect of contusion 434203
Late effect of motor vehicle accident 438329
Lipid storage disease 4027782
Lymphangioma 433997
Macular drusen 4083487
Malingering 4051630
Marfan’s syndrome 258540
Mechanical complication of internal orthopedic device, implant AND/OR graft 432798
Melena 4103703
Minimal cognitive impairment 439795
Nicotine dependence 4209423
Nicotine dependence 4209423
Noise effects on inner ear 377572
Non-toxic multinodular goiter 136368
Nonspecific tuberculin test reaction 40480893
Nonspecific tuberculin test reaction 40480893
Opioid abuse 438130
Opioid abuse 438130
Opioid intoxication 4299094
Passing flatus 4091513
Physiological development failure 437092
Poisoning by tranquilizer 433951
Postviral fatigue syndrome 4202045
Presbyopia 373478
Psychalgia 439790
Ptotic breast 81634
Regular astigmatism 380706
Senile hyperkeratosis 141932
Social exclusion 4019836
Somatic dysfunction of lumbar region 36713918
Splinter of face without major open wound 443172
Sprain of ankle 81151
Strain of rotator cuff capsule 72748
Symbolic dysfunction 432436
Tear film insufficiency 378427
Tobacco dependence syndrome 437264
Tooth loss 433244
Toxic effect of lead compound 436876
Toxic effect of tobacco and nicotine 440612
Tracheostomy present 4201387
Unsatisfactory tooth restoration 45757285
Verruca vulgaris 140641
Wrist joint pain 4115367
Wristdrop 440193